MTL - Number One Player-Chapter 65 "Quick Rescue"

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The narrator ignored Shang Yinhe's sneer and continued to explain in a high-spirited voice:

"You listen to people's cries for help,"

"Wandering in every corner of the world."

"You save those in danger from fire and water,"

"Fall from the sky, like a superhero!"

After a pause, the voice of the narrator became high-pitched, and he began the familiar advocacy session of Shang Yinhe.

"Run, Savior!"

"Go and meet the respectful eyes of the world!"

This is the end of Narrator's opening remarks.

However, after listening to all the introductions, Shang Yinhe is still a little confused. What is this game... supposed to do?

rescue game?

Before he could think for a long time, the prompt sound of the system tablet rang in his ear:

"First level, location: [silenced]"

"Now enter the level preview session."

As the voice of the system fell, Shang Yinhe's perspective was infinitely raised from the first person, and entered a feeling similar to the "Master of Creation" period overlooking everything.

In front of him, countless chariots and horses crowded like flowing water, and in a trance, the whole world passed in front of him.

When the flowing picture finally stopped, what appeared in front of Shang Yinhe was a solidified city.

There are many buildings and streets, and time seems to stand still in this huge city, the cars on the road are still on the road, and all the pedestrians on the street are motionless, as if they are decorations - wait?

Wow, the pedestrians here have no faces.

Shang Yinhe used his thoughts to circle around a pedestrian on the road twice, and saw that the street was full of frozen faceless people, all wearing the same clothes, only the height, short, fat and thin were slightly different. At first glance, it looked quite scary of.

About three or four minutes later, the system's rigid notification sound rang in Shang Yinhe's ear, almost startling him who was concentrating on observing the city:

"The level preview session is over."

"The first level, the official start."

Accompanied by the prompt sound, Shang Yinhe was suddenly pulled from the God's perspective overlooking all things, and returned to his body.

A door opened in front of him, leading to the bustling world outside.

At the top right of his field of vision, there was also a countdown alarm clock suspended in the air. A total of 30 minutes were passing by minute by minute.

The background music is then transformed into a fast, fast-paced BGM, which is quite dynamic to listen to.

"Now entering the first level's novice guide."

A red arrow appeared in front of Shang Yinhe, spread under his feet, and pointed straight ahead.

Shang Yinhe tentatively followed the arrow and walked up.

As the countdown in the upper right of the field of vision began to move, the city seemed to come alive. Faceless pedestrians began to hurry along the road, and the vehicles seemed to take no time to accelerate from standstill to speeding.

Shang Yinhe followed the red arrow and found that the red arrow should point directly to the mission location. If he followed the direction of the arrow directly, he would enter a dead end at every turn, and he had to take the initiative to detour.

Finally, the red arrow reached the bottom and turned into a red circle. The narration also had a text mark, showing "The first rescue location."

...rescue location? And the first one?

Shang Yinhe frowned deeply.

In front of him is to describe it, maybe it should be said that it is an evolutionary tree that grows too lushly?

The prototype of this tree should be a decorative tree that normally grows on the street, but at this moment, its branches stretched straight into the three-story building next to it, puncturing the window, and the dense branches and leaves almost blocked the The escape route for everyone in the small building was cut off.

The people on the lower floors were okay, there were warriors who jumped out of the windows to escape, but the people on the third floor were very helpless. There were faceless people who waved from the windows of the third floor and kept shouting loudly.

—It's a bit strange, the faceless man has no mouth, how does it make a sound?

Shang Yinhe observed the terrain for a while, and it seemed that the so-called rescue should refer to the rescue of the trapped Faceless Man.

He turned to the other side of the small building where there were no evolutionary trees, and jumped tentatively. Unexpectedly, his body automatically made a climbing motion and grabbed the edge of the window on the second floor.

It was shown on the outside that he jumped directly to the second floor with a light vertical leap, and grabbed the window edge very flexibly.

This feeling... automatic optimization of body movements?

Shang Yinhe is no stranger to this similar feeling. In the world of [Death Labyrinth], his body also comes with a buff called [Combat Strength], which can assist him in fighting, jumping, and running.

Moreover, when I am familiar with this auto-optimized buff (especially after countless deaths in battle) and return to my body in reality, I will even print this auto-optimized buff directly into the memory of my soul and body. .

Shang Yinhe squinted his eyes slightly, pulled the edge of the window and made another jump. This time, his body automatically jumped up to the third floor and stepped firmly on the narrow edge of the window.

This feeling, interesting, interesting.

Shang Yinhe tasted his actions just now, and felt a sense of excitement, which was different from the strengthening of the [Death Labyrinth]'s combat power. Climbing and jumping arbitrarily in the city had another exciting feeling.

Shang Yinhe knocked on the window, and was greeted by a shout from the faceless man in the window. He simply tried to open the window—er, and then accidentally pulled the whole window down.

No way, who told this window to rust? Shang Yinhe was such a force that the direction was not right, and he just... directly broke the window.

He smiled embarrassingly at the window in his hand. It is not good to throw this kind of window directly from the third floor. If it hit someone, it would be miserable, so he simply held the window sideways and got into the third floor half-short. inside, and then put the window down.

The faceless man on the third floor greeted him noisily, and said something that Shang Yinhe couldn't understand. Shang Yinhe ignored them, but first observed the third floor.

Very unfortunately, the branches of the evolutionary tree blocked the stairs and elevators on the third floor, and it was visible to the naked eye that the evolutionary tree was still growing wildly, spreading desperately, trying to fill all the space on the third floor.

The only good thing is that this evolutionary tree has not evolved any offensive ability, and it seems that its extraordinary ability is rapid growth - and in the [Creator Lord] system video released before Jiuqu, rapid growth seems to be most evolved plants. primary ability.

That is to say, although it looks scary, this evolutionary tree is actually just the most basic evolutionary creature.

Shang Yinhe first wanted to clean up the evolutionary plants on the third floor, trying to clear a way downstairs, but it seems that his cleaning speed can't keep up with the speed of plant growth - after all, this time, he didn't bring his own [Combat Strength] buff, I can't do anything like in the world of [Death Labyrinth].

After a reluctant attempt, Shang Yinhe gave up this rescue path and tried to find a new channel instead.

He looked around for a while, and simply pulled down several curtains on the third floor, connected them end to end and knotted them, and tied one end to the fixture to create a curtain rope passage.

This method is barely feasible, but it's a bit detrimental. After all, he has the charming face of a brave man, holding a floral curtain like a stall, and earnestly tying the knot...emmm, very rustic, reminds him of small The rustic smirk when the cloak is on the hero's face.

Moreover, the speed of this method seems to be a bit slow. When the people on the third floor slide down from the curtain ropes one by one, the countdown on the upper right side of the vision is almost to the end.

After no one was trapped in this place, the red circle on the ground disappeared and re-transformed into an arrow pointing in another direction.

Before Shang Yinhe could follow the arrow a few steps, the countdown on the upper right came to an end.


"Time out."

"The checkpoint is being settled..."

"Number of successful rescuers: 11/400"

"Evaluation of this level: F-"

"This level challenge does not meet the minimum clearance level of C-level, and the next level cannot be unlocked. Please try again."

Rating F-, see also the familiar rating F-.

What does the "F-" evaluation mean? There's nothing lower, so just give it an "F-"?

This rating level can simply arouse his fear of the days and nights of his life in the [Long Live Anchor] game period.

Shang Yinhe was full of black lines and decided to start over.

After a dizziness, he returned to the door where he started at the beginning, the red arrow was spread in front of him, and the countdown in the upper right corner of the field of vision resumed 30 minutes.

Time was running out, Shang Yinhe ran wildly, the wind was flowing fast beside him, sharp and light.

This time, instead of taking a detour, he went straight in the direction pointed by the red arrow.

He rampaged through the city, and the magical buff of auto-optimized body movements allowed him to leap over all obstacles naturally:

He crossed the road slantingly, his body jumped up automatically, his toes pointed over the speeding cars, like a random dance between the threats of life and death;

He crossed the fence straight, and his body automatically adapted. His toes were a little in front of the fence, and his left hand pressed casually above the fence, which was a chic jumping fence;

There are a bunch of small villas in this area, he ran over, his body automatically jumped forward, his left hand grabbed the eaves of the villa, and with a pull-up force, the whole person fell on the roof, and began to run and jump quickly between the roofs;

- So cool!

—The feeling of being free and uninhibited!

Shang Yinhe followed the automatic movements of his body, and only felt that every cell in himself was excited and screaming!

The sound of the wind whizzed past his ears, and the speed was gushing out from his veins!

As if in the blink of an eye, it turned out that the three-story building that had let him walk for most of the day came to a place.

Shang Yinhe stopped his footsteps, moving from extreme movement to extreme silence, but he didn't even breathe a little bit of confusion. Only his hair, which had been fluttering in the wind behind him, slowly fell back to his shoulders.

This stimulating feeling, this unhindered feeling!

At this moment, Shang Yinhe thought nonsensically:

- It turns out that this game is actually a parkour game?
