MTL - On Our Wedding Night, His Highness Can’t Continue His Acting After Reading My Mind!-Chapter 5 005: This **** evil fate!

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  Chapter 5 005: This **** evil fate!

  Mu Nanfeng stared at Nangong Mo's face, shook his head very seriously, and sighed faintly, "It's a pity, it's a pity!"

  Feng Xuan glanced at his master quickly, and asked nervously:

   "It's hopeless? Can't it? Dr. Mu, did you make a mistake?"

  Mu Nanfeng killed him with a cool glance.

   "You can question my integrity, but you cannot question my medical skills."

  Feng Xuan: "..." The key point is that you have no integrity!

   Nangong Mohan narrowed his eyes slightly, "Mu Nanfeng, if you want to die, just say so."

  Mu Nanfeng touched his nose with his hand and laughed dryly.

   "Oh! I was actually seen through by you! This **** tacit understanding. You said that if you were a woman... hey, don't look at me like this, I said yes, she is too weak and lethargic, nothing serious."

   "That's all?"

   Stared at by Nangong Mo's cool eyes, Mu Nanfeng is very aware of current affairs.

   "Yes, yes! There is no sign of poisoning, no old illnesses and serious illnesses, just weak qi and blood, some cold symptoms, just eat well, drink well, sleep well and take care of yourself!"

  Feng Xuan: "???"

   It was just pretending before? !

  This Mr. Mu is really not serious! Fortunately, his master is wise! Smart eyes recognize traitors!

   "I'll prescribe a prescription later, grab some medicine and adjust it. I guarantee that she will be alive and kicking within three months, and all problems will be gone."

  Nangong Mo then looked away and looked at Yunran who was sleeping, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

  Mu Nanfeng bent his body, and moved his head closer, with a gossipy face.

   "By the way, if you care about her so much, it's because you've taken a fancy to her, right?"

  Nangong Mo mercilessly slapped his handsome face away.

  Looking like a ghost, Mu Nanfeng switched sides and continued to put his head up.

   "Although she is indeed very good-looking, you, an old iron tree with ten thousand years of icebergs, have always been puzzled by the style. What's wrong? You suddenly opened up the second line of Ren and Du?"

  Nangong Mo glanced at him, his thin lips moved slightly, and said a word coldly.


  A rare serious look appeared on Mu Nanfeng's cynical face.

   "It's a good thing that you rarely care about a girl, but she is Lin Qianqiu's daughter."

   "That old fox appears to be pious on the surface, but he has been secretly colluding with the prince for a long time."

   "That wave of killers tonight belongs to the prince again, right?"

  Nangong Mo's eyes narrowed slightly, and his expression was indifferent, "I'm just curious about her real purpose of marrying into the palace. That's all."

  Yingwei said that she was thrown into the bridal sedan chair after being given soft tendon powder and knocked out.

   It can be her character and ability, if she doesn't want to, who can force her?

  Mu Nanfeng looked at him for a moment, shrugged, and spoke solemnly.

   "What else is the purpose? Beauty tricks to confuse you!"

   "Fascinated you to the point of fascination, seduce you to your wits, and then wait for the opportunity to scout for information, steal secrets, steal things, and secretly harm you to kill you."

  Nangong Mo glanced at him coldly, and Mu Nanfeng immediately turned his head to pretend to look at the scenery.

   "I heard that she used her body as a shield for you?"

   "Although it is not ruled out that she was deceived by your beauty, maybe this is a trick of the beauty?"

   "Let me ask, which man can refuse a beautiful woman who is as beautiful as a flower and jade, who is desperate to defend himself from arrows!"

   "If you really can't refuse, then just follow her. With your beauty and black heart, it's not impossible to fight back. Who said that men can't use beauties..."

  Before he finished speaking, Mu Nanfeng flew away three feet away in an instant, with an exaggerated expression of the rest of his life after a catastrophe.

   "Hey, don't look at me like that, I'm scared."

"You are dismissed."

   "Isn't it? Throw away after use? Ruthless!"

   "Then go to hell."


  Mu Nanfeng shook his head with his hands on his forehead, and sighed, "Although you are ruthless, I am righteous. Come, let me see how the poison in your body is doing."


   It was already noon the next day when Yunran woke up.

  The bright sunshine shining through the window makes people feel warm. I stretched my waist halfway, and suddenly there was an indistinguishable voice in my mind:

【are you a pig? Can sleep like this? 】

  Yun Ran froze, the voice...was exactly the same as the one in the dream!

【Humph! Idiot humans! 】

  Yunran: "..."

   Is that not a dream? ? But true!

   Speaking of last night, after she passed out, she saw a bird, an extremely beautiful bird with multicolored feathers and a layer of golden light all over its body.

   That bird claims to be some kind of ancient **** bird, bird statue or something, and it is extremely narcissistic.

  It is said that when she was struck by lightning that day, a wisp of its bird soul happened to be sleeping in the thousand-year-old sycamore tree, and by chance, it was bound to her soul and landed in Lin Wanyue's body.

  The broken bird threatened her and asked her to do tasks to accumulate merit points and aura points to help it cultivate.

   Otherwise, she wouldn't be able to live if it 'starved to death'. After all, their lives are tied together.

  Last night, she threw herself uncontrollably to block Nangong Mo's arrows because the broken bird woke up and smelled the source of spiritual energy in the air—Nangong Mo! Then the vicious dog rushed to eat.

  I thought it was just a grotesque and absurd dream, but I didn't expect it to be true!

  Yun Ran held his forehead with his hand, and was unrequited for a moment:

   "What kind of **** evil fate is this!"

【Humph! Being able to serve this fairy bird is a blessing you have cultivated in eight lifetimes! 】

   "Do you want this blessing for you?"

【don't want. 】

  Yun Ran silently rolled his eyes, "Can you understand human speech?"

  【Nonsense! This fairy bird is a fairy, not a bird... not an ordinary bird! 】

   "Can people hear you?"

【idiot! Could anyone be able to hear the fairy voice of this fairy bird? 】

  Yun Ran raised her forehead, and silently breathed a sigh of relief: If others can hear it, then they shouldn't drag her away as a monster and burn her!

  【If you use your voice to communicate with this fairy bird, and people hear you talking nonsense, they will also treat you as a monster and burn you to ashes! 】

  Yunran: "..."

  【Huh, friendly reminder: I don’t want to turn into ashes, so I will use my spiritual consciousness to talk to this fairy bird in the future. 】

  Yunran rolled her eyes and didn't want to speak.

  【Also, this fairy bird is hungry, so go find merit and spiritual energy. 】


  Hearing the word aura, a string of words floated in Yunran's mind: the source of aura, Nangong Mo, the evil dog rushing to eat...

  Closing his eyes, he said, "Oh my god, a thunderstorm strikes me again!"

   However, before the thunder came, there was a deep and charming voice floating in my ears:

   "What? Knowing that you have done too many sinful things, you want to atone for your sins?"

  Yunran's small face froze, her eyebrows twitched, when did Nangong Mo come? Shouldn't you hear anything?

  However, before she could think about it, she heard the shattered bird scream [Aw~aura~this bird is here! 】

   Then she flew over and hugged Nangong Mo's thigh... The speed was beyond words!

  Yunran: "..."

  Nangong Mo's body was slightly stiff, he looked down at Yunran, his thin lips were slightly pursed, and his eyes were as deep as the sea.

  At the moment, Yunran has a look of lovelessness on his face, and a sentence is floating in his mind:

  The vicious dog rushed towards food...she attacked Nangong Mo...

   Omg! I don't want to live anymore!

  (end of this chapter)