MTL - Online Game: Evil Dragon Against The Heaven-Chapter 1217 Son of God (below)

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Son! ?

If his hearing is not abnormal, his spirit is not disordered, or if the whole person is not dreaming, the name that Xingli and Funeral shouted at Guoguo is clearly ... "Holy Son"!

The burial heaven surpassed the existence of God, survived in the outer space of chaos, and saved the Holy Son who had destroyed the Protoss that should have perished! !!

Ye Tianxie believed that his face must present an exaggerated distortion, and even felt that his heart was almost twitching to deform. In the burial heaven mouth, the Son is able to survive in the chaotic outer space where God dares not to set foot, surpassing the level of God, and is the only "holy" in the world. And Guoguo ... a hundred years ago, he and Li Xianer picked up from under the Borneo Mountain. A pocket girl born from a lotus flower, he and Xianer always thought she was a flower elf. , I can sleep for a few days and nights when I am quiet, and I can make Ye Tianxie obedient every time I make a noise. The biggest hobby is eating and sleeping ... As for the fighting ability, if it is not her special physical characteristics, just come to a normal person. I can slap her to death with a slap ......... These two creatures are completely different from the "Holy" of the legend that surpasses God! !!

"Xing Li, you ... call her ... what?" Ye Tianxie rubbed his dry throat, and he infinitely suspected that something was wrong with his ears.

"Son ... Master !!!! Great, I finally found you !!!"

Funeral Heaven has completely forgotten the serious injuries on his body and the situation he is in now. His eyes are all focused on Guoguo without shifting, and his eyes are full of tears. He shouted with excitement, then slammed forward, kneeling in front of Guoguo, and the two sides crossed his chest, making a gesture of piety, the blood-stained face was full of surprises And excited.

"Master Shengzi." Xingli followed him as he worshiped, and made the same attitude of surrender as Funeral. Xue Nen's unparalleled cheeks were also covered with unstoppable excitement.

Ye Tianxie grabbed his scalp, his eyes looked at Guoguo, and then at the funeral sky and Xingli, he moved the corners of his mouth, but he could not say a word.

"Xing ... Zi? Hmm ... Although Guoguo also likes to eat apricots, they are called Guoguo, but not Xingzi." Guoguo blinked, and a confused expression appeared on her face, which seemed to feel It's not the same.

"It's not Kyoko! It's holy child!" Ye Tianxie gritted his teeth and emphasized in her ear.

"What holy son, people are obviously called Guoguo. It's strange, why do they call Guoguo a" Holy Son "? This strange big brother is like this, even Sister Xingli is like this." Guoguo bit his own Fingers, curiously looked at the two people kneeling in front of her, and suddenly their eyes brightened, and finally realized what was wrong, "嗖" flew behind Ye Tianxie, shouting nervously: "Ahhhhhh , Master, they can see the fruit, they can actually see the fruit! "

Ye Tianxie: "..."

During the time when Xingli lost all his power, when he was with Xingli, Guoguo always flew around, Xingli had no response. Obviously, Xingli couldn't see the fruit at that time. fruit. After Xingli regained her strength ... wait, after Xingli regained her strength, Guoguo clearly appeared in front of her, but at that time she had no response to Guoguo's existence, which meant that she did not even notice it at that time. To Guoguo's existence, why now ...

Is it not the cause of Xingli, but the cause of Guoguo itself? In the days when Guoguo slept on that strange lotus flower, what other changes happened to her body besides growing up? Like ... more substantive? By the way, Guo Guo also said at the beginning that when the core of the seven powers of the moment of fate returns and the power of the moment of fate is completely restored, her life form will gradually complete with the integrity of the moment of fate until she has The complete body and soul exist after the moment of complete fate.

It should be so.

"Master Shengzi ... you ... don't you remember me? I'm the first prince to destroy the Protoss, Li hate !!" Burial sky shouted. The pocket girl in front of her is the Son of God, and she can never be wrong. Although very weak, the clear release from her body is the breath of the Son, and this breath will only belong to the Son all over the world! It was also the only characteristic that he could obey when searching for the Son.

"Broken Protoss? Master, what is that, can it be eaten?" Guoguo bit his finger and asked in doubt.

"Lord ... Master? Lord Son ... you ... how did you call his master?" Guoguo's title to Ye Tianxie made Funeral's whole body tremble as if a high-voltage current was applied, and he opened With his eyes wide open, he shouted in horror: "How can you call a human being the" Master "! He is the supreme Son! He ... he is not your master at all!"

They shattered the faith of the Protoss. In their belief, the supremacy. Nothing can be replaced by the "son". They even called a human being the "master". The indescribable anger, humiliation, and belief were trampled. The tearing uncomfortable feeling was even harder to bear than killing him.

Guoguo was upset all of a sudden, her mouth turned up, and she raised her cheeks high, "Well! Big brother, weird-looking, you hate talking! The master is the master of Guoguo, who has always been Guoguo. Master, always and always the master of Guoguo, is the best master in the world !!! Also, people are not called the Holy Son, called Guoguo, the most well-behaved and cutest loli fruit in the world !! "

Guoguo's concept of a master has always been different from normal people. In her world, the owner is to take care of her, play with her, bathe her, sleep with her, give her something delicious, and promise her everything she depends on, the closest person ... Of course, as needed What to do for the master is beyond her concept. Therefore, the "master" must not be robbed. So suddenly she heard that Ye Tianxie was not his master, and she suddenly became angry.

Ye Tianxie: "..." (It's a little bit small, sometimes it's very cute.)

The expression of the funeral sky continued to change, and finally he gritted his teeth and said, "Master, it seems that you really have lost all your memories. You are the greatest person in the world, and everyone should treat you like you To respect, no one is qualified to be your 'Master'! Lord Son ... must be this human being who has deceived you while you have amnesia! You are my **** of destruction and the Son of Chaos, please believe me and leave This human being who deceives you, I have a way for you to restore all your memories ... When you left, you said that your body is not suitable for living in the inner chaotic space. To come here, you must change the characteristics of the body and perform a special Rebirth. After rebirth, it will return to its original form. The constitution will change and it can survive in the inner chaotic space, but the Holy Power will temporarily disappear, and the memory may be temporarily hidden due to the rebirth. As long as there is enough essence of God, your Holy Power And memories will gradually recover ... Lord Saint, please believe me, we are your most faithful slaves, willing to do everything for you, this person around you, he is just You amnesia cheat your humble human ah! "

Ye Tianxie: "..." (change physical fitness, rebirth ... rebirth ...)

A lot of words uttered by the funeral heart were not understood simply by Guoguo's heart. She grabbed Ye Tianxie's ear and asked softly, "Master, this big brother is really good. Strange, is he a big bad guy? By the way, master, what is the "essence of God" he just said? It sounds a little like the master's dragon essence, will it be like the master's dragon? It ’s edible, and it ’s delicious? ”

Ye Tianxie: ⊙﹏⊙b ...

Guoguo's words made Ye Tianxie unable to answer at all. He looked at Futian and Xingli with a guilty conscience and prayed that they could not guess what the "Dragon Essence" was, otherwise his image of heroic beauty would be ruined. However, at the end of Guoguo's last sentence, the whole body of the funeral sky shook, and his eyes suddenly stared to the fullest. Endless panic filled his pupils and faces instantly. Xingli also suddenly froze, and his mind returned a few days ago. Yaya knelt on Ye Tianxie's legs with her small buttocks ... she said, "It's not delicious at all, why does Guoguo say it's delicious?" In an instant, her expression became extremely complicated. How could she not know what the Son once said.

"You ... you ... you ..." Funeral pointed out a trembling finger and pointed at Ye Tianxie, his wide eyes almost burst out, "You ... the dragon you gave to the Lord. Fine ... yes ... what is it !!! "

The horror of burying the sky and the inexplicable complexity of Xingli's expression were all caught in Ye Tianxie's eyes. He felt a surge of emotion in his heart: "Will it really be ..."

"Well, men have it, women don't have it, you should know." Ye Tianxie shrugged his shoulders and said in a very casual gesture.

"I will kill you!!!"

The funeral sky seemed to be chopped by lightning, a roar, and mad rushed to Ye Tianxie, all the remaining divine power in the whole body gathered in an instant, and blasted to Ye Tianxie's body without any reservation ~ www.novelbuddy .com ~ reaching the extreme anger has made him lose all his reason, the only thought is to completely destroy the humanity in front of him. Xing Li was startled, but at such a short distance, the funeral sky suddenly ran away. She had no time to stop it, and could only watch all the remaining divine power in the funeral sky blast to Ye Tianxie's body.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh at at one point, you must not be bullying the master of the fruit!”


After the severe injury, less than one-tenth of the divine power remained, but after all, it was divine power, enough to destroy half of the world of destiny.

However, it was such a powerful force that disappeared silently in front of Ye Tianxie.

Ye Tianxie, who had already made a defensive gesture, opened his mouth wide and drew directly there, completely unaware of what happened. To resist such a huge power, no one in the world of fate can do it. But to make all these forces disappear instantly, its difficulty is many times greater than the resistance, but the power released by the funeral sky is completely and completely disappeared, just like the water vapor that is suddenly completely dried out.

And the one who stood in front of Ye Tianxie was really fruitful. The hazy white light that had been on her body did not know when it had expanded to a few meters, and wrapped Ye Tianxie's body in it, so that he could be soaked up and down in the gentle spring water.

"Oh la! The master, Guoguo is terrific !!! In the future, Guoguo can also bully the little monsters with the master, hee hee ..." Guoguo twisted his small waist happily, and the smile was lovely and flawless. Realized how shocking she was just now.

The body of the funeral was slowly paralyzed, and the eyes that had been filled with endless anger and horror dimmed, becoming dizzy, and in the mouth, a distracted low thought: "How can this happen ... how can this happen ... ... "