MTL - Old Injury-Chapter 70

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[Song Mo will go to school next year, he has never gotten along with his peers, I don't know if he can get used to it. 】

Mangrove Lake is a very large inland lake, one third of which is in Xiangtan. Because of the beautiful scenery and the interdependence of mountains and rivers, many dignitaries regard it as a unique Fengshui treasure land in Xiangtan, and they buy land and build houses by the lake. That's why it's also known as the "rich man's lake".

Xia Qiao committed suicide by throwing herself into this lake.

"Don't be too impatient, it's not good for your health."

Viking Daoist was hurriedly dug out of my sleep by me, I only had time to wear a thick dark green coat over the pajamas, and I didn’t know if the hairpin could not be found temporarily. The chopsticks were fixed, and most of the odor slipped out, which looked very messy.

"I didn't expect them to be able to kidnap people in the street..." I held the phone tightly, the knuckles protruding.

It creeps me out to think that they're so calculated to facilitate a reluctant mark.

Today they can kidnap to mark, and tomorrow they can kill for other benefits.

Daoist Weijing sighed softly: "Although it is my own family, I don't speak for them. This uncle of mine has a lot of bad ideas. My dad just listened to his slander. Only to do the stupid things that Xia Qiao and Luo Qinghe marked. It's pity that my brother died young, and the only son left behind is still treated like this. It's also my fault. I was too addicted to pain when I was young. If I didn't go home, a lot of Nothing will happen."

When they arrived at the Xia family mansion, a familiar Rolls-Royce was already parked at the door. Luo Qinghe was not far from here, so he should have arrived early in the morning.

Daoist Weijing rang the doorbell a few times, and an older servant came out of the door. He was a little surprised when he saw him: "Master Weijing? Why are you here?"

"If I don't come again, you will go to heaven." Daoist Weijing pushed him away and squeezed in.

I followed and squeezed in, and when I walked outside the door, I heard a fierce quarrel in the room.

"The two of us can be closer, and the Xia family can give you more support. Why do you have to be so ugly?"

"It's not that I want to make it ugly, it's that you are doing things too much. Uncle, let my son go. Today, nothing happened, and we may be able to cooperate in other ways in the future. You should know that I no longer need the support of the Xia family at this point."

"You! Cross the river and demolish the bridge! You father and son are the same, addicted to beta, can't use it..."

Viking Daoist sighed in the palm of his hand, pushed the door open, and everyone in the room looked at us at the same time.

The door was facing a huge wooden coffee table. Luo Qinghe and the two sat opposite each other across the coffee table, and behind each stood a row of black-clothed bodyguards who were waiting in a strict line with expressionless faces. I didn't know how to break in, thinking that I had strayed into the shooting scene of which underworld movie.

"Uncle Tang?" The younger middle-aged man opposite Luo Qinghe saw Daoist Weijing, his face full of surprise, and he stood up unconsciously.

"Uncle." Daoist Wei Jing put his hands in his sleeves and bowed at the old man beside the middle-aged man.

The man looked old, but his eyes were not cloudy, but he was still full of light, and he was full of energy, reminding me of Ruan Huaxiong, who only had a relationship with one side, all old foxes.

"Vijing, it's so late, why are you here?"

The fox-like eyes looked at Daoist Metropark for a moment, and then turned to me. In an instant, I felt the pressure, and my palms were sweating.

"I won't come again, I'm afraid you think I'm dead." Daoist Weijing was deferential and piercing.

The middle-aged man was stunned for a moment, and said anxiously, "Uncle Tang, what are you talking about?"

"Although our sons are unhappy, they are not dead. Uncle, if you still remember my father, I am your nephew, and my brother, your dead My nephew, just stop and don’t do anything wrong.” He pulled my arm and took me a few steps forward, “This is my godson, and his child is my grandson, and he is also the Xia family. Their family of four is happy, so don't fix the things that you don't have."

"Nonsense!" Mr. Xia's white eyebrows stood upright, and his crutches were heavily on the ground.

Although I didn't introduce myself, but judging from his appearance, he should know who I am.

"Uncle, why are you turning your elbows out!" The middle-aged man came over and glanced at me, his eyes seemed to be looking at a bedbug, "Back then, the Luo family died begging for help. To marry our family, Song Mo is the child that Yanchi exchanged his life for, so he is the only one, but now he has let a beta who doesn't know where he came from get pregnant and give birth to a child, and play our Xia family as monkeys?"

They still have the face to mention Xia Yanchi and Song Mo?

I held back my anger and said, "My child will not ask your Xia family a penny. If you don't believe me, I can swear and sign a guarantee."

He glared at me coldly: "Who can tell this clearly? When we old guys die, it's not just what you say? I heard that Song Mo fell off the mountain for no reason. There's no tricks, who would believe it? He's weak, and if such an accident happens again and again, his life will not be guaranteed."

Daoist Weijing reached out his hand to stop him: "So you are going to send your son to Song Bailau's bed?"

The middle-aged man choked and said: "However, it is a family. I know my son, he will definitely treat Momo well."

Daoist Daoist Weijing nodded, raised his hand and gave him a slap, with a "snack" that called everyone to be stunned on the spot.

"Xia Weijing!" Mr. Xia stood up excitedly.

"Whether you want to meddle in Xia Sheng, hug the leg of a prospective member of the parliament, or really fight for our family, only you know it in your own heart." Daoist Weijing said to Mr. Xia with a stern face, "Uncle, stop it. You are so old, aren't you afraid of going to **** and being tortured a lot after death? I, a serious elder, didn't say anything. What are you worried about?"

Mr. Xia hadn't been scolded like this for a long time, his face was flushed, and he was trembling with anger.

Just as the situation was stalemate, a loud noise accompanied by the sound of glass breaking suddenly came from upstairs.

I was stunned, and I rushed upstairs without thinking. Xia's bodyguard stopped me, and Luo Qinghe's bodyguard went to stop them.

The middle-aged man laughed: "It's too late, hahaha, can't you smell such a strong pheromone? They must have already finished marking, don't waste your time."

Not open fog.

The sweet and greasy aroma enveloped my body, and every breath seemed to draw the few courage in my body.

I had a bit of luck in the past, and now, that bit of luck has dissipated.

A siren suddenly came from outside the house, and the middle-aged man was startled: "Who called the police?"

I reported, I reported illegal detention.

Before everyone came back to their senses, I shortened my body and ran upstairs through the armpit of the bodyguard in front of me.

I felt that someone was chasing me, but soon, Luo Qinghe's voice sounded behind me: "Stop them!"

No lights were turned on on the second floor, it was pitch black, as long as the strong aroma guided me.

Searching from room to room, my mind became a mess.

Song Bailao was asking me what would happen to me if he tagged others, I didn't expect this day to come so quickly.

But honestly now I don't think I'm going to be, I'm just worried about him...

The end of the fragrance was found. The wooden door in front of him was tightly closed and inconspicuous, and the room was unusually quiet, with no sound coming out.

The key is inserted in the keyhole, and the door is locked.

I turned the key and unscrewed the handle, ready to witness everything.

I gritted my teeth and pushed open the door resolutely. The scene in front of me was beyond my imagination.

Song Bailao lay a motionless human body beside his feet. He held the opponent's neck with one hand and raised the other hand high. His **** fingertips held a sharp piece of glass, which was about to be Stab coldly.

"Don't!" I hurriedly stopped him, my heart jumping out of my throat nervously.

When he heard my voice, he stopped the offensive immediately, and the glass piece stopped abruptly in the air.

It seemed that he realized that someone was coming. He looked up at me in confusion and squinted: "Ning Yu?"

I then noticed that his clothes were covered in blood and his neck was bright red.

A bad premonition hit my heart, I asked him in a trembling voice: "You, what did you do?"

He threw away the glass and greeted me with open arms, as if to hug me, and as if for comfort.

"I said that death will not make them happy." He breathed slightly, "I cut my own glands, and I want to cut his, so you are here. Ning Yu ,It hurts."

So the rich floral fragrance in the house is not because of the "mark" at all...

He actually cut his own glands, my eyes were black, and I knelt down in front of him.

"You might...die." I was so terrified that I couldn't make a sound.

Two long blood lines slowly flowed down his neck, and a large area of ​​bright red was splattered on his chest.

At this moment, I suddenly understood Song Xiao's choice. Compared to him and Xia Huainan marking each other, the way he looks now makes me a hundred times more painful and afraid.

"To stop the bleeding quickly..." I tried a few times before I took out the handkerchief from my pocket.

"It's all right, I avoided the aorta." He held my trembling hand, which was calm compared to my panic.

The taut strings suddenly snapped, I raised my hand and gave him a slap.

He looked at me blankly, looking a little aggrieved.

My anger lasted only one second, and the next second it collapsed.

"Yes, I'm sorry..." I covered his wound with a handkerchief and repeated regularly, "I'm sorry..."