MTL - One Piece’s Strongest Ice Dragon-Chapter 15 Kuzan's careful thinking, the challenge of the elite camp

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Here is the main square in front of the Mariindo Fort ... a small square next to it.

Not far from the boot camp, but the range is enough to accommodate two boot camps. General recruits will not come here except for combat training. Only those in elite camps who are hailed as monsters by recruits will be trained here every day.

Because their strength is already very strong, the narrow field will only limit their play.

When I came to the small square, there were still a few recruits dressed in training, either fighting one-on-one with two people, or meditating cross-legged with a katana on the knee. The most noticeable thing is that height The big man around 4 meters is squatting with an iron block larger than him.

"Kuzan ... General, who are they?" Originally wanted to call the teacher, but before the frost spread on Kuzan, Loya wisely chose to change his mouth.

After hearing Loya's words, Kuzan retracted the action and explained, "Oh, you say they, they are the guys in this elite camp."

"Elite Camp ..." Loya repeated the name. As the name indicates, there are only elites in the Elite Camp, each of which is a strong candidate who stands out from countless navies.

毕业 Graduation from elite camp, the minimum achievement is also a colonel. Corresponding to this treatment is the extremely difficult graduation assessment, but so far, no one has failed to graduate.

There is the former General Iron Mask Instructor Black-Wrist Zefa, which can rule out the possibility of passing through improper means and releasing water. Therefore, those who enter the elite camp will basically be the backbone of the navy in the future. It is not even impossible to take over the general banner.

I want to know that the generals such as Kuzan, Sakaski, and Ape also graduated from here.

Seeing Kuzan's figure, the members of the elite camp who were training stopped and came to practice, saluting neatly.

"Green General!"

嗯 "Well, you guys continue ... I just brought a kid over to train." Kuzan said lethargically, pointing to Loya next to him.

Hearing this, Luo Ya felt a little in his heart and looked at him in disbelief.

握 "Grass! This guy is so treacherous, isn't it just disgusting you? Is it necessary to take such pains to trouble me?"

As an admiral, you have high prestige. Are you sure you need to explain to these recruits? Isn't it good to have a high cold point? This dig is too obvious!

Sure enough, when he heard Kuzan's words, several people's eyes locked on Luo Ya, and the big man, as strong as a bull, stared at him fiercely: "Is this the kid?"

When he saw this, Kuzan quietly drew a smile, and immediately disappeared: "Oh! Yeah, there is no way, his fruit ability range is relatively large, only here can be opened."

"You guy, even revealed my information to them?" Luo Ya could not be angry, but immediately thought about it, and cheerfully opened his mouth.

"Yes, that's why Teacher Kuzan brought me here and said he wanted to teach me to develop the devil fruit ability."

Forgive me 24 guys are still so cute, anyway, I'm not afraid of shame with a baby face!

Since you are not kind, don't blame me for being unjust, come, hurt each other!

"You should call the name of General Qing 雉! Wait ..." the big man said fiercely, and suddenly hesitated, then a group of people yelled.

"Old ... old, division!"

Kuzan drew a corner of his eyes, feeling as uncomfortable as eating a fly. Facing their surprised, puzzled, and even disappointed eyes, he reluctantly explained: "I didn't accept him as an apprentice, I just taught him a little That's it. "

"Um, but Teacher Kuzan, once said: What you ca n’t teach you, it ’s all your teacher. For example, I do n’t know how to write. Someone teaches me, even if he is just a boatman, He is my teacher. I ca n’t cook. The little girl who sells flowers teaches me how to cook. She is also my teacher. It ’s not just me, everyone is the same, even we humans themselves. We learn from nature. Light a fire, learn to use tools, and learn to build a house. Nature is our human teacher. So, Teacher Kuzan, you teach me to develop fruit, and you are my teacher. Right, Teacher Kuzan! "

Luoya sighed a teacher's words, and circled a group of people.

Kuzan touched the blindfold on his forehead and asked Loya: "Where did you hear this sentence?"

"Well, it should be the East China Sea. I remember we met at the restaurant Balati before then."

"Donghai ... I know."

After the incident, Qing Qing, one of the three naval generals, applied for a trip to the East China Sea for three consecutive months, which disturbed the entire East China Sea.

I heard that Kuzan had no objection, the big man's eyes were sore, and his nose could not stop crying: "Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh when you !!!)!

Hey, you are so disgusting to cry so much.

Meloia groaned in her heart.

Suddenly, he stopped crying with a brush, and looked at Loya, his eyes filled with anger and stubbornness.

"Little devil! Come to a showdown! Let me see what you have to do to make General Qing Ye accept you as a disciple!"


Seeing this scene, Qing Ye only felt relieved in her heart, and finally came to the point, and today's plan was almost destroyed, but fortunately, Arudo is still so easy to be fooled.

Arudo is the name of this small four-three-meter giant ~ ~ When he was in the barracks, he always admired the three navy generals who also went out from the barracks. Later, because Kuzan saved him, he wanted to worship Kuzan is a teacher, but Kuzan, who hates troublesome lazy characters, has not agreed.

库 Kuzan appeared again in front of him today, and even received his disciples, he couldn't help but immediately challenged Loya.

Baluo stared at him calmly, then turned his head and pulled Rakuzan's corner of the clothes, squinting his eyes and asked, "This is your purpose?"

Ku praised with a look of "What do you want to ask, I don't understand or don't ask anymore".

Suddenly, it was Luoya who finally had a headache. Looking at Ardo's expression, it is obvious that he is taking this victory very seriously.

"Luoya, you can try it, anyway, you will join the elite camp after one month, it is also good to have a good relationship with your companions." Kuzan added next, Loya could not pick out the stab. .

"Hey ~ I'm tired."

Loya shook her head and agreed.

那么 "So, let me be the referee. The rules are that there are no rules, as long as they are not dead!"

Ku Kuzan raised his hand to declare, of course, there is no better person to be a referee here than him, naturally no one will object.

"What do you mean as long as you don't die! Do you want me to suffer?"

Roya rolled his dead fish eyes and despised him.

Arudo, who was opposite, chose a position, and like a wild cow, his nostrils sprayed air pillars.

来 "Come on! Loya, I want to let you know that the weak are not qualified to stand next to Qing Qing General! Even if Qing Qing accepts you as a disciple, you will not win my approval!"

In the face of this situation, Loya spread his hands: What can I do, I am also desperate!