MTL - On Our Wedding Night, His Highness Can’t Continue His Acting After Reading My Mind!-Chapter 1 001: Is this what people do?

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  Chapter 1 001: Is this something people do?

   Yunran was awakened by shaking.

  I feel like I am in a moving sedan chair.

   Opening his eyes in a daze, he was almost dazed by the brilliant red in front of his eyes! Red clothes, red carpet, red car curtain, even the roof is red...

  Yunran:? ? ?

  Where is she? Where are you going? do what?

She remembered that it took three years for the third senior brother to finally find the most precious treasure of heaven and earth in Beiming, the Jiuli Xuanjing, and sent a letter back to the sect, so she pretended to be a bandit and stopped him in the middle of the way. The golden light almost blinded her eyes.

   Then, there is no more...

  So, she was struck by lightning?


   Also boarded the red sedan chair to the underworld...


   "Please get off the sedan chair—"

  Suddenly, a high-pitched voice wafted into my ears, Yun Ran couldn't believe it, bride? marriage? she? ! who to marry ? ?

   Then two tall, thick and well-dressed nuns rushed into the sedan chair, picked up the red gauze that had fallen on the ground, and violently covered Yunran's head, and carried her out without any explanation.

  In the past, the two women would have been shot away by Yun Ran, but her body had been poured with a lot of soft tendons early in the morning, and she was dizzy and weak, let alone beating someone, and she couldn't stand still.

Yunran was carried all the way to the wedding hall by the two women, and was held down like a marionette to worship the heaven and the earth, and worshiped the high hall. When the ceremonial officer sang "couple worship", Yunran I heard a...


   That's right! It's the sound of a dog barking!

  Yun Ran recognized the position by listening to the sound, and the dog was half a step away from her.

   That location should be...

  Is she going to marry a dog? !

   "Why are you dawdling! Hurry up!"

  A woman pressed Yunran's head impatiently. Yunran tilted her head, and the red gauze slipped off. She clearly saw the...extremely beautiful dog on the opposite side!

  The snow-white hair has no trace of variegation, but also reveals a faint luster, Yunran wants to touch it very much, and those eyes are as blue as lake water, so beautiful.

   It's a bit like a fox, and a bit like a snow wolf, it's a superb dog!

  Gouzi was hugged by a handsome young man, and looked at Yunran sideways with a look of disdain for the world, as if saying: Master Gou is here, come and bow down!

  Yun Ran rolled his eyes back: Look again, I'll stew you!

  Also, the person who is going to marry with this body, Qin Wang Nangong Mo, actually found a dog to pay homage to his girl? Is this what people do?

  Yun Ran's beautiful eyes narrowed slightly, and her cool eyes swept over everyone in the hall, with a half-smile, "Isn't the one who married me His Royal Highness Qin Wang? What about others? Turned into a dog?"

   There was a moment of dead silence among the crowd, it was eerily quiet!

   Xi Po was the first to come back to her senses, and gave Yun Ran a hard look, "Bah, bah, bah! What nonsense are you talking about? Your lord is fine, you just turned into a dog! Don't be disrespectful to His Royal Highness King Qin!"

  The housekeeper of the palace stood up and explained, "Don't blame the princess! Today, my prince suddenly fainted from an old illness, and he really couldn't pay homage to the church. However, the auspicious day must not be delayed, and he made such a bad plan in desperation. I hope the princess will understand."

   Lord Dog fainted? real or fake?

   "Forgive me, I should forgive you, but..." The conversation changed, Yun Ran pointed at the dog who was being hugged by the young man, and a shady smile appeared on the corner of her lips, "Afterwards, can this dog make soup?"

  Gouzi: "Wow—" Are you polite?

  The steward raised his hand to wipe the cold sweat from his forehead, "Princess, I'm afraid this is inappropriate."

  Xi Po immediately gave Yun Ran a vicious look, "You still want to drink dog soup? You still want to drink dog soup? Is that an ordinary dog? Ah? That dog is..." more precious than you!

  Yun Ran lazily interrupted her, "That's right, it's not an ordinary dog, it's the King of Qin..."

"What did you say?"

  Xi Po's eyes widened angrily, and she was about to scold Yun Ran, but saw her go limp and pass out.

  The crowd was in an uproar for a moment, and everyone looked at the housekeeper.

   "This...what can I do?"

  We got married, but the groom didn’t come in a coma, and halfway through the ceremony, the bride also fainted. This married...

  The butler raised his hand and pressed the corners of his eyes, and waved at the official of ceremonies. The official of ceremonies immediately sang: "The marriage is completed, send it to the bridal chamber—"


  Listen to Fengyuan.

  The effect of Ruanjin Powder has not yet passed, Yunran can't do anything, and simply lies on the bed to sort out the memories in his mind.

  Lin Wanyue, seventeen years old, her mother died young, her stepmother was vicious, her scumbag father ignored her, and her stepsisters bullied her in every possible way.

   Stepsister Lin Yanran had a marriage contract with King Qin long ago. King Qin fought on the battlefield, became famous at a young age, and was unparalleled in appearance. A year ago, after the change in Yunshan, he returned from a narrow escape, but since then his legs have been crippled, his eyes have been blinded, and he has suffered from hidden illnesses that are inhumane.

  Lin Yanran regretted the marriage and pushed the original owner to marry instead.

  Lin Wanyue swore to die, and was knocked out and thrown onto the sedan chair. To be safe, Lin Yanran even had her poured a lot of soft tendon powder.

   "What a bitter melon!"

  Yun Ran reached out and touched the bag left on her head when she was stunned with a stick, sighed faintly, and fell asleep unknowingly.

   When I woke up again, the night was dark and the candles were flickering

  Yunran opened her eyes and saw a white figure sitting in front of her bed, with a pair of dark eyes looking at her...

  Yunran: "..."

   I want to thank her for being the soul who was struck by lightning once...

   "Scared you?"

  The man's voice is very nice, like a clear wind blowing through the ice and snow in Saibei, unruly and indifferent, once heard, it will never be forgotten again.

  Yun Ran stared at him, the man looked indifferent, how could he care at all? On the contrary, there was undisguised dislike in the eyebrows and eyes, as if she was some troublesome thing...

  【This is the dog prince? Why are you not dizzy now? Ah! dog man! 】

  Nangong Mo took a breath, frowned and looked at Yunran, wondering in his heart: She clearly didn't speak, but he heard her voice?


  【In other words, the effect of the medicine has not yet expired, and his hands and legs are weak and his whole body is weak. He won't mess around, right? 】

  【By the way, he has a hidden disease, can't behave humanely, and can't mess around. 】

  【One thing to say, this dog prince looks like a dog! With black hair and white clothes, elegant and elegant, cold and luxurious like a fairy in a painting, her thin lips are **** and provocative, like a demon that charms all living beings. It's those eyes, as cold as a millennium cold pool, freezing all living beings! People dare not covet its beauty...]

  【A dog is a bit of a dog, but... What a walking disaster! 】

  Nangong Mo: "..."

   Not an illusion!

  He can hear it!

  She scolded him in her heart!

   Still coveting his beauty!

   Squinting his eyes slightly, Nangong Mo looked at Yun Ran, "Why don't you speak? Are you dumb? Or are you just stupid?"

  Yunran: "..."

  【As chivalrous women, we don’t care about a dog. 】

   "It's not that the little girl is negligent on purpose. It's really the prince's brilliance and beauty. His appearance is peerless. When he sees it, he is astonished as a heavenly man. This is why he lost his mind for a while. No wonder the prince."


  【You still sneer when others praise you? Laugh at you dog head wow! 】

   "I heard that today, you called me a dog?"

  Han's eyes were half-closed, his expression was gloomy, his tone was serious, and his murderous aura fell all over the place.

  Yun Ran blinked her eyes, with an innocent face, "It was all a misunderstanding! I didn't finish my sentence at the time, but I wanted to say: it is your substitute, my lord. I am not calling you a dog."

  【I just scolded you, why? I don't admit it, what can you do? 】

  Nangong Mo hooked the corners of his mouth, and said in a cool and slow tone, "Is Miss Lin dissatisfied with the worship of the dog?"

   "How could it be? That dog is not only your substitute, but also looks so good-looking. I am naturally satisfied."

  【Full of you! Is it a human thing to find a dog to worship with a girl? Dogs can't do this, okay? It's even worse than a dog! 】

   Nangong Mo took a deep breath, and squeezed the armrest of the wheelchair tightly with his slender fingers, "I am blind and disabled, so I am not a good match."

【what? The dog prince actually said something human! Strange! 】

   "My lord, don't underestimate yourself, you are like the bright moon that day, shining brightly and dazzlingly." [Then you were eaten by a tengu...]

  Nangong Mo: "..."

  This dead woman with a double heart!

   "This king is not only blind and disabled, but also suffering from an incurable disease. His days are numbered. He has no intention of misleading his beloved, so you can reconcile and find another lover."

   Sounds a bit miserable?

  Yun Ran tilted her head and looked at him for a while, thought for a moment, and said seriously: "People in the world often say that when married, there is no doubt about love and affection. Since you and I are married, how can I abandon you?"

   "What? Are you going to die with me?"


  The voice was cold and chilly, like a magic voice pouring into the ears, and Yun Ran was so startled that he almost coughed up tears.

   "Well, I want to say, no matter what, I will never leave, and will stay with you until the last moment of my life."

  【Heli? Why do you want to reconcile? Live in your room, spend your money, sleep in your bed, and when you close your eyes and kick your legs, I will dig a hole and bury you, and then inherit your wealth, rich land and beautiful family, wouldn't it be beautiful? 】


   Really beautiful!

   It's a pity that if there is such a day, he will definitely strangle her to death, take her away, dig a hole, and bury her together!

  Yun Ran glanced at Nangong Mo suspiciously, "My lord, what are you laughing at?"

  【Is she acting too obvious? He saw through his inner thoughts? But isn't he invisible? 】

   "Never leave, but seriously?"

   "Of course it is true! Although the little girl has no wealth, she never lies."

  Nangong Mo looked at her charming and soft face, a sneer slowly appeared on the corner of his mouth, never lie? It's clearly full of nonsense, not even half a sentence is credible! If you talk nonsense with your eyes open, you will be struck by lightning sooner or later!

   "The king will wait and see."

   Leaving this sentence, Nangong Mo turned the wheelchair and left the inner hall. As soon as he reached the door, Yun Ran's voice sounded in his ears:

  【At that time, you will have to find a place with good geomantic omen, the kind that prospers your wife and wealth after death, and then personally dig a hole to bury you. In other words, Fanyin Valley at the northern foot of Yanxia Mountain has excellent geomantic omen...]

  Nangong Mo paused while turning the wheelchair, and sneered with his lips curled up.

  Dead woman who is obsessed with money! He even thought about where to bury him!


very good!

   Just see who buried who!

  After leaving the courtyard, Nangong Mo summoned the shadow guards and gave some instructions in a low voice.

  After listening to the explanation, Feng Xuan was dumbfounded, turned back to look in the direction of Ting Fengyuan, and hesitated, "Master, this...isn't that good? After all, it's a weak girl's house, just in case..."


   Nangong Mo glanced away, and Feng Xuan immediately stood upright, "Yes! This subordinate will do it now."

  After speaking, he raised his breath, and his figure disappeared in place like a black whirlwind in an instant.

  (end of this chapter)