MTL - One Piece: Wudang Baiye, Deputy Captain of the Straw Hats-Chapter 351

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The two turned their heads to look at the same time, and then looked at each other again.

"Since we're done here, let's go and have a look."

After Sanji lit his cigarette and took a deep breath, he said, "However, I don't know what the **** those two guys are doing. It's not over yet."

After finishing speaking, Sanji used ladder clouds to rush in the direction where the voice came from.

And before he left, he deliberately teased Sauron: "Don't worry, I will wait for you."

Sauron was quite upset by these words, but there was nothing he could do about it.

After a cold snort, Zoro used moon steps to follow behind Sanji.

During the special training before the Dingshang War, Garp also simply told him

They taught the Sixth Form of the Navy.

This is not some unfathomable secret, it is nothing more than an advanced technique of using the body. m.

So Sauron also mastered the moon step quite easily.

But maybe because his heart is not here, Zoro can simply walk in the air, which is not at the same level as Sanji who has mastered Tiyun Zong.

It was also for this reason that the two of them had the scene just now.

At this time, a great battle was breaking out on the island where the two were going.

The two sides in the battle are Bai Ye, the deputy captain of the Straw Hats, and Luffy, the captain.

As mentioned earlier, there were only Bai Ye and three people in this Rainbow Fog trip at the beginning.

Luffy suddenly asked to join in the middle.

Of course, Luffy didn't want to join in the fun, but asked Bai Ye to give him special training so that he could complete the final breakthrough.

That is the breakthrough about the color of knowledge and knowledge, that is, predicting the future.

In the original book, Luffy followed Rayleigh to practice for about a year and a half, laying a solid foundation for the three-color domineering, but he didn't have time for advanced training.

Therefore, Rayleigh just informed Luffy of the high-level level of the three-color domineering.

As for the breakthrough of knowledge, it was not until Luffy faced Katakuri that he officially realized the future prediction.

Now, unlike the original book, Luffy already had a solid foundation long before he was taught, and after some special training from Rayleigh, he naturally reached the critical point.

In the Battle of Dressrosa, Luffy never used the fourth gear to fight, just to be able to break through himself in the battle.

Doflamingo is a fruit awakener who can assimilate surrounding objects and attack Luffy from all directions.

Luffy fought with him for so long, and he also intentionally honed his knowledge.

Ordinary knowledge is the ability to perceive the location of the enemy and the attack that is about to be launched with arrogance.

But this gap is very short, and when faced with hundreds of attacks launched at the same time, even if Knowledge Color captures them all, there is not enough time left for him to react.

When facing a stronger opponent, the attack you face will leave you less time to react.

In order to win later, Luffy must see a farther future.

It's a pity that even if Luffy deliberately suppressed his own strength, Doflamingo will give him

The pressure I brought was not enough.

So after learning about the special training plan of the three of Bai Ye, Luffy also decisively chose to join.

As for how Luffy asked Bai Ye to train him, it was also very simple.

Dodge 100 simultaneous attacks from different directions.

This is also the training method that Rayleigh told Luffy.

Of course, these 100 attacks are not just finding 100 people casually.

The attacker must have the same level or even higher strength than the special trainer.

At the same time, Luffy's knowledgeable and sensitive perception of emotion is extremely keen.

Rayleigh also suggested finding someone who can hide all his breath and emotions to help Luffy train.

Only in this way can Luffy break through himself more effectively.

But in fact, Raleigh was just talking at the beginning.

After all, the training conditions are too harsh.

It is not only harsh on the trainers, but also on the attackers.

Fortunately, Bai Ye perfectly met such conditions.

Especially Bai Ye after comprehending [Heaven and Geography].

All the conditions mentioned by Rayleigh can be easily achieved.

And the world of Rainbow Fog, which was stolen by Bai Ye, is also the best training place.

At this moment, Bai Ye and Luffy's special training has also entered the final stage.

Bai Ye stood in mid-air on the edge of the island, blending himself between the heaven and the earth, hiding all aura and emotional fluctuations.

He raised his right hand expressionlessly and stretched out his palm.

In the next second, a hundred light spots began to appear over the island.

The spot of light gradually grew larger and formed a portal.

Immediately afterwards, a hundred sharp stone thorns slowly appeared from the portal.

The stone thorns rotate slowly in the air, and constantly change directions, but the direction these stone thorns are facing has never changed.

A figure on the island.

Turn on Luffy in fourth gear.

Luffy was bouncing on the island, his eyes covered by a black cloth.

He tried his best to adjust his breathing, and his domineering aura burst out, covering all the hundred stone thorns.

He was waiting, waiting for the moment when the stone spurs suddenly attacked.


It may be a second, or it may be a year.

Bai Ye suddenly clenched his fist towards Luffy.

At the same time, the stone thorns in mid-air also turned rapidly at the same time, stabbing towards Luffy from all directions.

Chapter 435 The domineering and knowledgeable person who predicts the future has achieved

Bai Ye's stone thorn attack is not as easy as it seems on the surface.

While a hundred stone thorns are attacking, they must constantly change their direction and speed, and when forming a seemingly impenetrable spider web, they must also leave the only dodge route.

After all, the content of the special training is knowledgeable, not armed.

But even this only dodge route is not static.

The closer you get to Luffy, the shorter the time this route will appear.

In other words, the earlier the future Luffy sees, the better his chances of finding this dodge route.

So when Luffy launches the stone thorn attack, Luffy has already moved.

With a sudden force on his legs, he rushed towards the air.

When dodging an attack, most people will choose to dodge backwards, which has a speed difference and gives people more time to dodge.

And once he rushed forward, the time left for him to dodge would only decrease exponentially.

Luffy naturally knew this, but he started doing it.


Blindfolded Luffy muttered to himself.

The legs that have become jets also made a bang at this time, changing the direction of Luffy.

While he was dodging, a stone thorn whizzed past his chest.

This way of dodging, if it is not luck, or it has been calculated with incomparable precision.

After all, as long as you make a wrong calculation, you will be directly injured.

Luffy is naturally the latter. If he wants to avoid attacks like a net, he must optimize his dodge distance.


Luffy muttered to himself again, his legs jetted upwards and moved sideways, avoiding the three stone thorns that followed closely behind him.

And this is just the beginning.

But in just a few seconds, Luffy made hundreds of changes in the air.

At this time, he was only halfway away from breaking through the stone thorn encirclement net.

But it was also from this time that the difficulty escalated again. Qianqian

Naturally, it is impossible for the stone thorn controlled by Bai Ye to attack only once.

Those stone thorns that were flashed by Luffy will directly turn around and enter the ranks of encircling and suppressing Luffy again.

So when Luffy escaped the first round of stone thorns, the special training had just begun.

At this time, Zoro and Sanji also came near the island.

They looked at the scene of the island in mid-air, and they couldn't help showing surprise.

"Now I know, he

Why are they taking so long. "

Sanji lit another cigarette and spoke slowly.

Luffy kept climbing up, and a hundred stone thorns wrapped it tightly like a honeycomb.

"Can you predict the future? With my current domineering level, it's not enough."

Sauron muttered to himself, even he had to admit that if Luffy's current special training was replaced by himself, he might not even be able to survive the first round.

"This is the best result."

On the other side, Bai Ye, who merged into the sky and the earth, murmured to himself.

At this time, Luffy has reached the best height before, and what is needed for the success of the special training is the height at which Luffy breaks through the stone thorn for the first time to attack.

The distance between the two was not far away, but it took Luffy a week to break through.

At this moment, his movements also began to appear a little messy.

As mentioned earlier, the closer the attack is to the dodger, the less time he will have to react.

This is why Luffy failed before.


Just when Bai Ye thought that Luffy would fail again this time, he suddenly felt the change in Luffy.

And this change, Luffy himself felt the most intuitive.

Luffy trained in the rainbow fog for a month, and he could already see nearly twenty spiked attack lines in advance.

But this seems to have reached the limit of Luffy, no matter how hard he tries, he can't complete the breakthrough.

There are only twenty, and there is still a long way to go.

Although Luffy has greatly enhanced his neural reaction time through exercise, allowing him to avoid attacks faster.

But when the attack speed also increased, Luffy could only fall into passive again.

He doesn't understand what his problem is, so all he can do is keep challenging and trying.

In his opinion, as long as you do it, you will succeed.

This is actually the most stupid method. After all, in many cases, as long as you understand your own problems, the problems will be solved.

Luffy often chooses the stupidest method.