MTL - One Piece: Wudang Baiye, Deputy Captain of the Straw Hats-Chapter 353

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Tezzolo liked to sing when he was a child, but his mother hated his singing because of the poverty of his family.

He was caught by slave traders and watched his friends abandon him.

After escaping, he met another girl controlled by slave traders, Stella.

She is the only one who appreciates Tezolo's singing. To Tezolo, this girl is like an angel.

He wants to buy Stella, as long as he saves enough money.

But misery only seeks the poor, and on the day Tezolo saved enough money, Stella was bought by the Tianlong people.

Afterwards, Tezolo also became a slave of the Celestial Dragons and was tortured. During the period of being a slave, Tezolo was not allowed to even laugh.

Finally, after learning of Stella's death, his spiritual world completely collapsed.

Chapter 437

"You are not qualified to mention her name in front of me."

"No one is qualified to use her to teach me."

"I saw through the world the day Stella died."

Tezuolo took a few steps forward, looked at Huoshaoshan who was gasping for breath but still refused to yell, and said slowly:

"In this world, people without money can get nothing but be manipulated."

"With money, you can have everything!"

"And those who have no money are doomed to be enslaved by the rich!"

"This is the truth of the world!"

Tezolo raised his right hand lightly, and with the blue electric current beating, the gold wrapped around Huoshaoshan began to tighten, making the expression on his face even more ferocious.

"But you bastard, you put on that disgusting smile and told me that Xinghuo doesn't allow slaves?!"

"Stop talking nice words!!"

Tezolo raised his hands high, and the blue electric current jumped, and the whole room was surrounded by golden water, and countless golden streams were twisting, as if they were cheering.

"Money is power, money is everything!"

"Those who have no money get nothing!"

"If Xinghuo and the world government don't have money, what power do they have?"

"Whether it is love or dreams, there is freedom and hope."

"Those who have money can get everything!"

"Compared to those Tianlong people who can be manipulated with money, you guys really make me sick!!"

Surrounded by gold, Tezolo, like a god, issued an oracle to Huoshao Mountain.

"It's only been a few months since your Xinghuo was established, how many wars have been set off in the entire sea? How many innocent islands have been destroyed?"

"Free the slaves? Hahahaha!"

"It's nothing more than an excuse for myself!"

"Those Xinghuo civilians, can they be on an equal footing with you guys?"

"Isn't the warship you drove to my place the money contributed by those civilians?"

"You wantonly squander the fruits of their labor, but you still use the slogan of liberating them."

"A slave is a slave! Even if the people there don't have collars, aren't they still slaves?"

"It's just a generous concession of some conditions. Do you really think you are the savior?"

Tezuolo had already sat on the golden throne, crossing his legs and looking at Huoshaoshan with great interest. Qianqian

"As long as the world rules

Or, there is a superior existence, and the [slave] has existence. "

"Isn't it? Lieutenant General of the Liaoyuan Army?"

After these words fell, Spandam on the side was completely stunned.

With his brain, he obviously didn't understand the meaning of these words.

Because in his opinion, the contradiction between Spark and the world government is the existence of slavery.

He couldn't understand Tezolo's words now, but he was greatly shocked.


When the Spandam cpu started to burn, Lieutenant General Huoshan spoke.

"You are the one who speaks beautifully, Gilder Tezzolo."

Even though the blood had already soaked his chest, making the red uniform of the Liaoyuan Army more vivid, Huoshaoshan still raised the corners of his mouth and said proudly:

"Civilians of Xinghuo are not slaves!"

"They have the same rights as I do!"

"Their lives will not be taken away at will, the fruits of their labor will not be stolen frantically, and their lives will not be destroyed at will!"

"They will not be afraid of the Liaoyuan Army, let alone the Xinghuo regime!"

"They can freely choose their own future!"

"Each of them is free!!"

"Xinghuo and Liaoyuan Army are not rulers, but guardians!"

"It is the most ordinary life of these people that we swear to protect to the death!"

"What we want to defeat is also a **** like you who wants to rule others!!"

"I am Lieutenant General Huo Shaoshan of the Liaoyuan Army. From the moment I joined the Liaoyuan Army, I bet my life!"

"Try to break me! You're not even close! Tezzolo!!"

At this moment, Spandam was completely dead.

"I told you so."

Tezuolo's voice sounded again, and he was not shaken by Huoshaoshan's words.

After all, for a person like him, any idea that contradicts himself is extremely ridiculous.

So when he got here, he also lost all his patience.

"Here, the only one who can decide what can be laughed at is me."

Gold tightened again, making Huoshaoshan speechless.

"I've heard enough of your beautiful words, let's just pray here."

"Pray that your subordinates can save enough money to redeem you within three days."

"At that time, I might listen to your speech carefully, hahahaha."

Amidst Tezolo's loud laughter, the figure of Huoshaoshan disappeared again.

Although you don't talk to Xinghuo

He dismissed it, but Tezolo really didn't dare to kill the people of the Liaoyuan Army.

After all, the news that the three commanders of the Dressrosa Liaoyuan Army appeared together has already been spread by Morgans.

So he only planned to torture Huoshaoshan.

My own Golden City can sail on the sea, so I don't have to worry too much about the Liaoyuan Army chasing me.

At this moment, a black circle appeared again on the wall that had just been restored to its original state.

And from the circle, a guy who looked like a big-headed monster walked out.

He has two black pointed horns on his big head that is extremely disproportionate to his body. He wears a uniform similar to a guard and a green bow tie.

He is the captain of the Golden City's guard and one of Tezoro's cadres.

Mr. Tanaka, a Superman with the ability to wear fruit.

For some reason, there was no door to enter Tezolo's personal room.

If the guests want to find Tezolo, they can only be led by Mr. Tanaka.

He who eats the wearable fruit can travel through all inorganic matter.

At this moment, the big-headed monster saluted Tezolo slightly and said:

"Master Tezoro, we found a pirate ship."

"It should be the Merry of the Straw Hat Crew."

Hearing the Straw Hats, Spandam next to Tezolo showed an unclear expression, as if he was struggling with something.


When Tezuolo heard this, he also showed an interesting expression.

"What a coincidence, hahaha."

"Did we meet those guys who just defeated Doflamingo?"

Mr. Tanaka nodded and said, "Yes, Mr. Tezolo."

Then, he said cautiously: "Then, Mr. Tezolo, do we need to avoid it?"


Tezolo looked at Tanaka with subtle eyes:

"What nonsense are you talking about, Tanaka?"

"The deputy captain of the Straw Hats is the legendary man who owns all the wealth in the rainbow fog world."

"This is our most honored guest!"

After finishing speaking, Tezolo changed the subject and said with a smile: Q

"Also, here, there are many guys who are involved with the Straw Hats."

"If we avoid it, we will lose a lot of fun, hahaha."

"This is the greatest entertainment!"

"Let the Golden Field set off the fireworks, Tanaka."

"I'm going to have the biggest welcome ever for the Straw Hats."

"Let Bacala receive them in person."

Chapter 438 The Study of Bai Ye and Chopper, the Grand Ceremony of the Golden City

"Ah~ so boring!!"

At the bow of the lion ship of the Merry, Luffy lay on his stomach looking sick.

Even though it was night, he still tried his best to look forward, as if looking for signs of the island.

Another week has passed since the few of them left Rainbow Fog World.

If you count the days of special training before, for Luffy, he has not seen a new island for more than a month.

For him who loves adventure, this is definitely a rather torturous thing.

At this moment, a hand suddenly stretched out beside him, with a freshly baked skewer in it.

The tangy aroma made Lu Fei sit up suddenly, picked up the skewers and started to eat them.

While eating, he still turned his head and shouted: "Thank you, Robin! I want more!"

Robin, who was sitting on the recliner, smiled and replied, "You're welcome, Luffy."

Then, he used the fruit ability to hand Luffy a skewer of barbecued meat.

Nami next to Robin said helplessly, "You don't have to worry about that guy, Robin."