MTL - Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself-Chapter 1737 3 women's bets

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Standing on the top of the mountain overlooking the twisted city on the plain, you can't see the end of the city at a glance. In the city, there are many tall buildings, and several iconic buildings are extremely magnificent. On the streets of the city, horse-drawn carriages and simple cars shuttle around, and pedestrians are woven like a bustling scene.

Such a city was built by the apes, and it felt really weird.

Earl has flew to twist the city for almost an hour, and has not yet returned.

"Will the fly run away with so many days to make the energy crystal?" Linger said.

"Maybe it's possible that those heaven-made energy crystals can exchange a lot of ape heads, enough for it to live a good life of abundance." Tide said.

"Old send, what do you think?" Bi Mingzhu said.

Ning Tao withdrew her gaze from the city that turned around and said with a smile, "It should see that it will follow me, and it will make more money in the future. Moreover, it may even get great luck from me. It's made for that The energy crystal just gave up on it, wouldn't it be so stupid? "

"Then we bet, three of our sisters bet it won't come back, how about you bet it will come back?" Bi Mingzhu said.

Ning Tao said, "How to gamble?"

Bi Mingzhu said: "If you lose, you will give us a thousand heavenly energy crystals."

As soon as these words were spoken, Linger and Tide opened their mouths in shock. To know that a thousand heavenly energy crystals were a huge fortune. Xia is a big tribe, and the stored heavenly energy crystals are just over 10,000. This sister of the pearl is a lion's mouth, and he will bet a thousand heavenly energy crystals!

For the two tribal girls, this was undoubtedly a century bet, but for Ning Tao, it was just a few sweats.

Ning Tao smiled: "Okay, if I win, what can you three give me?"

Bi Mingzhu said: "If you win, the three of us will accompany you to sleep."

At this point, Tide and Linger hurriedly waved their heads.

"No no no, I don't gamble." Tide said.

"I don't bet," Linger said.

The faces of the two tribal girls were all red, and this Pearl Sister really was. Why did they make such a bet without their consent?

Ning Tao was also quite surprised. He never expected that the bet made by Bi Mingzhu would be this. But just when he felt this was inappropriate, he saw Bi Mingzhu quietly wink at him. He immediately understood, what a good wife!

Bi Mingzhu followed and said, "Two sisters, do n’t worry, Earl is just a fly. Where does it have any vision? It has taken so many days to make energy crystals and will definitely run away. We wo n’t come back. We win. Now. "

Ning Tao laughed inwardly, but on the surface, she looked away and looked at the direction of twisting the city, worried that Earl would not return.

"No gambling, I have no interest in money," Tide said.

"I don't bet on me either. Sister Mingzhu you and your brother Ning just bet, don't take me." Linger said.

The two tribal girls were not fooled.

Bi Mingzhu said bitterly: "You are laymen. The reason why the heaven-made energy crystal is to blame the world's hard currency is that it has a very high value. For ordinary people, it can be used as currency, but for our spirit. For the warrior, it is a panacea that can improve our psionic power. Take the tide girl, for example, you just entered the ranks of the warrior, this is of course a gratifying thing, but if you want to go further , Then you must eat the heavenly energy crystal, just rely on self

You cannot cultivate as you cultivate. "

The tide was beating.

Sooner or later, I have to sleep with that cheeky bed, doesn't it matter in advance?

Bi Mingzhu said to Linger again, "Sister Linger, now you are just awakening. You know how far you are from Sister Tide, are you? If you want to be a Sky Warrior like her, you also need to take a lot of You have an opportunity to earn a lot of heaven-made energy crystals, do n’t you want to move? "

After listening to Bi Mingzhu's words, Linger was also excited, but she was a yellow flower girl, taking her own as a bet, how could she not make up such a thing.

Bi Mingzhu sighed: "Who made me an elder sister, so let's lose something. Later we won. I will take two hundred tablets of energy crystals, and you will take four hundred tablets each. Make energy crystals, what do you think? "

The two tribal girls were still hesitant.

Ning Tao fakely said: "Oh, that guy won't really not come back, right? Let's not bet, let's find another way to get into the city."

Bi Mingzhu sighed: "You two, there is no shop after this village. The key thing is not a thousand days to make an energy crystal. It is an opportunity for the three of us to say no to evil forces. It is a pity that we are not united ourselves. "

Tide and Linger glanced at each other, and the two tribal girls exchanged glances.

The tide finally nodded: "I agree."

Linger also said, "I agree, just gamble!"

Bi Mingzhu held Ning Tao with a provocative meaning: "Old send, our three sisters have already negotiated, this bet is considered to be established, if you lose, you have to cash the bet."

Ning Tao embarrassed: "Earl hasn't come yet ..."

"Do you dare to gamble? Are you still a man?" Bi Mingzhu continued to provoke.

Ning Tao was stimulated and said loudly, "Gamble and gamble, but this is what you said, if you lose, sleep with me!"

"Sleep and sleep!" Tide Silver Teeth bite.

Linger fiercely said: "That is, sleep and sleep!"

Bi Mingzhu took a sip on the ground: "Do you think you are winning? I tell you, you are losing!"

Ning Tao sighed with admiration, the performance of the goddess Meizhen is getting better and better!

The tide added another sentence: "We have to make an appointment. From now on, I have counted dozens of times before Earl has come. Even if you lose, Brother Ning, we will win."

Ning Tao: "..."

In the world of scammers, there has never been a general of victory, and he was shot on the beach by the back wave without paying attention to the front wave.

Bi Mingzhu's lips moved, and she seemed to want to say something.

Linger said, "Yes, now it's time to count. If Earl doesn't come before the time of ten times, even if Brother Ning loses, you are a hero of the world.

Ning Tao: "..."

This is why the two tribal girls agreed to bet after exchanging their eyes. You put out the bet and bet, let's make the rules.

Bi Mingzhu's lips moved, and she seemed to want to say something. The tide and Linger looked at her together, and she swallowed without saying a word. At this time, if she doesn't agree with the rules of the tide, wouldn't she admit that she colluded with Ning Tao to pit them? What's more, whether this bet wins or loses, she makes a profit!

"I agree," Bi Mingzhu said, "it's time now."

Ning Tao was speechless for a while. In the end, he was the fooled idiot!

"Ten, nine, eight, seven ..." The tide really started timing.

Ning Tao said depressively: "Are you three together and pit me?"

"I'm willing to gamble to lose, you can't play tricks." Linger said.

Bi Mingzhu added a knife: "That is, you are a great god. If you don't confess your account, we will despise you."

Ning Tao was about to cry without tears.

"Six or five ..." The sound of the tide timer was cold and ruthless.

But at this moment, a voice suddenly came down the hillside: "Boss! Boss!"

The three women suddenly stunned at the scene, and even the counted tides were silent.

A plump voice flew up from the forest, who wasn't Earl?

"Boss, I'm back, it's all done!" Earl's voice was full of excitement and merit.

Ning Tao with his hands on his hips: "Hahaha! Hahaha ..."

what is this?

This is a blessing that will never die!

Two tribal girls face ashamed.

Bi Mingzhu endured so hard that she didn't laugh.

She put it up at the gamble, and she won't lose. If she wins, she will take two hundred heavenly energy crystals. That's good. If she loses, she accompanies Ning Tao to sleep. She was originally Ning Tao's wife. Even if Ning Tao didn't hand in her homework, she took the initiative to close the homework and was happy to lose.

The losers in this bet are only two tribal girls. They bet their most precious things. Now Ning Tao wins. At this moment, the two tribal girls saw the laughing Ning Tao, and the heart was ruined. That hate in my heart, can't wait to reach out to Ning Tao's face!

Ning Tao said with a smile: "I won, and this bet I will collect."

Two tribal girls raised their mouths and looked deceived.

But the casino has no father and son and is willing to gamble to lose.

Earl flew up to the top of the mountain, dwelling in front of Ning Tao, and breathed a few breaths before he said, "Boss, I have found the right Kun people. It's called Percy. It's an ant-man. It's turning around Doing slave business, buying slaves exclusively, and then selling them to the aristocrats of the ape man. I told him well, in the evening he would pick us up at the foot of the mountain in a carriage. "

Ning Tao laughed: "Good job, we all thought you wouldn't come back."

Earl hurried down and said nervously, "Boss, I am loyal to you. I am even willing to give my life to you. How can I escape?"

Linger Qi said: "You are so stupid ~ ~ don't you know that you took those heavenly energy crystals to escape?"

Earl: "???"

I do n’t know what the situation is!

Bi Mingzhu made up a sentence: "Old send, this time you count the dog **** luck, next time we must turn the book, win back ~!"

Tide and Linger tribe girls looked at Bi Mingzhu with disgusting eyes.

Ning Tao said with a smile: "Earl, let's go down the mountain, and then wait for the Kun people to pick us up, yes, what is the name of that Kun people, is it reliable?"

Earle said: "The Kun people are so powerful, they are credible ant people, they can be trusted. Besides, I didn't say what we do, it will not reveal our secrets.

Ning Tao patted Earl's wings and said with a smile: "Good job, let's go."

The three women glanced at Ning Tao together.