MTL - Number One Player-Chapter 6 A changing reality

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Shang Yinhe opened his eyes at the desk.

He found himself resting on his arms in a standard "sleeping on his stomach" position.

—So, was it really just a dream just now?

The three-dimensional world became clear in his eyes, and the bulging reminder on his stomach seemed to remind him of something.

Shang Yinhe quickly calmed down.

- It's not a dream, it's reality.

He checked his phone first, and the time showed [November 12, 2018 12:12:38].

Double Eleven has just passed one day, and the excitement on the Internet at that time is still vivid in my mind. Taobao has refreshed its transaction record again and pushed it to an unbelievably exaggerated level - 213.5 billion.

Just one day after the carnival, Shang Yinhe received the books he bought online, and he couldn't wait to start reading.

The arrival of the goods was much faster than he imagined, and Shang Yinhe still remembers his surprise at that time.

He opened his mobile phone and checked his time point of the logistics call: 12:02:18 on November 12, 2018.

Then count the time to go up and downstairs to pick up the goods, unpack them, and start reading.

Shang Yinhe began to accept the fact that perhaps, the long period of time he spent in that world did not exist in reality.

- It was his own time.

He walked around the house, and sure enough, there was no one in the house, and everything remained as he remembered.

Shang Yinhe stopped in place.

His mood was slightly messy, and various different feelings were mixed together. He had some urges to talk, but he restrained himself extremely rationally.

Gradually, his eyes calmed down.

He also only allowed himself to be confused for a little while.

Shang Yinhe drew the curtains of the room, and took out the Demon King's cloak and the Demon King's book from the inside of the windbreaker.

Will these two things, used in reality, have different effects than those used in the appraisal world?

Thinking of it, he tested it. Shang Yinhe put on the Demon King's cloak and walked to the mirror.

The mirror reflected a demon king with red lines on his eyebrows, staring at himself, as if there were thousands of sparks in his eyes, exploding, bursting, and brilliant at the moment of staring.

Shang Yinhe was instantly addicted to it.

After a while, he struggled to break away from the Demon King's charm.

The effect of the Demon King's cloak "Charm +30" seems to have become more intense in reality. With the appearance of the Demon King's original celestial level, it has an invincible attraction.

Even a guy like Shang Yinhe, who had already admired the Demon King's appearance 360 ​​degrees without any dead ends, fell into the fall in an instant, and the resistance time did not even exceed 1 millisecond!

Shang Yinhe didn't dare to look at it any more, so he quickly found a black airtight coat cover, put the Demon King's cloak up neatly without revealing any gaps, and put it in the deepest part of the wardrobe.

Instead, he picked up the Demon King's book.

On the first page, his Q-version villain was still bored, playing with his fingers, and greeted him excitedly when he saw Shang Yinhe coming.

Shang Yinhe showed a slight smile, followed by poking at the villain on the painting, and Quan took it as his greeting.

The villain was poked and jumped left and right, and the Q version of white smoke appeared from his head, looking very angry.

Most of the information below the villain has not changed, except that the line "Countdown to Return to Reality" has disappeared.

In addition to this, the following text appeared on the originally blank second page:

[Real-world notes]

[In the real world, no information about the game world should be disclosed to ordinary people in any way, active or passive. ]

[If the player inadvertently discloses information about the game world, all insiders need to be eliminated within 24 hours. If it is not eliminated, the player will be disqualified and erased. ]

[The time of the game world is not synchronized with the real world. ]

Shang Yinhe's eyes stayed on the word obliteration for a while, and then moved away as if nothing had happened.

He didn't intend to speak out about his experience.

Even if he wanted to talk, who could he talk to? His so-called relatives?

How his experience sounded like a made-up story, a grotesque story!

He dared to guarantee that if he really told his relatives about his experience, then those people would either think that he was grandstanding and attract attention, or that he might have some mental problems and need to Sent to a mental hospital.

He was grateful for it.

Even if he does find someone to talk to, and that person really believes what he says, then, here's the problem...

In the face of such a magical item as the "Demon King's Cloak", in the face of this kind of thing that can have unparalleled charm as long as it is worn, how many people can resist its temptation and not have any evil psychology?

Shang Yinhe didn't know the answer, and he didn't intend to test human nature.

Human nature cannot stand the test.

He only knows that if he finds that people around him possess such a magical item, then he will do whatever it takes to kill the original owner and take it into his arms.

He believes that all people are selfish. If faced with such a magical item, even he himself cannot restrain his desires, let alone expect the people around him to be selfless and open-hearted.

Not to mention, he may have more magical items in his possession for the foreseeable future.

Shang Yinhe turned over the Devil King's book, the pages were still blank, and no other changes had occurred.

He turned the page again to the page of the real world, and carefully read the three simple items again before closing the book.

Shang Yinhe estimated the size of the Devil King's book, and then removed the cover of the book, wrapped the Devil King's book, and placed it in the stack of books that were stacked upright, and specially placed it in the penultimate position.

Shang Yinhe likes to read books, and books have always been his best spiritual companion, accompanying him from childhood to the present.

In his room, stacks of books are stacked one after the other, forming high and low peaks. The Devil's Book with a new cover is not conspicuous at all, not to mention, it is still the second to last in the pile of books.

Hidden trees in the forest, people turn a blind eye; the best way to hide a drop of water is to put it in the sea.

In fact, Shang Yinhe was still a little dissatisfied, but he didn't have a better way to hide at the moment.

After doing this, sleepiness can't help but come up from the bottom of my heart.

Unfamiliar world, fast-paced game, lonely journey, he restrained himself with reason, but this does not mean that he is an iron man.

Back in the familiar environment, he can finally rest.

Shang Yinhe slowly got into his bed and curled up into a baby-like position in the womb.

Darkness slowly swept up.

In my sleep, the faint voice seemed to sound again:

"Earth login..."

at the same time.

Southeastern Hans State, Free State of Bavaria.

A slight white fog suddenly appeared around the perimeter of the old castle built in the 12th century, Hohenschwangau Castle, also known as High Swan Castle.

As time passed, gradually, the white fog became thicker.

There was a strange agitation in the surrounding chicken farms, and the roosters that never croaked began to screech sharply;

There are subtle ripples in the lake, circle, circle, circle, as if something wants to be born from the water;

The domestic wolf dog began to restlessly and roared, trying to break free from the chains around its neck;

The mound of the cemetery made a strange movement, rustling, and the hair stood on end.

Awakened from his sleep by the noise, the cemetery keeper frowned and climbed down from the bed.

"Which wild cat has been rustling around here..." he muttered, putting on his clothes and flashlight, "or some thief broke into here without opening his eyes? What fun is there in the cemetery..."

The wind brought a whistling roar, spreading the strange sound from the depths of the cemetery, with a creepy aura.

The tomb guards walked slower and slower.

He is not a timid person. On the contrary, he has always been very courageous and never believed in the existence of ghosts and gods. He is a rare atheist in Hansi Kingdom. Otherwise, he would not choose tomb guard as his career.

But this sound from the air...

This mound throbbing, the sound of something happening...

The tomb keeper stopped.

An aura of danger pervades the surroundings.

The tomb keeper moved the flashlight from the center of the path to the grave by the side of the road.

Under the dumbfounded gaze of the tomb keeper, the palm of a skeleton stretched out from the ground!

The tomb keeper's legs softened and he slumped on the ground!

Horror movies I watched and ghost stories I heard since I was a child flooded into my mind, as if laughing at his forty-eight years of atheism!

His legs were so weak that he couldn't walk, and he rolled away from the throbbing grave, and began to cry out for help: "Hilfe! Hilfe!"

Unfortunately, the current time is exactly six in the morning, and the sky is still dark. In this sparsely populated cemetery, he was the only one on the night shift, and no one could respond to his calls.

The lights of the cemetery jumped up and down, as if responding to this terrifying scene.

I don't know where the courage came from, the tomb keeper grabbed his mobile phone, turned on the camera mode, and started to shoot the scene where the skeleton was unearthed.

Because of the constantly flickering lights in the cemetery, the video on the phone was as crude as the worst movie footage.

The skeleton finally climbed out of the ground completely.

In the mountainous area of ​​western China, a faint white fog began to appear around an ancient ruined temple;

Around the farmland in the middle of the Bald Eagle Country, a light white mist began to appear around an abandoned altar;

On the outskirts of John State Island, a light white fog began to appear around an ancient castle covered with ivy;

In every corner of the world, around those desolate and ancient buildings, slowly, one by one, a faint white mist began to rise;

The white fog became thicker and thicker.

Occasionally, there are sporadic pedestrians passing by, making dissatisfied bulging:

"Why is the fog so big..."

"Why isn't the weather forecast notified in advance..."

"I can't see the road at all..."

The author has something to say:

For some reason, the country name has been changed to a code name.

All network recognized code names are used, here is an explanation:


1. John-Britain: John Bull (English: John Bull), is an anthropomorphic image of England, originating from the satirical novel "The Life of John Bull" published by Scottish writer John Absnott in 1727. The protagonist John Bull is a A stout gentleman with a high hat, long boots, and an umbrella, he is stupid and rough, ruthless, unruly, and bullying. This image was originally made to satirize the policy of the Whig cabinet in the War of the Spanish Succession, but with the popularity of the novel, it gradually became a self-deprecating image of the British.

2. Hans-Germany: Hans is the most commonly used name in German-speaking regions. For example, during World War II, the famous German general Heinz Wilhelm Guderian was called Scud Hans, and Marshal Günter von Kluge was called smart. Hans, Hans is generally used as a proxy for Germany on the Internet

3. Bald Eagle-United States: Needless to say, the bald eagle is the national bird of the United States.

4. Gallic chicken - France: Gallic chicken (leCoqGaulois) is one of the oldest native animals in France. It is regarded as the totem of the ancestors of the French nation and has become a symbol of France. The French national football team often drives roosters onto the field before a match to motivate the players.