MTL - Once We Come Across Love (Embrace Love)-Chapter 4

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Chapter 4 (this chapter is free)

For the false rumors that insulted her "innocence", Xiao Tu was very angry, wondering how to avenge Ling Chao for a day, but unfortunately, she had not figured it out after school.

Xiao Tu was so mad that he didn't go to Ling Chao on his way home and ran to his home in a hurry.

I ran to the gate of the yard, only to find that I had forgotten my key when I went out in the morning and couldn't get in.

Xiao Tu hovered in front of the yard for a while, wondering whether to climb the wall or not, but saw that Ling Chao had slowly followed him slowly.

"Hello, did you bring the key?" She asked politely.

Ling Chao touched his pocket and shook his head.

Xiao Tu was angry, and now he was even more angry. He rolled up his sleeves and prepared to climb the wall. Suddenly, she settled and turned her head to look at Ling Chao with a deep meaning.

At that time, Ling Chao was leaning against a tree, preparing to wait for the adult to come back to open the door. When he noticed the conspiracy light of Xiao Tutu, he asked vigilantly, "What do you want?"

Xiao Tu pointed at the wall and said to him, "Climb in and help me open the door."

Ling Chao looked at the wall that was high for both of them and flatly refused: "I won't climb."

Xiao Tu said, "If I don't go in, Xiao Lu will starve to death." Xiao Lu is the green fur turtle she raised.

"It's a turtle and won't starve to death."

"No! I'm going to feed it!" Xiao Rabbit just played Lai Pi.

Ling Chao frowned: "Why don't you climb yourself?"

"Because I'm a girl ..." When Xiao Tu said these words, she was soft, like a girl.

Ling Chao ripped the corner of his mouth, and seemed to want to say something but didn't say anything. After a while, he put down his schoolbag and walked towards Xiao Tu.

"You go up, I'm underneath." Xiao Tu said, squatting down.

Ling Chao hesitated, and finally stepped on her shoulder.

"Don't mess around." He turned over the wall for the first time, a little nervous, his voice guilty.

Xiao Tu promised, but his body shook inadvertently.

"Don't move!" Ling Chao shouted.

"I see, you climb fast!" Xiao Tu urged.

Ling Chao snorted, gritted his teeth, and the hand climbing the wall tried to support his body.

Suddenly, the people at his feet shook unexpectedly.


He screamed, and his body could no longer keep his balance.

After a muffled sound, they both fell to the ground. The difference is that Xiao Rabbit is sitting on the ground, the expression on his face is full of pleasure after revenge. Ling Chao was lying on the ground, holding his ankles tightly with both hands, and the expression on his face was painful.

Yes, he fell on his leg.

Later, the adults returned and immediately sent Ling Chao to a nearby hospital. After the X-ray film came out, the doctor announced that Ling Chao had a slight bone fracture in his left ankle and had to be cast for half a month.

At this moment, Xiao Rabbit knew that he was in trouble and wanted to please him with a guilty conscience, but Ling Chao gave a vicious glance.

It's inevitable that Ling Chao will get angry. Next week, he will go to the city to participate in an important Mathematical Olympiad. Now that he has played a plaster cast, can he ask the test paper to fly to him?

However, Ling was so angry that when Ling Ma asked him how he was injured, he still did not confess Xiao Rabbit. This open-minded behavior immediately set off the narrowness of Xiao Rabbit's heart. For a moment, she acted for her naive revenge. Feeling complacent.

After returning home, in order to compensate Ling Chao, Xiao Tu volunteered to send Ling Chao to and from school every day.

The adults are very happy. They all say that Xiao Rabbit has grown up and is sensible and will take care of his younger brother. In fact, only Xiao Tu knew in her heart that she was atonement.

Xiao Tu helped Ling Chao to and from school every day, and it spread on the gossip network at school. Everyone was more convinced that Xiao Tu was Ling Chao ’s girlfriend. Those few little girls who were interested in Ling Chao I dare not make excuses to ask him math problems, so Ling Chao's ears are much clearer.

Later, the city's Olympiad was held. Because the road was too far away, Ling Chao was unable to achieve it with plaster. Xiao Tu was unhappy, thinking about it, and finally decided to send his most precious little green to please Ling Chao.

Ling Chao held the fish tank with the green hair turtle, and there was a look of disgust in his eyes. He hated reptiles, especially this kind of green hair and wet things.

But seeing Xiao Tian's expectant look, he finally accepted Xiaolu.

"Say it first, I'm not responsible for raising the dead."

"Okay ..." Xiao Tu looked at the little tortoise, and he couldn't bear it. He added, "You're so smart, you can't survive?"

Ling Chao hooked his mouth and didn't speak.

Later, the little tortoise was indeed not raised, and he stayed peacefully until Xiao Rabbit got married. Of course, these are the last words.

The school where they were studying, Xiao Tu, the elementary school and junior high school were together. After Ling Chao was successfully promoted to junior high school, Xiao Tu was finally a sixth grade student.

In sixth grade, many things are changing unknowingly, including the body of the girls. The first menstrual period of Xiao Rabbit happened one afternoon in the first half of the sixth grade.

At that time, the school had already taken a few sanitation classes, and Xiao Rabbit knew how much happened to her body, but she was still at a loss as she sat in a position and was afraid to stand up.

Later, after school, everyone cleaned away after cleaning and Xiao Tu still didn't dare to stand up until Ling Chao came to her in the classroom.

"Why are you still sitting?" Ling Chao put her bag on the table and planned to leave.

"Wait a minute!" Xiao Tu shouted, her frown revealing her embarrassment.

What Ling Chao noticed, came over: "What's wrong with you? Uncomfortable?"

Xiao Rabbit bit his lip and creaked ignorantly how to tell him: "I ... my ... come ..."

Ling Chao froze for a moment, then came to understand. He walked over, put down their schoolbags, took off his school uniform and handed it to her.


Xiao Tu sat there, anxious eyes staring at the school uniform handed over, stunned not to reach out his hand.

"Do you want to stay in the classroom until tomorrow?"

She gritted her teeth and finally took over Ling Chao's uniform.

Xiao Rabbit tied the uniform to her waist, covering her wet pants, and Ling Chao was wearing short sleeves, holding two school bags, and accompanying her home.

When I got home, there was a car parked in front of the yard, which was very high-level at first glance. Many neighbours stood at the gate of the yard, stretched out to look in, and talked quietly while watching.

When Ling Chao and Xiao Tu passed, those who had good things secretly said to Ling Chao, "Your dad is back."

Yes, that day was a relative's day for Xiao Tu and Ling Chao. The difference was that Xiao Tu came from the aunt, and Ling Chao came from his father who had disappeared for six years and finally appeared again. .

When Ling Chao entered the courtyard, he was silent all the time, and his face was not very good.

He didn't go home directly, but sent Xiao Rabbit to the house and told her to take a rest before returning home with a schoolbag.

Looking at the back of Ling Chao leaving, Xiao Tu suddenly felt a little worried.

She knew that Ling Chao did not like to raise his dad in front of others. In the fourth grade, he had a conflict with the bad boy in the class because of the homework. Then the bad boy later pulled a group of people to stop him at the school gate, pointing His nose scolded him as a wild seed without a father.

That was the only time Ling Chao had a fight with someone. Later, if Xiao Tu ran to call the guard, Ling Chao might have left more than just a faint scar on his forehead.

This incident later caused Ling Chao to be severely beaten by her mother. But since then, no one in the school dare to call his dad on Ling Chao's premise, and no teacher said his style anymore, because everyone found that this kitten was more powerful than a tiger.

The return of Lao Ling suddenly made the courtyard's originally calm atmosphere tense.

That night, Xiao Tu ’s parents stayed at Ling Chao ’s house very late. Xiao Tu was ordered to stay at home and not allowed to go out. She could only put her ears on the wall pitifully and listen to the movement next door.

There was no crying, no quarrel, only intermittent sound, and she couldn't hear clearly across a wall.

Later, her parents came back with the dignity on her face.

Later, Lao Ling moved back to live. His high-end car didn't come together. It is said that he parked in the newly built high-end parking lot in the town.

Many years after that, Xiao Tu remembered it once and asked her mother what happened that night.

Her mother said nothing, but said lightly, "In fact, you **** mother, is the smartest woman I have ever met."

Indeed, smart women know how to use a forgiving heart to pretend all the love of a man. 2k novel reading network

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