MTL - Online Games: Unlimited Enhancement of SSS Talent at the Beginning-Chapter 795 Small tricks

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The Fengfu Beast Venerable in the void was also stunned for a brief period of three microseconds.

In tens of millions of years, this is the first time someone has forcibly asked for something in front of him.

"Hahaha, boy, what are you talking about?"

"I hope I just heard it wrong, but if you want to die, this king can reluctantly help you!"

Feng Nao Beast Venerable was not angry, but smiled contemptuously,

But in this smile, one can see endless coldness and murderous intent.

Feng Fei Beast Venerable originally didn't want to fight Zhou Han,

However, the premise of all this is that Zhou Han can be sensible and get out of here honestly.

Unfortunately, such a result did not appear.

The current situation is that the other party points at his nose and provokes himself.

This kind of humiliation, not to mention the wind scorpion beast master who thinks he is strong in battle, can't bear it, even ordinary people can't bear it.

If he didn't use the Thunder method, then Feng Zhi Beast Venerable would lose all his majesty and become a laughing stock.

"My time is precious and I don't want to repeat it a second time!"

"Give you three seconds to think about it! Otherwise..."


With his hands behind his back, Zhou Han remained expressionless, leaving no room for negotiation.

Some people are not so easy to give in, so no matter how much time is given, it is useless.

"Arrogant! Too arrogant!"

"I wanted to calm things down, but I really thought this king was easy to bully?" Feng Nao Beast Venerable's complexion was extremely livid, his eyes narrowed slightly, and a strong icy cold erupted,

Now there is no room for relaxation, only a war!

"Tell you, this king does not cause trouble, but he is not afraid of trouble!"

"This king wants you to know that provoking this king will be the worst decision in your life!"

When Feng Nao Beast Venerable was furious, the aura on it kept rising, as if it was about to burst,

Two intertwined forces burst forth.

"Yin-Yang Defying Heaven Art!"

"This king has become famous for his stunts, you can rest in peace!"

As soon as the words fell, the body of the Fengzhi Beast Venerable was directly divided into two, and two figures appeared, one white and one black, and the ultimate wind element was constantly lingering,

The wind dragon soars, sweeping thousands of miles,

Under the control of the Endless Wind Blade, it launched a strong attack on Zhou Han.

"Master Beast Venerable's famous stunt is really pleasing to the eye, extremely fierce!"

"The white figure on the left continuously releases the storm, causing a wide range of interference and deceleration. The black figure on the right is responsible for crazy output!"

"With the combination of these two, the human race boy will definitely lose!"

A personal guard brought by the Fengfu Beast Master leisurely watched the battle scene with his hands folded, and he did not forget to explain it triumphantly.

"Of course, Lord Beast Master's strength is unquestionable, he has advanced rapidly and possesses even more astonishing power!"

"A boy who doesn't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth, he doesn't know how much he weighs!"

The guards smiled endlessly, the smiles on their faces were very relaxed,

This is the absolute confidence in the strength of Feng Na Beast Venerable,

After all, as their personal guards, their relationship must be unusual, and they know more about the many secrets of Fengzhi Beast Venerable than others.

It is precisely because the more he understands, the stronger his admiration and admiration for Feng Nao Beast Venerable.

"Heh! How dare you show your ugliness even if you have a small skill?"

"You have let me down too much!"

Zhou Han shook his head slightly, the Fengfu Beast Venerable in front of him was simply too weak,

I thought that the other party could do something with the magic weapon fragments of Dao-level quality,

Unfortunately, it's still rubbish.

"Open the sky with one sword!"

Zhou Han counted with his sword fingers, relaxed and freehand,

However, the inspired sword energy seems to be extremely calm, but it contains a majestic sword intent,

How could it be that the Fengzhi Beast Venerable, who has not even reached the realm of the realm master, can resist?

"Such a trace of sword energy, do you want to laugh my big teeth off?"

"Your strength is nothing more than that, but I was a little worried just now!"

Seeing the move of 'opening the sky with one sword', it roared towards it with an unpleasant speed.

The expression on the face of Feng Zhi Beast Venerable was extremely wonderful, and he was relieved.

It is a lie to say that you are not afraid of Zhou Han.

The harsh words just now were just pretending.

After all, Fengzhi Beast Master couldn't see through Zhou Han at all, and it only took a few seconds for the strong to decide the outcome of the battle, so Feng Fei Beast Master was not absolutely sure.

However, seeing Zhou Han's move now, it immediately felt relieved, feeling that I had the upper hand, and this time it was stable.

"Haha, that's it? I guess he was overwhelmed by Lord Beast Venerable's aura, causing his moves to deform!"

"Yeah, how arrogant you were just now, then how miserable this kid's fate will be!"

"It has to be my Lord Beast! He is the only one to rule all kinds of dissatisfaction!"

All the alien wild monsters present have been paying close attention to the battle scene. At this time, they feel that the overall situation has been settled, and they all start to cheer in advance.

Rejoicing, there is a kind of pleasure of revenge.

On the contrary, this kind of cheering was quickly overwhelmed by the roar of the exploding sword sound.

"This sword energy, actually..."

"Not good! I..."

With the energy of the sword energy completely erupting, Feng Nao Beast Venerable's complexion was bleak, like a blank sheet of paper, pale with shock,

Then what was heard was its screams one after another.

"You, your strength..." Feng Fei Beast Venerable panted heavily, with fist-sized sweat dripping from his forehead.

In this confrontation, UU Reading instantly felt a huge gap in strength.

If Zhou Han on the opposite side is a vast ocean, then it itself is a drop of sea water.

If Zhou Han on the opposite side is a tall mountain, then it itself is just a rock.

After experiencing Zhou Han's vast strength, Fengzhi Beast Venerable has never felt for a moment that he is so weak, like an ant.

"My Cao, what happened? Why did the black figure of Master Beast disappear? There seems to be something wrong with his face at this time?"

The alien wild monsters hadn't reacted yet, and only now discovered a situation.

Zhou Han's speed was really too fast. The moment the sword energy erupted, it only took a microsecond.

The outcome of the battle has been divided, and it is completely crushed.

"Defeated? Master Beast Master lost? This is impossible! It is an invincible and invincible existence in our hearts!"

"How could it be defeated by a human kid? I don't accept it!"

"Yes, Lord Beast Master has cultivated for hundreds of millions of years, how can he be defeated so easily?"

All the alien wild monsters present had unbelievable luster in their eyes,

At this time, their emotions were very complicated, with emotions such as fear, doubt, helplessness, and shock intertwined.

Although, they are trying to avoid this result,

However, they could clearly see the dejected and lonely look of the Fenghou Beast Master in the sky,

What this means is self-evident.

It's just that such an ending is unacceptable to them.

Because, their life and death can no longer be decided by themselves.

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