MTL - Nightmare’s Call (Summoner of Nightmares)-Chapter 839 World's Resistance 6

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"This is what I expected, the holiest place in imagination." Lin Sheng looked at the circular crystal area below with satisfaction.

He knew exactly what he had just done.

This powerful spell, which he named Holy Land, combines all the spells he has acquired, under the integration of the Holy Shadow.

He used these types of spells as materials to build a huge and complex model of linked spells.

The end result is the scene in front of me.

This is a pure world crystal that he simulated the structure of the holy crystal.

This kind of crystallization can absorb the surrounding material by itself without any external force supplementation, and continuously crystallize everything. Turn everything into a structural substance like it.

Any existence other than himself, if he touches this crystal, he will be attacked by crystallization.

This kind of erosion can only be resisted if it has all-round resistance to all elements and all kinds of other energy resistances.

"This area may exist here for a long time, ten years, one hundred years, one thousand years, ten thousand years. As long as I am alive, they will continuously absorb the surrounding material and strengthen themselves.

Lin Sheng himself was surprised by the spell created by the Holy Shadow.

The Holy Shadow used almost all his spell-like spells to construct a semi-closed, ultra-miniature self-replicating matrix.

As long as it has access to matter, it will continue to replicate itself, more and more. Until it crystallizes everything.

Crystallize everything that can be touched.

"Did you use the inspiration of cancer cells?" Lin Sheng's heart moved slightly, and he finally glanced at this holy place. He flicked his finger and just recovered some mana spreading and weaving into the spell of the other world door.

A triangular white light door opened automatically in front of him.

"I hope that next time you see, you will bring me enough harvest." He finally looked at the holy place under his eyes.

Looking down from this height, it can be clearly seen that the holy land, like a living creature, slowly grows and spreads around.

Lin Sheng stepped into the gate of the other world and disappeared.



"this is....!?"

Deep in Baiyan Woodland.

The two old beards with hair and beards, like tree roots, climbed and spread on the ground wall, slowly opening their eyes from the quiet and secret hall below.

Just when Lin Sheng opened the door of the other world to return to the main plane.

They felt the strange waves leaking from the shadow plane.

"It's a change in the shadow plane!"

The two old mages sat opposite each other, and in this quiet and secret hall located underground, they had been meditating for more than ten years.

They are the biggest reliance on defending Baiyan Woodland after the Speaker left the tour. It is usually practiced in the deep underground all the year round, and it is rarely revealed before people.

But this time they were all alarmed.

"I heard the natural anger. The air, the flowing water, the mud, the rocks, and everything else were all silent anger." An old mage with pointed ears slowly said.

"That is a damage to the essence of the world. Although the shadow plane is a separate plane, it is an auxiliary plane that is closely related to the main plane. The impact and changes there are huge and can even affect the main plane. . "

Another old mage answered in a low voice.

"Look at it with your eyes."

"it is good."

The two reached out at the same time, and numerous green haloes floated out of their palms, condensing into a huge green eyeball in the air.

The eyeball turned the lower pupil and aimed at Lin Sheng's direction. The pupil dilated and became a clear white eye-shaped light curtain, which was about to play the observed scene.


Suddenly the entire eyeball burst and then broke apart.

"Observation target actually has a corresponding powerful counter-spell. It's a mistake."

The two old wizards looked at each other. A counter-spell that reacts so quickly, and the intensity can actually defeat the eyes of observation they release.

The strength of the opponent is probably beyond their imagination.

Silent for a while.

"Let's wait for a while. Observing the strong at this level rashly is a kind of rude peeping in itself." Shen old master Shen said.

"......." The other was speechless.

Forget it, anyway, even if something big happens on the shadow plane, it will not affect the main plane the most.

Let him go. It's none of our business anyway.



Lanying Tower.

The top of the tower shining with brilliant white light.

The huge daylight crystal supported by the arch guard with eight metal feet shines with a huge illumination all the time.

On the platform below the crystal.

The owner of the tower, Woodier Palin, is the only legendary powerhouse of Lanying Tower. Wearing a pure white robe, a small crystal ball floating in the sun, and standing by the fence with his eyes closed, he felt something in silence.

Not long after the Holy Land of the Shadow Plane took shape.

He slowly opened his eyes.

There are countless vortexes of silvery blue in the bright eyes, continually converging and spreading.

"So strong fluctuations ..... Are there any new legends? And they are not ordinary legends ..."

This destruction, but also the feeling of holiness and purity, made him feel very bad.

Just like when he participated in the siege of the Lord of the Abyss, the other side was dying to summon the will of the Lord of the Abyss. At that time, the feeling was a bit like this.

After that battle, all the high-ranking legendary powerhouses who participated in it fell, as he is not such a powerful legend, because he is a mage and is responsible for assistance.

Therefore, the position of the station is relatively far away.

"Looking at the coordinates is the turbulence on the shadow plane." Without hesitation, he reached forward.

Ripples suddenly appeared in the space, and a triangle alien door automatically opened.

Inside the door was quiet, steady white light.

Woodie slowly put his hand on the staff and walked into the gate of the other world.

This teleportation is precisely positioning the breath he feels, and then teleporting directly.

He wanted to see what was happening on the shadow plane, which would produce such a huge amount of trouble.

Whether it is a new legendary powerhouse or any other natural disaster-like change, he must first explore it clearly.

Through the gate of the other world, appearing high above the shadow plane, Woodier followed the induction and looked down from the air.

Just the moment he saw the scene, his pupils shrank, and the palm of his hand clenched unconsciously.

"this is.....!!?"

Hum ...

The rumbling sound of rumbling.

On the ground below him, in the middle of the gray-black plain, a weird area covered by countless colorless crystals was inlaid in the middle of the ground.

And around this crystal area, there are countless shadow creatures rushing here in a frenzy.

The sound of vibration is from these shadowy creatures.

They seemed to be driven by some special force, rushing frantically towards the crystallized area. Trying to destroy all the crystals inside.

But as soon as they rushed into the crystallized area, they themselves became part of it.

This also causes the crystallization area to grow larger and more crystals.

Countless shadow energies in the air are also converging towards this area.

Looking from Woodie's location, the crystallized area below is rapidly expanding at a horrible speed visible to the naked eye.

Now it is a large circle with a diameter of nearly 10,000 meters, and then it will accelerate its expansion ...

Woodie stared at the scene.

Countless shadow creatures impact the crystallized area, it looks like the shadow plane is trying to expel this area in anger, trying to destroy this crystalline area in anger.