MTL - One Piece: Wudang Baiye, Deputy Captain of the Straw Hats-Chapter 348

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"I hate it, even if you praise me, I won't be happy, bastard."

Chopper responded coyly.

"Hahaha, are you finally happier, Chopper?"

Seeing Chopper's appearance, Nami also smiled and said, "Since Luo left, your interest seems to have been low. Is it because you are both ship doctors, so you feel sorry for each other?"

"That's not exactly the case." Chopper replied with his lips curled up, "The main reason is that we can only see Peibo again and hear Chopper's senior name again when we go to Zowu."


Nami didn't expect that Chopper had established such a deep friendship with the white bear on the Luo boat.

She could only hold Chopper in her arms and read the newly published newspaper together.


It's Luffy's new reward order. "

Looking at it, Nami also found the reward order in the newspaper.

The Dressrosa incident ended too quickly, and the Straw Hats did not dispatch all members.

So this time, the World Government only changed the rewards for a few members of the Straw Hats.

First up is Brooke.

Back then in Marin Vanduo, Brooke only showed his advanced armed arrogance and swordsmanship skills.

And in Dressrosa, Brook also showed the world government the ability of the fruit of the underworld for the first time.

This also increased his bounty from 440 million Baileys to 495 million.

As for why it has only risen so much, it may also be because the opponent he faces is too weak.

Same with Brook, Zoro and Sanji.

Although they also showed stronger strength in the battle, because their opponents were too weak, their bounties were only increased by 50 million Baileys each.

Sanji: 940 million Baileys.

Zoro: 960 million Baileys.

This also led to a difference of only 20 million in the bounties offered by the two.

Then came Bai Ye, when he was facing the same opponent.

From being able to suppress at the beginning, to now defeating him simply and neatly, it can be said that he has made rapid progress.

Naturally, the bounty is also rising.

From 1.666 billion to 1.9 billion.

Marco's bounty is the same as that of Whitebeard's first team leader.

As for Luffy, to be honest, he and Zoro Sanji are in a similar situation.

The opponent he faced was much weaker than that of Marin Fanduo.

Even if the Doflamingo fruit is awakened, this fact cannot be changed.

But the World Government obviously intends to intensify the conflict between the Straw Hats and the New World Emperor, so the increase in his bounty is even more astonishing.

Directly from 1.8 billion to 2.1 billion!

If it weren't for Blackbeard Titch's previous participation in the New World Emperor-level war, he would have offered a bounty of 3.5 billion.

The title of Five Emperors on his head is really not easy to be recognized by others.

At the end of the newspaper, the Straw Hats were also evaluated.

[Being able to destroy the rule of the underground emperor so easily means that the Straw Hats, who have just entered the new world, are already halfway on their way to the throne of the emperor.

It's just that there are enough emperors in the new world now, and the Straw Hats want to become a public leader.

The recognized emperor is bound to pull down the former emperor. 】

And while Nami and Chopper were reading the newspaper.

In the observation room behind him, Robin's voice suddenly came out.

"Jinbei, there are several medium-sized sea kings fighting in front of us. The situation is not good. Let's go around."

In the sea area in front of the Merry, there were several sea kings with zebra heads and fish bodies fighting each other.

Because of their huge size, the sea surface near them has been stirred into several eddies, and there will be huge waves from time to time.

At this moment, there was a huge wave rushing towards the Merry.

"Oh! Leave it to the old man."

Jinbei's voice came from the pilot room. At this moment, he pressed a button on the console with his right hand.

Two rows of a total of 20 small propellers protruded from the hull of the Meli, and they began to spin rapidly.

Then, Jinbe shouted: "The old man must avoid the waves, everyone be careful."

After the words fell, Jinbei grabbed the rudder and turned it hard to the left.

The propellers also adjusted rapidly following Jinbei's movements, and then, as if drunk, the Merry turned sharply to the left.

Just like surfing, the Meili rushed out one second before the huge wave was photographed.

Then, the Merry began to advance at high speed.

Facing the vortex and huge waves created by several sea kings, he flicked and moved, and sailed wildly.

"Hahaha, the old man suddenly became hot!"

Perhaps it was too exciting, and Jinbei who was at the helm also laughed, as if he had found a little bit of unrestrained youth.

Relying on the murloc's sensitivity to seawater and the superior performance of the Merry, Jinbe also felt the joy of sailing.

"Aww!! The Merry is the best pirate ship in this sea, it can break through no matter what kind of sea area it is in!!"


On the deck, Franky posed with his classic poss and laughed arrogantly.

"Yohohoho, in such a scene, let me play a song for everyone!!"

one, two, there, ready~~~go! !

Brook put his feet on the Merry to stabilize his figure, and played a violent movement while shaking. Qianqian

In this way, after experiencing the thrills, the Merry finally left the sea area where the Neptunes fought.

Chapter 431 Rainbow fog world, the choice of the power of evil spirits

But before everyone calmed down, Robin's voice sounded again:

"Oh, it looks like someone is interested in us."

"Attention everyone, there are two Neptunes rushing towards us."

Perhaps it was because the Merry's swift and swift movements were too graceful, and two sea kings also attracted attention.

At this moment, it was rushing towards the Merry.

"Let the old man handle it."

Jinbe walked out of the captain's room and said, "I haven't participated in a battle for a long time since I got on the ship."

Looking at the two sea kings, Jinbe showed his white teeth: "These guys are just warming up."

Then, Jinbe turned his head and said, "Merry, send me there a little bit, the old man doesn't want these two guys to touch the Merry."

"No problem, Jinbe."

Melly's voice also followed. He came to Jingping and stretched out his hands to push it lightly.

An air door large enough to allow Jinbei to pass through opened accordingly.

"Thanks, Merry."

After Jinbe finished speaking, he used his legs hard and rushed directly into the air door.

In the next second, Jinbe appeared in front of one of the sea kings.

At this moment, the Neptunes are opening their mouths wide open.

At this time, Jinbe also threw a punch brazenly, hitting the sea king's jaw hard.

[Murloc Karate · Mystery · Guiwazheng Fist! ! 】

The domineering right fist covered with armed color immediately burst out with great power.

The sea kings who were hit by the sudden attack also wailed at this moment.

His upper teeth were all broken at this moment, and his whole head fell backward.

With a bang, he hit the surface of the sea.

At this time, another Neptune just reacted.

Seeing that the same kind was knocked down, he didn't have time to chase the previous boat. He stopped in place and looked around, as if to find the figure of the attacker.

But what he didn't know was that not far below him, Jinbe had already put on a stance.

As the murlocs, the sea is their main battlefield.

Here, Jinbe can exert even more powerful power.

[Murloc Jiu-Jitsu·Shuixin·Sea Flow Over Shoulder Throw! ! 】

Jinbe made an over-the-shoulder posture in the sea, staring at the sea kings on the sea, and suddenly exerted strength.

A huge ocean current was caught by Jinbe, and he threw it fiercely towards the target.

Boom! !


With a loud noise, the current rushed out of the sea, with great power, and hit the head of the sea king steadily.

As the king of the sea, he was stunned by the sea just like that.

By the time Jinbei was taken back to the Meili by Meili, the sea had returned to calm again.

"Jinbe is amazing!"

Meili looked at Jinbei with bright eyes, and even imitated Jinbe's appearance when he punched.

"Hahaha, if it's just such an opponent, I'm still very confident." Q

"Also, after taking the marrow washing pill, the old man feels that his strength has become stronger."

It stands to reason that at Jinbei's age, his strength has almost reached the peak level.

Basically, it is impossible to have the conditions for rapid growth like Luffy and the others.

But what Jinbe didn't expect was that the marrow washing pill that Bai Ye took out seemed to activate the hidden power in his body.

Over the past few days, Jinbe has also rediscovered the feeling of becoming stronger all the time.

"Hahaha, that's right."

Usopp answered at this time: "I think when Luffy took the marrow washing pill, he was steaming all over his body, and he was ready to plunge into the water."

Jinbei's words also reminded Usopp of the original fun.

At that time, there were only six of them, and the enemy they faced was Aaron who was entrenched in the East China Sea.

"Yo **** ho **** ho, Bai Ye's pill is indeed very miraculous."

Brook also interjected at this time: "After taking the elixir he gave me, I feel that my brain is clearer. Although I am a skeleton, I don't have a brain, yo **** ho **** ho~"

In fact, after every new crew member boards the ship, they will almost always get the marrow washing pill refined by Bai Ye.

This is not a precious medicine, so Bai Ye regarded it as a boarding gift.

Only because of the special circumstances of Brooke, he got the other elixirs refined by Bai Ye.

All in all, everyone on the Meili has gained a lot because of White Night.

"Speaking of Bai Ye, they have been away for too long this time."