MTL - Of All the Transmigrations, Why Am I a Prisoner?-Chapter 118 I lost him

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Several leading Bei Di soldiers did not expect that Han Ya would be so decisive, and they were all stunned.

One of the Bei Di soldiers came back to his senses and sneered: "This is a blood feud! You will calm down if you say it? Are you kidding us?!"

Several other soldiers joined in, and for a while, the atmosphere was tense.

Han Ya seemed to have expected them to say this. He was not in a hurry. He discarded the long sword that was still dripping blood in his hand, picked up the teapot on the table, and washed his hands with tea. He said with a calm expression and a calm tone. : "Several soldiers, the people have passed away, and the blood debt has been paid. I think in this situation, we should not stick to the dead."

With that said, Han Ya took out an animal skin document from his arms: "This is a letter sent from Bei Di fast horse and whip a few days ago. It was written and stamped by Bei Di Khan himself. Tonight, Bei Di will send a letter to Shuofang. Raid, Khan ordered all the soldiers to seize Baidi City and control the granary, you can take a look."

Several soldiers looked at each other, took the animal skin document, and looked at it carefully.

On the animal skin document, it is indeed the handwriting of Beidi Khan, and it is stamped with their unique seal of Beidi.

"Everyone, please gather your soldiers quickly, live up to the expectations of the Northern Di Khan, take advantage of the night and seize the granary of Baidi City in one fell swoop, and I will also assist you." Han Ya said slowly.

Since there are documents written by Khan, the leaders of the soldiers naturally did not dare to neglect, and left in a hurry after saying, "Although the murderer is dead, this matter is not over."

Shen Chao, who was beside him, was startled, blood pouring all over his body.

Oops! He negotiated with Qin Jueming to lead troops into the city to protect the people tomorrow morning!

Unexpectedly, Han Ya planned to send Beidi soldiers to invade Baidi City from the very beginning. He didn't care about the innocent people at all!

Shen Chao took a deep breath, suddenly remembered something, and hurried to Li Changtian's side, half kneeling on the ground, testing his breathing and pulse.

The man fell in a pool of blood, silently closing his eyes, not breathing or beating.

Shen Chao couldn't help but sighed deeply.

He was still a step behind.

How should he explain to Lord Yan?

"Lord Shen." Han Ya slowly opened his mouth, and he said lightly, "We haven't had a good chat for many years. Now that we finally have some free time, let's have a heart-to-heart talk."

Shen Chao didn't panic, he slowly stood up, looked at Han Ya, and said, "Master Han, today is really a big day."

Han Ya smiled and was noncommittal.

In the hall, the candles flickered on and off, right and wrong, people were unpredictable.

Han Ya walked slowly to the casement, looked up, and saw the cool moonlight shining on the four seas of Jiuzhou.


Baidi City, the granary of the world, is about to be killed and wounded, and it will become a mess.

The distant border of Shuofang was invaded by the Beidi iron cavalry, and the flames were raging in the sky.

In the capital where the dark tide is surging, the remnants of the party are in trouble, killing seven people.

Fourteen years ago, the evil that was planted unintentionally was finally exchanged for loyalty and goodness, turning into ghosts and evildoers.

At this time, Yan Shu slowly woke up from fainting, his headache was splitting, his head went blank for a moment, and he forgot where he was and what happened before.

But soon, the memories before being knocked out flooded into my mind.

"Li Changtian!"

Yan Shu shouted in panic, subconsciously trying to stand up, but his throat and arm suddenly hurt.

He looked down, only to find that he had chains around his neck and body, and was tied to the bedpost.

But the jackdaw assassins seemed to leave in a hurry, and the chains weren't too tight.

Yan Shu looked around and saw that the table and chairs fell pitifully on the ground, the house was empty, and no one else was seen.

Li Changtian did not know where to go.

Yan Shu was extremely anxious and tried to break free from the chain, but even though the chain was loose, it still caught his wrist and twisted his arm, making it difficult for his hands to pull out.

Thinking of where Li Changtian might be tortured and suffer, Yan Shu became more and more anxious. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, and suddenly he was ruthless. With all his strength, he slammed his right hand out.


The pain of tearing and scratching instantly rushed to the whole body, Yan Shu opened his eyes, and saw that his forearm and palm were rubbed off, a **** scar was scratched, and there were dull pains in the shoulder, it must be a sprain.

Yan Shu's forehead was sweating from the pain. He suppressed the moan in his throat, and then slowed down a little. He tore off the chain on his body with one hand, staggered to his feet, and ran out of the house.

He walked from the inner room to the empty outer room, leaned against the door, and listened carefully.

Feeling that the man was about to push the door and enter, Yan Shu frowned slightly, covered his injured hand, took a half step back, and disappeared into the darkness.

The man outside the door had just pushed open the door and walked in when Yan Shu suddenly attacked. With his uninjured hand, he grabbed the man's throat violently, pushed him hard against the wall, and pressed him with half of his body, forcing him to Unable to move.

The man was startled at first, but he quickly reacted and shouted: "Master Yan! I am the son of Shen Chao, Shen Qionglin, and I was ordered by my father to take you out of here! I have Master Qin's token. , at the waist."

Yan Shu looked at him cautiously, and with great difficulty, with his injured hand, he took out a wooden sign with a strange fragrance from Shen Qionglin's waist.

This was indeed Qin Jueming's token, Yan Shu quickly let go of Shen Qionglin: "I'm sorry."

"Lord Yan, let's get out of here!" Shen Qionglin said that he was about to take Yan Shu away.

"Wait, may I ask, where is Li Changtian now!?" Yan Shu hurriedly asked.

"Who is Li Changtian?" Shen Qionglin was confused, "My father only asked me to take you away alone."

Anxiety gradually took over Yan Shu's chest, and he said, "I want to see Lord Shen."

Shen Qionglin said: "Master Yan, I don't know where my father is now. After he asked me to take you away, he left in a hurry. Master Yan, now the three thousand elite soldiers of Beidi have assembled at Tianque Mountain Villa, and they are about to go there. Baidicheng has gone, and the lives of innocent people in Baidicheng are hanging by a thread, we have to report to Lord Qin quickly!"

"What!?" Yan Shu was stunned. He never imagined that when it was already in a hurry, Yan Shu closed his eyes in pain and gritted his teeth. It hurt, he opened his eyes suddenly, his eyes were full of determination: "Let's go!"

Today, the Beidi people of Tianque Villa are all gathering on the bluestone platform on the opposite mountainside. There are very few guards here. Even if they meet the guards, they are from Shen Chao.

Yuelang star sparse, at the foot of the mountain, a carriage is waiting.

Shen Qionglin lifted the curtain of the carriage and helped Yanshu to get on the carriage.

"Ah! Yan Shu!!" A voice with surprise sounded.

Only then did Yan Shu realize that there was another person in the carriage.

Shen Yushu looked at Yan Shu, took a breath, pointed to his injured hand, and said, "My God, how did you get hurt like this, who cut you with a knife? I'll wipe it, what's going on? ?"

Yan Shu: "It's a long story."

Shen Yushu asked again: "Where is Changtian?! Where is he? Isn't he with you?"

Yan Shu's eyes dimmed, and his voice trembled: "I don't know where he is, I lost him..."

"Ah? Lost it?" Shen Yushu couldn't help but blame himself for being eloquent when he saw Yan Shu's dejected appearance.

Although he is naive, he also understands that something is wrong now, otherwise Shen Qionglin would not be able to suddenly wake him up in the middle of the night and hurriedly lead him down the mountain.

Shen Yushu thought about it for a while, and then said, "Don't worry, Yanshu, Li Changtian has his own auspiciousness, and no matter what he encounters, he will definitely turn the risk into a safe one."

These words really comforted Yan Shu, he nodded lightly.

Shen Qionglin quickly put on the reins of the carriage and asked Yan Shu, "Master Yan, can you recognize the way to find Master Qin when you leave Baidi City?"

Yan Shu nodded and said firmly, "Yes."

"Okay." Shen Qionglin said earnestly and pleadingly, "Master Yan, my brother will ask you, please send him to Master Qin safely!"

Yan Shu was taken aback: "Aren't you going with us?"

Shen Qionglin shook his head: "I can't leave with you, I still have things to do."

When Shen Yushu heard it, he shouted, "Brother, why don't you come with us? What else do you have to do?"

Shen Qionglin stretched out his hand and pressed Shen Yushu's head: "Master Yan is injured now. When you walk with him, remember to take care of Master Yan, you know?"

Shen Yushu patted his chest: "You know, don't worry!"

Shen Qionglin jumped out of the carriage, suddenly jumped up again, opened the curtain, and said to Shen Yushu: "Yushu, my brother said before that you have never suffered hardships, and will only talk about some grand truths. , Xiang Guangming, Xiang Dayi are not great truths, but what a gentleman should do in life, thank you for telling my brother."

"Brother? Brother, what's wrong with you, why did you say this all of a sudden?" Shen Yushu looked confused.

Shen Qionglin pressed Shen Yushu's head again, jumped off the carriage, patted the horse's back, and the horse pulled the carriage and galloped towards Baidi City.

Shen Qionglin watched the carriage until it disappeared, then he turned his head to look at Tianque Villa, pulled out the long sword from his waist with a solemn expression, and hurried towards there.

At this moment, Tianque Mountain Villa, Linyuan Attic, Han Ya and Shen Chao stood side by side in front of the railing, leaning on the railing and overlooking.

Caressed by the night wind, they could see the peaceful and quiet Baidi City, and they could also see the Beidi soldiers assembling with torches opposite Tianque Villa. Although they could not hear the sound of swords beating on their armor, the neatly lined firelight made people unable to help themselves. startled.

"When did General Chu decide to betray me?" Han Ya asked suddenly.

Shen Chao was startled at first, but soon calmed down.

Wanting to come to Han Ya so suspiciously, he has many flaws, how could he not be noticed.

"A year ago, when Lord Han decided to lead Beidi soldiers into Baidi City." Shen Chao said slowly.

"So that's the case." Han Ya looked into the distance, his tone was flat, and he couldn't hear joy or sorrow.

"Mr. Han, I have also single-mindedly assisted Lord Han in seizing power, but now, to form an alliance with Bei Di and take the throne with the blood of innocent people is too much..." Shen Chao paused, "It's too unethical, it's too hard to make people convinced."

"Sir Shen also thinks that I only made this plan to seize power?" Han Ya asked calmly.

Shen Chao paused.

Han Ya suddenly smiled: "I really thought about seizing power. Only when the imperial power is in my hands can it be called 'the coast of the earth, is it a king's official', but unfortunately I made a wrong move and supported the third prince to do it. Puppet, I know that my situation is over, and I will no longer have a relationship with the imperial power."

"But it doesn't matter. After all, my original intention was not to seize power."

"General Chu." Han Ya looked at Shen Chao calmly.

"Everything I did was just so that the Central Plains could send troops to attack Beidi."

-------Thank you for the reward of Yuju yesterday, why did I know Tushan Sumu Shuangwan secretly obsessed?

Thank you for your tangerine, Shuangwanshu, Yanyin, Limumu, Sanmu, Nanman, and a round rabbit who is secretly fascinated by it? Bai Yunda, the general manager of amily77 Fan Xiaoxi's beef jerky in school, has urged me to change it!

Thank you for yesterday's Mengyou 87713948233 You Tangerine, Shuwen Mengyou 85755083849 Tushan Sumu, the ancestor of the rotten girl, Mengyou 68208175370HM Mu Qingchen, TiffaC, for the monthly ticket of 43284733752!

The update time will be changed to 9:30 in the future.