MTL - No Bounds for the President’s Spoiling-Chapter 277 Restless night

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Mu Xue's eyes were full of reconciliation. She stayed with Gu Zixuan for three years in order to wait for Gu Zixuan and Yan Xiaoyu to divorce and then marry Gu Zixuan herself. But in three years, not only did Gu Ziyu and Yan Xiaoyu divorce, but Gu Ziyi's thoughts were not on her at all.

Qin Muxuan, I will definitely win over you.

At this moment, Qin Muxuan on the other side took a taxi and returned to his hotel immediately after leaving Shengsheng. When she returned, Qin Xin and Jian Xi had not yet returned, presumably playing with Mu Ming outside.

Qin Muxuan took off his shoes and threw the bag in his hand.

She felt that she was going crazy now. As soon as Gu Zixuan was involved, Qin Muxuan would start to be afraid. She was afraid that Gu Ziyi would find that she was still alive, and that she was afraid that Mrs. Gu would shut herself back.

In the past three years, even if she is better than before, she has not been afraid any day. # _ # 27218470

Qin Muxuan felt that he was wrong, and immediately ran to the room to find his suitcase, and began to look for it. But Qin Muxuan searched for a long time and could not find her medicine.

Qin Muxuan was even more flustered. The previous bottle had been eaten by her, so she deliberately brought an extra bottle into the trunk, but couldn't find it.

Qin Muxuan rummaged, and she took out the clothes in the suitcase and threw them on the bed, but despite this, she still could not find the medicine bottle.

Qin Muxuan stood up holding the wall, returned to the living room, took out his mobile phone from his bag, and dialed Jiang Xin's phone.

Qin Muxuan listened to the ringing bell inside, anxious in her heart, but in the end she only responded to the voice of the telephone customer service. Qin Muxuan called Jiang Xin's phone again and again, but Jiang Xin never answered the phone. # 2.7218470

When Qin Muxuan planned to call Yin Youting, his cell phone turned off without power. Qin Muxuan sat on the ground with some collapse, and the feeling of suffocation made her breathing start.

Qin Muxuan only felt that the scenery in front of her eyes began to shake, and she even began to lose her mind.

After Jiang Xin's diagnosis, Qin Muxuan was actually a series of symptoms such as anxiety and auditory hearing caused by severe depression. It was not actually a mental illness, but because of his own psychological barrier, Qin Muxuan's condition worsened.

But in the past three years, Qin Muxuan has almost recovered. Except when he is irritated, he will also get sick. Other times, it is no different from ordinary people. @ & @!

Qin Muxuan no longer remembers when the last time was so serious. She just felt that her eyes were gradually getting darker, and it didn't take long before she completely lost consciousness.

When Jian Xi and Qin Xin returned, Qin Muxuan fell to the ground when he opened the door. All of a sudden, Jian Xi ran to Qin Muxuan, calling out her name aloud. "Xuan Xuan! Xuan Xuan you wake up! Don't scare me Xuan Xuan!"

Qin Xin, who was on the side, was also scared by this scene, and a pair of big eyes immediately became red. "Mummy!"

But no matter what Qin Xin and Jian Xi called, Qin Muxuan did not wake up.

Jian Xi immediately called Mu Ming and told him what Qin Muxuan was doing now. Mu Ming had already left after sending Jian Xi and Qin Xin, but immediately turned around after receiving a call from Jian Xi. * $ &)

Mu Ming went straight up the stairs, stood at the door, and rang the doorbell.

When Jian Xi heard the door bell, she ran over and opened the door.

"Where is she?" Mu Ming's face was full of solemn look.

"On the sofa, I still don't wake up."

Before Mu Ming came, Jian Xi exhausted her whole body to hold Qin Muxuan on the sofa, but despite this, Qin Muxuan didn't react at all.

Jian Xi had no idea what Qin Muxuan's medical history was, and it was the first time that Qin Muxuan had fainted.

Mu Ming walked in immediately, hugged Qin Muxuan, and then walked outside. Seeing this, Jian Xi quickly took the bag and took Qin Xin to catch up.

Mu Ming placed Qin Muxuan on his back seat, and Jian Xi and Qin Xin also got into the car. Then, the car drove quickly towards the hospital.

Upon arriving at the hospital, Mu Ming immediately held Qin Muxuan and ran towards the rescue room in the hospital. Jian Xi also hugged Qin Xin to follow.

After Qin Muxuan was sent to the rescue room, the three talents were relieved.

Throughout the journey, Jian Xi had been holding a heart, and now she could still think of Qin Muxuan's unconsciousness when she lay on the ground.

Jian Xi looked at Qin Xin, who was crying in her arms, and comforted her softly: "Xiao Xin is not crying, Mommy will be fine, Mommy will come out of it soon."

"Really? Xi is not allowed to deceive." Qin Xin sucked his nose, blinked and looked at Jian Xi with big eyes.

"Really." Jian Xi hugged Qin Xin tightly in her arms, resisting the urge to cry.

Mu Ming looked at Jian Xi aside, holding her cold little hand with his big hand, it seemed to be comforting her silently.

Jian Xi looked at Mu Ming, and the tears in her eyes finally fell at this time. She couldn't believe what would happen if Qin Mu announced something. Qin Xin would

How to do.

"Relax, nothing will happen." Mu Ming comforted Jane softly, raising her hand to wipe the tears from her face.

Jian Xi nodded, and she also believed that Qin Muxuan would be fine.

As time passed by, the light in the rescue room finally dim, and Qin Muxuan was pushed out of the rescue vision by the doctor and transferred to the general ward.

Jian Xi and Mu Ming took Qin Xin all the way to the ward. Jian Xi looked at Qin Muxuan with her eyes closed on the bed, and couldn't help feeling uncomfortable.

On the other side, the doctor is talking to Mu Ming about Qin Muxuan.

"Does the patient have a history of mental illness?" The doctor looked at Mu Ming seriously.

Mu Ming frowned after hearing this. He didn't know much about Qin Muxuan, but he knew Yin Youting had asked Qin Muxuan a psychologist.

"She has been seeing a psychologist, but I don't know the specifics."

"In this case, the patient still needs to be transferred to a psychiatric department for an examination. You will take her when she wakes up."

Mu Ming nodded, remembering the doctor's words in his heart. The doctor turned around and left after explaining some precautions, leaving only Jian Xi and Mu Ming and Qin Xin in the ward.

Qin Xin was sitting next to Qin Muxuan's bed with red eyes, and stretched out a small hand to hold Qin Muxuan's hand.

"What did the doctor say?" Jian Xi asked Mu Ming, who had just walked in from the outside.

"Say that she will go to the psychiatric department for an examination when she wakes up."

After that, Jane suddenly became silent. She didn't know what Qin Muxuan had gone through to become what she is now, but she vaguely knew that she must be inseparable from that man.

"I'll make a call and come back in a moment." Mu Ming took out his phone and said to Jian Xi.

Jian Xi nodded, watching Mu Ming leave from the ward.

"Xi, when will Mommy wake up?" Qin Xin cried with a small face and said to Jian Xi.

"Your mum, she's tired and asleep, and wakes up when she wakes up."

Qin Xin listened to Jane and said that Qin Muxuan was just asleep, and then nodded.

After Mu Ming came out of the ward, he called Yin Youting. When Yin Youting received the phone, he asked about Qin Muxuan. Because Qin Muxuan's mobile phone was turned off, Yin Youting just called her several times and couldn't get through, and she couldn't help but worry.

"Xiao Xuan is now in the hospital."

When Yin Youting heard Mu Ming's words, her heart became tense immediately. "What happened? How could she be in the hospital?"

"She was ill. At that time, she was at the hotel alone. When I took Jane Xi and Qin Xin back, she found that she had passed out." Mu Ming told Yin Youting all the incidents just now.

After listening to Mu Ming's words, Yin Youting also seemed to understand the cause of Qin Muxuan's illness. I want to come because Gu Ziyu is right.

"what did the doctor say?"

"It's going to be checked for a while, but you still have to contact her psychiatrist. I remember you didn't find her a psychiatrist." Mu Ming said slowly.

"Okay, I know. I'll contact her soon, and you can help me take good care of Xiaoxuan." Yin Youting now wants to fly back to China, but the company's affairs made him inseparable, and the only person he could ask for was also There is only Mu Ming.

"Relax when you are with me."

Leaving aside the relationship between Mu Ming and Yin Youting, the relationship between Mu Ming and Qin Muxuan is also good. How to say that Qin Muxuan has not helped him create opportunities to pursue simplicity. In this regard, Mu Ming will take good care of Qin Muxuan.

After listening to Mu Ming's words, Yin Youting was relieved.

After hanging up, Yin Youting immediately contacted Jiang Xin and told her about Qin Muxuan.

After learning about Qin Muxuan, Jiang Xin told Yin Youting that he would go to City A. Yin Youting listened to Jiang Xin saying she was going to city A, and she was relieved.

After hanging up with Yin Youting, Jiang Xin found that Qin Muxuan had called her several times before, but she didn't hear it at the time.

Jiang Xin exhaled slowly, his frown tightened.

She immediately booked a flight ticket to City A with her mobile phone. After looking at the current time, she couldn't sleep anymore. She just got up and packed her luggage.

After packing up her luggage, Jiang Xin looked at the flight information. She decided to be a plane at 6:30 in the morning, and it should be just in time now. Thinking about this, Jiang Xin took out a few medicine bottles from the drawer of the safe and put them in his bag.

This medicine is the medicine that Qin Muxuan has been taking. It can only be bought in country M. In case Qin Muxuan's medicine has been consumed, Jiang Xin took a few more bottles.

After Jiang Xin packed everything, he went out and went downstairs and stopped a car at the side of the road and sat up.

"Hello, please go to the international airport."