MTL - One Piece: Wudang Baiye, Deputy Captain of the Straw Hats-Chapter 364

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"The only reason I'm here is because you

what they promised me. "

"Since you want that brat to participate, I'll just be patient a little bit."

Although Wald's mouth is not forgiving, it can still be heard that he has compromised.

cp0 stopped biting it, but turned around to look at Tezolo, and said:

"Restore those two people to their original state. We don't have much time left. It's time to let them know the plan."

The two people in his mouth are naturally Wilbur and Ba Jin.

So next, Tezolo freed the two who had turned into half golden statues.

And what happened just now made Ba Jin understand something, so he suppressed Wilbur's rampage, and came to the side of several people cautiously.

At this time, all the idlers in the room were also called away by Tezolo.

And seeing several people gathered together, cp0 also waved his hand, and said to the back: "Spandam, please repeat the plan."

Although this cp0 is the chief supervisor of the plan, he is not required to do such trivial matters as explaining the plan.

"Yes, my lord."

Spandam, who did not know when he appeared in the room, also responded respectfully to the man in front of him.

Although the two belong to the same department, their status is obvious.

"The World Government is targeting the Straw Hats."

Spandam distributed the information in his hands to everyone present, and then announced his plan for tomorrow night at eight o'clock.

The plan is not complicated, even a little too simple.

First, Tezzolo set a trap at the gambling site to trap the Straw Hats when the plan started.

Then, Bacala, a cadre under Tezolo, waited for the opportunity to attack everyone in the Straw Hats, drawing luck to secretly weaken the opponent's strength.

Then Tezolo takes the shot, activates the gold in the Straw Hat gang, and weakens the target gang again.

In the end, Wald, Wilbur and Tezolo joined forces to attack.

In this way, wipe out the straw hat gang.

When Spandam finished speaking, the reactions of several people in the plan were also different.

Bajin slapped Wilb's thigh and laughed loudly, even cheering him on.

Because Spandam clearly told her that after the success of the plan, the huge debt they owed in the gambling game was not only written off.

Tezolo will also give Wilb double the amount of bounty placed on the Straw Hats for killing them. Q


My favorite son. Ba Jin looked at Wilbur with [kindness] eyes, and said [tenderness]: "In order to get wealth beyond your father's bounty, cut off the heads of the straw hat kid Luffy and that white night tomorrow night." "

"For the love of your mother, and your father."

Obviously, Spandam's generous conditions have completely made Ba Jin lose his mind.

At this time, she has already regarded the two people with the highest bounty from the Straw Hats as her own.

But he didn't care at all whether Wilbur was capable of killing either of them. Qianqian

But Wilbur obviously had no brains. Faced with Ba Jin's request to let him commit suicide, he agreed with great momentum.

Soon, the two idiots who were already immersed in happiness also left the room.

"Hahahaha." At this time, Tezolo laughed loudly: "Those who have money can have everything. This is the truth of the world."

These words are Tezolo's true feelings.

As long as money is paid, even a powerful man like Wilbur will agree to any conditions without hesitation.

"At the beginning of the plan, let Wilb deal with the others." cp0 said at this time, he made a request to Tezolo: "Before that idiot dies, let him kill Nicole Robin as much as possible .”

Then, cp0 continued to say to Tezolo: "Before the two of Charlotte's family kidnap Reiju and leave the Golden City safely, stop the Straw Hat Boys, this is the minimum requirement of the World Government."

"Hehehe," Tezolo said with a confident smile when he heard this, "He who has money can have everything."

"On this ship, everything I want to do is God's will."

"But..." Tezolo looked at cp0, narrowed his eyes and said slowly, "After completing your plan, I only have three days of patience."

He stood up and walked towards the door, and the last words followed: "You better start preparing now."

After the voice fell, there were only cp0, Wald, and Spandam left in the room.

"Looks like that idiot, really believes that the World Government will give him a place in Mary Gioia."

Wald's gloomy voice sounded, his tone full of disdain and sarcasm.

"Whoever has money can have everything? Oh, poor fool."

Chapter 453 The reason why Wald became Shichibukai, the gambling game begins

The reason why Tezolo helped the world government in this way was the condition that the world government agreed to him.

After dedicating his golden city, let him become a member of the nobles of the world.

Undoubtedly, this is a big event enough to cause huge waves in the sea, and it is also the root cause of Tezolo's willingness to offend bigmom and the Straw Hats.

To become a world noble, to become the supreme Celestial Dragon, Tezolo could not refuse no matter what.

But just like he just laughed at the Wilb mother and son.

Tezolo, who was already insane, completely forgot the reason why the other party easily agreed to his request sometimes.

It is likely that the decision to refuse to cash in has been made long ago.

At this time, after hearing Wald's words, cp0 immediately responded:

"The World Government's commitment to Tezolo is not a blank promise." m.

"But the premise is that he can survive tomorrow night."

The tone of cp0 is very relaxed, it seems that this kind of thing is completely insignificant in his opinion.

Then, he looked at Wald and said, "Tomorrow you'd better be quick. The World Government has already paid a lot for this, and there is no reason to wipe your ass."

"Pay a lot?" Wald's face was full of sarcasm. He stretched out his hands, looked around the golden room where he was, and said, "This golden city is not the property of your world government."

"There is no need to play word games with me." The tone of cp0 is still emotionless: "Join forces with Tezolo to kill the deputy captain of the Straw Hats Bai Ye, make the Straw Hats and bigmom enemies, and after killing Tezolo, the World Government will Will recognize you as King of the Golden City."

"On this ship, you can create the giant cannon you want, and attack Xinghuo with the secret support of the world government."

"It's a win-win deal, Bondi Wald."

"So, it's time for you to get ready."

cp0 obviously didn't want to continue to entangle with Wald, and the last sentence was also a straightforward order to expel the guest.

"Oh, a win-win situation?"

Wald was not bluffed by cp0's series of words. This deal is completely profitable for the world government.

But like Tezzolo, Wald couldn't refuse an offer.

In other words, the reason why he condescends to become Qi Wuhai is for the Golden City.

He is the fruit of Momo

Ability users can multiply the speed, strength, volume, etc. of the objects they touch, up to 100 times.

During his time at sea, he worked hard to build a giant cannon.

As long as the cannon is built and you exert your own fruit power, even Marie Gioia, who is located in the Red Earth Continent, can't stop her own cannon.

In the original book, Wald got a pirate ship equipped with a giant cannon after escaping from the city of advancement.

This ship was built by his brother.

Under the influence of the white night crossing, the elder brother who had been waiting for Wald to escape from prison and the former remnant party were arrested by the Liaoyuan Army that wiped out the sea.

This also led to Ward and Xinghuo becoming enemies after breaking out of prison, and destroyed the islands in Xinghuo's field many times.

It is worth mentioning that Fujitora, one of the three commanders of the Liaoyuan Army, once pushed Wald into a desperate situation, but at a critical moment, Wald was rescued by a mysterious person.

And that person is cp0 who is sitting opposite Wald now.

For this reason, the World Government successfully contacted Wald, and on the condition that the Golden City, a huge ship with a total length of ten kilometers, agreed to become the Qiwuhai.

All Wald needs to do is bide his time.

Without a doubt, now is that moment.

"After overturning Xinghuo, the deal between Lao Tzu and you is over."

Wald stood up and smiled evilly at cp0: "When the time comes, I will personally visit those five old guys."

As the footsteps sounded and disappeared, only cp0 and Spandam were left in the room.

The latter looked like a wooden man, and he didn't dare to make a sound.

The eyes under cp0's mask were full of killing intent.

After he snorted coldly, he murmured to himself: "It seems that you have been in the ice for thirty years, and your brain has been frozen, Bundy Wald."

"Before you die, you'd better really kill Bai Ye."

"That way, you're still a little bit useful."

"Heh, it's really a rather complicated plan."

In the middle of the night, Bai Ye hung up the phone bug in his hand in the room, recalling everything he heard just now, he couldn't help [admiration] and said:

"The guys from Wulaoxing still have a bit of IQ."

But Bai Ye immediately said: "But not much."

Although Bai Ye still didn't know the world politics

The ultimate goal of the government's plan, but some things have been speculated to some extent.

It's just that he doesn't care.

On the contrary, he is still very interested in the upcoming battle.

"The remnants of the previous era, Bundy Wald, the idiot of the new generation, Wilbur, and Tezolo, who has awakened the fruit."

The corners of Bai Ye's mouth twitched slightly, and he muttered to himself: "Before the official fight with the Four Emperors, such a lineup is simply the best warm-up target."

With the passage of time, it soon arrived at 8 o'clock in the evening of the next day, the moment when the game began.

"Everyone of the Straw Hat Pirates, Mr. Tezolo has been waiting for a long time."

At the entrance of the most luxurious high-end area in the Golden City, Bacala was wearing a crimson tight-fitting cheongsam, saluting several people with extreme elegance.

"Hahaha, it's really lively."

Luffy looked at the golden platform in front of him with great interest. Qianqian

Unlike the original book, the place where the Straw Hats participated in the gambling game this time is not in the tower.

Instead, Tezolo used his fruit ability to build a large platform in the center of the high-level area.

Not far from the high platform, there are already overcrowded auditoriums.

At this moment, many people saw the Straw Hats and cheered with their arms raised.

A huge screen stood behind the high platform, live broadcasting the scene on the high platform to everyone in real time.

In terms of beauty alone, it has achieved the ultimate.

Then, under the guidance of Bacala, everyone from the Straw Hats came to the high platform one after another.

I also saw Tezolo who had been waiting for a long time, and several other people who participated in the gambling game.

Tezzolo not only put on his flamboyant platinum suit, but also excitedly performed a tap dance.