MTL - Omni Genius-Chapter 3136 The battle of God!

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“Hey? It’s really useful...”

Qin Fang has been paying attention to the reaction of the burial of Shura. When the gods appeared, its expression was obviously not the same, and there was a very rare fear in the eyes.

This shows that it seems to be very taboo to the gods.

Then, Qin Fang has a way to deal with it...


Almost without hesitation, Qin Fang immediately shocked his hands and quickly flew out the gods and went straight to the funeral of Shura.

The weight of the ancient gods is very heavy. It is absolutely impossible for Qin’s personal strength to make such a throwing action...

However, as long as it has entered the props box, it will be marked with a special mark, and the weight will be weakened by a strange force, and it will become light in the hands of Qin Fang.

In this way, Qin Fang throws this ancient god, it is not so laborious to send it in before... This is also a special welfare of the prop box.

However, the ancient gods in the hands of the Qin side seem to be light and fluttering, but in fact its weight has not been alleviated. After throwing it out, it brings quite a screaming wind, which is quite scary.

Not to mention, the **** of the gods, the horror of the gods, the sorcerer’s sorcerer’s sorcerer’s sorrow, and it’s just a moment’s expansion. It’s like a black magical flame that is rising rapidly and will be around this area. They are completely shrouded.


This area has already been covered by the horrible power of the burial of the gods. Nowadays, it has directly encountered the powerful suppression of the ancient gods. These blocks of the space and the power of the field have been completely blasted in an instant.

The Qin side was originally suppressed to a certain extent, and it was also instantly broken out...

but. He did not participate in such a fight, but quietly retreated to the side, carefully guarding the burial of Shura, while also guarding against its sudden departure.

"In any case, neither side is a good thing, you can bite the dog..."

The Qin side is also a bad idea.

The ancient **** is a very evil, very dangerous existence, before he is still struggling to bring it with him. Or directly banished into the void.

In the end, he listened to the opinions of the starry behemoths and put this gods in the props box. He also determined that the starry beasts would not hang themselves, and felt that there might be some use...

However, Qin Fang did not think that it came in handy so quickly, and it seems to directly become a very important point of action for Qin Fang to reverse the situation.


Compared with the Qin dynasty, the gods are not so calm. Almost subconsciously, he quickly retreated backwards.

It’s hard to imagine that it’s arrogant and invincible a minute ago... it’s exactly what it’s like to be a dog.

Moreover, it is not so simple to avoid the sacred gods, it is as if it is a nemesis, can hide far away from the far away, can not wait to tear the void directly, escape from the thousand and eight thousand Like it.


However, the ancient gods are not completely controlled by the Qin side. Or, its autonomy is very powerful. Those gods and sorcerers also have a very strong sense of tyranny.

It seems that I also realized that the existence of the burial of the Shura was directly as if it was activated, and immediately became violent.

If you don’t say anything else, it’s just that the gods and sorcerers are covering the surroundings at a very fast speed, which is a bit faster than the speed at which the gods are retreating.

This also caused the burial of Shura to be completely unable to completely retreat to a safe area. It has already been caught up by the gods, and quickly surpassed... and then it was carried out, and the burial of the gods was wrapped in it.

"This time, see how you die?"

Seeing such a scene, Qin Fang also followed the music.

The appearance of the gods. Directly suppressing the power of the burial of Shura, even forced it to escape... But if it is let it slip, the Qin side will be quite troublesome, this will be a poisonous snake hidden in the dark, very dangerous That kind.

When it is time to jump out of the Qin Fang’s poisonous snake...

Then, Qin Fang hopes to eliminate this poisonous burial Shura as much as possible, and it is best to completely annihilate it and the soul of it!

It is obviously not easy to do with the personal strength of Qin Fang and the power of Shura. It is almost impossible to do it. The only thing that Qin Fang can have such lethality is that it is just four glazed fires. But this kind of skyfire is basically useless for the burial of the gods.

This is also the reason why Qin Fang did not take out the four elephants and Kun Ding from the beginning to the end. The gap between the strength levels is too great, and the artifacts of the districts cannot be flattened.

The gods are different, and its power is no longer described in words...

If you want to evaluate its level, it should be similar to the Dwarf's super artifact Thunder Warhammer, and maybe even more powerful. After all, the really terrible thing about the gods is the horrible **** that sleeps in it!

Perhaps because of this, the ancient gods will make the horrible existence of the burial of Shura so fearful...

This also provides a very good opportunity for the Qinfang's eternal life, and even... Qin Fang can also take this opportunity to kill the burial of Shura.

"Do not……"

At this moment, the gods of the gods and spirits are entangled in the burial of the gods. Compared with the attraction of the Qin side, the burial of the sacred sects is obviously much larger. It almost completely ignores the existence of the Qin dynasty and goes straight to it. .

Moreover, the incomparably rich gods and black magic inflammation instantly swallowed the body of the sacred Shura, and vaguely heard the unsatisfied roar of the gods and sorrows of the gods.


Not reconciled, then naturally it will choose to resist... The burial of Shura was also forced to no way at this time, and immediately began to release the violent.


It was also the fierce burial **** Shura knife before... It was said that even the gods could bury the horror secrets, and at this moment it was completely violent.

A fierce sword, the violent release, continuous impact, cutting the infinitely powerful gods and black magic inflammation... trying to tear a crack out of it, and then escape from the encirclement.


The spirit of the magical black magic is so powerful, the Qin side is also taught... If it is not the star stone necklace is almost out of the full force of the explosion, plus the advance arrangement, the gods of the magical magic has long since destroyed the Qin side hundreds of times.

Even so, the star stone necklace was washed away a few times...

The burial of the gods is also very powerful, especially the power of this funeral cultivating sword is even more terrifying. It almost directly broke the defense of the star stone necklace...

Nowadays, these two very terrible attack forces have collided together, and the results are not very predictable...

However, the Qin side is obviously more optimistic about the gods and black magic inflammation... It seems to have a strong nemesis effect on the burial of the gods, so that it can suppress the power of the burial **** Shura knife, and then the advantage will be expanded a lot.


As the Qin Fang expected, the struggle between the sacred Shura and the gods and Ugly inflammation was fierce. Even though this area was covered and controlled by the gods, it still has a very powerful shock wave from the rich gods. It shines through the inflammation.

Qin Fang has been far away, but he has to guard against the strong temperament that may come at any time... Even if he is pregnant with a real dragon, he is still flying out several times.

Of course, in general, Qin Fang did not suffer any harm... This kind of impact is only the afterglow of the escape, the power has been weakened by ten, and the rest is not enough to change the Qin side. ,

Not to mention the Qin Fang in full armed state...

Therefore, the Qin side is safe for the time being... The only pity is that in such a thrilling and terrifying battle, he can only be on the sidelines and completely unable to get involved.


At this time, in the gods and black magic, suddenly there was a violent, low roar, like a mysterious and powerful beast in the violent, the breath immediately became different.

The most intuitive point...

The range covered by the gods and black magic is suddenly expanded and expanded by the violent violent... It completely wraps the burial of the gods, as if a giant behemoth appeared in it.

"Is it the true body of the burial of Shura?"

Looking at the fierce beast that swelled... Because of the barrier of the gods, the Qin side can only see a figure, but can't see its true face.

The body is very large, almost this rumor that is already a big bang is about to burst out... and the body is quite long, looking at the look of no more than 20 meters, how to see is a giant.

And it must be the burial of Shura... or it is made out, it is no wonder that the Qin side will be so skeptical. After all, the burial of Shura is also a variation of the Shura family. It should have some similarities with the Shura people. Strange.

The Shura people have a similar shape to human beings, but they are completely different. In terms of human aesthetics, it is extremely ugly.

After advanced to Ashura, there will be a pair of ugly flesh-winged wings...the one without feathers, the ability to fly, but with terrible attack power.

It is said that Ashura is in the advanced stage, and there will be more powerful evolution, but Qin Fang has no understanding of this, it is already another horrible realm and level.

The burial of the sacred sorrow is from the Shura family. Then there may be similar abilities, so the Qin side will have such speculation... (To be continued.)
