MTL - Nuclear Power Sword Immortal-Chapter 17 1 vote

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The team that Gu Jinlai was in was the Jiang family's motorcade that transported Moonlight Grass to the capital.

This herbal medicine is one of the auxiliary materials for refining Yangshen Pill. It can only be relocated in the moonlight at night, so the team will not only go all out, but will be out at night in the next few days.

"When will the team leave?"

Gu Jinlai asked.

The leader of the team is the middle-aged man named Shao Hong who was with Jiang Xiyu during the day.

"When the herbs in Fangjiayuan arrive, they will set off. It should be an hour."

Shao Hongdao.

Kujinlai nodded his head.

He once again glanced at the dark shrouded streets of Changjun City.

Will be leaving soon.

The dignified **** refining, not to mention leaving in a daze, even a good **** refining giant can't be a god, and he has to change his career as a celestial teacher.

Although Heavenly Masters are highly respected, refining weapons and beasts, and making money, but refining Qi and transforming God over and over again leads to a weak physical body, not even as good as a body-quenching martial artist, and is far from being comparable to a real person who has gathered thousands of mighty powers in one body.

It can be used as a negative teaching material in the realm of refining gods.

"I'll be back."

Ancient and modern come from talking to themselves.

He looked at the Changjun City under the night, and there was a touch of melancholy in his eyes.

here goes...

Looking forward to the end of the world, I don't know what year I will return.


Gujinlai sighed again.

However, before the sigh was completely finished, an idea suddenly popped into his mind.

Anyway, he's leaving.

Anyway, he planned to abandon evil and follow good.

Anyway, he didn't even want to take care of the purgatory's mess.

Anyway, he was about to change his job as a day teacher.


Do you want to go to the Demon Refinement Hall to vote before you leave?

You don't have to fight and kill.

Just to "get" something that belongs to him.

The people in the Demon Refinement Hall swallowed a lot of his credit, so they had to let him drink some soup.

Besides, for the refining tool, the raw materials are very expensive.

When I think about it, I can't sit still.

He got off the carriage and said to Shao Hong, "I forgot something. I'll be back in half an hour."

Shao Hong was stunned: "Then please Elder Gu as soon as possible."

"I won't make you wait."

Gu Jin came and said, and quickly followed the night and walked towards the Temple of Refinement.

There are three Temple Masters in the Temple of Refining Demons, and the Sixth Temple and the Twelve Courtyards are quite dangerous.

Ancient and modern wearing a demon mask, taking advantage of the night to sneak into it cautiously.

He wandered the outer courtyard, pondering where Zhang Xiu lived, but unexpectedly discovered...

Is the Palace Master not here?

Yun Guantian, the master of the Temple of Refining Demons, did not know where he went. Except for a few disciples, there was no movement in the courtyard.

One of the three temple masters of the Temple of Refining went to the capital of Xingzhou a month ago and has not returned yet.

At the moment, Yun Guantian is not around, and Zhang Xiu is the only one left in the entire Demon Refinement Hall.

"When it comes to wealth, how does the deputy hall advocate that Xiu is comparable to the main hall master Yun Guantian? In addition, the universe map of heaven and earth needs Yun Guantian to open it by himself, and he must intervene in the idea of ​​taking my credit and giving out the idea of ​​​​the Great Sun Nine Refinements."

Change goals from the past to the present.

He didn't come to kill, just to breathe out a bad breath from Shuxin.

Naturally, the Temple of Refinement will come here no matter how much it loses.

This time, there was no one to attract the attention of Zhang Xiu, the real master of refining gods for him.

But on the way to come at night, Gu Jinlai is ready.

Attacking it will save you.

The universe map of heaven and earth!

The map of heaven and earth is located in the apse, and it needs to be supported by the formation method.

Otherwise, a Refining God real person can't support the consumption of a Taoist tool.

Ancient and Jinlai walked towards the apse, and there were already a lot of fireworks and firecrackers in their hands.

There are many guards in the apse.

There are more than a dozen people in the Qi Refining Realm, and there must be one or two holding Dan to guard them.

To use fireworks to break the bamboo and burn the map of heaven and earth, that is a dream.

But in the past and present, it is only necessary to attract attention. The world and the universe are very important. When the firecracker rang, no matter how confident Zhang Xiu was in the defense of the apse, he had to go to investigate and troubleshoot.

Right now, he found a hidden place in the corner of the apse to put the fireworks and cannons that came along the way in the future, made a simple trigger, set it on fire, and hurried to the courtyard of the palace master.

"Chu! Clap!"

When he sneaked into the courtyard of the palace master Yunguantian, a harsh sound resounded in the night sky, accompanied by a splendid fire.

"Alert! Beware of the enemy!"

"There is fire in the apse!"

"The apse!? Hurry up! Come on people! Protect the world!"

There was chaos and noise, quickly coming from the Temple of Demon Refinement.

The Temple of Refining Demons, consisting of six palaces and twelve courtyards, suddenly became extremely lively.

The deputy hall advocated Xiu also sensed the movement outside, but this kind of fireworks and flames made it clear that there were voices attacking the west. What he did immediately was to summon the disciples, order them to guard his courtyard, be careful not to let anyone intrude, and then hurried Hurry to the back hall.

As for the courtyard of the palace master Yun Guantian...

He didn't even think about it.

Just like when there is a fire, the first thing anyone is worried about is their own loss. Even if other people in the family burn down their private property, they won't have time to think about it in a short time.

Besides, Zhang Xiu and Yun Guantian's relationship is far from the level of a family.

Gu Jinlai sneaked towards the courtyard before the fire started.

But he didn't practice the body technique, and he was not familiar with the courtyard where Yun Guantian lived. Before sneaking into the courtyard, he could not take a breath, and a loud shout rang out.


Immediately afterward, a Dan holding master quickly rushed out with three Ning Gangs.

This is not surprising.

He drew his sword straight out of its sheath.

This is the top-grade sword given by Jiang Xiyu.

After all, he was embarrassed to take back the things he had given away. How could the value of these foreign things be worth his life?

Because of his generosity, the low-grade sword that lacked maintenance from ancient and modern times was retired.

The high-grade sword makes the sword gang even more sharp.

From ancient to modern, they drew their swords and rushed to kill. The sword gangs were vertical and horizontal. The master holding Dan who came to meet them slammed the fist gangs, but they were cut open by the sword gangs on the spot.


As the qi burst out and the air waves exploded, his figure was shaken back a few steps.

"Baodan Peak!? Six sons went to ask for help, little three and four, follow me back to the house and wait for help!"

After instantly judging the level of the past and present, the boxing master gave an order.

One of them was extremely skilled and flew away, while the other two formed horns with him, formed a battle, and quickly retreated.

This is the Temple of Refinement!

They only need to guard for a moment and reinforcements will arrive, and Bao Dan, headed by them, chose the most secure tactics.

From ancient to modern, striding meteors, rushing to kill with swords, infuriating in the body, like the sun shining brightly, carrying the power of explosion in the blazing.

However, just when he was about to break out the sword gang again to defeat the three, and even seriously inflict heavy damage, he suddenly noticed something out of the corner of his eye.


Karma is like fire, dark red like red light!

The dark red karma was less than twenty steps away from him, and it was at the position where the pill holder retreated.

Once his sword gang broke out, and he delivered a violent blow to the Dan Bao master and the two people beside him, this mysterious existence made a bold move and could definitely kill him instantly.

The most incredible thing from the past to the present is that he clearly "sees" this dark red karma from the corner of his eyes, and it is obvious that the distance between the two is less than twenty steps...

But he didn't sense any breath.

Also, there is no naked eye to see where he is.

This kind of breath-holding and hiding technique...

From the past to the present, my heart is awe-inspiring.

Obviously, the so-called retreating and defending by the Dan master was just an illusion.

The key is to provide the hider with a chance to kill.

Change to other peak holding pills, and in the next second, I am afraid that I will already be dead.

At this moment, the thinking of ancient and modern is running to the extreme.

The sword gang that slashed towards the boxing man holding the pill did not change, and even strengthened!

The true qi cultivated by the Great Sun Magic Huang Gong in the body has been squeezed out as much as possible, UU reading www.uukanshu. The com was surging, filling the whole body, like a volcano about to erupt.

To outsiders, he seems to be worried that the longer the delay, the more dangerous the situation will be, so he poured his whole body into a sword, and as the sword was cut out, the speed of the sword soared, and the sword gang shook the sky.

The violent friction between the sword gang and the air made a thunderous roar.

A circle of white air waves visible to the naked eye exploded from the tip of the sword's edge, swaying into ripples, rolling up a hurricane, and spreading in all directions.


Just when this thunderous sword broke out in the past and present to establish a victory, the figure that has not appeared in his "perception" until now has moved.


Quietly, like a ghost traveling from the Nine Serenities, it pierced a deadly cold light with incredible speed.

In the next instant, the dazzling dagger in his hand will pass by his throat and cut off his head.


There is no next moment.

Just as the figure's dagger was about to cut off Gu Jinlai's head, a net was also quietly interwoven beside Gu Jinlai's body.

A web of death composed of invisible sword energy.

When this ghostly figure charged towards the past and the present, it was like a car colliding with an extremely sharp steel wire.

With the relative speed between the two, eventually...

"Chi Chi!"

The sword energy is intertwined.

The blood mist filled the air.

The dagger of the ghostly figure stopped when it was less than three centimeters from Gujinlai's throat.

Suddenly, his body collapsed.

It was directly cut into a dozen pieces by the invisible and invisible sword energy, and it shattered all over the place.

He hid quietly, and died quietly.