MTL - Online Games: Start Unlimited BUFF Talent!-Chapter 24 Hell level? Just an advanced ATM!

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After a few minutes, Qingqing Zijin hung up the phone and fell silent.

She never thought that the thing she was most afraid of would happen like this.

On the first day of opening the server, in less than half a day, I took the king-level first kill and opened the dungeon. This is too outrageous, right?

Until now, her brain was buzzing.

"I am so angry!"

At this moment, Yu Wushuang came back with a gloomy face.

"What's wrong?"

"It's not about the house! Time is so tight, unless you break a bone, it's impossible to sell it!"

Yu Wushuang's face was filled with helplessness.

"It's normal, but... it's okay not to sell it. We can mortgage the house first and borrow some money for urgent use."

Qingqing Zijin rubbed his brows and thought of a way.

That agreement still has a lot of room for manipulation.

"Okay, if we mortgage our villas, how can we get 200 million sea blue coins! In addition to what we prepared before, there will be a total of 250 million!"

Yu Wushuang frowned and said solemnly, "I'll go back to my old man and try to see if I can borrow some money. For your side... if it doesn't work, forget it."

Yu Wushuang knew that her cousin originally entered the second world in order to have a career in the game to prove herself, but now if she is asked to borrow money from her family, how can she be so open with her character? ?

"I just called grandpa. I'll go to grandpa's house tonight."

Qingqing Zijin's voice was a little dull, but she couldn't help it. That man's growth rate had exceeded her expectations, and she couldn't bet on the future of the guild, so... she had to take this step!

"Fortunately, there is room for manipulation, otherwise... this time it will be troublesome."

Qingqing Zijin thought to herself: "My cousin and I have 250 million yuan, plus the borrowed... Should we be able to make up 1 billion? In this way, if you want to win the agreement, it should be stable."

Just thinking of her original intention, she couldn't help shaking her head in her heart.

"Forget it, it's just an early investment, and when you make money later, you can just return the principal and interest."

Qingqing Zijin comforted herself in her heart. As for Yu Wushuang, after saying hello, she left in a hurry. She has always been like this, and she couldn't stop her.

However, just as the second daughter was frowning about raising funds, Lin Bei was easily brushing monsters in the copy with a contented expression on his face.

"It's not bad. You can get 30 pieces of silver by swiping the dungeon once. According to the system evaluation, it is about 1,000 gold coins, which is equivalent to 150,000 coins."

Lin Bei used the systematic evaluation system to calculate the gains, and his face showed a satisfied look. Compared with the equipment dropped in the wild, the attributes of the equipment dropped by the dungeon are slightly inferior, but it is better than the amount, and it can be refreshed repeatedly. , is also acceptable.

What's more, as the difficulty of the dungeon increases, the number and level of monsters will also increase, and the loot produced will naturally rise.

"So far, I have passed the normal, hard and nightmare level dungeons for the first time, and I have gained a total of 6 potential points. With the previous accumulation, there are now a total of 36 potential points!"

"And the speed of my dungeon is about two minutes. Most of the time is spent on my way. As for those dungeon monsters, they are all instant kills."

"Well... 30 times an hour, after this calculation, in addition to the BOSS income, I can get 30,000 gold coins. According to the current exchange rate of the Tianyuan server, it is equivalent to 4.5 million sea blue coins. If you calculate this way, you can at least brush the value in one day. Equipped with 1 billion sea blue coins!"

Lin Bei nodded slightly, quite relaxed.

"Next, let's start the dungeon of **** level difficulty."

【You have chosen **** difficulty! 】

[Affected by the smell of blood, all monsters have been strengthened! 】


Lin Bei appeared in a cave where he could not see his fingers, but he had night vision and was not affected at all.

Compared with the dungeon of Nightmare difficulty, he clearly felt that the number of monsters in the dungeon space of Hell difficulty has increased a lot. Not only that, but the level of these monsters has also been raised to level 20, and they are all elite monsters.

The health value exceeds 4000 points, which is equivalent to half a level 5 lord-level boss, but for Lin Bei, such an attribute is still a one-shot kill.


At this moment, Lin Bei's eyes lit up, and he looked at the ground. It was a piece of silver-level equipment, but unlike ordinary silver-level equipment, the surface of this piece of equipment actually had a faint golden light attached to it.

"Sure enough! It's a silver-level suit! Good luck!"

Lin Bei smiled. Although it is also silver-level equipment, the value of the suit is by no means comparable to that of ordinary silver equipment, because the suit has the attribute of the suit. Once activated, it can increase the strength to a level, which is definitely the same level of equipment. The best!

Take the parts of this silver suit in Lin Bei's hands now, it's enough to be worth 5 pieces of silver equipment!

Lin Bei put away his equipment and continued to farm monsters.

However, the more he brushed, the more excited he became.

Because the equipment dropped by the elite monsters of Hell-level difficulty turned out to be all set parts!

This means that as long as he continues to play Hell difficulty, the harvest will be directly multiplied by five times!

Even if this is not the case, the number of monsters is directly doubled compared to the normal difficulty!

That is to say, he will get more equipment by brushing the dungeon once!


Lin Bei was stunned, "Treasurer Jin, forever!"

With the golden treasurer's blessing buff, and the king-level BOSS killer buff, he can now drop silver-level equipment by killing elite monsters!

Originally, these two BUFFs were time-limited, but under the talent bonus, they became permanent BUFFs!

However, this is the huge advantage that the infinite BUFF talent brings to him!

You must know that under normal circumstances, only domain master-level bosses will drop silver-level equipment!

And any domain master-level BOSS has at least hundreds of thousands of lives. For players whose average level is only level 5, it is simply an insurmountable gap!

"For other players, it's really hell! But for's just an advanced ATM!"

Lin Bei activated the movement speed bonus effect of the White Wings, and quickly ran the map and brushed monsters in the dungeon space. After two minutes, he finally arrived at the level where the final boss is located!

[Tainted Blood Puppet (lv.20, Domain Master Level BOSS): A powerful puppet eroded by blood, with a powerful puppet clone technique, please handle it with care! 】

Lin Bei's eyes lit up. He originally thought that there would be more lord-level bosses in the hell-level BOSS level, but he didn't expect that a domain-level boss would come directly!

This is definitely a good thing for him!

When he kills the domain master-level boss, he can drop platinum-level equipment, and the value of platinum-level equipment is at least ten times that of gold-level equipment!

Therefore, the benefits of killing one domain lord-level boss are enough to kill ten lord-level bosses!

As for the puppet clone of the tainted blood puppet, he doesn't care at all. Generally speaking, the avatar of the boss has about one-tenth of the attributes of the main body. This blood puppet is only a level 20 main-level boss, and its life limit is less than 50. Wan, that is to say, his clone only has less than 50,000 HP, and he can't sustain the damage of a punishment technique!

What's more, he has the range damage of spell fluctuations and the super high spell crit rate to ensure his output efficiency?

Although it is the main level boss of the 20th-level domain, in front of Lin Bei today, he can't last for more than 10 seconds!

Killing the blood-stained puppet is just a matter of sprinkling water for him.

[Successfully killed the **** puppet! You have cleared the copy! It took 2 minutes and 15 seconds! 】

[Congratulations to the player who made the first pass of "Abandoned Magic Crystal Mine" on the Hell level difficulty! Get 4 Potential Points! 】

Raising his hand and sweeping away, he put away a pile of loot dropped by the boss, and Lin Bei exited the dungeon space.

He has already got all the rewards for the first pass, and then he can concentrate on the dungeons of **** level difficulty!

He is looking forward to how much he can achieve after one day!

Of course, there is one thing that he is quite helpless, that is, all the monsters in this dungeon have been infected by blood, so even if Lin Bei uses mutant blood to turn them into mutant bosses, he will not be able to get rid of them in the end. The blood of the monster was extracted, so he just tried it once and gave up the action.

Now the blood of domain master monsters on him is really limited, and he can't just waste it.

What's more, the tainted blood puppet is the domain master-level boss. Although there are fewer drops of mutant bosses, the income from brushing is also a lot, which is enough to deal with the gambling agreement!

Time flies, and an hour has passed in the blink of an eye.

Lin Bei's backpack space was almost full, but in desperation, he spent another 10,000 gold coins to expand the backpack by 10,000 squares.

For ordinary players, the initial 200 squares of backpack space given by the system is enough to use, but for Lin Bei, who brushes equipment such as drinking water, let alone 200 squares of space, I am afraid that 20,000 squares will not be enough in the end!

"Hey, there's no way, who asked for so much equipment? It's so frustrating!"

After an hour of fermenting, all the posts on the forum were fired, with only one goal - only Buddhism!

All players are angry, angry at his selfish behavior of refraining from reporting and exclusive copy!

"I really vomited! This man is so rubbish! Who does he think he is to be the sole owner of the dungeon?"

"Hmph, I used to be a fan of him, but now he is a fan! What a selfish villain!"

"嘤嘤嘤~ I didn't expect the Great God to be such a person, it's too much!"

"I want to report him for occupying public resources! He must be banned for this kind of behavior! Is there anyone with him?"

"Let's go together!"

At the same time, Canada, the Advent Club, is holding a meeting.

A video of a top-tier team match was placed in front of everyone. It was the match in which Lin Bei and his team crushed their opponents.

"Everyone has watched the video, what do you think? Let's talk."

"Tsk tsk, this pastor is a bit interesting, the milk volume is not low! But... it's just a low-end game, it really has no reference value, the opposing lineup is obviously restrained here, but it still loses, it's really eye-catching!"

"That's right, the fire awareness in this episode is too bad, and the shooter named 'Mulinsen', wouldn't he have hired someone to train him? He actually rushed to the opposite 20 people, this kind of operation, I think it's like a silver."

"Pull it down, it would be nice to have bronze."

Everyone laughed and didn't take the game seriously.

Apollo, who had been silent for a while, frowned, and suddenly said, "This pastor, yes. I underestimated him before. His position and milk awareness are just right! You can try to invite us, two of us. Team tryouts!"

As soon as the voice fell, all the team members stopped talking.

Looking at Apollo, he hesitated.

"Well, I think the same as But...Is it a little sloppy when it comes to the second team's trial training? The strength of our second team is enough to compete with the upper WWL team! He is a rookie, even if The talent is good, and at most, it is qualified to go to the third team for trial training, right?"

Coach Charles frowned and said.

"It doesn't matter, what's more... he may not come."

Apollo shrugged, and soon stopped worrying about this topic, but asked aloud: "By the way, what happened to the thing I dragged you to do? The task time limit is approaching, if I delay it any more, I'm afraid I won't be able to get it. That diamond weapon."

"Hey, don't worry, I have recruited people from the top ten guilds to help, and the price has been negotiated. At most a week, we will definitely be able to win that diamond-level weapon!"

"Well, then I'll go to training first."

Apollo nodded and left the conference room.

As for whether the pastor will come to try out, he doesn't care at all, he's just a boy with good talent. If he is given a few years, he may grow up, but now... it's not enough to watch!

The same scene fell in the eyes of everyone in Team Jiuxiao, but it was different.

"This person is the battle priest you said? This operation can be done! I love love, but I can't. I have to find a way to contact him and pull him into our team! With such a milk position, cooperate with my newcomer. The S-level talent of Cao Fei, Apollo is just around the corner!"

Chen Changsheng watched Lin Bei's operation in the video, his eyes lit up, he went online quickly, and went to add friends.

Lin Bei, who was training, suddenly heard a system prompt in his ear.

[Player "Cao Fei Apollo" wants to add you as a friend! agree or not? 】

Lin Bei: ! ∑(?Д?ノ)ノ