MTL - One Piece: Wudang Baiye, Deputy Captain of the Straw Hats-Chapter 361

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"Now that the story is over, let's tell you why you came here."

"You came to Sanji not just to reminisce about the old days."

Although Bai Ye could roughly guess something, he wasn't sure, so he cut to the chase at this time.

Hearing this, Reiju finally remembered the purpose of coming here.

She glanced at Sanji first, and after the other party nodded, she also told everyone her story.

The difference from the original book is that because Sanji's original appearance appeared on the reward order from the very beginning, Germa also discovered Sanji's identity earlier.

After the Alabasta incident, Sanji's potential was noticed by Gaji.

He also borrowed his own influence to make the world government's reward order for Sanji set the condition that he could only be captured alive.

No one else noticed this except Bai Ye and Robin.

But the latter didn't get into it, after all, everyone has their own secrets. m.

Speaking of Germa, Gaji at that time just regarded Sanji as a dispensable bargaining chip.

Maybe one day it will be useful, or maybe not.

This situation continued until the top of the war.

"When Sanji showed the strength to compete with the general in a short period of time in Marin Fando, his father changed his mind."

Reiju looked at Sanji with a hint of apology, and her voice began to tremble.

"You are no longer a chess piece that can be used at any time. Your own strength and the forces you belong to can already threaten the existence of Germa."

"He offered you a reward of 1 billion in the underground world alone, and secretly funded a group of pirates who fled to the new world. He wanted to kill you before you fully grown up and get your body research."


"Is such a person really my father?"

Nami's face was full of disbelief. Although she only had an adoptive mother, Bermel was more than 10,000 times stronger than Sanji's father.

"He is ready to kill his son just because he is threatened. That guy is probably inhumane."

Robin gave his evaluation coldly.

The words of the two of them also made others agree very much.

Sanji's so-called father is a complete jerk.

Even Bai Ye has some emotions

, although it was expected, Jia Zhi's ruthlessness was beyond his imagination.

Perhaps in the original book, Gage is a man who keeps his promise and is willing to lead his family to cover the evacuation of the Straw Hats.

But still can't hide the fact that he is a cold-blooded father.

Everyone's attitude made Reiju very painful.

Because she couldn't refute it, not at all.

At this time, Sanji put his hands on her shoulders and said slowly: "I am no longer his son, but you are still my sister."

Sanji's gentle words made Reiju unable to hold back her tears.

It took her a while to calm down and continue what she just said.

Although there is a reward of 1 billion, none of the killers in the underground world is a fool.

For a mere 1 billion, he challenged the Straw Hats.

The pirates in the new world were also wiped out during the three-month rest period of the Straw Hats.

But this not only did not make Gage retreat, but made him more afraid of Sanji and the Straw Hats.

In order to completely solve Sanji, he thought of a political marriage to win over more powerful forces.

And the object he chose was one of the emperors of the new world, big mom Charlotte Lingling.

But things also started from this time, and went to a completely different ending from Gaji's expectations.

"Father originally intended for you to marry Charlotte Breen, the 35th daughter of the Charlotte family."

Reiju said:

"If you choose to fight, the Straw Hats and you will become the targets of the Big Mom Pirates, and Germa's potential threat will disappear."

"If you choose to compromise, Germa will have a powerful boost."

A few simple words made everyone in the Straw Hats look ugly.

"Want to use us. Heh, let's try."

"The hyenas that try to **** food from lions and tigers will be the earliest sacrifices."

Sauron didn't say much harsh words, and directly slapped He Daoyi's words on the table in front of him.

The atmosphere in the box also became tense at this moment.

"But the hyena miscalculated."

Bai Ye looked at Reiju at this time, and said slowly, "It seems that the lion wants to get a better sacrifice."

"That's right." Reiju nodded and continued:

"bigmom rejects father's proposal and proposes a new marriage plan."

"I will marry the tenth son of the Charlotte family, Xia

Lotte Cracker. "


The atmosphere in the box became weird.

Speaking of this, except for Luffy who had already fallen asleep, everyone else understood the ins and outs of the matter.

I also know why Reiju is sitting here.

"After my father rejected the marriage proposal, I thought it was over like this."

"But the Big Mom Pirates suddenly attacked Germa and captured us all."

"bigmom seems to have suddenly taken care of Germa and decided to hold the wedding as soon as possible."

"And on the way to Cake Island, my father and other brothers helped me escape."


Having said that, Reiju suddenly hesitated.

She didn't dare to look into Sanji's eyes, and after a while she finally spoke:

"They asked me to come to you, because only you can help me, and only the Straw Hats can save Germa."


The box fell into silence again.

Everyone also once again lamented Gage's thick skin and shamelessness.

He was obviously responsible for all the incidents, but he was still able to come to them for help so shamelessly.

The most humble people are invincible, which is the most vivid interpretation.

Sensing everyone's eyes, Reiju also lowered her head deeply, holding her skirt firmly with both hands.

She knew what her actions meant, letting an abandoned son save his father who wanted to kill him.

This in itself is a torture for Sanji, because he knows how kind his younger brother is.

She had thought of other ways.

But she found desperately that she had no hope except to ask Sanji for help.

So after she learned that Sanji was also here, she hesitated for a long time before going to the door.

"Why?" Robin's voice sounded again, she looked at Reiju and said, "Since this is the case, why did you say those things, you know what it means." Q

That's really something Robin doesn't understand.

Now that Reiju has already planned to ask Sanji for help, she can completely conceal what Gage did before.

It would be much easier to hide it.

"Because Sanji has the right to know the truth of everything."

After a long time, Reiju raised her head and said slowly:

"He's my brother, and I can't convince myself to lie to him."

"Even if you lose hope."

Chapter 449 Conversation in the Box, Tezolo's Invitation

It has to be said that Reiju's words were really sincere, and both Meli and Chopper also had expressions of excitement on their faces.

"We have to help her."

Meili even blurted out, making Chopper on the side nod repeatedly.

But this time, the others did not speak.

Even Frankie and Brooke, who can bluff the most, didn't say a word.

"Everyone..." Chopper looked at the crowd with a hint of doubt on his face.

He couldn't help but ask:

"Even if Sanji's other family members treat him badly, but sister Reiju is sincere, shouldn't we help her? Even if the other party is Big Mom Pirates..."

Just when he was about to continue talking, Franky interrupted him:

"Chopper." Franky's expression changed from his perverted expression at this time, but he said very seriously: "We will not be afraid of anyone, and I feel the same way as you, but the person who decides this matter not us."

Franky turned his head to look at Sanji who was silent and just smoking a cigarette, and said, "This is Sanji's business. What we have to do is to wait for his decision and absolutely support him."

Franky's words were not difficult to understand, and it also made Chopper understand another meaning.

Regardless of what Chopper or anyone else thinks, the whole thing should respect Sanji.

No matter how much they sympathize with Reiju, they can't use this to influence Sanji's decision.

Even if Sanji chooses to ignore him, they must stand firmly behind him.

It is also for this reason that Franky stopped Chopper from saying the following words just now.

To some extent, what Chopper and Melly did just now is morally kidnapping Sanji.

At this time, except for Luffy who was still asleep, everyone else turned to Sanji vaguely, waiting for his answer.

At this time, Sanji showed a very tangled and painful expression.

He didn't think about whether to help his sister, but he was hurting himself to save those guys.

Only Bai Ye suddenly asked a question: "When did the Big Mom Pirates suddenly attack you?"

To be honest, this question was a bit inexplicable, and Reiju had to react for a while before saying the time.

And when he heard the time that Reiju said, Sanji first looked up at Reiju, and then suddenly turned his head to look at Bai Ye.

The latter also smiled, looked at Sanji and said: "

This reason may allow you to make a choice. "

Just when Sanji was about to say something, a thunderbolt suddenly appeared in the box.

With a stabbing sound, the thunder slammed on the golden mask that Bai Ye opened instantly.

What followed was Nami's voice:

"Bai Ye, you bastard, you have been inexplicable since you started talking just now, and people can't understand at all."

"Talk to me, bastard!!"

And Nami's words also resonated with the idiots including Melijoba and Usopp who didn't understand the conversation just now.

"It's obvious that you didn't think about the key, whether it's good or not."