MTL - Once We Come Across Love (Embrace Love)-Chapter 73

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Chapter Seventy-Three

Soon, the six-week apprenticeship came to a successful conclusion. Xiaotu and their entire group performed very well. The hospital not only confirmed their apprenticeship results, but also invited them for an internship. Welcome them to the internship in the next semester. , Continue to study at Saint Lang.

This is a historical rule of Saint Lang. If this student's apprenticeship performance is not good, the hospital has the right to reject their one-year internship, but from the current situation, the prospects are bright.

After the apprenticeship, there is a holiday of about one month for students to relax, and then the formal internship will begin. At the same time that Xiao Tu could finally leave the hospital temporarily and take a good rest for a month, Ling Chao also graduated smoothly and was about to enter the society.

In fact, after the senior year, many students traveled around, both internships and jobs, and it is not much different from entering the society, not to mention Ling Chao has already worked in "Junyu" early, and now he has graduated, just move The on-boarding formalities can go to work, without the so-called adaptation period.

However, graduation is an inevitable process after all. Everyone came from all corners of the world and got together to study and live for four years. Now four years have come. When the banquet finally came to an end, those happy and unhappy experiences became With memories, many people may never meet again in this life, so a dinner party becomes an essential process.

Xiao Tu, as a family member, was also fortunate to have attended Ling Chao ’s graduation dinner. In addition to the four people in Ling Chao ’s bedroom at the same table, there were several classmates she did n’t know, but everyone ’s feelings seemed very good. We were toasting each other during the dinner.

As the only family-level figure in the group of male animals, Xiao Rabbit naturally attracted widespread attention.

In addition to everyone at their table yelling and admiring their teachers and teachers, there were classmates who were toasting at the next table. When she saw a beautiful lady sitting next to Ling Chao, another look seemed to be an internet celebrity, and she was immediately excited. .

"Come and come, I admire a cup!"

"It's beer! Isn't it a little bit red in these days?"

"It's too small to drink, it's okay, it's full ..."

"Well, isn't this a family member? Give a glass of wine, a glass of wine!"

In fact, Xiao Rabbit didn't have to drink so much by himself, but Ling Chao came by driving today, so he couldn't let him drink and drive. For the sake of Ling Chao and her own life, Xiao Tu dared to drink one cup after another. After so many times, she was finally drunk without shame.

To be honest, for so many years, Ling Chao has never seen Xiao Rabbit drunk completely, so that when she noticed that Xiao Rabbit started to blur her eyes, she was nervous when she talked. But soon, he found that Xiao Rabbit was different after he was drunk.

Others are drunk, or they are drunk, or they sit silently to the side, or some people are drunk and cannot be seen on the surface, just like nothing. But Xiao Rabbit is different. As soon as she gets drunk, she starts sticking to Ling Chao, just like fast gum, she can't get rid of it.

Of course, how could Grandpa Ling be willing to dump his wife? He was happy that he was too late, so after a dinner, everyone had a better understanding of the feelings of Ling Chao and Xiao Tu.

Classmate Jia was distressed: "Hey! There is another good man in this world!"

Classmate B took heart with both eyes: "Happy young couple, I see that I want to fall in love ..."

Classmate B frowns: "No, right? I ’m going to drink and drink again? My wallet!"

Classmate Ding fisted in both hands: "Damn! This is clearly to stimulate people! I can't stand it anymore, and my brother is going to find a woman!"

So much discussion continued until the end of the dinner.

After the dinner, some people proposed to go to the bar overnight. Ling Chao looked down at Xiao Rabbit, who was sticking to his eyes, and was helpless: "I still won't go ..."

"Master, you are too shameless, aren't you?"

"Yes, this is a graduation party!"

"What do you know? Master is now pregnant, why would you go out with some of our grandfathers? If it does, I think he has a problem!"

"Yeah yeah ... hehehehe ..."

There was a thief laughing around, and Xiao Tu hugged Ling Chao's waist and froze in his chest with no reaction at all.

After waiting for those classmates to disperse, Ling Chao helped Xiao Tu to go home. Because Xiao Tu insisted on blocking himself, he didn't drink much alcohol, and his brain was sober, but it was because he was so awake. Can't stand Xiao Tu's body that was desperately sticking to himself, and couldn't help but want to stop and kiss her severely several times, but fortunately, he finally restrained.

When the two arrived in the car and the door closed, someone could finally do whatever they wanted.

As a result, the drowsy Xiao Rabbit felt that his lips were being desperately stung, and then his whole body became weaker and weaker, his breathing was not smooth, and his chest was nauseous.

She tilted her head and finally spit out Grandpa Ling.

After vomiting, she was finally awake, and opened her eyes to see the horror scene. Ling Chao looked at herself with a black face and collapsed, her body was covered with the filth she just spit out, and she was exuding bursts of odor.

Although she was a little awake, her head was still in a state of stagnation, her eyes blinked for a long time, and she asked weakly, "What happened to you?"

Ling Chao pumped a corner of his mouth and began to undress.

Seeing his slender fingers unbuttoning the shirt buttons one by one, revealing the thin chest inside, Xiao Rabbit swallowed, and suddenly felt blood surged, and there was a urge to nosebleed.

If it is usually awake, Xiao Rabbit should have faced red ears and shyness.

But today, she was drunk, half awake and half awake, and her consciousness could not control her body. She learned how Ling Chao looked and reached out to unbutton her buttons.

One or two, when the third one was solved, Ling Chao was holding his hand.

"You're drunk." His voice was low and muffled, as if suppressing something.

Xiao Tu froze, staring straight at his eyes, blinking like obsidian, with infinite affection, at that moment time seemed to return to the past, she saw in them his past Time.

She seemed to see that the grassy river bank, the golden sunset hit their little hands, the river water reflected their immature smiles. She seemed to see that that night, on a road full of lights, he took himself home by bicycle, and the open school uniform was blown by the spring breeze and hit her face with a good smell of sweat. She seemed to see that that year, on the embankment of Jinghu Lake, he leaned over and pressed her lips, and at that moment it seemed that even the clouds in the sky were still for them. She seemed to see that in that alley, he blocked himself, Yin Hong's blood ran down the shirt, but he smiled and said to him, "I'm willing ..."

Every scene flashed in her mind like a movie film. When those pictures finally stopped, she looked back and stared at his dark eyes.

"Ling Chao, would you marry me?" She asked.

He shook her hand and trembled gently, and then she heard the extremely firm answer: "Yes, I do."

She smiled, put her hand around his neck, and pressed her lips.

Ling Chao stunned and quickly responded to her. They kissed, and they were fierce and lingering every time.

The lights in the compartment were dimmed and the seat back was slowly lowered.

Her body was shaking gently. This was an outbreak of tolerance. It had been practiced countless times in each other's minds. Now she finally poured out the long-standing backlog of emotions. Since then, he and she Can no longer be separated.

"Tutu, I love you," he gasped suddenly, and said gently in his ear.

She gritted her teeth and nodded slightly.

Then love broke into cocoons.

At that moment, she felt pain, it was painful, but she was happy, and the end of the pain was a white light, leading them to an unknown future.

Maybe it won't be so smooth, or maybe it will be as plain as water, but he has his hand clenched around him, and even if he falls, he is supported by someone, even in pain, accompanied by his gentle smile.

She thinks that's enough. 2k novel reading network

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