MTL - Number One Player-Chapter 26 Blessing from the wind

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#Who can save the world! #

Looking at this hot search, Shang Yinhe was taken aback.

I clicked into the hot search topic and read a few random articles, and almost every one mentioned "the video released by Jiuqu today".

It was only then that he realized that because he slept soundly, he missed the video released by Jiuqu at 7 o'clock every night.

Shang Yinhe quickly switched to the APP at station C and browsed it.

The video has been posted for more than three hours, and the barrage and comments are overflowing. This time, the traces of deleting comments and accusing comments are particularly obvious, and clicking on piles of floors shows that "this comment does not exist".

Shang Yinhe can understand this kind of behavior very well, because the video this's too easy to cause panic. Even a guy like him who was the initiator and who was already mentally prepared, couldn't help feeling shocked, frightened, hesitant, and scared when he saw the video.

It is worthy of being the only video whose final level reaches [S+] level.

The night was already deep, and the rain was pouring outside the window. Shang Yinhe couldn't help but guess:

How will the world deal with this fiasco of the Hans Kingdom?

China must be desperately trying to control public opinion and maintain stability; other governments must be busy too.

As Shang Yinhe thought, at this moment, governments of all countries are working overtime to analyze and respond to the event of Hans' defeat in the war.

Across the sea, Bald Eagle Nations, Pentagon Military Building.

Crowds crowded into the conference room, and discussions were held urgently.

“…This kind of monster is actually not the first time to appear. Look closely, the shadow of this monster appeared in the last video of Jiuqu,” said the analyst, showing several screenshots of Jiuqu’s video on the projection screen , "Jiuqu's last video is about the whole process of monsters falling in love with each other and multiplying offspring, please see, at 3 minutes and 15 seconds of the video, the undead ghost appeared for the first time, followed by a long paragraph about the color The description of the camera lens of the elves. The camera lens of the slime demon is slightly less, although there is no direct description, but it is still brought to the camera.”

"So, Jiuqu actually hinted in the last video that a new monster has appeared." The analyst came to this conclusion.

"XX! What's the use of this shit!" General Cartlett swears, "The last video of Jiuqu was posted the day before the war. In one day, what the **** can you analyze?"

"I can still analyze some things," said another general next to him. "Look carefully, the characteristics of the new monsters have been brought to the camera. If you analyze them carefully, you can still see some things - actually, if I am a Han That major general of Sri Lanka, I might choose to retreat..."

"What the **** are you talking about, retreat? The army finally assembled, you let this major general retreat and try? He's afraid that he will go to the military court directly."

"Now that the battle is going on like this, he probably has to go to court-martial."

"Has this kind of monster also appeared in the mutation of High Swan Castle in our country?"

"No, at present the monsters in our country are relatively low in mutation," the analyst said quickly, interrupting the quarrel in the conference room, "In fact, the monsters next to the High Swan Castle in Hans' country have evolved very fast, faster than all other monsters in the world. The country's changes are several grades faster."

"Our experts have given several possible reasons: One reason is that the location of Hohenschwangau Castle has some elements that are particularly conducive to the evolution of monsters, but compared with other mutation sites, we have not found that this may be the case. the existence of such elements.”

"There is also a reason that monsters may perceive external threats and thus undergo rapid evolution. After the army of Hans began to gather, the mutation of the monsters in High Swan Castle rapidly increased by several grades, which basically evolved every day, and the number of them increased rapidly. There has also been explosive growth.”

"If for this reason," General Cartwright frowned fiercely, "doesn't that mean that if we go to attack the mutation in our country, we will also encounter the rapid mutation of monsters?"



There was a sudden screeching in the conference room.

"Considering this possibility," the analyst said, ignoring the swearing in the conference room—the generals wouldn't be the generals if they didn't make a few swear words a day, "we carefully analyzed all the senior officials that Hans Guo encountered. Monsters, in fact, these monsters are not so invincible, they still have weaknesses. Hansi was just caught off guard."

"First of all, this kind of ghost - our experts named them undead ghost - can deal damage through walls, its damage has a certain corrosion element, and it is basically immune to any physical attack, but, look carefully, this kind of Ghosts are actually dead. High-intensity flashes and lasers can cause weak damage to them. At 13:28 and 18:15 of this video, there is a ghost in the corner with a strong light explosion and a laser attack respectively. dissipated everywhere."

"Secondly, this kind of elves - our experts named them color elves - are very powerful in attack and have a super long attack range, but their defense is not very strong, if they can break through the protection of the undead ghost, kill them Very easy."

"Finally, this slime monster—our experts named them Sludge Demon—has a powerful mental pollution ability, a certain corrosive attack ability, a certain damage absorption ability. This ability is the nemesis of our soldiers, but can be used without Human-controlled machines attack."

"Although these monsters all have weaknesses, there is one thing that needs to be pointed out in advance. We are not sure that this is the final evolutionary form of the monsters. Perhaps in the face of greater threats, more monsters will appear. ."

"The experience of the Hans country has sounded the alarm for us. If our country suddenly faces a more powerful mutation of monsters after assembling the army, we may also suffer a fiasco."

"In order to prevent this from really happening, my suggestion is to conduct an experiment first, at least determine whether the monster will mutate quickly in the face of threats, and then launch an attack..."

Shang Yinhe knew nothing about what happened to the governments of various countries. He didn't even notice the news of riots around the world being pushed by major news apps.

At the moment, he was working on his newfound ability.

In fact, after returning from the game world to reality, he was really not used to it.

As a result, he was not used to the supernatural powers that were lost.

In the world of the game, he has been greatly enhanced. The enhanced combat power of the game makes him not tired, jumps higher, and moves more flexibly; and a lot of talents acquired in the later stage make him like a god. .

However, now, returning to his real body, he can only walk slowly and jump only a little. He is really lame.

Second, he was not used to the increased supernatural power.

He used to be just an ordinary person with an ordinary body, but this new ability [Blessing of the Wind] changed everything.

"The wind surrounds you, and you can use the power of the wind to a certain extent." This seemingly insipid description actually points to a very terrifying ability - in the words of a web novel, it is probably a different type of wind. I can.

In his perception, the ubiquitous flow of air is clearly visible and perceptible. The wind surrounds him, making his every move appear extra light and agile.

He tried to wave it gently, and the flowing wind rushed towards the window obediently, turning the half-closed window into a fully open one, and the raindrops flew in, making Shang Yinhe hurriedly Close the window again.

This ability seems to have great potential to be tapped, and it is indeed an S-ranked skill in [Death Labyrinth]. He tried to make the legendary wind blade, and finally came up with a crooked air cannon - but in his feeling, if the proficiency and control are high enough, it should be easy to make a wind blade.

If the anchor points are added to [Blessing of the Wind], it can even be evolved into [Air Control], but unfortunately the number of points required is too many, and it is completely impossible to achieve it in the short term.

In addition, nearly 20,000 death challenges have made him quickly mature from a fighting rookie to an actual combat master. This kind of fighting experience cannot be taken away, and he does not even dare to go to the Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu gym now. . After all, he was completely unable to explain the actual combat experience he suddenly gained, and why he suddenly became a combat master.

But in exchange for a real body, this combat experience also requires a certain degree of adaptation.

The sudden ringing of the mobile phone interrupted his research. Shang Yinhe glanced at the caller ID and found it was Uncle Tang.

Among his relatives, Uncle Tang's family was the closest to him. Shang Yinhe hesitated for a while, but clicked to answer.

"Hello, uncle?"

"Yinhe, haven't you slept yet?" Tang Shu Shang Danshu's voice carried a somewhat awkward politeness.

"I didn't sleep, what's the matter with Uncle?" Shang Yinhe's reply was also polite with a sense of distance.

"The end of the world is coming. We are going to get together and discuss how to deal with it. There will be a dinner in the old house tomorrow night. I will ask the driver to pick you up in the afternoon?"

Shang Yinhe was a little dumbfounded - what is "the end of the world is coming", what is "discuss how to deal with it"...

And this kind of family dinner, in the end, it was his cousin who came to inform him. Of course, Shang Yinhe didn't expect his irresponsible father to care about him.

"Okay, uncle, see you tomorrow." Shang Yinhe replied politely.

"See you tomorrow."

This short phone call, which was very polite and restrained from beginning to end, completely ruined Shang Yinhe's interest in researching his own abilities. He stared at the dark night outside the window and the violent rain for a long time, until the long thoughts were swallowed up by time, and the sleepiness began to appear again.

Shang Yinhe slowly moved to the bed and fell asleep.

From the perspective that he couldn't see, on the third page of the Demon King's book [Props Page], the Q-version props thumbnail of the Demon King's Cloak suddenly turned gray, the [Extract] button disappeared, and turned into [Current Status: Unavailable] use].

Shang Yinhe, who knew nothing about this, was still immersed in dreamland, listening to the vague system prompt:

"Earth login..."
