MTL - Online Game: Evil Dragon Against The Heaven-Chapter 1173 Fragments of memory-continued (middle)

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Hundreds of years ago, Retrospective was deeply attracted by Hesfia. And Hesfia, why not be deeply attracted by retrospective ...

Among the young goddess, Hesfia is the most dazzling star, and among the young gods, who can compete with Suye. Su Ye was also the only one who could compete with Hesfia at the time. These two also have noble identities and statuses, have perfect faces, have the strongest divine power, and are both queens of the gods. In the world, the only person who can enter the eye of retrospective is enough to be worthy of him in all respects, and for him, the only thing that can be faced by her is enough to be worthy of her.

A hundred years ago, they had already attracted each other. Otherwise, how could they be so frequent and so eager to fight each other. However, they belong to two races that are completely hostile, and the identity of the two of them is the sole successor of the **** king of the two races. They are destined to have no undesired feelings. Therefore, even a hundred years ago, they felt the throbbing of their hearts , It will be subconsciously suppressed and hidden.

However, the centuries of separation, whether for Su Ye or Hesfia, brought them a kind of spiritual intangible suffering ... They will initially tell themselves that it is a regret to lose their opponents, meet again, and look at each other. At touch, they can no longer deceive their hearts.

Hundred years ago, they could only bury everything in their hearts, but the separation between the centuries and the reunion after despair made the spark between them finally burst, and then quickly turned into an unextinguishable fiery flame. They started fighting as frequently as they did a hundred years ago, but their eyes and mood have changed dramatically.

Su Ye, who has the power to destroy the gods, has been unable to defeat Hesphya, the King of the God of Desolation finally found out, and the relationship between Su Ye and Hesfiya has gradually been known by more and more people. But as they had thought, whether it was Hesfia or Retrospective, they had faced the strongest opposition in the entire family. For the Protoss tribe, the Genesis Protoss is their deadly enemies that almost destroyed them, and they even brought them great shame. They even suspected that this was because the power of the nightfall made the Genesis protoss scary. Seduction strategy used retroactively. For the Genesis Protoss, when returning from the night, beheaded and killed the numerous Gods of the Genesis Protoss. The tribe has long hated him, and it is impossible to accept the next God of the Genesis God and the Queen of the Desert God. People are dyed.

This is a relationship that is destined to be blessed, and almost impossible to have a result.

However, with his tough character, even if he is opposed all over the world, he will not give up.

He hated war. He never appeared in the early days when the Protoss battled with the Genesis Protoss. He later appeared only because of Hesfia. After reuniting with Hesphya, and because of her relationship, he had enough strength. In addition to simply “fighting” with Hesphya, he completely stopped the revenge against the creation protoss and did not step into the Western Chaos world again. . His approach made the desolate **** angry, dissatisfied with the desolate tribe, and thought he was deceived by Hesphya, so that the genius of the desolate tribe fell, and therefore, although he tried all the methods that could be tried, he and He The relationship between Sophia was not accepted in the course of time, but was increasingly opposed ... until he could not see any hope.

In contrast, the objections to Hirthfia are far less than retrospective, and are getting smaller and smaller. The power of the returning Night of the Night made the entire Genesis family trivial. Even the Genesis King could not match it. In the following years, he stopped the attack on the Creation God. Everyone knows that it is Hesfi Ya relationship. Therefore, gradually, the creation protoss began to have a voice in favor of Hesfia and Su Ye, and the condition must be that the Su Ye went to the creation protoss. This is naturally a condition that the retrospective and the desert gods can never agree to.

Finally, in the hope of nothing, for the sake of love, Su Ye chose to abandon all the restraints and obstructions and came to Hesfia to take her away from the chaotic world of East and West. Hirthfia was infected by his determination, and he could never let go of his affection for him, so he went with him, leaving everything around him, looking for only them, no war, no racial exclusion There will be no world of opposition and disturbance.

Su Ye took Hesfia and his companion through the only gap and entered the distant Southern Chaos world ... a world that could not be found.

The South Chaos World has become their two-person world. In a world where no one will disturb, their feelings are completely released, and there is no need for pressure and restraint. Year after year, they swim in every area of ​​this vast space, and their emotions deepen day by day in this quiet world, until the souls are interdependent, and there is no power to separate them.

Ten years later, at the very center of the South Chaos, the night with the powerful and unparalleled element manipulation ability of the moment of the desolate god, combined with the creative power possessed by Hesfia, he began to try to create an ordinary creature that is capable of gestating and growing ordinary creatures. world. Under the powerful divine power and continuous cooperation of the two of them, three hundred years later, a water-blue planet was formed under their common power. Hesfia adjusted the order of this new world with the power of creation. The retrospective balances the elements of this new world with the moment of the desolation, so that the planet is in a perfect state.

This planet was named after them-the star of Xi Yao.

A star carrying their good hopes and wishes.

With the joint efforts of Hesphyya and Suye, the star of Xi Yao is not powerful, but it is in a state most suitable for the birth and growth of souls. Therefore, the speed of the birth, growth, reproduction, and evolution of the star of the Yao Yao is extremely amazing. After ten years, the star of the Yao Yao has been shaded by trees. After a hundred years, a variety of animals with simple structures have appeared. , The star of Xi Yao is already living ...

Hesfia and Suye are the masters of this growing beautiful planet, and they take care of everything on this planet as if taking care of their children.

But the happiness and tranquility that belongs to them is not endless.

Su Ye's departure left chaos in chaos and made the King of God furious ... He didn't hate Su Ye, but Hesfiah. He insisted that this was the insidious plan of the Genesis Protoss, and Hesfia would be confused by the night, and let him leave the Desert Protoss forever, so that the Genesis Protoss lost one of the greatest threats and the Desert Protoss was lost One of the most powerful heirs. For thousands of years, he did not stop the war with the Genesis Protoss, but more effort was spent on searching for the retrospective night and Hesfia. Su Ye could not disappear in this world. He believed that he must have found the day ... and claimed that the most wrong thing in his life was that he had not committed himself to destroy Hess sincerely after knowing Su Ye and Hesfiah. Feiya ~ ~ If he finds it, he will destroy it ... So, his only descendant will return to the night with despair.

Thousands of years later, the gap in the South Chaos was finally discovered ... and was discovered by both the God of the Desert and the God of Creation at the same time. This discovery shocked the King of the God of Creation and the God of the God of Wasteland, and they came to the unknown South by accident. The chaotic world ... They didn't know that Suye and Hesfia were in it, but simply wanted to occupy this unknown world as much as possible.

The change from the north can't escape the sense of retrograde night with the moment of the desolate god. When he felt that the power belonging to the deity and the creation gods was getting closer and closer, it was enough to set foot on the star of the glory in less than half a day. He couldn't calm down at last, let Hestia stay in the star of Xi Yao, and he was northward,

To the north of the Xi Yao Star, he saw the team of gods of the creation gods, including the king of creation gods. At first glance at Sui Ye, the wrath of the Creator God made him launch a relentless attack on Sui Ye himself. The other Gods of Creation were afraid that the God King would be hurt by the terrible moment of the desolate god, and they all joined the attack on Sui Ye. In the game, Su Ye played against the thousands of gods of the creation **** family including the God of War, and he was not defeated.

The God of Creation is the father of Hesphyya, and the hand-to-hand protoss is the race of Hespheya. Su Ye can never play a fierce hand. They cannot do anything about him. And in this long-term fierce battle, he felt that the breath of the power of the desert gods was close to the star of Xi Yao.

Then, in the middle of the battle, he suddenly had a terrible palpitation, almost at the same time, a soft and weak voice of Hesfia sounded in his heart ...

"Goodbye, my retrospective ..."

That was what he heard ... the last voice belonging to Hesfia.