MTL - Old Chapters-v17 Chapter 6 water blue star

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The balance of the entire world has been completely broken, and the Shadow Legion retreated from the frontal world at a very fast speed, but those religious organizations have no strength to kill those powerful shadow monsters.

Looking at it from a distance, the dark side of the whole world is like a constantly wriggling soft bug lying on the frontal world, constantly transforming the positive world into a part of itself.

It's just that although this bug has survived, because of the accumulation of too much complicated information in the dark, this monster looks extremely chaotic and has no sense at all. It is estimated that in the future, it will grow into a void giant wandering in time and space. Strange, of course, it is also possible to encounter a powerful world and become a resource for the promotion of that world.

"You have won, Son of Ashes..." Satoguya broke into the dark dimension extremely decisively. He has been operating there for many years, and almost no one dares to break into it.

Gresta was a little puzzled, but he didn't care too much. The other party must have other backers, and the dreamy bridge to the sky that cooperated with Atlach was just one of them.

Satoguya, who has mastered some unknown things, has many ways to enter the main world, and no one knows what the other party's real means are, so what he has to do now is to go to Nightmare Space to get a piece of the pie.

Gresta waved the arm of the starry sky, opened the door of the space, and pursued the traces of the nightmare space. Under normal circumstances, the nightmare space is naturally hidden and extremely hidden, even if it is which existence is following the contact of the contractor. It is difficult to find.

Even if it is found, it will be squeezed out by Atlach and Zatoguya, and then the position will be changed, but this time, the two major incarnations of Hastur are in a fight with Atlack, although it is hard to find, but at least There will be no trace.

In the arm of the starry sky, there are many contractors who are caught alive. Every once in a while, Gresta will forcibly urge the information in these data bodies to link the position of the nightmare space in the endless ladder.

In the past, Atlach could change the spatial position of the Nightmare Space, but this time, even in his home court, facing the King in Yellow and the distant revelers, he still tried his best.

"I found..." Gresta's starry sky arm rested on the shell of this special space, and felt a little familiar. This so-called nightmare space was actually transformed from a world of fantasy.

And the growth of contractors who are transformed by the personnel of the main world, although it cannot completely become a thing of the main world, but it will also reduce the rejection of them in the main world a lot. When the fulcrum is completely established, sending it into the main world will not be enough. It's difficult.

"It's a good idea, you can learn it." Gresta agreed with the method. The main part of this method is how to transport the creatures of the main world without changing their essence. Other indescribable things rejected by the main world can be said to be even more difficult, but it is not difficult for Lu Li, who is still in the main world incarnation of the Ring of Time.

Several Starry Sky Arms did their best to tear open a hole in the Nightmare Space, constantly destroying and stealing the substances inside, and at the same time expanding the hole, allowing Gresta to transmit power to it.

Atlach's attacking stance became more violent, using Nightmare Space's home-court advantage to wield her eight long legs and attack Hastur's two important incarnations.

But Atlach was thinking about the issue of retreat. It would basically be impossible to repel Hastur's incarnation for a while. Now Gresta has come again, indicating that Satogua has given up on the plan of the bridge to the sky.

His existence alone is basically unable to support this plan, so he spit out a lot of silk threads to temporarily trap the queen in yellow, Atlack decisively gave up the nightmare space, and took the initiative to destroy it, with a part of the core. escape.

It’s just that it’s not that simple to escape. The yellow clothes of the king of yellow clothes fluttered, and the tentacles inside wriggled, breaking free from the shackles of Atlak’s cobwebs, and the tattered wings on the back that had the same feeling as Cthulhu also stretched out. .

The wings flapped, a strange chant appeared in the entire space, and the flow of time and space seemed to be frozen, making Latrak's movements slow, and the arm of the starry sky swung down, breaking the barriers of the nightmare space, and slapped the on Atlach.

In the end, Atlach managed to escape with the core of Nightmare Space, but it didn't count as a complete retreat. Two of his long spider legs were broken, which contained part of the origin of the spider concept.

Similar to the snake-man Ig, Atlach is mainly the leader of the giant spiders on the Rennes Plateau, and is often regarded as the ruler of all spiders, but he does not have the ultimate control over snakes like Ig does. A hurdle that all snakes cannot get around.

With the origin of these spiders, after a certain alienation transformation, Gresta is sure to create a spider family that is not controlled by Atlak again.

He and the King in Yellow looked at each other for a while, and both of them tacitly divided up the rest of the Nightmare Space, and there was no recollection of the past. The two left directly. They have been so busy, but they don't owe anyone anything now.

"The shadow expedition continues, and I need to bring more of the dark side of the world into my control." Gresta issued an order to his family. The final day is coming, and his strength needs to be further strengthened, otherwise Still can't compete for the Three Pillars of God, although Shabu doesn't seem to have the consciousness of competition.

Gresta received a piece of information, the information from the game, the true face of the game is almost open in front of him, the main official of the game is the three-pillar god, that is, "the black goat of the forest that gave birth to millions of descendants" Shabu · Nicholas, "All things return to one" Yog Sotos, "Crossing Chaos" Among them, the fun of the black goat for this game is mainly reflected in the creation of monsters , but he is not interested in the main world, and Yog, the first all-powerful Lord of Eternal Life, although running as the main body of the game, the meaning of multiple main worlds is unclear. After all, relatively speaking, this is the only one other than that The strongest existence outside.

On the contrary, it is the last Naia, nyar, who has always shown a passion for the hidden things in the main world, and is currently the one with the greatest advantage. I don't know how many incarnations are buried in the main world.

Just now, Lu Li received a message from Yog Sotos, he invited Lu Li to play the last game, to have the last carnival for the arrival of the final day.

At the same time, Lu Li also accepted the information about the last instance, which was named Shui Lanxing. ...


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