MTL - One Piece: Wudang Baiye, Deputy Captain of the Straw Hats-Chapter 375

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At this moment, the entire sea was silent.

Then, a huge blue figure appeared beside Franky.

"Since it's fine, don't scare the old man, you idiot!!"

With a slap, he slapped Franky **** the back full of Jinpei's anger: "Take care of your partner's mood a little bit!"

At the same time, Mei Li also held his small fist and opened the air door beside the two to appear.

He is angry

Waving his little fists bulgingly, he shouted quite angrily:

"Franky is a villain!!"

Faced with this scene, Frankie not only did not reflect, but stretched out his arms to embrace Jinbei and Melly, and laughed loudly:

"Hahahaha, don't worry, I won't die until the Merry becomes the greatest pirate ship in the sea, woohoo!"

And those who greeted Franky were Shi Ping and Melly in unison:

"The old man (me) won't worry about you (bad guy)!"

But soon, after the three of them looked at each other for a while, they still burst into hearty laughter.

"This is the friendship within the Straw Hats, it's really enviable." m.

Standing on the warship, Huoshaoshan said with emotion, and glanced at the two people who had been rescued by him before.

"Huh." X2

Knowing that Huoshaoshan was talking about Ghost Spider and Dauberman for himself, he just snorted coldly and didn't speak again.

"Did you save a life because of the ability of the devil fruit?"

At this moment, an indifferent voice sounded in front of the three of them.

cp0 looked at Franky, the exposed pupil of his left eye was full of disdain:

"Next time, you won't be so lucky."

He raised his right hand, pointed at Franky's chest and said, "I'll dig out your heart to see if you really won't die."

Hearing this, Jinbe looked at cp0, stood in front of Franky and Melly and said:

"Just now my partner was taken care of by you."

"Next, I will replace the old man as your opponent."

"Hehehehe." Jinbei's words drew a dismissive laugh from cp0.

He looked at the upright Jinping, with a flash of murderous intent in his eyes: "Although you are not on my hunting list, but..."

"Since you are rushing to find death, I will satisfy you."

After the voice fell, cp0 turned into an afterimage and disappeared in place.

With the sound of a huge sonic boom, the figure of cp0 appeared in front of Jinping.

Facing such an opponent, cp0 didn't even bother to carry out his most skillful assassination, and just came to him so brightly.

Then, with one hand behind his back, he grabbed Jinbei with the other.

【Tear Claw! 】

But this time, cp0 obviously used his real skills.

As the five fingers slid across, five small gaps appeared in the air, just like the white beard cracking the air, cp0's gestures can also tear the space.


Jinbe didn't flinch, but doubled up.

Arms crossed in front of him.

Seeing that he was going to use his body to force himself with this move, even though it was useless to use the armed domineering, cp0 was a little strange, but he didn't take it to heart.

Because he has absolute confidence in himself, his move cannot be resisted by someone with the strength in front of him.

But at this moment, an inconspicuous ring on Jinbei's wrist changed.

Like flowing water, the ring extended infinitely, and instantly turned into a pair of silver-white scales.


cp0's sharp claws are powerful enough to tear apart space, but they can only scratch five sparks on Jinbei's arm armor.

More importantly, the moment cp0 came into contact with the arm armor, he found that his power sank like a rock in an instant, and not even a splash appeared.

"It's Tianshi Baiye again?!"

Subconsciously, cp0 linked Jinbei's arm armor with Bai Ye. Q

In the Straw Hats, no, in the entire sea, there are people who have the ability to produce this kind of equipment beyond cognition.

Except Vegapunk under the World Government, that is, the mysterious Celestial Master.

Jinbe didn't answer, instead, while cp0 was in a daze, he waved his right fist and slammed into his chest.

[Murloc Karate · Mystery · Guiwazheng Fist! ! 】

This time, Jinbe's fist was instantly covered with a strong armed domineering look.

Not only that, Jinbei not only used the murloc karate technique, but also used the technique of armed internal destruction.

With Jinping's strength, it's such a short distance.

Under this punch, even a medium-sized Neptune would only be blasted with a big hole.

But Shiping seemed to have hit the cotton, and he didn't let cp0 retreat even a meter.

And cp0 was also brought back to his senses by this punch, he smiled contemptuously:

"So what if you have strange equipment? My defense is not something a guy of your level can break through."

"So, what if it's your own power?"

Jinbei's voice sounded leisurely.

"Huh?" Jinbei's words made cp0 frown, unable to understand the meaning of the words.

But Jinping obviously intended to let him experience it for himself, but he raised his left arm and slammed it **** his right arm.

With a clang, Jinbei's arm armor collided.

And then, at the same time as the arm armor glowed with a strong light, a force familiar to cp0 appeared.

"This is my attack just now?!"

At this moment, the mighty cp0 was once again blown away because of his underestimation of the enemy.

Chapter 468 Weakness is Original Sin

After being knocked back by Jinbei with the strength he used just now, cp0 laughed.

He laughed so loudly that everyone on the battlefield felt a chill.

"What's the origin of this guy? I've seen a few cp0s, but I've never seen someone with this kind of momentum."

Huoshaoshan stood on the edge of the boat, turned to look at Ghost Spider and Dauberman beside him.

"cp0 works, unless they say it, no one will know their true identity."

Ghost Spider replied that although he was still not completely convinced by Huoshaoshan, he was not that repelled either.

"One thing can be confirmed, he is not an ordinary cp0, at least he is better than the cp0 we encountered before."

Dauberman was smoking a cigarette, and there was doubt on his fierce scar face: "He makes me feel no less than a general."

Hearing this, Huo Shaoshan nodded first, and then showed a worried expression.

Not to mention that he is injured now, even in his heyday, he couldn't step forward to help.

Before Jinbei joined the Straw Hats, he was considered a strong player in the Qiwuhai.

I don't know how much stronger he is than an elite lieutenant general like himself.

He turned his head to look at the Golden City, where a great war was also breaking out.

"This time, do you still have a way to solve the predicament? Bai Ye."

At this time, above the pitch-black sky, cp0 in white clothes looked particularly eye-catching.

His aura began to change.

If it is said that he before was like a ghost in the dark night, coming and going without a trace.

So now he has become a blood demon roaring under the crimson moon.

Behind him, countless phantoms appeared faintly. Qianqian

Looking carefully, those phantoms are all kinds of life, including humans, murlocs and even giants.

Their bodies are contorted and their expressions are pained, and they are all different.

The only thing that was consistent was the wound on their necks.

Five claw marks that tore through the throat.

"The power of the devil fruit?" Franky asked subconsciously not far away.

"No." Melly shook her head, denying Franky's guess.

As a spirit body, he can feel those phantoms more keenly.

He looked at cp0 with uneasy eyes, and said slowly: "Those phantoms are all real lives that once existed."

"They were all killed by that guy himself.

life. "

Melly remembered something that Bai Ye once told herself:

[Momentum is a general power, which can be motivated by itself or from the outside.

Even in this sea, there is not only the form of domineering and domineering.

One of them is the ghostly aura that Sauron possessed through his perception of Asura.

There is also the unrivaled fighting spirit that Mr. Garp has been fighting all year round.

Of course, there is another—

That is killing intent.

There is a saying in my hometown, slaughtering one is a sin, and slaughtering ten thousand is a hero, and if you kill nine million, you are a hero among heroes.

When a person enjoys killing and enjoys the mourning and resentment of others before death, the killing intent will be condensed over time.

That kind of person is either a lunatic or a hero, but without exception, they are all absolutely strong. 】

"This guy, how many innocent lives did he kill?"

Jinbe didn't hear Mei Li's words, but he also saw the origin of those phantoms.

Or rather, Jinbe had seen the same person before.

His little brother, Aaron.

After the death of Brother Fisher, Aaron, who already had a tyrannical personality, completely embarked on the road of killing humans.

Jinbe also felt at close range that every time he killed a human being, the dirty breath on Aaron's body became stronger and stronger.

However, compared with the person in front of him, the aura on Aaron's body seemed insignificant.


While Jinbe was thinking, cp0 spoke.

The one-eyed eye that he revealed has become extremely blood-red at this moment, just looking at him makes Jinping feel a little palpitation. Qianqian

"In this world, strength is everything, but weakness..."

cp0 raised his eyebrows slightly, and said coldly, "It's the original sin."