MTL - Of All the Transmigrations, Why Am I a Prisoner?-Chapter 62 Win or lose depends on who survives

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The woman in red who was standing in front of the three looked at Li Changtian, and said with a smile: "This chivalrous warrior has fought hard and won several battles. Is he going to leave like this?"

Li Changtian felt that his hands and feet had regained strength, so he let Yan Shu put himself down, but when he landed, his legs felt a little numb, so he had to put one hand on Yan Shu's body and use his shoulder to support it for a while: "Win? I'm Yan Shu."

The woman in red smiled and said, "The Huage competition is unruly. If one side falls, the other side wins. Now I only see the young master standing."

"Ah..." Li Changtian was a little surprised.

"Don't you want to see our pavilion master? Come with me." The woman in red said with a smile.

"What? Can't we follow?" Shen Yushu asked.

"No, only this son who left his name on the deed of life and death can see our pavilion master, and I hope the two sons will forgive me." The woman in red said.

Yan Shu frowned slightly.

"Okay then, I'll go with you." Li Changtian moved his legs and found that the numbness was no longer there, so he withdrew his hand on Yan Shu's shoulder.

"Li Changtian..." Yan Shu called out softly, his tone full of worry.

"It's okay, I'll definitely help you get the token back, don't worry." Li Changtian patted Yan Shu on the shoulder, then followed the footsteps of the woman in red.

The woman in red led Li Changtian upstairs to the fifth floor of Hua Pavilion. Like Feng Pavilion, there was only one wing on the fifth floor of Hua Pavilion. There are weapon racks everywhere.

Red silk wrapped around those black iron and silver blades, making people feel inexplicably trembling.

The woman in red led Li Changtian to the front of the house, saluted and left.

Li Changtian scratched his head in confusion, reached out and knocked on the door.

"Young master, please come in." A voice came from inside the room.

Li Changtian pushed open the door and went in, and saw that the room was covered with a soft Ruyi brocade-patterned carpet, and there was a nanmu lacquered gold bed in the center. Not only was the bedpost dark red, but even the bed tent was vermilion red.

A girl sat at the table of the Eight Immortals beside the bed. On the table were wine jugs, wine bottles and celadon plates, and green plums were placed on the table.

Hearing the sound, the pavilion master of Huage raised his head and looked at Li Changtian.

She is an extremely handsome girl, with no trace of tenderness in her eyes. She is dressed in a neat corset, with blue silk tied into a ponytail, and moire soap boots on her feet.

"Sir, please take a seat." The master of Huage Pavilion said.

Li Changtian sat down opposite the master of Huage Pavilion. The master of Huage Pavilion warmed up a pot of wine, poured a glass and handed it to Li Changtian, saying: "This is Huadiao wine, brewed with clear and clean deep mountain and pool water, aged for ten years, The wine is sweet and mellow, you can taste it.”

Li Changtian thanked him, picked up the wine and drank it. He really felt that the mouth was very sweet, the aftertaste was endless, and the whole person was warmed up.

"Young Master, do you want to cook wine with me and discuss martial arts first, or do you want to talk directly?" asked the master of Huage.

"Let's talk directly." Li Changtian replied decisively without thinking about it.

"Okay." The pavilion master of Hua Pavilion was obviously also someone who didn't like to procrastinate. She stood up, walked to the vermilion-gold lacquer bed, loosened her hair, and silently untied her belt, and began to take off her clothes, revealing her snow-white arms. .

Li Changtian: "…"

Why is your talk not the same as 'talk' in my dictionary! !

Li Changtian stood up quickly, stepped forward and held the hand of the pavilion master of Hua Pavilion, preventing her from continuing to undress: "Pavilion Lord, I am not here to seek pleasure, I am here for the Pavilion Lord's token."

The master of Huage Pavilion glanced at Li Changtian and said slowly, "Oh? Flower Pavilion token?"

"Yes." Li Changtian nodded.

The master of Hua Pavilion shook his head: "I kindly persuade the young master to give up this idea."

"I won't give up." Li Changtian said firmly, "I must get the token of the pavilion master."

The master of Huage Pavilion put on his clothes again, and said, "Young master, my token, I need you to compete again. If you win, you can take it away."

"Okay." Li Changtian nodded, "I compare."

The pavilion master of Huage suddenly curled his lips into a smile and said, "Then if I tell the young master, this competition is not about who can stand, but..."

"But who can live?"

Li Changtian was stunned.

The pavilion master of the Flower Pavilion adjusted his clothes, saluted Li Changtian, and said, "Young Master, please come with me."

As she said that, she got up and walked to the right. Only then did Li Changtian realize that there was a secret door on the right side of the room that was covered by an embroidered curtain.

Going through the secret door is a dark passageway. Unlike the attic surrounded by pearls, this secret passage is made of cold, dark red bricks. Candlesticks are placed on the stone walls to illuminate the passage.

Li Changtian followed Huage Pavilion Master through the aisle and came to an iron gate. Huage Pavilion Master took out the key, opened the iron door, and made a gesture to Li Changtian to come in.

Li Changtian considered it for a while, then got up and walked in.

What caught my eye was an inner room about the size of the house just now. There were no windows around it. There were some swords and weapons hanging on the wall for decoration. The center of the inner room was hollowed out, and it was two meters deep.

"Here is the place to compete." The master of Huage pointed to the deep pit and said lightly.

Li Changtian took a step closer, looked down, and then froze.

In the center of the deep pit, there is a huge gray wolf with green eyes! It bared its teeth, saliva spilled from its sharp teeth and fell to the ground, making a dangerous noise in its throat.

"This is your son's opponent, a fierce wolf who has been hungry for a day." The pavilion master of Huage looked at Li Changtian, and said lightly, "Young Master Fang Cai's competition is really exciting, but unfortunately, what the son is good at is restraining others' fragile necks. , this trick doesn't work for this wolf, what's more, the young master has already tried all night, so he should be exhausted?"

Li Changtian: "…"

Li Changtian didn't pay attention to what the pavilion master of Huage was talking about.

He was full of it.

The wolf is a national second-class protected animal!