MTL - Nuclear Power Sword Immortal-Chapter 743 compensate

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Nuclear Power Sword Fairy Chapter 743 Compensation

Yunshan Jinxian's face changed slightly.

But he still said immediately: "Friends of Daoist Gu, don't listen to Huanming's nonsense, the Huan Tianzhu has always been in our hands, but it was accidentally taken by Miller during the battle just now, but fortunately, although the process has twists and turns, the result is not. Bad, after all, the Huntian Orb returned to the hands of Fellow Daoist Gu, so the transaction naturally has a beginning and an end."

"Although the Hun Tianzhu is an object-receiving fairy tool, it is still very important as a fairy tool. Since Huanming said that this fairy tool was used as an array eye, it fell into Wantian after the formation of the Light-Splitting Shadow Sword Sect was broken. In the hands of the Jiemeng, there are naturally not a few people who have witnessed it with their own eyes, Yunshan Jinxian, do you need me to find someone to inquire about it?"

From ancient to modern times, he has outspokenly pointed out the words of the Golden Immortal in Yunshan.

Tianxian Jinxian on the side frowned.

He was dissatisfied with his own fairy artifact being used as a bargaining chip.

Originally, this celestial artifact fell into the hands of the Myriad Realms League, but the Myriad Realms League was so powerful that he couldn't say anything if it was taken away.

But now...

"I've already given you the Hun Tianzhu, and the transaction has been completed, what else do you want?"

Tianxian Jinxian glared a little.

And Yunshan Jinxian also said at the right time: "Two fellow daoists, we are indeed biased in this matter. Fellow daoist Gu helped us so much by entangled Huanming, and made great contributions to this battle. How about it, I May I personally take out three thousand spirit crystals and give them to Fellow Daoist Gu as a reward for helping us, Fellow Daoist Gu, what do you think?"

Looking at the two of them, Gu Jinlai calmly said: "Good performance, continue."

"Fellow Daoist Gu, what do you mean by that?"

Yunshan Jinxian felt that he was very sincere in being willing to take out three thousand spirit crystals.

After all, with the exhaustion of spirits in various places, the number of spirit crystals in many worlds is only one or two thousand a year.

"What I mean is very simple. Strictly speaking, this Hunting Orb was given to me by the League of Ten Thousand Realms, and it cannot be included in the scope of the transaction. Therefore, you can just compensate me with an immortal artifact."

From ancient to modern times.

He's not trying to sit back and raise prices.

In fact, Yunshan Jinxian and others still negotiated a deal with him even though they obviously did not have the Hun Tianzhu, which in itself was tantamount to not taking him seriously.

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Right now, they're putting on airs, one sings the red face and the other sings the bad face...

They are even playing him for a fool.

"Fellow Daoist Gu, I'm personally willing to give three thousand spirit crystals as compensation. I'm very sincere. Don't you think it's boring to ask for another immortal artifact?"

Yunshan Jinxian said with a earnest gesture: "Right now, the Myriad Worlds League is eyeing the surrounding world. Unless the ancient Taoists are willing to give up their own interests, we can only fight against the Ten Thousand Worlds League by uniting and joining the Golden Immortals League. Erosion, after we enter the Golden Immortal League, we will not see each other from now on, so why are we so deadlocked?"

He felt that he had really paid for it.

Three thousand spirit crystals is not a small amount.

not to mention...

Although what he said with Tianxian Jinxian and Xuanyu just now had some elements of acting, wasn't that just to give this ancient fellow Taoist a step down?

He's thinking about it for him.

But it turns out...

But in exchange for his aggressiveness?

"People who are really capable have a lot of choices. If I want to choose to join a certain force, it doesn't have to be the Golden Immortal League."

Gujinlai said expressionlessly: "The Wanjiemeng wants to invite me to join the alliance with a peerless fairy art-mass point sword intent, it seems that I can give them an accurate answer, three, I hope that when we meet again soon, don't blame me The men are ruthless."

As soon as these words came out, the faces of Yunshan Jinxian and the others changed drastically.

Xuanyu Jinxian and Tianxian Jinxian showed a trace of anger in their eyes: "You..."

But they didn't say a word, and they seemed to have realized what consequences would be brought to them in the Shuguang Realm by a master who was so powerful that he could fight Huanming and Changshuo two great golden celestial beings by himself in the Ten Thousand Realms League.

Immediately forcibly suppressed the anger in his heart.

Yunshan Jinxian also quickly rounded up the situation and said: "The Ten Thousand Realms Alliance has gone against the law and has been attacking everywhere for several years. What it has done has aroused anger and resentment from all walks of life in the Xuanhuang Star Region. As long as someone stands up and raises his arms, he will be mobilized by angry monks from all walks of life. And to destroy it, UU Reading Xuanyuan Jianzong has always acted with integrity, and I think it is because of this that Gu Daoyou is willing to act righteously..."

"No, I'm here for the fairy artifact called the Hun Tianzhu."

Gu Jin Li interrupted the golden fairy's words and waved his hand: "It's useless to talk more, so I leave."

"Fellow Daoist..."

Yunshan Jinxian hurried forward.

At this time, another ray of light pierced the sky at the end of the sky, accompanied by a burst of hearty laughter: "Hahaha, why did Fellow Daoist leave in such a hurry? The members of the structure have already been fixed. Except for the group of people who fought against the Xuanhuang Xianchao, no one else can think about taking the top position. If you really choose to join the Ten Thousand Realms Alliance, you will only be treated as thugs by them and rush to the front line. Not to mention the dangerous situation. In the end, there is no real benefit to be gained.”

As the streamer approached, the silhouette of the person manifested.

It was Misheng Jinxian, the number one expert in the Shuguang world.

The golden fairy arrived behind and smiled: "As for the peerless fairy art mentioned by the Myriad Worlds Alliance...I know that kind of immortal art. It is not an easy task to cultivate it. Looking back at our Wanhua Immortal Sect, my Wanhua Immortal Sect would like to present the Zhenzong Immortal Art and the Heavenly Mirror Art to thank the ancient Daoist friends for their righteousness, but what about the ancient Daoist friendship?"

"Sky mirror technique? Derived immortal technique in the Yin-Yang Dao?"

From ancient times to modern times, he knew immediately after listening to it that this was an immortal technique that he would never even think of practicing in a short period of time.

He thought for a while, and then suddenly said: "A gentleman does not take away people's love. Since the sky mirror technique is the immortal technique of the noble sect, I will not force it. I heard that the split light and shadow sword sect had obtained a space in the past. It just so happens that I am also somewhat interested in the study of space, so I will use the space technique of the Light Dispersion Shadow Sword Sect as the reward for my action just now."