MTL - On Her Lips-Chapter 74

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Blood coagulation, extreme excitement.

In the scarlet eyes, the perfect prey that is infinitely attractive is reflected.

This kind of subtle and bizarre scene has brought about a qualitative change in the master of the pavilion who has been eating and refrigerating blood for a long time.

Just for a moment.

Her pupils quickly enlarged the picture of the fresh berries that the other party invited to pick, and the three bright red marks remained on the eye-catching fair skin, which seemed to bewitch her:

Eat her quickly, eat her completely, don't leave a drop.

Just when Mu Fei was still trying to control her desire to eat, her body had already followed her most primitive nature and stood in front of the flower body.

She watched You Ran standing in front of her almost half-fruited, especially the neck that was deliberately smeared by the other party. She didn't know whether it was stimulated by the fresh blood smell of the food, or by the perfect body of the other party.

In short, she couldn't hold back her impulse any longer, and pressed You Ran to the cold ground.

The little guy groaned a little in pain because his back fell to the ground, but such a slight gasping sound caused ripples on the slowly rising lake surface again.

Her scarlet eyes looked down at You Ran from top to bottom.

She stretched out the sharp fingertips that had grown long ago to lift the opponent's jaw, and with her last will, she asked this beagle, who was still bewitching, in a low voice.

"Do you know what you're doing? You Ran."

Mu Fei's voice, because of the extreme desire, was different from the usual tone, and was stained with a hint of emotion.

You Ran was forcibly pressed to the ground by the other party. She was a little worried about whether she had really played the game. The adult looked like she had been hungry for many days. Does she have enough blood? Will she still see the sun tomorrow? Will she survive?

However, she still had a charming and bewitching smile on the corner of her mouth, and used the most attractive lips to tell her favorite Lord Mu Fei her absolute sincerity.

"Enjoy me to the fullest," You Ran stretched out her hand, her eyes flickering, her hand slowly clinging to Mu Fei's icy back shoulder, and she said the most provocative invitation language tonight.

"Please don't pity me, my lord."

In an instant, her voice was drowned in the gust of wind outside the house, and the rain beat frantically against the solid doors and windows.

It seemed that the strength of that ferocious beast was going to devour the whole house in this long rainy night.

The sharp teeth pierced into her neck in the next second, and the most gorgeous blood immediately overflowed with the blood that was bitten.

The woman in her arms couldn't help producing physiological water marks because her most fragile and soft neck was pierced by sharp teeth. She trembled slightly, and the pain was so painful that her tears were about to fall.


You Ran turned her head to the side, she could feel the hot blood in her body slowly leaving her body, she couldn't help hugging the solitary sanctioner who was pressing on her body with both hands.

It was so cold, and the icy ground stimulated her back and her body when she was out of the way.

The woman, who was already extremely scarlet at this moment, seemed to feel that the body temperature of her stupidest little guy was slowly fading. She stretched out her hand to pick him up from the ground and placed him on the soft bed.

She took advantage of the situation and pulled the thick goose feather quilt over her body, one hand pressed against You Ran's heart tightly, and the other hand held up the other party slightly.

Although the bite mark on You Ran's neck wasn't too deep, it was still bleeding, and it was still exuding an aroma that tempted her.

After all, Mu Fei lived for more than 700 years, and when she was finally controlled by her appetite, her mouth was still a little light. She was afraid that she would hurt the beagle too much.

However, she just took a sip, but it made her sink into it.

Her Yu Ran was unexpectedly delicious to the extreme.

Mu Fei was somewhat occupied by his appetite, and couldn't help stroking the cheek of the beagle, who was also looking at him, "You Ran, you can't tempt me like this..."

You Ran, who was numb from the pain just now, only slowly recovered. Listening to the adult who had a different tone than usual, he clearly knew that he was seducing the other party.

And the adults won't stop there.

She just smiled lightly, and then signaled that she could hand over the whole person to Mu Fei.

Mu Fei's bright scarlet eyes became darker and darker, she no longer cared about how much pain the other party could bear, lowered her head, and bit down.

Her bite will release a certain amount of tranquilizers and some… aphrodisiac-like ingredients with the state.

You Ran, who was forced to lie down, felt that his neck and his whole body were on the verge of collapse.

It was a very painful and indescribable numbness. This painful and exciting feeling made her gasp.

Her hand tugged on Mu Fei's body forbearance. She had never been in such a close relationship with the adults, although their relationship was only the most normal master and servant, but the scene of the lingering together at the moment always reminded her. , she is Mu Fei's lover.

She could feel the trembling sensation of Mu Fei's fingertips sliding across her skin in a state of vague consciousness. The adults seemed to be crazier than the beginning, not only on her neck, but also on her back and chest. Signed with blood.

But Mu Fei didn't give a damn, until she kept pressing on You Ran's heart and felt that the blood supply of the other party had begun to be insufficient, and the scarlet eyes turned into reddish golden brown.

Her fangs left the other's neck, and her hands were placed in the gap between You Ran and the bed and sheet, supporting herself not to press the comatose beagle.

There was still terrifying blood hanging from the corner of her mouth, but she was reluctant to waste it, she stretched out her fingertips and put the last drop of blood into the mouth that she wanted to move.

She looked at the blood-soaked bed that was no longer white. She was like an innocent girl who had been judged and killed by the wicked in this pool of blood. Her eyes were so messed up that even Satan couldn't help but pity this girl. There are scary bloodstains everywhere.

And this villain is her.

Mu Fei felt that she was a really heinous bad woman. She even bit down on the beagle who revered him the most, and was so excited that she was almost drained by the indescribable smell of blood.

Although, she really wanted to continue, her instinct was to clamor for the blood of the other party.

Mu Fei pushed back all her long hair angrily. She felt that she was really crazy. The little guy is ignorant. Does she, a person who has lived for seven hundred years, still not understand?

You Ran's injury this time was because she blocked the gun for herself, and she sucked a lot of blood by herself. No matter how many days she rested, she would be drowned by the saliva of everyone in the mansion.

Her master is really bad.

Mu Fei condemned this scene, she couldn't stop herself in the middle, because she really couldn't resist You Ran's taste.

She sat on the edge, looking at the large and small wounds on You Ran's body that had been carved by herself, biting deeply and shallowly because the molecular action she released had all solidified.

But, it looks really scary.

She reached out her hand very pitifully and touched the pale to bloodless beagle. The other party was breathing steadily, and it was estimated that he fell into a coma halfway.

She didn't show kindness to You Ran, but this little brat stimulated her with his teasing tone without any fear in the middle, as if he wanted to decide the outcome with her.

Apparently, in the end the beagle didn't have the strength to put on a pose there.

Mu Fei couldn't help raising the corners of her mouth. Even though the scene at the moment was as terrifying as the murder scene, she lowered her head and dropped a kiss on your forehead.

"The reward you want."


Perhaps because of the effect of inhaling a large amount of the freshest blood, Mu Fei felt that his energy at the moment was very good.

The state of the whole person is too good, and all this is due to her girl.

In order not to want You Ran to miss the best recovery time, she still called Dr. Xiao Li and asked him to come over to see if he could provide more help to the beagle.

Because the situation has already happened, self-blame is useless.

"Oh...for the **** anyone's sake, I never thought you were such a jerk!"

When Dr. Xiao Li, who was wearing a white coat, came to the most isolated guest room (ward) specially prepared for his old friend's sake, his sophisticated expression instantly shattered into countless pieces.

Xiao Li, who has always loved peace, looked at this blood-stained murder scene, and his first reaction was that he felt that this was not his private clinic!

The "Bastard", who was sitting beside him with a frown, was smoking a cigarette with a sad face.

"We've known each other for hundreds of years. I've always felt that you're just a little cold on the outside, but you're still a little kind on the inside. As a result..." Xiao Li was so angry that he directly put their friendship on the bright side.

Mu Fei cut off the cigarette **** and retorted in a cold tone, "The word 'kindness' has nothing to do with me, it means that you are not allowed to judge people."

Xiao Li rolled his eyes. He didn't want to say a word to the Mu Mansion Patriarch. The other party was simply an inhumane devil. For the sake of the other party's financial support for setting up a clinic, and for the sake of his fascination with him On, **** devil!

He lifted the quilt, pulled the arm of the poor girl who had been bitten in many places, and checked her physical signs.

"I should say you, the devil, didn't bite her out of her breath." Xiao Li said, then put down You Ran's arm and listened to the other party's heartbeat.

Mu Fei stood beside Xiao Li, and his eyes fell on You Ran, who was lying there. She, the devil, could not resist the temptation of the other party, but who would believe it.

"It will take a few days for her to return to normal."

"It could have been restored in a week, but because of you, the mistress of the Mu residence, it has been directly increased by 20 days." Xiao Li told the truth mercilessly.

When Mu Fei thought that the little guy would have to rest for more than 20 days, he felt very uncomfortable, "How can I quickly recover my strength?"

Xiao Li glanced at Mu Fei strangely, "Does it hurt now?"

Mu Fei sighed, acquiescence, in fact, she has been avoiding hurting the beagle.

"Okay, then you can leave her here with me for a few days to see the situation. If you send this child back to the mansion, it is estimated that she will be killed on the way back. It's too much trouble." Xiao Li analyzed and gave the advice. Best answer.

Mu Fei fell into contemplation. She was going to go to the royal family tomorrow. If she went, it would take three or four days to go back and forth. She had no intention of taking You Ran with her, and she was worried that the little guy would follow her to that dangerous place secretly.

Therefore, now the other party is seriously injured, all because of himself, but it also prevents the other party from running around.

Mu Fei nodded, she would send her capable servants to take care of You Ran during the few days she was away.

After receiving the highest order from his master, Dai Wei and another domestic servant rushed to a private clinic in the suburbs 30 kilometers away from the mansion.

After Mu Fei saw the people in his mansion, he left the most important words directly.

"Take care of You Ran."

Then, after staying in You Ran's room for a while, he quietly left.

afternoon of the second day

The small flowers in You Ran's ward showed a trend of rapid growth.

Xiao Li gave the other party a drip and nutrient solution according to his own method. He looked at the poor woman lying on the hospital bed, except for her head, which was bandaged like a mummy, and he couldn't help sighing.

"It's a shame that I used to like that lord of your family very much. At that dinner party in Xi Li in 2493, I only thought that Mu Fei was an angel with a good heart and a beautiful heart, but I didn't expect it to be a devil. I really made a mistake. ..." Xiao Li muttered to himself the old things while debugging the drip rate.

He admitted that he fell in love with Mu Fei at first sight, but his temperament was really unpleasant, so he had to retreat to a friend to get along with him. Unexpectedly, this demon was getting worse and worse, and even the wounded were not spared. She was injured.

Lying in the hospital bed, You Ran heard the words of the handsome blond man Xiao Li, and suddenly an abnormal threshold began to appear on the heart rate monitor.

She opened her eyes instantly. When the other party turned around to collect the medicine, she slowly sat up straight. She lowered her head and looked at her body wrapped in gauze. , and then touched the foot to the ground.

"I don't care what kind of friendship you had with the adults before, but I'm very glad that you can restrain this relationship in time, otherwise I will be very troubled, Dr. Xiaoli."

Xiao Li heard the ghostly voice coming from behind him, he immediately turned his head and stared blankly at the girl who was in extreme weakness a second ago and needed to be supplied with drips all the time, sitting on the side of the sickbed safe and sound.

The other party's indifferent expression seemed to be as relaxed as he had just experienced a small cold.

"You... you just woke up like this?" Xiao Li frowned, watching this scene in disbelief.

You Ran nodded, she tugged at the gauze wrapped around her shoulders, and then unwrapped it layer by layer, she raised her head to look at Xiao Li, her tone with a hint of indifference, "Doctor, to be honest, I still like you very much. Yes, so please don't like that demon."

Xiao Li was a little confused by the other party's series of words, he opened his mouth and didn't respond.

You Ran continued, "Can you please give me a piece of clothing?" You Ran looked at the skin that was in direct contact with the gauze, and only made this request.

"What are you going to do?" Xiao Li was obviously confused by the girl's amazing behavior.

You Ran showed the purest smile and spoke slowly.

"Go after that irresponsible and merciful devil."