MTL - On Our Wedding Night, His Highness Can’t Continue His Acting After Reading My Mind!-Chapter 421 422:

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  Although there is indeed no rule in this world that stipulates that men are not allowed to swing on swings, but seeing his mouth slightly raised and his spirits in high spirits, it makes people want to slap him!

  Yun Ran didn't do anything, but gave him a blank look, "Didn't you say you were going to run away from home? Why did you come back before the day passed?"

  Nangong Mo cast a sideways glance at her, serious and confident, "Is this the kind of person who waits for nights to come home?"

   "How can a man as upright as the master let the lady stay in the empty room and wait till dawn?"

  Yunran: "..."

  【This shameless narcissistic dog man! Mouth full of gibberish! I can't even bother to talk to him! 】

  Yunran glanced at him coolly, and said slowly: "You can continue to run away from home now, and you can stay out at night."

  Nangong Mo: Heh! Want to drive Grandpa away again? Damn girl thinks beautifully!

  He pointed to the sky with a solemn expression, "If my master leaves, do you plan to sit here all night, watching the moon, eating the wind and drinking the dew?"

   The joking words were especially embarrassing to Yun Ran's ears! Let the corners of her mouth twitch slightly, and the black lines all over her head slip off!

  What does it mean to sit here and watch the moon all night? !

  Is she a wolf? Like Mochizuki?

  Yun Ran glared at him angrily, "Who said I'm going to sit here all night? Besides, you eat the wind and drink the dew! Not only do you drink the northwest wind, you also eat dirt!"

  Nangong Mo laughed softly, ignored her murderous words, tilted his head slightly to her ear, and pursed his lips teasingly, "If you don't sit here all night, can you get down now? Can you go back to the house?"

   "Or, are you going to fly in against the wind?"

  The voice was deep and seductive, like a ray of magic sound floating into the ears, stirring up all kinds of ripples in the heart lake.

  Yunran was stunned for a moment when he heard the words, and there seemed to be fireworks blooming in his mind, and the five colors were gorgeous and charming.

  Finally, with hindsight, I realized what he meant by what he said before!

  【Really...shameless! 】

   I don’t know if I’m angry? Still angry? There was a blush on Yunran's face, he gritted his teeth resentfully, and killed him with a cold look:

   "I don't go anywhere, I just practice here, can't I? Absorb the aura of heaven and earth, the essence of the sun and the moon, and become a fairy!"

  Yunran spoke very seriously, with a cold expression and murderous eyes, but the man laughed wantonly after hearing this, and teased her recklessly, "Cultivation? you want to think about it, double cultivation?"

  That voice is indescribably alluring and seductive, like a bewitching demon in the dark night, making people get lost in it accidentally.

  Yunran's expression was stunned, and she slightly opened her eyes wide to look at the man in front of her, her three souls and seven souls seemed to be messed up in the wind.

  The handsome face approached a little bit, and there was a smile on the corner of his mouth that was slightly raised, "This is to hear that you and the master are both cultivated. You are overly surprised, are you stupid?"

  Yunran: "..."

  The moment he returned to his soul, Yun Ran clenched his fist and slammed it hard at his face, "Shameless bastard! Go to hell!"

   Nangong Mo lightly smiled and wrapped her hand in his palm, Yun Ran struggled to break free, with killing intent rolling, "Bastard! You still dare to laugh? Let go! I'm going to knock your head off!"

  Nangong Mo: "..."

   Vaguely, there seemed to be a drop of cold sweat falling from the corner of his eyes. He quickly took out a pack of gold leaves and put them in Yunran's arms, and said seriously:

   "It's so tiring to fight with your hands at a girl's house! Now, the weapon prepared for you by the master, you will use it when you hit someone in the future."