MTL - North American Detective: I Am Proficient In All Kinds of American IAI-Chapter 177 Fish out An Bei, go home

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  Chapter 177 Fish out An Bei, go home


  Not long after Dean left, several police cars came to Azalia's residence and sealed off the place. They didn't leave with the VCR and Azalia's remains and belongings until professionals searched the house.

   This surprised Dean.

  Because this means that the person behind Aishaliya probably does not have the identity of the police.

  He thought it was the ghost.

  The police dealt with it very quickly.

  The people who collected the traces were also very professional, and they didn't look like the methods of the forensics department.

  Dean guessed that tomorrow morning, he would be able to see the crisis public relations of the Los Angeles police to explain the Sarah incident in detail, so as not to make those black people think that Sarah and the others were murdered by the police and committed suicide.

  Follow the police and leave.

  Several monitoring, returned to calm.

  However, Dean's monitoring assumes that it is on the network line and can be monitored in real time.

  He is very patient.

time flies.

   Until about four o'clock in the morning.

  On the monitor in front of the door, two black shadows flashed away.

  Dean was shocked.

   Here comes the fish!

   However, the monitoring equipment is a bit rotten. It can only be distinguished that they are two medium-sized Renren. Their heads look a little weird, and other details cannot be distinguished.

  After these two people entered the house, their goals were clear.

   First, he took out a set of complicated electronic equipment to scan the house, and finally stayed outside Dean's surveillance.

next moment.

  The surveillance site fell into darkness.

  The other party found the camera!

   This thing needs to rely on the network to realize online transmission.

  The other party relied on this method to conduct investigations and found the monitoring left by Dean.

   Cameras turn off one by one.

   It took these two people less than five minutes from entering the house to clearing all the surveillance cameras in the house.

  Easy and skilled.

  Dean's method, to them, is more like playing house.

   See this scene.

  Dean's face darkened.

   Finish the calf.

  This time the fish.

  Some treacherous, don't be fooled!

   It seems that the air force is coming!

  He took a deep breath and watched repeatedly from the time when the two of them appeared to when all the surveillance images disappeared.

   Supplemented by several pictures.

  Dean was barely in the darkness, and determined that the two men were of medium build, wearing animal headgear on their heads, which looked like pig heads, and they were very agile and professional in removing traces, at least more professional than Dean, the former scavenger.


  The two men rushed over shortly after the police left, and came in with a clear goal, to clean up all traces first, and then deal with their own affairs.

   It shows that they have very powerful intelligence support.

   But these findings, apart from confirming that behind Azalia, there is indeed professional contact and support, have no other effect.

  For this unknown force.

  Dean wasn't even sure if they belonged to the Lucifer Game Organization.

  He needs to discover more obvious features.

   When Dean checked the footage of the two people just appearing for the third time, he let out a sound of surprise.

   Found it!

  He pulled the mouse and pulled the screen on the computer back to the previous second.

  I saw the moment when the two pig-headed men just appeared, the man on the left of the screen, the moment he waved his hand, the camera with his right hand hidden towards him, compared a V

   ah this


   This kid is finally willing to show up!

  Dean cheered up, played back the screen again, and in other monitoring, focused on observing the pig-headed man who was suspected to be Anbei.

   From the perspective of body shape.

   This seems to be An Bei who has disappeared for a while.

   He is not dead.

   It looks like.

  This third killer in North America, who cheated to death, seems to have infiltrated into other organizations now, and has become Luo Luo who helps others.


   But there is one thing that Dean can't figure out.

  How did this guy, An Bei, know that he had been here and set up a camera?

  Dean can be sure that An Bei knows all this, otherwise he would not deliberately make a V-sign gesture to the camera to remind and greet him.

   "I can't figure it out, forget it, don't think about it, this guy still owes me favors, and I think he will find an opportunity to contact me soon. By then, it will be clear whether that organization is the Lucifer Game Organization and what purpose it has!"

  Think here.

  Dean turned off the monitor, smiled and lit a cigarette.

   This.. is very comfortable.

  Instructor Anthony, can't be reached.

  Dean was still a little uneasy about being targeted by the Lucifer Game Organization.

  He is in the light, but the enemy is in the dark.

  This means that others can count him.

  He doesn't even know who the real enemy is, so he can only passively defend and counterattack.

  This is not good.

  That's why Dean thought about fishing, deliberately exposed his vest, wanted to divert the attention of the hidden enemies, and found an opportunity to attack them by the way, forming a deterrent.

   It's comfortable now.

   Regardless of whether the force behind Azalia is the Lucifer Game Organization or not.

  The appearance of Anbei at least gave Dean more choices and intelligence support, and even allowed Anbei to break into the interior of the Lucifer game organization to find out why the other party was interested in his intelligence.

This is an important point!

   Early the next morning.

  Dean got a call from his mom Sheila.

   "Dean, I also saw a bad news yesterday. Some black employees discussed going to the police station to demonstrate together before getting off work. Would you like to ask for leave?"

  Sheila's tone was not kind.

  Because Dean didn't go back to live for some days.

  The eldest son, Baker, also packed his bags, and left Los Angeles again with his **** brother to pursue their starving Taobao dream.

   These days, Sheila doesn't like anything.

Dean heard the meaning of Sheila's words, and quickly said: "Mom, don't worry, I will be fine, and I will come back tonight, I hope to see delicious pan-fried bacon on the table .”

   "No problem, by the way, Dean, Sinclair may come to you with some unspeakable things, don't refuse then!"

   "Unspeakable things?"

   “Some kid’s play house stuff.

  The **** Baker is not here now, so I can only let you show up. Okay, I'm going to the farm to deal with the order share for the first quarter. See you tonight, son. "

   "See you tonight, Mom!"

hang up the phone.

  Dean was a little confused.

  Sinclair is only eleven years old, what unspeakable things do you want to help yourself?

  I hope to go back at night.

  This younger sister who is about to enter the rebellious period will not make things difficult for herself.

   Come to the police station.

Dean found that there were not only more people in the sentry box at the gate, but these people also wore perfect equipment, put on vests and bulletproof vests, and some even held semi-automatic rifles in their hands, patrolling outside the police station, which made people feel a sense of urgency. There is a stormy atmosphere.

   And getting in was a lot of trouble.

  Originally, Dean's license plate was recorded by the system. As long as he drove to the door, the automatic gate would rise, allowing him to drive directly into the underground parking lot without showing his face.

   Now he was stopped and asked to check his credentials.

  Dean took out his ID and asked curiously, "Man, what's going on? You look a bit unfamiliar."

  The young man who checked the documents had an immature face and looked young.

When he saw that Dean was actually a detective, envy appeared in his eyes, and he explained: "Detective Dean, we don't know the situation, but we are just worried that there will be demonstrations today, so we were transferred here by the superior. In order to prevent any shock situation."

  He explained why, but did not reveal his identity.

   Seeing this, Dean didn't ask any more questions.

  Fourth Squadron Office.

  Dean thought he should be the first person to come over, but he didn't expect Robert to be the first one to come to the office today.

Except for him.

   There is also a young white man with a scar on his face and a stern face, wearing the same equipment and clothing as the strange guards outside the door, confronting Robert with a red face.

   The two people seem to communicate very unpleasantly.

  If it wasn't for the fact that the two sides didn't draw their guns, Dean almost thought that someone was coming to find fault.

   Hear movement.

   The two stopped confronting each other and looked towards the door.

  Dean greeted Robert: "Robert, you came so early today, is it to meet this handsome guy next to you privately?"

Robert pointed to the scar-faced young man who was looking at Dean, and introduced with some embarrassment: "This is my younger brother Carlo, who is currently serving in the City Secret Service, which is the department that took over the Police Detective Bureau outside the door. We haven't seen each other for a long time. , so take advantage of his mission this time, let’s meet and have a chat.”

   Carlo obviously heard Dean's name from Robert.

  His stern face showed a polite expression: "Hello, Inspector Dean, my elder brother told you that you are a very good detective."

   Dean swept across his limbs and waist, knowing what he was doing, and said with a smile, "I heard Robert tell you about you. He said that his younger brother has a strong hand-to-hand combat level and is his pride."

   Carlo looked at his elder brother unexpectedly.

  He didn't expect his elder brother, who had been fighting with him, to think so highly of him.

  Robert looked confused: "Dean, did I say that?"

   "When we were drinking together, you boasted that your brother is very strong.

  However, you don’t communicate much, and both of you are hard-spoken and soft-hearted, which leads to a change in expression when you clearly care about each other, so you were still worried about how to get along with your brother harmoniously. "

   Dean opened his eyes and said nonsense.

   These are naturally analyzed by him through his eyesight.

  Carol was a little moved.

  He shrugged: "Robert, I actually look down on your occasional weakness, but thank you for thinking so highly of me. I apologize to you for arguing with you just now."

Robert gave him a **** back, and said with a smile: "As Dean said, you have clearly become an independent man, but I still can't help but say something that restricts you. It's really inappropriate, but I still hope you can Consider my suggestion."

   "What advice?"

   Seeing that he had resolved the conflict between the two, Dean couldn't help asking curiously.

Robert sighed: "The department my younger brother joined is actually some cannon fodder department used to take the blame. They are usually free-range, and they are called over when something happens, and they are paid according to their attendance. I want him to join the police department, so that at least it will be safe Some."

  Although the police detectives will also face murderers, they are much better than those hard-working patrolmen.

  At least when they act, they will have expectations in their hearts, and they will not be shot just because they check a car, ask a question, or even come to help mediate family conflicts.

  Back the blame?

  Dean suddenly realized.

   No wonder the detectives changed their patrol outside the station.

   Isn’t this the people who came to the door, not sure whether the video they left behind can resolve the restless emotions of those black people, so they are ready to suppress.

By the time.

   Something happened.

  Temp workers come in handy.

  Dean looked at Carlo a few times, and nodded seriously: "Man, I think Robert is right. My team is about to be established. Maybe you can consider joining me."

  This guy, judging from his size alone, is a self-disciplined person, with stern eyes and indifference. He probably has seen a lot of blood, so he is a good seed.

   Carlo was a little moved.

  He nodded: "Okay, let me think about it. By the way, if you are all right, it is best not to go out to work today. The order given to us is that if anyone storms the police station, shoot them dead!"

   "I hope there won't be such a big mess."

   The three chatted for a while.

   Carlo still had to go on duty, so he didn't stay long.

  Dean and Robert simply turned on the TV and looked bored.


  The news channel in Los Angeles finally began to report on Sarah and Azalea.

  The high-level police station also launched a press conference to explain the cause and effect of this incident carefully, and also played some processed video footage left by Dean.

  There is no Dean vest on it, but there is a dialogue between Sarah and Azalea.

   Immediately after.

  Various talk shows also conducted various in-depth discussions and speculations on this matter, and changed the topic direction.

   Whether those black people believe it or not.

  The police and the city government, in terms of posture, have done a lot and sincerely, telling everyone clearly: Everyone is a citizen of the United States and enjoys the same rights and freedoms.

  How effective it is is not yet clear.

   But until the end of get off work.

  Dean has not received any news of demonstrations by black groups.

  Maybe they believed the evidence and videos released by the police, or they believed the words of the interviewers. In short, things seemed to pass so smoothly.

  When Dean got off work, he felt a little regretful.

   Otherwise, those people would take advantage of the demonstrations to cause riots and make some zero-dollar purchases, maybe they could earn some experience points.


   Dean came home.

   Thompson's face looked paler.

   As a person who has experienced it.

  Dean immediately understood what happened to the little brother recently.

  He was going to call his little brother aside, and teach him what is health preservation, what is recharging energy, how to be durable and powerful...

   Sinclair interrupted Thompson's upcoming opportunity.

  She rushed over excitedly, like a koala, and threw herself into Dean's arms: "Dean, my dearest and dearest second brother, welcome home!"

   Dean "."


  Look at the posture of the little girl.

   I'm afraid she may not be able to help if she wants to help herself!

   Thanks for the reward of 12,000 book coins from the book friends of "Brilliant Night", thank you boss!

   Thanks for the reward from the "programmer who deleted the library and ran away", thank you boss!

Good night.



  (end of this chapter)