MTL - On Our Wedding Night, His Highness Can’t Continue His Acting After Reading My Mind!-Chapter 464 Grandpa is just blind, not dead

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  Chapter 464 Grandpa is just blind, not dead

  The little palace maid trembled all over, and quickly turned around and knelt down.

  The queen mother had no time to take care of her, and while instructing Aunt Hong to help Yun Ran up, she walked forward anxiously.

   "Yue girl, what's wrong with you? Where did you fall?"

   "Grandmother, please walk slowly and watch your feet! I'm fine, don't worry."

  Yun Ran smiled to comfort the Queen Mother, and stood up with Aunt Hong's support, but her feet slipped and she almost fell again.

   "Princess Qin!" Aunt Hong immediately supported her nervously, and asked, "Did you sprain your foot?"

  The situation looked like a sprained foot, and the slightly frowning crescent eyebrows were clearly enduring the pain.

  The Empress Dowager immediately ordered someone to go to the Imperial Physician Xuan, but Yun Ran smiled nonchalantly, "Grandmother, I'm really fine, maybe because my legs were numb for a while and I couldn't stand still, that's why... I don't need the Imperial Physician Xuan."

  The Queen Mother obviously didn't believe it. She felt that Yun Ran was just too gentle and well-behaved, understanding and didn't want to make people worry.

   Immediately glanced at Nangong Ning, who was still lying on the snow and staring at Yunran viciously, frowned unhappily, and asked in a deep voice:

   "But you knocked down Yue girl, causing her to sprain her foot?"

  Seeing this, Yun Ran couldn't help but whispered, "Grandmother, I accidentally fell down by myself, it's none of the princess's business..."

   "You don't have to defend her, Aijia will make the decision for you."

  The queen mother gave Yun Ran a loving look, and felt more and more in her heart that this girl is good at everything, but her heart is too kind and her temperament is too soft, so she was always bullied before.

  Nangong Ning stared at the side, his eyes widened, and he couldn't help crying loudly for himself:

   "How could it be that I knocked her down?! She was the one who plotted a sneak attack and tripped me up! Grandmother, you can't disregard black and white and wrong a good person!"

   "Presumptuous! Is this how you talk to Aijia?"

   Being reprimanded by the queen mother, Nangong Ning's momentum was a little weaker, and his voice was much lower than before, but he still said unconvinced:

   "She was the one who tripped me up. She is a sinister, cunning, vicious, and despicable person! As the queen mother, you should enforce the law fairly, be discerning, and decide for me!"

   "Making it up to you?"

  The empress dowager looked at Nangong Ning as sinking as water, with an air of authority without anger.

   "Ai's family is far away and heard you talking nonsense here, and even threatened to kill Yue girl! Could it be that you have been wronged?"

   "This, I...Although, but..."

   "Don't let it go!"

  The queen mother directly interrupted Nan Gongning who was hesitating and looking for a reason, and said coldly:

   "You have always been arrogant and domineering, and you have developed such a rude temperament, how can you still look like a half-princess?"

   "Not only did you not have the due respect for the emperor's sister-in-law, but you even uttered wild words! The Ai family punished you for half a month today, and copied a hundred volumes of scriptures to reflect on yourself."

  When Nangong Ning heard this, he couldn't help yelling, "What? You want to ground me? You want me to copy the scriptures written by Lao Shizi?! I don't accept it!"

   "Grandmother, how can you wrong a good person indiscriminately! You are too partial to her! I am your granddaughter!"

   Nangong Ning glared at Yun Ran viciously. If eyes can kill, Yun Ran has been burned to ashes, and there is no scum left!

  In a place where no one can see. Yun Ran raised her eyebrows slightly at her, with a bright and proud smile on her lips.

   Nangong Ning was taken aback for a moment, then seemed to understand something suddenly, his expression exploded instantly, he got up from the ground, and a vicious dog rushed towards Yunran.

   "You sinister and vicious dead woman! You are faking it! You did it on purpose! You just want to harm the princess!"

  It's a pity, although she was very imposing, she was stopped by two maids beside the queen mother, one left and one right holding her arms, no matter how hard she struggled, she couldn't break free.

  Nangong Ning was furious, his face turned red with anger, "You dog slaves! You guys are so courageous! Let go of this princess!"

  The queen mother glanced at her, and directly ordered the two maids, "Send the princess back to the palace, and she will be confined for a month. Without a mourning order, she is not allowed to step out of the palace gate."

   Hearing what the queen mother said, Nangong Ningren was dumbfounded, "What? One month? Didn't you say half a month just now? How can your dignified queen mother go back on what she says?"

  Yun Ran looked at her tenderly, and said earnestly, "Princess, in fact, a month will pass soon, so please don't say a few words, and don't make the emperor angry."

   Say more, try to turn January into two months~~

   "Soon?! Then why don't you go? You vicious woman! You are so harmful to the princess! I won't let you go! Ahhh!"

  Nan Gongning was kicked straight by Yun Ran, if she hadn't been pulled by the two court ladies, she would have rushed towards Yun Ran.

   At this moment, the prince came over, followed by Nangong Siyu and others.

Nangong Jue's gaze swept across Yunran who was being supported by Aunt Hong, Nangong Mo who was sitting beside him as if he was about to become a fairy, and finally fell on Nangong Ning who was supported by two maids. He frowned.

   "Grandson pays respects to the emperor's grandmother, and may the emperor's grandmother live forever and be happy."

   "I don't know what mistake Ning'er made to make the emperor's grandmother so angry?"

  Seeing the savior coming, Nangong Ning immediately gained confidence, and clarified for himself quickly, "Brother Emperor, Brother Prince, Ning'er is not wrong! I didn't push her, she fell down by herself!"

   "Besides, she also tripped me up in a dirty way!! My whole body hurts from the fall! But the imperial grandmother insisted on taking sides with her when she came here! She also punished me for her!"

   "Brother Prince, you have to decide for Ning'er!"

  The Empress Dowager glanced at Nangong Ning lightly with sharp eyes, and she immediately shrank her head and turned her face away in fright.

   Nangong Jue took two steps forward seemingly casually, but just happened to block the Empress Dowager from looking at Nangong Ning.

   "Imperial Grandmother, maybe there is some misunderstanding? Why don't you give Ning'er a chance to explain? Or let her and Wan Yue clarify the misunderstanding face to face?"

  Facing Nangong Jue's gaze, Yun Ran smiled brightly, but rolled her eyes in her heart:

【Misunderstand? Misunderstood you ghost! Isn't it because she wanted to harm others, but she was too shallow and was punished by others? Cut~ You are really weak and love to act, who is not unlucky if you are not unlucky? 】

  The queen mother may be worried that Yunran will be intimidated by Nangong Jue's aura, so she immediately frowned and looked at Nangong Jue, "The Ai family heard it with her own ears, she threatened to kill Yue girl, can this be true?"

  Nangong Jue then turned his eyes away from Yunran's face, and said respectfully to the Queen Mother:

   "Grandmother, even though Ning'er is a bit petite and willful, her nature is not bad, and she will definitely not do anything that hurts people's lives."

   "From my grandson's point of view, those words are just jokes. Today is snowy and the scenery is just right. Girls like to play and play. It is inevitable that they will say some crazy words when they are crazy. It is not malicious."

   "Both Wanyue and Ning'er fell down. Presumably they accidentally fell while chasing and frolicking in the snow. There is no one who pushes the other."

  Yunran: "..."

   Well said, don’t say it again next time!

  Nangong Ning was also very unhappy, "Brother Prince! Obviously she pushed me! Why do you..."


  The prince frowned and glanced at Nangong Ning, his eyes implied majesty, successfully making Nangong Ning swallow back the words that followed.

   "Grandmother, since this matter has been clarified, the misunderstanding is also..."

  Before the prince finished speaking, a cold and lazy voice came from the wind.

   "Did the prince suffer from hysteria and came to sing a big show?"

   Nangong Jue paused for a moment, his face stiffened for a moment, but he quickly returned to his gentle and humble appearance.

   Turning around to look at the man who looked like a perfect sculpture in the wind and snow, he asked with a gentle smile, "Brother Jiuhuang, I don't know what you mean by that?"

  'Statue' snorted coldly, without squinting, "Singing so beautifully, I don't know which eye the prince used to see it?"

  Nangong Jue: "..."

   "Hey! Why do you say that about my prince brother?!"

   Nangong Ning couldn't help but fight for the crown prince, but Nangong Mo didn't even bother to look at her, and said coldly:

   "My lord can prove that it is she who has ulterior motives and ulterior motives, intending to murder this king's concubine."

   "What?! You testify? Why do you..."


  The crown prince glanced over, Nangong Ning shut his mouth tactfully immediately, and he turned to Nangong Mo, "Ninth Brother, I thought..."

   Nangong Mo interrupted him again without saving face.

   "I'm just blind, not dead. I'm on the scene, who knows better than me what happened?"

  Nangong Jue: "..."

  The queen mother immediately stood up to support, "Jiulang is right, he was present from the beginning to the end, who else knows what happened better than him?"

  Nan Gongning: "..."

  He is a blind man who knows what a fart! And he was with that vicious and sinister dead woman! How can you believe his words?

  (end of this chapter)