MTL - On Her Lips-Chapter 17

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"You have crossed the line, and even broke into the master's private domain without authorization."

Aunt Dai looked at the helpless crying woman and told her fate.

Vuya never imagined that things would turn out like this, that the master would expel himself because of a filthy human child.

"I just want to remove the trash for my master, I just want to think about my master..." Fuya covered her face and sobbed in pain. She knelt on the ground and looked at Aunt Dai pitifully.

Aunt Dai looked at this narrow-minded and pathetic young maid, who almost caused an irreversible situation because of her fanatical jealousy and hatred.

To be honest, if he really annoyed Mu Fei like he did before, then it would be fine if he was expelled, but the consequences this time seemed to be much more serious than before.

Because, that human girl seemed to be more important to Mu Fei than they thought, not to mention, it was mixed with other business affairs.

"Mr. Dowley is here."

The servant on the side whispered to Aunt Dai.

The absolute order of the official master from Doray.

Aunt Dai stepped back slightly, looking at Dao Lei's still calm face, she couldn't guess what the master's final decision was.

Da Lei walked in front of the crying woman, still addressing him in a gentlemanly manner, "Miss Fuya, Master asked me to convey a few words to you."

Fuya raised her tear-stained face and looked at Dao Lei.

"Either enter the Forest of Black Mist alone; or kill immediately, or I will do it for you, you can choose."

Dao Lei's words not only shocked Fuya, but also shocked all the domestic servants present.

"Why, why is this, I just want to eliminate unnecessary burdens for the master, I treat the master sincerely, it shouldn't be like this..." Fuya screamed in disbelief, her eyes lit up Red grabbed Dao Lei's leg with all his might, killing the old housekeeper.

"I've only given you one chance to confess, have you done anything else?" Dao Lei asked unmoved.

"I'm sincere to my master, and I haven't done anything else at all. Someone else must have framed me, Mr. Dore!" Fuya's eyes blushed, and he blurted out his sophistry, even pointing at other servants to pull their backs.

Dao Lei looked down at this selfish and hypocritical servant indifferently, "How can a vicious person say anything sincere. How old can Miss Fuya be in the list of Sichao Manor? Originally, the master was looking at your servant for so many years to expel you. It’s just leaving the country, but you still refuse to tell the truth.”

Just as Fuya's eyes widened in astonishment, her head rolled down to the corner of the wall under the moonlight.

Scarlet blood spilled all over the ground, and the body with its severed head staggered a few steps in the same place like a marionette, and finally fell to the ground.

"The master said that if this is the case, the blood in the moonlight is more beautiful."

Daowrey lifted the head, which still had a trace of vitality, and threw it into the burning stove.

After looking at the burning **** in the stove, Dao Lei put the stained white gloves on the palm of the servant's palm. He turned around and looked directly at Aunt Dai, the housekeeper who had lost a servant, "After that It's up to you to clear things up."


In the dim light, Aunt Dai stopped the stern man.

Dao Lei turned around, and when the two were alone, Aunt Dai would call them by their names.

"What's the matter, Aunt Dai." Dao Lei responded politely.

"I'm sorry about Youran. It was my lax discipline that made Fuya do this kind of thing. I didn't expect that the list of Sichao Manor was also related to her. I always thought she was a good child." Aunt Dai She said with an embarrassed face, she didn't know if the master would blame her for these things.

Dao Lei glanced at Aunt Dai, knowing the other party's worries, "I think, I shouldn't blame it, because You Ran is still safe."

Aunt Dai looked at Dao Lei in astonishment, because as far as she knew, no human being could come back alive, and even low-level vampires couldn't survive there for an hour.

Dao Lei smiled, and it was difficult for him to explain why You Ran was immune to the deadly miasma in the forest and could even touch the "Son of the Damned".

"A strange little thing indeed."

What made him even more incomprehensible was Mu Fei's reaction.

After the master brought You Ran back to the mansion quietly and confirmed that the other party really only suffered a slight scratch, he could sense the release of the master's relieved emotions.

The owner seems to have been nervous about the life and death of this human child.

Emotions were still tense.

After Da Lei and Aunt Dai explained a few words, he immediately went to the door of the upstairs room. He had to check the master's situation. After all, the master's room had a human breath.

"Master, that matter has been dealt with, do you need my help now?"

Dao Lei stopped at the door and asked respectfully.

Mu Fei looked at the pale human girl who was placed on the bed by him, and his brows were tight.

He finally picked it up and put it in Dao Lei's hands.

Dore: "?"

Mu Fei asked blankly, "Do you think she can occupy my bed?"

Dao Lei pursed his lips, he was really a little elusive about the master's arrogant psychology, obviously very nervous little guy.

So he thought about his words, "Master, Youran's room is a utility room, cold and damp. If you put her in the original room, the little guy's body will be estimated."

Mu Fei frowned slightly, and was about to ask Da Lei to arrange another slightly more comfortable room.

"Lord...Mr. Mu Fei..."

The girl who fell into a coma still recites the name of the adult in her heart.

The voice is weak, but the blood clan with strong hearing can hear it clearly.

Dao Lei pursed his lips and held up You Ran with both hands, then looked at Mu Fei curiously, without making a sound.

After a long time, she spoke.

"let it go."


Dao Leiqiang held back his smile and silently placed Xiao Youran beside the bed.

After Dao Lei left, Mu Fei fixed his eyes on the human girl.

Is it a compassionate heart?

She could see through the mind of the housekeeper Dao Lei, but Mu Fei didn't think so. She attributes all this erratic behavior to the fact that the human child is hers.

No one can make their own decisions, only Mu Fei can decide the life and death of this child.

She looked at You Ran who was curled up in a ball, and only then did she realize that her room was already gloomy and cold, because vampires couldn't feel the temperature.

When You Ran's body was covered with a quilt, he gradually stopped feeling cold and shivering.

You Ran lay on his side in a small corner, his little face half covered by the quilt.

But Mu Fei could still hear the other party muttering his name very slightly.


It's such an insignificant little thing.

Even Mu Fei didn't notice that the corners of his mouth evoked a slight arc.


You Ran had a long dream.

This time, she was not haunted by nightmares, but a sweet dream that made her sleep peacefully.

It was nine o'clock in the morning when she woke up.

Although there is no sunlight here, You Ran always feels that she is very warm. This temperature is the temperature she desires most, covering her body.

She was startled at first, and then she always felt that something was wrong, and immediately opened her eyes and looked around at the strange surroundings.

here is…?

"You're awake, Youran."

As this voice sounded, the dark curtain beside You Ran was slightly pulled halfway open, revealing a winter scene from the outside.

You Ran didn't have time to react, and immediately stood barefoot on the ground, shaking her head slightly to Aunt Dai, "Dai... Aunt Dai, you, hello, I, I..."

She slept late, and was seen by Aunt Dai, is she going to be kicked out? Will it be abandoned?

Just when she was carrying twelve points of apprehension and unease, Aunt Dai came to her side.

You Ran watched Aunt Dai raise her hand and immediately closed her eyes, waiting for the slap to come.

As long as you don't drive her away, it's okay to be beaten.

"Can't you feel the cold?" Aunt Dai said accusingly, motioning You Ran to put on the shoes next to her.

Only then did You Ran open her eyes. She didn't look like she was slapped by her mother in the old house because she slept in. She stared blankly at the shoes on the carpet.

A brand new pair of shoes.

"This is the Lord, no, it was given to you by Mr. Dao Lei." Aunt Dai explained the little guy's doubts slowly.

Her original pair of shoes had already been soaked in the forest, and the head of the Mu family had ordered Aunt Dai to prepare a new pair of shoes before leaving, but if there was an explanation, it was given by Dao Lei.

Although Aunt Dai never guessed the master's mind, it seemed that she felt more and more that the master Mu Fei was not as cold as before, although he was still decisive.

Give some kindness, and make a detour.

You Ran looked at the bow on these shoes, and with great joy put the shoes on her feet carefully, just right.

After she put on her shoes, she stood by Aunt Dai's side, waiting for Aunt Dai's order. To be honest, she is still a little confused. When she first woke up, she thought she was dead. It was not until she saw Aunt Dai that she was sure that she had returned home.

As for how she got back, she couldn't remember at all. She only remembered that she found the little purple flower, but she fell down. When she was unwilling and afraid, someone caught her tightly...

You Ran patted her face, trying to wake herself up a bit, when she saw Aunt Dai making that expensive-looking bed.

This bed, at first glance, can only be slept by very noble people, and she just woke up from this bed.

You Ran didn't dare to think about it, she just stared at Aunt Dai making the bed secretly, and followed her eyes until she saw a bunch of purple flowers beside the pillow.

That is…!

The bunch of flowers she picked in the forest.

"Dai, Dai, Aunt Dai!"

You Ran hurriedly stepped forward, her small voice amplifying due to anxiety.


You Ran bit her lip, she pointed to the inconspicuous bunch of flowers by the pillow, "I-I can"

"Do you want this flower?" If You Ran hadn't pointed this way, Aunt Dai would not have seen this bunch of flowers yet.

"I, I picked it, I think" I want to give the flowers to Lord Mu Fei.

You Ran stammered out the words, she didn't know that she brought back this bunch of flowers, and she was a little excited and speechless.

Aunt Dai seemed to understand a little bit. She fixed her eyes on the bunch of flowers. If she guessed correctly, it should be the legendary "flower of no return".

It is extremely rare. It grows in the forest of black mist. It has an eternal fragrance and has the effect of calming the nerves and hypnosis. It is similar in shape to a small rose, and most people call it "purple rose".

Fuya deliberately induced You Ran to pick this flower.

However, You Ran really went. Although none of them knew what happened in the forest, what was certain was—

"You Ran, why do you want to pick this kind of flower?"

Aunt Dai handed a few small flowers to You Ran and asked softly.

You Ran took the flower, with a slight smile on her face, and replied, "Sir, Mu, Lord Mu Fei, I like it."


"The master is downstairs in the living room now. If you go now, you can still see it." After Aunt Dai finished tidying up Mu Fei's room, she kindly reminded You Ran behind her.

You Ran was stunned for a moment. She was supposed to be here waiting for Aunt Dai to send her. Is she still going to tidy up the back garden with Sister Fuya today? She raised her head and looked at Aunt Dai.

"It is estimated that the master will go out in a while, and it will be too late to send flowers. I have nothing to do here and need your help, so you can go to send flowers, little guy." Aunt Dai said lightly, a little helpless to herself To be so kind to hint and remind this little girl to do what she thinks.

Aunt Dai felt that it should be that such interesting things had not happened in this mansion for a long time. She really wanted to see Master Mu Fei's expression, and Dao Lei must have thought the same as her.

After You Ran heard what Aunt Dai said, her face couldn't help but be excited. She didn't care whether her hair was messy or not. She just wore a thin undershirt, but she couldn't feel the cold at all, only straight. Passionate at the top of the head.

She wants to give the little flowers to adults!

"This kid, he was so excited that he ran away without even wearing a coat..."