MTL - Omni-Magician-Chapter 4 Your mission is to live well.

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"This slate is branded with a few simple magic symbols to form a simple magic matrix. The power of this magic matrix can absorb the fire elements in the air and form a flame... It is wonderful."

In the kitchen, the leaves hang down and look at the stove with red flames in front of them and can't help but sigh.

It is a stove, in fact, it is just a slate placed on the platform. The slate is engraved with a line of magic symbols. These magic symbols form a simple magic matrix, which is like a program, which can continuously absorb the fire in the air. element.

Of course, the magic matrix can't be used without being portrayed, and it needs to be activated with magic.

Magic is also an important factor to become a magician. This is a wonderful energy. According to the understanding of leaf drop, if the slate engraved with the magic matrix is ​​a machine, the magic matrix is ​​the program or the circuit board. The magic power is electricity. This machine will not start until power is applied.

On one side of the stove slab is a small piece of blue small spar. The magic of this small spar can keep the flame on this stove burning for several months. By controlling the output of the magic power, you can control the size of the flame, which is just as convenient as the induction cooker.

Magic is a wonderful energy that can be produced in everybody. Depending on the physique, the content is different. The name is different depending on the chosen occupation. The magician calls this energy in the body magic. This is also the general term for this energy, and the swordsman refers to this energy as sword gas. The believer calls this energy the power of faith, and the knight calls this power an oath.

People in this world have also discovered a variety of spar, which can be used to capture the magic contained in it.

"The application of magic in this world has reached a very common level. Almost all everyday tools are magic-driven... No wonder this is a magic-dominated world."

The gaze of the leaf is transferred from the stove to the other utensils in the kitchen: the overhead chandelier is made up of a flame matrix mixed with some glass products, and there is a facility on the kitchen side that uses the wind matrix to generate a breeze, which acts like an electric fan. There is even a simple box for storing food, which is cooled by the ice-cold matrix, which is completely different from the refrigerator...

And Anthony's Magic Cabin, the main business is to sell and sell such magical life items.

The leaves are full of surprises, but it is very interesting, because looking at the magic matrix in these items, Ye Ding can use his programming knowledge to mix the thirty-two magic symbols to understand - of course, this is limited to simple Magic matrix. Thanks to Ye Peng's hacking experience, he has produced some powerful near-intuitive parsing capabilities for various strings.

"I didn't expect my hacking ability to use magic to go..."

Looking at the wonderful facilities in the kitchen, Ye Hang couldn't help but feel his emotions, and his face showed a look of anticipation.

"According to the memory of the hammerhead, the deeper curses in the world are all programmed by the thirty-two magic symbols. The difference is that the simple magic spell template will be shorter, but advanced. The magic template of the curse is more complicated. An important detection method of the level of the magician is the high spiritual strength. The higher the mental strength, the more powerful magic template can be found in the memory, releasing the super strong spell."

The [Lightning] spell used by the previous leaf drop, the magic matrix only needs twelve lines of magic symbols.

The most advanced magic template is said to require thousands or even hundreds of millions of lines of magic symbols - the magic spell has the power to destroy the earth.

Not to mention the amount of magic, so many magic symbols must be completely engraved in the memory, absolutely not the ordinary people can complete, that is, the magical spirit of the magician can have to bear.

"And, this magic symbol is more inscrutable than the programming language I learned in the last century. Programming these magic symbols can combine many wonderful effects..."

Ye Hang then thought about it and the eyes brightened.

He has developed a strong interest in this magical world.

Of course, it is imperative that the sag needs to improve his strength. He is only a second-order magician. The level of the magician can be roughly divided into a primary magician, an intermediate magician, a senior magician, and the first to third steps are primary, four. The order from the sixth to the sixth is intermediate, and the seventh to ninth is advanced.

But after reaching the senior magician, it is not the end of the magician.

It can even be said that this time has only just begun.

At this time, the magician needs to start to enter his own specialization field and delve into the deeper magical elements...

It is said that there is a higher level of sacred field above the field of specialization.

Of course, these are not the ones that Ye Hang needs to worry about.

In the town called Stan, where Ye Sao is located, the highest level of magician is only seven steps.

Even the Martan Empire, which belongs to Stan City, is only eight in the special magician above the 9th level.


Ye hangs while experiencing the beauty of the magical world, while cooking a pot of noodles with a magic stove. After the noodles are cooked, the leaves hang outside and scream for dinner. As a result, the kitchen sees Debbie standing in the yard. Constantly waving his own great sword, a one-on-one exercise, the giant sword is bigger and heavier than her.

The giant sword is waving, which gives people an illusion, as if the next moment, Debbie will be flying, but it can be as stable as a small figure. It is amazing.

On the mainland of Aigendas, people can choose four professions, namely magicians, swordsmen, believers, and knights.

The magician requires strong mental strength and magic to be competent, because the conditions are harsh, although this is a world dominated by magic, there are very few people who can become magicians, and the other three restrictions are more relaxed. For example, there is only one condition for becoming a swordsman, that is, it can stimulate the sword in the body. As I said before, almost everyone has this kind of energy in the body, similar to the magic, but the individual has Different, and Debbie’s sword is more inclined to strength, so her most suitable swordsman’s path is the giant swordsman...

Debbie can easily wave the giant sword that is more important than his own body, because of the sword.

"Debbie, take a break, it's time to have lunch." Ye yelled in the mouth.

The little girl ended up with a sword and the action of the sword. He leaned the giant sword on the magic pump next to the well in the yard, wiped the sweat from his head into the kitchen, and started a large bowl. Noodles, gorged and ate.

Yep looked at the giant sword leaning against the well, and when he was in the heart, he curiously walked over and tried to see if he could pick it up...

The result proves that he is a big man who can't move this thing!

In the end, I can only give up altogether. I am comforting my husband to fight with people. It is wisdom, wisdom...

Looking at the kitchen, where he was eating noodles at the table, Ye turned his head to look at the gate on the side of the yard and reborn to the world. He still didn't know what it was like outside. It would be better to go out and turn around. A turn, insights?

Thinking of this, Ye Hang is going to go outside the yard.

Suddenly, the figure flashed in front of him, and the slender figure was already in front of her. There was a noodle in the corner of the girl’s mouth. Looking at the leaf hanging: "Hammer, what are you doing?" Sucked into the mouth.

"I am going out for a walk..."


Hey than his hands on his hips: "Buska heart is hot, super shameless, you just scared him away with magic in the morning, he saw you alone may sneak attack you, so from now on you are not allowed to go out!"

"No, I can already use the attack magic spell, but also afraid of him?" Ye Hang is helpless.

"When your attacking spell is not spiritual, don't you know?" Debbie looked at Ye Ding with a contemptuous look. "Morning is pure luck, and you may not be able to play it again, so you Still stay here, other things to Rest assured, after three days he will dare to come over and I will learn from them - today I am afraid to knock over the things in the store so there is still A trick is not used. If they come again, I am not afraid of them!"

"Then I can't do anything?" Ye Ding felt that he should be able to help.

"Yes." Debbie nodded.

"What is it?" Ye Yiyi.

"Let's live well." Debbie is very serious.


Then Debbie also took a look at "I will take care of you" and patted the shoulders of the leaves. She didn't believe that Ye Ding could now use the "Lightning" spell as he pleased.

Although the body of the leaf sag is two years older than the cockroach, because it is a weak magician, Debbie or consciously assumes the role of a protector in daily life... In fact, Ye hang seems to still It really needs to be taken care of by this little teacher.

Although the magician is very powerful, but the weakness is a short board, the number of spell release is also a major weakness.

"Well, I will live well in these days..." Ye Ding just nodded, but he was thinking, "Buska said that he would come over three days later. Although Debbie is very confident, she must be alone. No, I am not going to do anything to prepare for this time?"


In the second chapter, the previously modified part seems to display errors on the client, speechless, and see if it can be corrected over time~~~~~ The first big high tide of the book will soon return. Ha, look at Ye Ding how to use hacking ability to play magic ~~~~ Of course, don't forget to recommend tickets and collections, thank you welcome to the readers to read, the latest, fastest, most popular serial works At mobile users please read.