MTL - Nine Cents Refining-v3 Chapter 2858 Witch for help

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"Tell this to you, Agarwood must understand what is the cause and effect of the great road, then, Sun Hao is likely to let the cause and effect scale accept this fruit plate, or else, rest, you think this is more..." Tian Tianji said with a smile There are some restrictions on the scale of causality.

That's right, even if it is the heavenly earth's congenital spirit, anything, when it is used, must follow certain basic principles, and it is impossible to go against the sky without any restrictions.

Luo Pengfei touched his nose and said with no anger: "We can't follow the rules, we must be good at breaking the rules, the nose, your biggest shortcoming is that the thinking is rigid, like to practice within the rules and regulations, no wonder your talent will eventually All achievements are limited, you are harming yourself..."

Tao Tianji stunned, and said in his mouth: "This is a specific law. I want to break it, but I can’t help it. What can I do? It’s better to retreat and squat, and practice honestly. ""

When I heard the words of the two people, Sun Hao’s heart was a sudden move. Sun Hao suddenly thought that others did not know what kind of state the cause and effect road was perfect, and did not know what kind of sentiment and appearance the cause and effect was perfect, but I don’t know it myself.

Does the causal scale have a blessing effect? As long as you use the cause and effect scale to buck your own cause and effect avenue and force it to the state of great perfection, then you will find the fruit plate?

If you use the cause of the cause and effect avenue to install the cause and effect avenue, can you find many practical and practical ways to cultivate the cause and effect avenue?

However, when I think about it, Sun Hao thinks that this method may not work. Especially when I deliberately operate it, the absolute effect is not good.

This is a slap in the face. If there is an eye in the sky, and there is a spirit in the avenue, it will definitely slap a slap in the face and let yourself not succeed.

To achieve this goal, you may have to take advantage of the situation and must achieve some external conditions to complete this step.

There was a faint smile on his face. Sun Hao said to Tian Tianji: "Tianjidaoyou, monk practice, Founder and persistence are essential qualities. There is no great perseverance, no great wisdom, no great achievements. This is no. Wrong, but at the same time, the old devil also makes sense. The monks practiced, if they follow the rules, they don’t know how to change, they don’t understand the rules, and they will eventually form an invisible shackle.”

Luo Pengfei haha ​​laughed: "I will say it, the nose of the cow, it seems that I am still a tall player."

The road is thoughtful.

Sun Hao smiled at Luo Peng and said softly: "The old devil, you should not be too happy, I have not finished talking about it. What I want to say to you is that anything, especially the development of practice. , is a step-by-step process, the foundation is not strong, will shake the mountain, the old devil you look at every step I have gone through, any foundation is to strive for perfection, this is the foundation, shortcuts can be found, but the shortcut must be established On a solid foundation, you can't just make shortcuts for shortcuts. Otherwise, at the end, you will find that you have no way to go..."

Luo Pengfei’s laughter lingered in his mouth. Zhang opened his mouth and looked at Sun Hao. After half a ring, he said depressedly: “Yes, I want to be the old man, I am all the way to the thorns, and I am brave and refined to the Mahayana level. At this time, I suddenly found out that the foundation is unstable and I don’t understand. It seems that the nose and the nose are all overkills. The true practitioners are like agarwood!"

Daotian machine laughed happily.

Sun Hao smiled and said with aloud: "Get the doubts and reminders of the two Taoist friends. I already have some ideas for practicing the cause and effect avenue. I also have some ways to find the way of causal avenues, and I am in the process of practicing. Among them, Xu Tu, it is now, there have been people waiting for me for many years, there is a cause and effect, but it is necessary for me to go to the end."

Since Sun Haoguang's restoration of the human race and the strong invasion of the mother's nest, occupying the base camp of the locusts, the Terran began a long rest and recuperation.

In the process, the virtual world is still under the shadow of the robbery. In many places, there are still many wars, and there are few races that can get rid of the shadow of the robbers like the Terran.

For this reason, Sun Hao’s Agaric Star has accepted more than one race to settle down.

In order to be able to send their last racial hopes to the territory of the human race, even after hundreds of thousands of years of empty travel, this has just come over, and the agaric star field is also in this context. It has gradually formed a huge star field that is dominated by human races and blended with multiple races.

Of course, so far, even if many races have been accepted, the vast land in the entire agarwood field is still in a state of absurdity.

No way, the site is too big, but it is not completely occupied and developed in a day or two.

Many places, even under the rule of the Zerg.

The ancestors of the Terran, Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang's name, along with the great victory of the Terran Galaxy, with the rise of the Terran, began to resound throughout the virtual world.

The strong record makes people look at it, and the time has passed. So basically, the Terran ancestors have begun to learn about a large number of imaginary races.

Among the imaginary people, more than one race has sent out information for help to the Terran. However, since Sun Hao conquered the 噶星域, he closed the door and enlightened the avenue. After all these years, Sun Hao only left. The star field, which is secretly helping the seas to settle the water source of the Galaxy.

The powerful Haizu avoided the civil strife and began to recuperate. The news was gradually spread out under the meaning of the Bao Ketu.

The ancestors of the ancestors, Shen Xiang, took the sea to destroy the beasts, restored the Hai order, and added new power to the virtual world.

This news came directly from the monk's mouth around the sea god. The authenticity does not need to be questioned. It is said that the sea **** deity is also damaged by the destruction of the beast and is currently sleeping. Therefore, the sea people are temporarily taken by the ancestors.

There is racial suspicion, is it that the ancestors and even the sea gods have also killed, and have successfully climbed to the top of the sea god! However, the Ministry of Maritime Affairs has vowed to believe that Poseidon is still alive, and that the gods of Poseidon are the brothers of the ancestors...

What is the truth of the matter, hidden in a speculation and fog, but one thing everyone knows is that the ancestors solved the problem of the sea, and the seas recovered their calm and robbed.

The Terran and the Haizu are very powerful races in the virtual world. The catastrophe encountered is naturally very powerful. I did not expect that the ancestors took the shots and solved them. That is to say, the strength of the ancestors has already surpassed. Ordinary Mahayana masters, with the ability to kill the Mahayana masters ~ ~ conclusions come out, as long as the ancestors are willing to shoot, the race robbery, it will no longer be a problem.

As soon as the news came out, more races sought help from the Terran.

The two kings of the six kings waited for these aids, expressing helplessness. The Terran is currently recuperating and living. It is incapable of organizing an expedition to exaggerate the domain. It can only be expected to sigh. As for the ancestors? Then you have to be able to see the ancestors, can you hand the message to the ancestors?

It is said that the ancestors are currently retreating in the earth-shattering magical powers. The Shenxiang Tiangong where the ancestors are located has even been closed for many years. As long as you can get in, the upper echelons have no opinions.

Ninety-nine percent of the help-seekers were stopped outside the Terran camp, and they could not come to Sun Hao.

However, there are exceptions. The supporters of the Witch have already arrived at Shenxiang Tiangong for many years, waiting for Sun Hao to leave the customs.

The Wu people are one of the true strong people in the virtual world. The fighting power of the Wuzu can be said to be ranked in the whole virtual world. The Terran cannot indeed offend the Taizhao, and they do not know how the Wuzu communicates with the Emperor. If the Emperor did not say anything, let the supporters of the Witch run to Shenxiang Tiangong to wait for the interview.

If you save or don't save, then look at Sun Hao's own choice.

The witches have their own ancestors sitting in the town. With his fighting power, the witches may eat some losses, and may be suppressed. But in a short period of time, there should be no big problem. This is why Sun Hao asked the helpers in Aquilaria. Tiangong waited for decades and was not in a hurry.

Today, Sun Hao's boulevard practice has entered a new stage. In a short period of time, it is difficult to make progress. The accumulation of the battle with the mother and the mother is almost completely digested.

In addition, the Wu people do have a lot of kindness and cause and effect to Sun Hao. Geerlan itself is still the blood of the Wu people. Rescuing the witches is a matter of reason and must be done.