MTL - On Our Wedding Night, His Highness Can’t Continue His Acting After Reading My Mind!-Chapter 454 454:

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   Chapter 454 454:

  Yunran changed into a comfortable position, covered her head in the quilt, and prepared to sleep beautifully until she woke up naturally. Thinking about it, I am very satisfied!

  But in the next second, she suddenly opened her eyes, "sit up in shock in a dying illness"...

   "Nangong Siyu...Gong Banquet..."


  When Nangong Siyu saw Yunran, he was stunned for a moment, then he lifted the hem of his skirt and ran towards her quickly.

   "Sister Wangfei? How did you get up? You need to rest more when you are sick! How do you feel now? Are you feeling better? Are you still dizzy?"


   This series of cares made Yun Ran dumbfounded. She looked at Nangong Siyu's pretty face full of concern, and she was a little confused, so, "I..." sick?

When did this happen? Why don't I know it myself?

   "Brother Mo said that you fell into the water and caught the wind and cold. I was really scared to death! I wanted to see you right away, but I was afraid of disturbing your rest, so I didn't dare to go."

   "Sister Wangfei, do you still feel uncomfortable?"


  Listening to the words in his ear, Yun Ran felt that the thunder was rolling in the sky, and the people who were struck by him were in a mess! Row after row of large characters floated above her head: Did she fall into the water? She fell into the water!

   "Nan, Gong, Mo!"

  【You dog! ! 】

  Yun Ran gritted her teeth secretly, and had beaten Nangong Mo to death countless times in her heart!

   "Why does my concubine call me the king?"

  Just at this time, a deep and pleasant voice came with the wind, carrying hints of a smile.

  Hearing this familiar voice, Yun Ran turned his head and cast a murderous look in his eyes.

  【Dog man! What did you do that you didn't have any points in your heart? How dare you show yourself in front of this girl? ! 】

  Unfortunately, he is a 'blind man' who couldn't see her murderous eyes at all, so he turned his wheelchair and walked towards her with a concerned expression.

   "Since you are sick, why don't you sleep more? Why do you wake up so early?"

  Yunran: "..."

  【You dog! You're really embarrassed to ask...]

  If it wasn't for the presence of Nangong Siyu, Yunran really wanted to slap him to the ground! But right now, she could only grit her teeth and cooperate with him, and lied that she was much better after drinking the medicine.

  Maybe, she obviously wanted to pounce on him and bite him to death, but she had to smile and talk to him to please him, so that he couldn't help but want to play tricks on her.

  The corner of the man's lips curled up into a pleasant smile, and he said in a solemn and soft voice, "Look, I fell into the lake after leaving the master for a while, this time I believed it? I will stay by my side obediently in the future, do you understand?"

  Yunran: "..."

  【You shut up, you! Such a handsome man just opened his mouth! Always challenge this girl's bottom line of killing harm for the people! 】

   "What I said is true, I will follow your orders from now on."

  Yun Ran gritted her teeth and smiled like a flower. The man nodded slightly with gentle eyes.

   "Wow~ Brother Mo and Sister Wangfei are really a fairy couple. They love each other so much that they envy others! Hehe~"

   Nangong Siyu was coaxing together like this, which made Yunran feel a little embarrassed, and hurriedly changed the subject to ask about the palace banquet.

   Nangong Siyu took the opportunity to express that if Yunran was in good health, they could enter the palace to meet the queen mother earlier, and said that the queen mother had long missed her and Nangong Mo!

  Yun Ran chuckled, "In this case, let's set off immediately!"

   "Okay! I want to share a carriage with Princess Wang~ Brother Mo, do you have any objections?"

  Nangong Siyu immediately cheered and made a face at Nangong Mo.

   Nangong Mo frowned slightly, and was about to speak, but Yun Ran took the first step, "Don't worry! He will definitely not have any objections!"

   Then he looked at Nangong Mo with a smile, his eyes were cold, and he gritted his teeth, "Is that right? Your Highness, Your Majesty!"

  Nangong Mo: "..."

   No, Lord has!


  Just outside the gate of Changle Palace, I heard bursts of laughter coming from inside.

   "His Royal Highness King Qin, Princess Qin, Princess Anle has arrived—"

  Seeing Yunran and his party, the servant immediately sang with a loud voice. After a while, there was a rush of footsteps in the yard, and someone should have come out to greet them.

  The leader is a young and beautiful woman in red, dressed in exotic clothes, glamorous and flamboyant.

  (end of this chapter)