MTL - Number One Player-Chapter 53 soothe the heart

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"This is God's doom for mankind."

"At the last moment of our life, let's be arrogant together!"

"I want to be by your side at the last moment."

"Lord, may the grace of the Lord **** be with all the saints. Amen."

"Mom and Dad, I love you."

"If it's really the end, I'll... I just want to tell you: I love you."

On this blue planet, 6.5 billion people have their own thoughts. If everyone's voices are refined, it seems that they can be summed up in the same key word: doomsday.

Despair, hope, despair, hope, despair, human beings always seem to linger in the ups and downs of emotions.

If it's the end of the world, what will you do?

Is it to vent unbridled emotions, or embrace loved ones to spend the last time?

The answer to this question seems simple to the devout religious.

They launched a large-scale wave of pilgrimages. On the way to the Holy Land, there were densely packed pilgrims who bowed every five steps and kneeled every ten steps. The holy city of Jerusalem was crowded with praying people, and at first glance it was impossible to see the edge.

And in the Vatican, where the religious atmosphere is the most intense, a series of sacrificial ceremonies were directly held one after another. Helpless and desperate crowds filled St. Peter's Square in front of the cathedral, participating in Mass presided over by the Pope.

The church bell rang slowly, and the current Pope, Franz I, who was wearing a golden sacrificial robe and a gold and white bishop's crown, appeared in the middle window on the roof of St. Peter's Basilica and began to hold a prayer mass.

As the spiritual home of all Catholics in the world today, the Vatican has an international influence that is completely inconsistent with its size; as a neutral country and an observer state of the United Nations, the Vatican accepted the Doomsday Programme as early as the period when it was drafted. Invitation to participate in the manifesto.

In the face of the survival and death of all mankind, the pope, who is partial to reform and enlightenment, has secretly agreed to participate in the "Apocalypse Program" agreement, and according to the agreement, undertakes the important work of pacifying people's hearts.

"Lord, I thank you that today's life may be windy and rainy, but, Lord! Please give me hope and patience even in the stormy sky, I believe that the dark clouds will eventually disappear and the sun will return. …”

Following the Pope's peaceful and stable voice, the believers in St. Peter's Square gradually returned to a peaceful and stable demeanor.

"Lord, please! Give me the confidence and courage not to give up easily, nor to retreat easily on the rough road. Lord, please let me still have love and mercy in the desolation of my eyes... "

Looking from the slightly narrow balcony of St. Peter's Basilica, the crowd is crowded and the crowd is surging. The obelisk standing in the square holds the cross high, with the breath of eternity, soothing those who are desperate, suffering, and emotionally broken. .

After the mass was over, Pope Franz I returned to the Vatican Palace, and the cardinal in red greeted him: "You have worked hard."

"It is my duty to shepherd the Lord and keep His Lamb," replied the Pope.

With slightly heavy steps, he slowly walked to his seat and asked the cardinal beside him, "Have you passed on the order to appease the hearts of the people at the end of the day?"

The Holy See in the Vatican has great power, which is not only in the spiritual field, but also involves the specific operation and management of the churches in various places. This means that the Pope is not only the highest spiritual symbol of Catholicism, but also its supreme leader of power.

Therefore, after promising to secretly participate in the Declaration of the Doomsday Program, the Pope used his power and began to mobilize Catholic churches around the world to calm the turbulent hearts.

"Your wishes have been conveyed to Catholic institutions everywhere," the cardinal beside him bowed respectfully and replied, "Priests and Catholics from all over the world have begun to take the initiative to go to the surrounding areas to preach and hold prayer masses, but— "Speaking, the cardinal frowned, hesitating whether to continue.

The Pope asked peacefully: "What's wrong?"

The cardinal hesitated for a while, and finally said, "...I think the coming of the end is not what the Lord preached in the Book of Revelation? Shouldn't we..."

The Pope interrupted him gently: "I understand what you mean. The devout believer will surely enjoy the best life after death, but that doesn't mean that the lambs in the world are not worth shepherding."

"The Lord has his own decision," the Pope said. "We are only the Lord's shepherds."

He didn't want to say more, and motioned to the people around him to step back: "I'm going to rest."

The Pope's room fell silent, but Franz I was not able to rest peacefully. He sat in the chair for a while, then stood up slowly and paced to the window.

Through the gauze curtain, looking at the mountain-like crowd outside the window, Pope Franz I slowly closed his eyes.

He whispered softly:

"Lord, please bless your lamb."


In the headquarters of the peacekeeping force, the quarrel over the next course of action has been going on for a long time.

"We should make persistent efforts now and continue to deal with the evolution of animals and plants in the desert!" The officer from the Bald Eagle Country, speaking American English, slapped the table and roared.

"And then wasted effort again?" An officer from Gaul replied in a mocking tone.

"It's not a waste of time, is it?" an Italian officer said hesitantly, "You watch the video of Jiuqu, the way of doomsday has indeed changed..."

"Does it become worse than the last?" The Gallic officer sneered, "I would rather choose the ending of facing the last sea monster, becoming a delirious monster or food without a whole body. The end of human extinction before!"

"I think we've wasted too much time in the Sahara desert and the Arabian desert," echoed another officer, also from Gaul, "wasting money, wasting time, and ineffective!"

"And it also destroys the ecological environment," the Russian officer said in awkward English.

As soon as he said this, he immediately ushered in a bunch of ridicule: "It's all this time, are you still worried about the ecological environment?"

"Rest assured, from the current situation, the ecological environment maintained by evolutionary animals and plants is much better than what we maintain."

"Evolution of animals and plants, that is a very powerful ecological restoration expert without pollution and pollution, hey, it is too powerful."

In the ridicule of the crowd, the Russian officer shrugged and said innocently: "I just told a bad joke to let everyone relax. You are too nervous."

He added: "It's hard to think of a good solution when everyone is so nervous."

"So," as the temporary leader of this urgently mobilized peacekeeping force, the leader of the Hua Kingdom sighed helplessly and pulled the topic back, "What should we do next? The UN Security Council has the power to make an impromptu decision. It was directly delegated to us. When everyone gets together, do they just quarrel and tell bad jokes?"

After a while, the Russian officer fished out the plan mentioned at the beginning: "Then let's clean up the Sahara Desert and the Arabian Desert again?"

"Even if we clean up the evolutionary flora and fauna in the Sahara Desert and the Arabian Desert again, so what?" said a Gallic officer beside him in a pessimistic tone, "Isn't it going to be reborn soon?"

"Also, I have to remind everyone," the leader of the Hua Kingdom clicked on the desert image on the projector, "except the Sahara Desert and the Arabian Desert, including the Taklimakan Desert in China and other different desert areas, all There are already traces of evolutionary flora and fauna."

"That is to say," the Italian officer said thoughtfully, looking at the projector, "if we are going to go all the way to the dark and continue to clean up the evolutionary flora and fauna of the desert, we must also clean up all the deserts in the world at the same time. ?"

Everyone said in a loud voice: "Then we definitely don't have enough manpower."

"We must increase our troops."

"There are also logistics to keep up with, and incendiary bombs are not enough."

"Sounds unreliable," the Italian officer leaned back in his chair. "I really think it's time for us to change direction."

"You said, what direction can you change to!" The Gallic officer replied irritably, "It's all dead ends, all dead ends!"

He threw off the hat on his head frantically, grabbed his hair, and hammered his head on the table: "Humanity is over, it's over, it's over!"

Slowly, his voice took on a whimper, and it looked extremely mournful.

Everyone let him go crazy, and it took a long time before someone stepped forward to stop him from hurting himself.

They are all comrades in the peacekeeping force. Who can't understand his desperation?

The ambition before setting off for the Sahara Desert seems to still be echoing in my ears: "We will save the future of mankind!"; The **** call on the "Apocalypse Program" seems to still be vivid in my mind: "In order to maintain the future of mankind, we are willing to pay All efforts!"

But then what?

Having gone through two full-coverage desert cleanups, who can't understand that feeling of "all you're doing is in vain"? Do they have to destroy the plants in the desert once again, and then change the way the doomsday comes, and let Jiuqu send another video?

In the background of the whimper, the interim leader officer from China sighed helplessly: "If you don't have a better way, then we will continue to clean up the desert. This time, our goal will be to clean up all the world's Large deserts, there are mistakes in killing, and I will not let them go. I will ask the UN Security Council for additional troops and logistical needs.”

"It's useless, this is a solution to the symptoms but not the root cause..." said the Gallic officer in frustration.

"Even if we can cure the symptoms but not the root cause, we have to do it!" The officer of the Bald Eagle Country was enraged by the dejected words, he patted the table and shouted, "Our purpose is to do our best to delay the arrival of the end, and to delay the arrival of the end. One day, just one day!"

"That's right, this is our duty," the Hua Guo officer calmly said, "As for the root cause..."

He paused: "What we can't do can only be handed over to our rear, and handed over to those scientists to do it."

"Let's pray together that our scientists can find a cure before things get to the point of no return!"

This kind of thing that can only be entrusted to luck is not guaranteed by human beings.

The religious people in the conference room really started to pray:

"Lord, please bless your lamb!"
