MTL - Nine Cents Refining-Chapter 57 Retreat

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After choosing the spells, Sun Hao did not go back immediately. Qing Lao left him and took the initiative to explain to him the precautions of several magical methods that Sun Hao had just chosen. At this time, the importance of having a good master is highlighted. There is a good master who leads the way, and there will be fewer detours on the road of cultivation.

After tutoring Sun Hao and Sun Hao is preparing to leave, Qing Lao took a small bag from his arms and threw it to Sun Hao: "Xiao Hao, you have already refining four layers, you can use the storage bag, this storage bag is for you. ”

Sun Hao took over the storage bag, and the old man went on to say: "The method of use is very simple. Use God to read it and put it on your god. I have erased the original brand on this bag. You can try it now. test".

Sun Hao heard the words, with the gods swept away, and sure enough, the space inside the storage bag appeared in front of the eyes, this is a space of about ten cubic meters, there are still a few bottles of medicinal herbs inside.

The old man said outside: "These bottles of medicinal herbs are regarded as the offerings of your secret disciples."

Sun Hao heard the words and said: "Thank you, Master." I understand that the value of these bottles of medicinal herbs far exceeds the treatment of the inner disciples on the general face. There is also this storage bag, which is considered a scarce resource in Qingmu Zong. Generally, disciples who have just entered the middle of refining need a chance to have it.

Sun Hao just entered the middle of refining, and Master was ready. Sometimes, it is good to have a more powerful Master.

With a lot of money, I returned to the South Central Court, and the entire South Central Hospital began to enter a state of retreat. The brothers and sisters received the resources support of Sun Hao and began the next round of shocks.

Sun Hao also entered a state of retreat.

Now, Sun Hao needs a lot of content for cultivation.

First of all, it is the cultivation of "Yushu Gong". It needs to be rebuilt with the wood of the annual ring and stabilize the four layers of refining.

蚍蜉撼大木, ridiculous and not self-contained... The monk asked if the banyan tree, the practice of 蚍蜉撼木功's cultivation is a little bit thorough, the practice route is in mind, and Sun Hao began to change the infuriating.

The annual ring wood is really flat and suitable for the conversion of most woods. With the promotion of Sun Hao, the transfer was relatively smooth. Starting from Dantian, the annual ring wood was in accordance with the route of "Yushu Gong".

There is a high degree of similarity between the two methods of practice, that is, the cultivation methods that attach great importance to the accumulation of true gas. The annual ring wood Sun Haoxiu to Wanlunmu, Zhangmu, also said that a coffin, that is a joke, not self-sufficient, but 10,000 can not? Can't you get billions of dollars? As long as there are so many, no big rafts will fall.

The 蚍蜉撼木功 is the meaning of this accumulation, accumulating the squatting and rebuilding as a barrier to achieve advanced.

The new power method seems to be normal. Soon, a few weeks later, the strong annual ring wood is transformed into a sturdy and solid accumulation, so that after the change of Sun Hao, the infuriating spirit is like living. It seems that there are trillions of babies in the body who are cheering and cheering.

However, as Sun Hao imagined, the wooden Dan in his body was an unexpected factor.

In other words, it is very easy to turn other infuriating into infuriating. In this case, Sun Hao is a bit sure that there will be any change.

I was so happy and happy that I ran to the liver. When I met Mudan, I couldn’t climb. To be honest, I really want to turn Mudan into a cockroach, but the problem is that this cockroach is too big, and I can't help it.

At this time, the kind of 蚍蜉撼大木's stubbornness came out.蚍蜉 气 为 为 为 为 为 为 为 为 蚍蜉 蚍蜉 蚍蜉 蚍蜉 蚍蜉 蚍蜉 蚍蜉 蚍蜉 蚍蜉 蚍蜉 蚍蜉 蚍蜉 蚍蜉 蚍蜉 蚍蜉 蚍蜉 蚍蜉 蚍蜉 蚍蜉 蚍蜉 蚍蜉 蚍蜉 蚍蜉 蚍蜉 蚍蜉 蚍蜉 蚍蜉 蚍蜉 蚍蜉 蚍蜉 蚍蜉 蚍蜉 蚍蜉 蚍蜉

It is said that war is not suitable, that is, it is a provocation that is inexplicable and tiring, and Mudan is the old god, and he does not care about him.

Mudan is made up of Wannengmu infuriating. The total amount of infuriating gas is vast and unremarkable. He wants to convert Mudan into Yumudan. The difficulty can be imagined.

Sun Hao Shen thought that while running, he really rushed to wash the annual ring Mudan, and he thought of ways. If there is no fake means, Mudan is completely degenerate. This time is a bit long, I have to think about other methods.

At this time, the five elements of the rounded spirits wrapped in the infuriating air made Sun Hao feel in the heart. The five elements of the wheel are not the strange exercises of the inheritance class. They have nothing to do in the annual rings, they have changed their skills, and they have adapted quickly. Is it possible to run the five elements of the wheel?

After five years of resurgence of the fire frogs, the fighting power of the fire frog has been greatly improved.

Thinking of doing it, Sun Hao runs the five-line round of the coffin, and the five-line round of the coffin bubble slowly turns, silently following the innocent rush to Mudan, in the moment when the infuriating impact on Mudan, the five elements of the wheel The bubbling bubble opened a small hole, and the fire of the exercise rushed to Mudan.

The strength of the fire can be said to be the old rival of Mudan, especially in the recent period, with the continuous improvement of the fire, the influence on Mudan is getting bigger and bigger, and the laziness is different from the instinct. As soon as the gas came out, Mudan suddenly rose and turned like an enemy.

Interestingly, Mudan is very targeted. In the face of fierce fire, it is inseparable. As for the infuriating, after all, the same root is the same as the wood, that is, let him pass.

Under the control of Sun Hao, the fierce fire was beginning to entangle with Mudan, and the Tuen Mun’s cheerful and repeated impact on the assimilation of Mudan.

Mudan’s accumulation is very strong, although the fire is fast, although it is progressing rapidly, it is far from being an opponent. However, it is better to have a fire in the wood. In the environment where the wood is infuriating, the fire has a natural advantage, plus the five elements of the wheel. The strange bubble makes Mudan's attack nowhere to start, only passively fighting, so the weak fire is so strong.

It is this stalemate that makes the assimilation of Mudan fast.

There is no time to practice, and Sun Hao has a long time to enter. Ten days have elapsed. Only on this day, Sun Hao’s body has been slightly shaken, and Mu Dan in the body has become a big cockroach. At the same time, Yukigong broke through the first layer, and entering the second layer is equivalent to the repair of the middle of the refining.

At this time, there is not much left in the fire, and it is estimated that it will take a lot of effort to replenish it again. However, after the constant fight with Mudan, the big waves are sanding, and the remaining fierce fire is actually very pure, it seems to have been obtained. Refined in general, although the amount is small, but the quality is extremely high and tenacious.

The first layer of 蚍蜉撼大木 was built, but Sun Hao felt that this practice was only a big difference from the original 蚍蜉 记载. The reason is the existence of Mudan's large cockroach.

Although Mudan succeeded in transforming into a large cockroach, it did not follow the infuriating, and still settled in the liver, still retaining the characteristics of automatically absorbing the ingenuity of the genus, and, after the transformation, Sun Hao discovered the new features of Mudan.

What I used to cultivate was the infuriating wood, and I didn’t notice the difference. However, after the renovation, Sun Hao discovered that every time, the new influx of wood comes in, and every time he goes through Mudan, he will get a lot of it. The refinement, that is to say, Mudan has the magical effect of purifying wood.

The head that flows through Mudan will become smaller, but the mental head will become more adequate.

This is the second magical effect of Mudan. This wonderful use is the perfect match for the first one to absorb the ingenuity of wood.

Of course, because of the existence of this second magical use, it is doomed that Sun Hao's cultivation speed will not be super fast. Because each time the cultivation will be automatically refined, the quality will increase, and the amount will be reduced accordingly. Mudan will also absorb some of the infuriating and growing, and there is a trend of re-formation. Of course, Sun Hao’s cultivation foundation has been continually consolidated in this refinement.

The practice of Sun Hao’s cultivation now is not the original meaning of the martial arts. Sun Hao feels that this method is more suitable for taking "Wan Lun Gong Gong". Not only do you need to grow your team every time you advance, you may have to practice it into a million rounds of Mudan.

After the first layer of Wanlun was completed, Sun Hao reopened for ten days and completely stabilized his cultivation. This is the end of the retreat, out of their own exclusive training room.

At this time, Zhong Lin has successfully advanced the three layers of refining with the help of Sun Hao Dan medicine, and with the help of Xiao Yan, began to learn the method of making Fu. The blank paper of Sun Hao's refining system officially came into play.

Gu Yun is retreating Gu Yun is a monk of Wu Linggen, and he is relatively slow to cultivate. Other prostitutes entered the refining gas relatively late, and they are still in the second layer of refining. It will take some time to enter the refining three.

Tong Li is said to have chosen a new spell to actively cultivate. He has just entered the third stage of refining. Soon, in a short period of time, the refining is difficult to upgrade. On the basis of helping Xiaoyan, he chose one. Spell cultivation, Sun Bo has a suggestion, this second spell, he learned the trap, this spell is one of the more common spells in soil spells. If it is classified, it is a control class, which is to cast a trap on the ground and interfere with the action of the opponent. Of course, after hearing that the monk is repaired to a high level, using this spell can achieve the effect of avalanche.

In the yard, I turned around and learned a little about it through Xiaozhu. Sun Hao reopened. This retreat is mainly to practice spells. Because it is difficult to practice the Dafa cultivation, Sun Hao put it to the end.

Sun Hao chose two spells, wood armor and flying grass.

The first is a relatively simple wood armor.

Learned from two spells with convex stakes and greenwood. The level is not high, the control is not complicated, the wood armor, Sun Hao only took half a day to master, and then spent two days, smoothly control the casting time within two interest. Because Sun Hao's body is high in purity, the total amount is sufficient, and the other four layers of refining can adhere to the wooden armor technique. Sun Hao can insist on the interest rate, which almost reached the level of the late refining. Moreover, the thickness and anti-strike ability of the wood armor have also been greatly improved. The specific ability has not been tested and there is no comparison, but Sun Hao consciously will not be worse than the number of monks in the late refining.