MTL - Nuclear Power Sword Immortal-Chapter 734 Destroy the Demon World

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Following the orders from ancient to modern times, all the celestial masters and celestial monarchs withdrew one after another.

Even Zhang Lihuo, Zhou Yi and others are no exception.

Only Zhao Xi and Wang Xuanjing are left.

Even the two Taoist masters brought by him who gave birth to the heavenly way of turning spirits were arranged outside the magic abyss to prevent any demon spirits from rushing out of the magic abyss at that time.

When all the people dispersed, Gujinlai manifested the starlight world, brought these holy spirits through the demon abyss, and returned to the demon world.

"Do you need help?"

Wang Xuanjing asked.

Gujin just glanced at him and shook his head.

Although these holy spirits have been defeated by him several times, this kind of group will life system is very unreasonable.

It seems that they were defeated and killed, but in fact, it is equivalent to dissipating the condensed individual into a collective again.

Soon they were able to gather their strength again.

It's like punching the air, which can temporarily disperse the air, but after a while, the air will still fill the space.

In this case, the only thing these holy spirits really lost was the holy spirit armor.

They themselves are still able to exert the will of God that is close to the peak.

Although the will of God is not as good as the power of evil gods, it can instantly interpret all the power of mind, will of God, and soul of a living body into the most basic spiritual particles, but it is still not small for intelligent creatures. threat.

What's more, the Lord of the Ruin Heaven is a ninth-level holy spirit. With the advantage of strength, the will of God alone cannot be resisted by a living body whose mental state is lower than the Dao Jinxian level.

After Wang Xuanjing asked this question, he obviously understood this point, and smiled wryly: "The system of the Holy Spirit really doesn't make sense."

Zhao Xi on the side nodded approvingly: "The power of mind and spirit itself is actually not very lethal. Even if a Xuanxian with the power of mind and spirit has reached the seventh heaven, he cannot rely on the power of mind and spirit to seriously injure even a single person with the power of mind and spirit." Only the celestial beings of the fourth level, at best, they can rely on the power of mind and spirit to explode stronger attacks and obtain faster reactions. This kind of power can only be regarded as a supplement to their own power system, but the will of God..."

Although the ninth-level Holy Spirit cannot defeat a Nine-Heaven Profound Immortal simply by relying on the will of God, he can have an advantage in the confrontation at the level of mind and will.

Some ninth-level holy spirits who master powerful secret techniques can even rely on secret techniques to severely injure Xuanxian Wang Xuanjing and Zhao Xi, whose spiritual power is no more than the seventh heaven.

In addition, the holy spirit also has its own armor.

Although the combat power of the holy spirit battle armor is not as good as that of the Xuanxian body, relying on the advantage of the will when targeting the mind, these gaps can be completely made up.

From this point of comparison, the ninth-level Holy Spirit and the Nine-day Profound Immortal belong to the same level.

But the Holy Spirit is immortal.

Nine Heavens Profound Immortal would die on the spot if he was defeated once.

The Holy Spirit just lost a piece of Holy Spirit Armor.

The battle damage ratio is not at the same level.

This is why Xuanhuangjie will vigorously develop the pilot system.

On the one hand, the chaos of the Great Dao of the Heart of the Universe has greatly suppressed the immortals above the True Immortal Realm.

On the other hand, the pilot mainly uses the power of the mind to control the mecha. Even if he is unfortunately defeated, the mecha is only destroyed and the power of the mind is severely injured. It will take a while to recover.

Both Android and Apple are available. 】

Although recovery takes time, and the efficiency is not as good as the Holy Spirit's group will to resurrect instantly, but...

Armor is cheap.

The manufacturing cost of the mecha is far less than that of the holy spirit armor.

In addition, the use of the power of mind and spirit by the ninth-level pilots is far higher than that of the mysterious immortals in the ninth heaven of the mind and spirit state, and the divine will of the ninth-level holy spirit... It is not a problem to keep themselves from being disturbed.

In this case, the ninth-level pilot and the ninth-level holy spirit are exchanged for one, and there is no disadvantage.

In addition, the conditions for the birth of the Holy Spirit are more stringent than pilots, and the number is not as high as pilots.

This is also the reason why the immortal system can beat the **** system in the heart of the universe.

"It seems that we are going to switch to the new law and take the route of the pilot."

Zhao Xi said.

"It's not necessary. The pilot's route is obviously flawed. It relies too much on external forces, and its understanding of Tao is not clear enough. It was better before Xuanxianjing. If there are abundant materials and they are proficient in the practice of mind and spirit, they can still quickly Keep up, but the Great Dao Golden Wonderland needs to integrate the heaven and the Dao, and this stage makes most pilots daunted."

From ancient to modern times.

Pilots and immortals are like demon warriors and cultivators.

The former seems to be progressing extremely fast and has amazing combat power, but has huge flaws. On the contrary, the latter, as long as they are talented, even if they lag behind for a while, and step by step, they will surely stand out in the end.

Of course, compared to the demon warriors whose upper limit is no more than human immortals so far, pilots can still transfer to the Dao Jinxian system, but it is extremely difficult.

"The biggest flaw of the Immortal Dao system is actually that it takes too lightly on the state of mind and spirit. Before the real fairyland, there was almost no cultivation of the mind, and the growth of the power of the mind was completely driven by the transformation of the realm. It was not until after the real fairyland that there were Nine Heavens, The theory of the Six Paths, but it is also necessary to break through the realm, and no one regards them as the mainstream and focuses on studying them, so that it is easy to suffer from the gods and evil gods who are biased towards the mind and will."

It has been said in ancient and modern times: "Next, you only need to focus on improving the state of mind and strengthening the use of the power of mind and spirit while gestating the ways of heaven. Handy, and will not be too passive in the face of the divine will of the Holy Spirit."

Zhao Xi and Wang Xuanjing nodded in agreement after hearing this.

There are indeed many wonderful advantages to improving the use of the power of mind.

If you can pay attention to it from the beginning of cultivation, the breakthrough of these realms will never be as dangerous as dozens of people.

"What exactly do you want to do?"

At this time, the Lord of Ruin Heaven seemed to feel something was wrong, and said hastily: "From ancient times to the present, your Longevity Realm should now devote more energy to fighting against that evil god, instead of being an enemy of our Free Church, otherwise, When the evil **** wakes up, the Longevity Realm may disappear forever in this cosmic starry sky before it can complete its evacuation."

Ignoring the Lord of the Ruin Heaven from ancient to modern times, he separated an avatar and continued to suppress the Lord of the Ruin Sky, the Lord of Black Flame, and other holy spirits. Enter the Star Destroyer suit.

As he entered the mecha, the core of the sun was running, and his immortal body climbed rapidly, and soon enough to support the Star Destroyer mecha.

At the same time, he used the core power of the sun in his body as a lead, and then controlled it with the power of the sixth-order Golden Immortal-level mind, so that the reactor of the Star Destroyer mech was quickly activated.

In a slight shock, terrifying energy fluctuations dissipated from the reactor.

Accompanied by the intense brilliance, this Star Destroyer mech released a thrilling sense of oppression.

That kind of power...

It is not inferior to the Dao Jinxian who has activated the power of the Dao and intends to release the magic.

At this moment, the Lord of Ruin Heaven seemed to realize something, and his will fluctuated violently: "What are you going to do!? Throughout the ages, you can't kill us. Any attempt to kill a Holy Spirit will eventually prove to be a waste of time! "

Throughout the ages, he ignored the shout of the Lord of the Ruins, and after activating the reactor of the Star Destroyer mech, the anti-gravity force field was activated immediately, and the ground around the mech collapsed as if pressed by an invisible force. The huge volume of an unknown tens of thousands of tons directly floated up, and along with the energy ejection from the engine, it carried blazing flames and went straight into the sky.


Just the vibration caused by the acceleration of this mecha made the entire devil world seem to form a destructive storm, with ripples visible to the naked eye, rolling the wind and clouds, and spreading hundreds of miles around.

Fortunately, the ones staying here at this time are either the Xuanxian or the Holy Spirit. This kind of storm that is so huge that it can be called a natural disaster will not have any impact on them.

After rushing to the sky, the past and present have been climbing rapidly, flying higher and higher...

Soon, it has flown thousands of miles away.

Located thousands of miles above the sky, the land of the Demon Realm has almost been seen from ancient to modern times.

And behind him, there is a dark starry sky that is so deep that there is no color.

Even if the anti-gravity engine is not turned on, at this moment he still loses the restraint of the gravity of the Demon Realm, and can float quietly in this area.

"This planet is much smaller than the Longevity Realm..."

Gujin looked at the stars under his feet, and this thought flashed in his mind.

But after all, with an immortal golden fairy corpse as the core, the stars that have only been formed for hundreds of millions of years are not bad with this size.

Without too much hesitation, the Sun Core in his body began to run at full speed.

Every part of the reactor of the Star Destroyer mecha was fully activated, and a steady stream of energy surged and poured into the gun barrel installed along the arm at the shoulder of the left hand.

For a moment, the light on the gun barrel with a diameter of more than 200 meters shone to the extreme, so terrifying that even in a near-space environment, one could see rippling energy fluctuations continuously escaping from the gun barrel.

Feeling the almost destructive power above the sky, at this moment, the Lord of Ruin Heaven finally confirmed Gu Jinlai's plan, his will fluctuation became extremely violent, and he roared at Gu Jinlai who left behind his avatar: "Stop!" From ancient to modern times, you can put forward whatever conditions you have, as long as you can agree, we will agree! But what you are doing now... This is fighting with us in the Demon Realm..."

"Do not!"

This incarnation from ancient to modern times looked at the new leader of the demon world calmly: "You are mistaken, we are not fighting your demon world forever, we are just destroying you."


As soon as the words were finished, the sky suddenly lit up.

The sky of the Demon Realm, which had been kept in a dim state, seemed to be suddenly lit up by an indescribably strong light, like an aurora filling the entire field of vision...

The unprecedented beam of energy, wrapped in unprecedented destructive power, tore apart the sky of the demon world in an instant. The splendor and brilliance of that instant was like a dark red sun descending from the sky, rendering the entire world into this color. .

It was like a peerless divine sword that fell from the nine heavens, pierced through the atmosphere, burned the sky of the Demon Realm, and then shot into the ground of the Demon Realm without losing momentum...

In just one second, the crust of the demon land was melted, and the thick, ruin-like land was turned into magma by terrifying energy and high temperature.

Tens of thousands of degrees, hundreds of thousands of degrees of energy and high temperature escaped everywhere, igniting the surrounding atmosphere at an extremely fast speed, and due to the difference in air pressure distribution, they were continuously squeezed outward, forming a circle that engulfed all substances, including the earth, The void, the flames that were all lit, spread unscrupulously in all directions.

The faster the temperature escapes, the faster the flame will spread and sweep.

As for the ancient and modern people who are located thousands of miles above the sky, they can clearly see that after the Star Destroyer fired at its maximum power, a beam of extremely gorgeous energy beams penetrated the atmosphere and shot into the earth. Immediately afterwards, the earth seemed to be illuminated by a high-temperature laser. The bright lake water is boiling, rippling out circles of ripples.

The only difference is that those ripples are all made up of flames, high temperature, and thick smoke, and the range of ripples ranges from one hundred miles, three hundred miles, one thousand miles...

Crazy growth.

"No! No! No!"

Looking at the beam of energy piercing through the sky at the end of the sky, the Lord of the Ruin Heaven couldn't help but roared: "From ancient times to modern times!"


The remaining demons such as Black Flame Demon Lord and Red Yingying Master also struggled crazily, the power of will exploded to the extreme, continuously impacting the suppression of ancient and modern spiritual power.

Demon spirits exist attached to the demon world.

Their nature is like the spirit world and the inspiration.

Once the demon world is destroyed, it is like a star losing its cover in the spirit world. From now on, all the inspirations that are born will quickly dissipate, and the practitioners on this star will also end from then on.

Similarly, without the specially modified demon world, the cycle of life and death of the demon spirits will also be broken. From now on, no new demon spirits will be born.

In addition, with the destruction of the Demon Realm, all the demon spirits living in the Demon Realm will be reduced to nothingness with the destruction of the Demon Realm, in other words...

This group of them was completely wiped out.

"From ancient to modern times!"

The power of will of the Lord of Ruins Sky was like burning, and the power that erupted climbed to an unprecedented extreme.


The gap between the ninth-level holy spirit and the sixth-level golden fairy is too far.

Even if the will of God is higher in quality than the power of mind, and the Lord of the Disintegrating Sky is still in a state of burning himself, there is still no way to erase such a huge gap.

He could only watch helplessly as the stream of light piercing through the heavens and the earth was like a divine sword that destroyed the world, igniting the entire demon world. The shock wave of destruction was mixed with flames containing tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of degrees of heat, sweeping unscrupulously, sweeping from the end of the sky ,finally…

Devour their bodies completely.

But this level of flames, high temperature, and shock waves, even though they covered the sky, couldn't completely destroy them.

At best, it can only destroy all creatures on the surface of the Demon Realm.

Therefore, they can only watch helplessly as the magma spreads and flames calcine, and the demon world, which is already like hell, suffers from the energy beam of light at the end of the sky again and again.

Under the repeated impact of the energy light beams shot out by the Star Destroyer mecha, the crust of the Demon Realm was cut open, followed by the mantle...

For several hours, the continuous energy bombardment of the Star Destroyer's main cannon further blasted the entire mantle, and the attack fell into the star core.

The terrifying energy output brazenly broke the force field used by the star core to maintain the balance of the star's operation.

The force field was destroyed, and the mantle and crust wrapped on the surface of the star core quickly split apart, and cracks that were so huge that they could not be described by data quickly covered the entire surface of the demon world planet.

Finally, after a certain tipping point...

The entire demon world suddenly collapsed.

Under the impact of the disordered star core force field, the unprecedented energy blasted away the mantle and crust of the demon world, turning them into fragments that cannot be counted in billions, and shot them in all directions.

This debris, in large chunks, may in the future absorb large amounts of cosmic dust and re-emerge as a rogue planet.

Generally, they are transformed into some asteroids, which may be captured by other larger planets in the future and turned into satellites.

The small pieces are like meteorites, floating in this vast sea of ​​stars. One day, they will encounter a large celestial body, and finally hit those celestial bodies, leaving craters, witnessing their past existence.

"it's over."

At the moment when the force field of the demon world began to disintegrate, the eyes of the past and the present have fallen on the Lord of the Ruin Sky: "Now, you can tell me that you will never die."

"From ancient times to modern times..."

The Lord of Ruin Sky stared at him, the power of will turned into a candle in the wind after burning for a long time: "You executioner, you exterminator, I curse you..."

"If the curse is useful, why practice?"

From ancient to modern times, he said calmly.

"You think you can kill me like this? Wrong! Big mistake! My will is not limited to the demon world at all. One day, I will return again, awaken the evil gods in the longevity world, destroy your world, and let you taste the destruction of the world..."

The will of the Lord of the Market is full of madness and resentment.

"Don't wait for that day."

Gujin said: "The reason why I kept you until now is not because I can't kill you, it's just... I don't want to waste too much time. Do you really think that if you become the Holy Spirit, you can truly be immortal?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he immediately released the void projection technique, which descended on the Lord of the Ruined Sky like a candle in the wind in an instant.

Almost at the moment of his arrival, the Lord of the Market Market had already sensed something, his eyes widened in disbelief, looking at the past and present, his thinking seemed to have stagnated: "You..."

The next moment, this Holy Spirit was obliterated.

And when he was going to be resurrected with the help of collective will after being obliterated, the ancient and modern times in the state of void projection followed closely by one divided into ten thousand...

One hundred and sixty-three thousand and twenty-five copies to be exact.

Apparently, the reason why the Lord of Ruins Heaven can have the level of the ninth-level holy spirit is entirely dependent on the many demon spirits in the demon world.

Right now, those ordinary demon spirits are destroyed with the demon world, and only 160,000 individuals are left to constitute his collective will. This kind of load is completely within the acceptable range from ancient to modern times.

"God! God! You... are also a god..."

The thinking of the Lord of Ruins Sky was similar to that of Ziguang Tianxian when he was unwilling, mad, mocking, and hated, but immediately after, he seemed to notice something: "No! I didn't feel the will of God in you at all... What are you doing? What is it!?"

"I am human."

From ancient to modern times, he calmly said: "A person who works hard for the longevity world and for the blue star to survive safely in this cosmic starry sky!"

"People!? People!? are people..."

To be defeated by another god, god, and holy spirit, this kind of result caused the Lord of the Market to collapse a bit.

But in ancient and modern times, there was not so much time to listen to his lies, and the power of mind and spirit swept through, and more than 160,000 individuals were forcibly wiped out.

After doing this, he turned his gaze to the other Holy Spirits again.

Compared with the Lord of the Market, the power of these holy spirits is undoubtedly much weaker. After the demon world is destroyed, the "groups" they can connect with are less than a thousand.

If it wasn't for saving time in ancient and modern times, it only needs to kill them less than a thousand times, and they will die naturally.

After killing these holy spirits, the incarnations have been recovered throughout the ages.

His body moved slightly, and he broke away from the Star Destroyer mech.

At this time, the Star Destroyer mecha has been severely damaged.

The energy output that lasted for several hours has long exceeded the upper limit of the material of the Star Destroyer mecha. If it hadn't been for the imitation of the energy operation channel of the Star Destroyer mecha in ancient and modern times, and it was restrained by magnetic force, so that it could continue to attack. I'm afraid that in the end, they don't think they can blast the attack to the star core.

"The test machines manufactured regardless of cost are so useless, and there are still many areas for improvement."

Gu Jinlai retracted the Star Destroyer mecha, and then, with a vertical and horizontal figure, fell towards the position where the star core of the demon world was located.

At this time, due to the disturbance of the force field of the star core, countless star fragments are constantly being thrown towards the outer space.

From ancient times to modern times, he could clearly see many scorched rocks, soil layers, and magma that had been completely extinguished like a river filled his vision, which made his speed towards the star core much slower.

Fortunately, for him now, no matter how huge a rock or a mountain is, it can be defeated with a single blow.

Coupled with his own flexibility, he has passed through the periphery of the broken stars and arrived at the "ground" of the demon world in a short time.

"The ancient palace master."

"Ginger is divine."

Zhao Xi and Wang Xuanjing sensed the aura of the past and the present from afar, and quickly came up to them.

Gu Jinlai nodded to the two of them: "Wait a moment."

He had to borrow Wang Xuanjing's Sky-shattering Mirror to return to the Longevity Realm.

After giving an order, he continued to fall into the depths of the Demon Realm.

The closer you get to the star core of the Demon Realm, the more various wreckages there are, and you can even see the liquid containing terrifying high temperature flowing wantonly.

After walking forward for a while, UU Reading finally, a majestic figure that is not in the shape of a human, but is fully 100,000 meters tall appeared in the field of vision from ancient to modern times.

Even though this life seems to have fallen for an unknown number of years at this moment, the mystery emanating from it still resonates strangely with the entire universe and starry sky.

It is this mysterious resonance that keeps it alive in the universe for hundreds of millions of years.

"Immortal Golden Immortal!"

Gu Jinlai took a deep breath.

This is the true core of the entire Demon Realm, and it is also the most precious treasure of the Demon Realm.


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