MTL - One Piece: Wudang Baiye, Deputy Captain of the Straw Hats-Chapter 330

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Talking with a smile, he stood up suddenly, and saw a nervous expression on his face for the first time: "This old man sneaked out this time. After so long delay, the subordinates must have discovered that the old man is gone."

"If Brother Sabo knows, this old man will have no money to drink or go to the casino."

After speaking, he smiled and said goodbye to Luffy and the others neatly, then turned and left.

Just left a sentence at the end: "The Straw Hats are allies of the Liaoyuan Army. If you have anything, you can contact me at any time."

And seeing Yixiao's move so neatly that he didn't look like a blind person, everyone was stunned for a while.

"Isn't that guy also the commander of the Liaoyuan Army like Sabo? How could he be so afraid of the existence of his own level." Usopp couldn't help complaining.

"Hahaha, what an interesting uncle." The performance of Yixiao obviously appeals to Luffy.

After all, as the captain, the economic power is also in the hands of the deputy captain Bai Ye and the navigator Nami, somehow, he really has a little empathy for Yixiao.

"How strict are the Liaoyuan Army's military regulations? They even dare to deduct the commander's salary..."

Bai Ye was also a little surprised, although the word Liaoyuan came from him, but

Bai Ye was completely unaware of the establishment of the Liaoyuan Army and its internal situation.

However, judging from Yixiao's performance just now, the Liaoyuan Army's military regulations and discipline are quite decent.

Of course, Bai Ye couldn't help but complained to Yixiao: "I'm talking about calling him for something, but leaving a phone number..."

Soon, after the food on the table was swept away for the tenth time, Luffy finally expressed that he was full.

Then Luffy's bulging stomach returned to its original state after a few seconds of deep breathing.

Everyone also chose to continue playing.

After a while, a black line appeared on Sauron's head, and he couldn't help but shouted to Jinweimen behind him: "Don't you guys want to restore the country? Why are you still following us? Luffy has already said that, we It won't help you."

"Also, it is absolutely impossible to take Qiushui away."

And Sauron's sudden roar also startled Kinemon, who had been staring at Sauron since just now. m.

He hurriedly bowed: "Although I don't understand why you are unwilling to save Wano Country, I firmly believe that you are the ones whom Lord Oda predicted, so I want to follow you for a while."

"I want to understand where I went wrong."

Kin'emon's tone was full of pleas, and he really thought so.

Although he can go directly to Zou to find helpers, he also knows that if there is no one predicted by Mitakou, even if he seeks the help of the fur clan, Wano country cannot be saved.

That's why he wanted to stay with the Straw Hats and observe the behavior of these people more carefully, hoping to find his mistakes.

Hearing Kin'emon's words, Zoro's tone also slowed down a bit.

But at this moment, Kin'emon suddenly straightened up, and said righteously:

"As for Qiushui, it is the national treasure of Wano Country."

"I believe that you are not the one who stole the national treasure before, but I also have the responsibility to return the national treasure to Wano."

Kin'emon looked at Zoro with a look of resignation: "One day, I will challenge you to a duel to regain Wano's national treasure."


Feeling the aura of Kin'emon, Zoro also showed appreciation.

He drew out his autumn water and pointed at Kin'emon from afar:

"This knife carries the dreams of two people, and it is no longer the national treasure of your Wano country."

"If you want to take it away, just try it."

Sauron grinned: "If you are hacked to death by me, don't regret it."

Chapter 405 The three-day appointment has arrived, and Sauron responds domineeringly

For the Straw Hats, three days is nothing, especially on a passionate island like Dressrosa.

It is worth mentioning that during these three days, the Straw Hats also met some interesting people.

The first is Violet who decided to defect after seeing the Straw Hats.

What's interesting is that when Violet was wearing a cloak to stop everyone in the Straw Hats, Sanji was still smoking a cigarette and said very vigilantly: "On this island, most people are our enemies."

And when Violet lifted the cloak, revealing her proud figure.

Sanji immediately sprayed out nosebleeds, and said righteously: "Such a beauty must need our help for something!!"

This naturally drew Sauron's ridicule.

The story about Violet is not difficult for everyone in the Straw Hats to understand, and it can even be said to be quite familiar.

Before the Don Quixote family came to the Holy Land, they were the royal family on Dressrosa.

They lived a life of luxury by enslaving a clan of villains.

But after the Don Quixote family went to the Holy Land and the Riku family became the Dressrosa royal family, the situation changed.

At that time, King Liku apologized to the little people and spread the legend about the "fairy", so that the island residents would no longer disturb the little people.

But it is precisely because of the liberation of the villain that Dressrosa is no longer rich, and even poor.

After that, Doflamingo became Shichibu Haideng Island, destroying Dressrosa's defense force with only three cadres.

Then he used tricks to frame King Liku and stole the king's authority.

And Violet is the daughter of King Liku and the princess of the royal family.

In order to save his father's life, he had to join the Don Quixote family.


"The Qibukai who stole the kingdom, the princess of the kingdom who was forced to surrender, I don't know why, this story sounds familiar." Usopp frowned and thought.

Not only Usopp, Sanji and Zoro also quickly figured out what was wrong.

As for Bai Ye, he also slandered in his heart. This is simply a replica of the Alabasta incident. The first major event when everyone entered the great route was the robbery of Alabasta.

Now entering the new world, the first major event is actually stealing the country.

Kan Oda

He's just a symmetry maniac.

And after hearing this deja vu story, Luffy stared at Violet for a while.

After looking at the other party with a little hair, he showed a look of sudden realization.

He tapped his palms and said happily: "So it's Weiwei, it's been so long since you've seen each other, you've changed a lot, hahaha."

Usopp: ...

Sanji, Zoro: ...

white night:...

"It's not alone at all, you idiot, and, what on earth do you rely on to remember others!" Usopp complained directly in the shape of fangs.

All in all, Violet's intelligence is still helpful to the Straw Hats. At least everyone knows the strength of the Don Quixote family. Not much less.

However, knowing the opponent's situation, the Straw Hats were more at ease. After all, after carefully measuring their own strength, there is no need to worry about the outcome of this battle.

Even if Doflamingo has any backhands, they are all within the tolerance of the Straw Hats.

After all, not everyone is like Bai Ye, who can use a pill to explode with strength far beyond the opponent's imagination.

In addition to Violet, there is another "person" who took the initiative to approach the Straw Hats.

A toy soldier missing a leg.

He was originally a legend in the Dressrosa Arena, an undefeated powerhouse in three thousand games.

He is the captain of King Riku's army and the husband of Scarlet, another daughter of King Riku.

And from his mouth, everyone in the Straw Hats also learned the dark side buried in Dressrosa's laughter.

All those who opposed the Don Quixote family were turned into toys.

And Dressrosa, who lost her voice of opposition, naturally became [The Country of Love, Passion and Toys]. ω

When the appointed time came, Luffy and others also stood in front of the arena surrounded by a huge stone wall.

After the members of the Straw Hats landed on the island, the most iconic building on the island, countless people entered to watch the fighting every day, and the outer area was surrounded by high stone walls.

Every day, there will be a huge roar, which arouses the curiosity of others.

"Are you going to cut this thing?"

Zoro tilted his head to look at Luffy ahead, asking for his opinion.

Before Lu Fei could speak, the stone wall in front of him suddenly moved.

A huge face emerged and looked at the people in front of it.

The sudden change did not make everyone panic. They also guessed that this should be one of Doflamingo's top cadres, Pica.

one second,

two seconds,

three seconds,

The face on the stone wall disappeared, and after a rumbling sound, the stone wall opened a door.

"Let's go, everyone."

Luffy didn't talk nonsense, he spoke directly and walked in first.

The arena, which used to be shaped like a round arch, has long since disappeared, replaced by a huge open battlefield.

Although they are all composed of stones, they give people the feeling that there is already a little sense of oppression that Marin Fando had at the beginning, which shows that Diamanti and Pica have put a lot of effort into it.

Around this battlefield, there are no longer auditoriums, only the tall stone pillars opposite Luffy and the others.

And on the tallest stone pillar, which symbolizes the king's throne, Doflamingo is wearing his classic costume and sitting on it with one foot.

Beside him, there are four stone pillars with one end lowered, and there are also four seats on them, but only three of them have people on them.

These three people are naturally the three top cadres of Pica, Torrebol and Diamanti.

There are several stone pillars guarding the four people, each with a figure standing on it. There is no doubt that these people are also the cadres of the Don Quixote family.

"Fufurfurfur! You really kept the agreement, the Straw Hat Boys, and Luo."

Doflamingo sat on the throne and laughed arrogantly.

"However, you only came here with these people, so you are too confident! Furofurfur!" ω

"Don't be careless, you will be killed by us, furofurafur!"

He looked at Luffy with a wicked smile.

He had been preparing for this battle for a long time, but now it seemed that the other party didn't even dispatch all their strength, which really made Doflamingo feel angry.

Even if you can beat me to death, you can't insult me ​​like that! !

"Hey!" Zoro took a step forward, and pointed at Doflamingo with a word of He Dao: "Your laughter is very annoying."

Chapter 406 Double Bird Cage, Luffy Throws a Punch

He slowly tied a turban on his head, and said domineeringly: "[Accidentally?], this kind of thing will only happen to opponents of similar strength, as for you—"

"Not enough for us to have that concern."

It can be said that Zoro doesn't give Doflamingo any face at all.

Not only that, Sauron's He Daoyi words were suddenly covered with a layer of armed arrogance, and ghost aura was even more entwined.

Just when Doflamingo came to his senses, Sauron swung a sharp slash towards the stone pillar under them.

It seems to split hell!

[One knife style, ghost spirit, ghost! 】

At the same time, Sauron's voice sounded again.