MTL - One Piece’s Strongest Ice Dragon-Chapter 27 It's all over again, Zefa's idea

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Thank you, my book friend ~ Super Big Café, for the 100 rewards. I'm sorry to see you today. Thank you all.


In the woods, there was silence, looking up, and the sun was shining through the shade of the leaves, like stars shining in the air, some dazzling, but very crystal and beautiful, showing an elusive silence.

奇怪 "Strange! When did the island become so quiet?"

I walked in the forest for a long time, and Luo Ya found that the formerly bustling forest was now silent. Not to mention the sound of the recruits fighting, not even the tweets of the insects.

He knows that Long Wei will go out in the beginning of the solution, but the scope is not so large!

马 In Mariin Fodor, he only surrounded half of the barracks, and only when that level of coercion could he barely cover half of the navy headquarters.

Even so, Loya obviously forgets that fear is contagious ~

的 The explosion and scrubbing at the beginning of the battle, and later Long Wei, did scare the surrounding animals and flee.

At the time, the predators outside were still happy. Today, there are so many foods on their own initiative!

But after hunting a few prey, they also became afraid.

Because these guys are totally ignoring the death of the same kind and the predators around them, they rush forward with their heads stuffed.

有 Is there anything terrifying behind? Is that the king on the island?

The predators thought, and then slowly changed from hesitant to running together.

Until the formation of animal tide.

Uh ...

"I can't find anything to eat, I'm really starving!"

Luo Luoya face is bitter, touching the dry belly, he now looks around the stone feels like a coarse grain bun.

As Loya frowned, a Mozi with a mole in her hair appeared in front of him. As soon as Loya's eyes brightened, he flew over.

"Ah! What a big sausage!"

Ka 嚓 ~

Feeling the severe pain in his head, Mole turned black, and grabbed Luo Ya's foot and fell on the ground: "Who is the sausage? That's Lao Tzu's hair!"

"Dare to fool me so much, put up the name of justice, die asshole!"

After a bit of noise, the Mole reluctantly retracted his sword. When he was on board, he heard Kuzan's words. At first he didn't believe it, but now he believes that Loya does have the strength not less than that of the lieutenant general.

洛 Even if Loya didn't use the move mentioned by General Qingye, but with strong fruit ability, Loya was enough to stand firm among the lieutenants.

Sitting on the ground with his stomach in his stomach, Loya pinched his mouth: "Cut! What the **** are you, do you know that I am hungry now and even fight for me! I know, you want to starve to death and I won Right? Do you think that justice is acceptable? "

I do n’t care about Luo ’s clamor, and the Mole pointed in the direction after collecting the sword: “There is a gathering point, because of special reasons, the assessment is temporarily canceled, you should go to the assembly soon ~”

"special reason?"

Suluya suddenly sneezed fiercely, rubbing her nose, he asked, "Ah? What special reason? Is there a pirate on the island?"

Mole: "..."

Roya's expression did not seem to be fake. The mole finally felt Zefa's mood and sighed deeply: "You just fought with the silverback ape and scared away the surrounding animals. Now they have become beasts. Chao. For the safety of most people, the assessment has stopped. "

"Ahh?" Loya looked aggressively: "So big an island, is there a beast tide because of me?"

"if not!!!"

Uh ...

I came to the beach with hundreds of recruits sitting on the ground in twos and threes, dejected. Some people were still bandaged, sticking crutches, and the accompanying boat doctor held the wound and applied medicine.

啊 "Ah! It's Loya. Loya is back."

The ice channel paved by the cold ice spread out from the forest. At the first sight, Xue Ba saw Luo Ya gliding over the ice skate.

哟 "Yo! Good afternoon, everyone ~"

Luo Luotian greeted shamelessly, but did not notice the strange atmosphere around him.

Then he was embraced by angry recruits and pressed to the ground.

"Asshole! Do you know I almost died!"

"Did you bring a cannon!"

"Oh, my ass! Who shy!"

Luo Luo lay on the ground blankly, blinked, and then looked at Xue Ba and others with a bad intention: "Hey, you betray me, right?"

"Uh ..."

Although Xun was forced to suspend the assessment because of his reasons, it is unclear why he wanted to recruit the remaining recruits. The only person who knows the truth, apart from the generals, is the one who studied with him before.

and so.

"IceMake clothes rail!"

Click ~ Wow!

Climbing up from the ground, Loya clapped her hands, moving her neck, her fists squeaky. Behind him, the recruits were lifted into the air by hangers made of ice cubes, and a bunch of them hung on the wind.

He walked to Xueba and hugged the other person's neck and asked, "So ... how do you want to die?"

Uh ...

When the search and rescue navy returned, they saw this scene.

Taking Luoya as the center, the recruits formed a large circle in twos and threes, and shivered and hugged to keep warm. In the middle, Loya was throwing the dry food from the mouth into his mouth. Behind him was a large tree made of ice cubes. On the trunk and the ends of the branches of Zhangyawu claws, the recruits were frozen and hung on the treetops.

The howling wind blew, making a crisp sound of jingle bells when they hit each other.


The Mole did not want to, and rushed out with a roar. Hearing the sound, Loya had no time to turn back, and was smashed out by the fist that Mole appeared immediately behind him.

"It's too skinny to use Navy Six!"

Luo Luo stood up, picked up the dry food and continued to hold.

The Mole drew a corner of his mouth, then gave up his plan to continue to teach Loya, and arranged for the hands to rescue the recruits on the tree.

Through the window on the warship, Zefa looked outside with a headache.

"Kuzan, you said, if you restart the assessment tomorrow, would you remove him?"

"Oh? Teacher, do you want to arrange for Loya to pass directly? So you are not afraid that the recruits will have opinions?"

Ran Kuzan raised his head without leaning, leaning on the chair with his back.

"I think that possibility ... is very small."

I glanced around the beach, Zefa sighed, the quality of this recruit was really bad. By virtue of his personal power, Loya put a half of the recruits on his back, without any breath.

He said nothing to Kuzan, rolled over and went to sleep.

"Just decide ... Anyway, the elite camp is a teacher you are teaching alone."

Takizawa's eyes flickered, his eyes turned suddenly, and the corners of his mouth suddenly raised, laughing out loud.

"Hey, hey, I suddenly have a great idea."

Uh ...

The rescue was over and the situation was reported to Zefa.

The good news is that none of the beasts died this time, and they all came back alive. The bad news is that several of them were seriously injured and could not participate in the re-evaluation tomorrow and had to be eliminated.

This is also no way. After all, it is a medium-sized island. Even if there are patrol personnel who entered in advance, all the generals will attack at full speed after the incident, and it will not be possible to rescue everyone in the first place.

Among the unlucky guys, some were broken by a beast tide, some were stunned in the fight, and another accidentally fell into a quagmire, which was half-dead by the animals in the quagmire.

不管 But anyway, Loya said he would not carry this pot.

Standing on the deck, Zefa looked down at the neatly recruited recruits on the beach. In front of the recruits queue, several lieutenants and their instructors in the ranks looked at them seriously.

The scene quickly calmed down, Zefa cleared his throat and said, "Presumably everyone already knows, because of some force majeure reasons, today's assessment is forced to be suspended. However! Does not mean that the assessment is over! Starting tomorrow, You will continue the assessment, the time is still three days, the rules remain the same, understand? "

The recruits roared neatly and neatly: "Understand!"

"Very good!" Zefa nodded with satisfaction.

At least one point is decent, the will of this recruit is really good.

After a pause, he continued: "At the same time, after many considerations, I now make a decision! The seventh team, Christoph Loya!"




Luo Luo clasped her face and moved away from the queue. What was this creepy feeling? Why do you always feel like you are finished!


22.Thank you Book Friends, Yuan Quan ~, Book Friends 122 *, Endless & Starry Sky, Book Friends 131 *, Book Friends 142 *, Book Friends 340 *, Black Sweater, Shisha Yeyu, Book Worm 7259, This Supplement Bujue ~ ~ Book Friends 3212, Book Friends 175 *, Book Friends 162 *, jokyr, Solitary Moon Autumn Rain, Book Friends 129 *, Book Friends 186 *, KONG Curse, Hell of Destiny, Book Friends 136 * , Shuyou 160 *, 210KKL, Shuyou 128 *, Lemon (symbols will not be played), indifferent bookworm, Shuyou 274 *, Shuyou 179 *, Fang brain with wisdom (Sichuan people +1), Shuyou 187 *, Book Friends 132 *, Winged Angel, Book Friends 194 *, Yin Feng Ye Yu, Book Friends 163 *, Book Friends 115 *, Everything Without Rain OP, Xue Fuli, Book Friends 107 *, Book Friends 201 *, Book Friends 127 *, see if it is right, book friend 147 *, GODZZ (this name is OK, God's mental retardation?). Thank you for your recommendation and support, first set a small goal, such as 404.

In addition, I would like to answer the comments about book friends ~ Yi Xiang Tian Kai ~.

How do you say, my detailed outline of this pit was arranged in Chapter 34-37, since you leave a message, I will probably spoil it. Loya's "Beginning Solution", through the use of modeling magic in the body, allows the body to absorb the magic of ice attributes, thereby activating the power of the dragon, not a simple change in magic.

As you said, with this self-produced and self-sold (the word reminds me of the world of a 17-year-old girl), the total magic power will not change. But in this process, the active Dragon Power, which is Loya ’s passive skill, is the reason for the transformation.

These will be explained in the following chapters. The relationship between Dragon Power and Loya, the development and extension of Dragon Power, after all, so many dark skill icons are not.

Also, Loya has just changed from a small clerk to a dragon exterminator, and the magical aspects of dragon extinction need to cross the river by touching the stones. It won't be too fast.