MTL - Night of the Nine-Tails, I Punch the Tailed Beast Ball-Chapter 504 Tailed Beast Chakra

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   "I said let me go out, so I would go out. Wouldn't it be embarrassing for me not to go out!" Jiuwei said stubbornly.

  Naruto scratched his head, very puzzled: "You big fox is really difficult to serve, why do you sometimes say it and sometimes you can't."

   "This is similar to the big civet cat on Gaara. Last time Gaara asked him not to come out, he still insisted on coming out."

  Hearing Naruto compare Kazuo with himself, Kyuubi couldn't help it.

   "Don't compare me with that stupid civet cat. With that guy Fujiwara Nagasawa outside, I was stupid to go out." Kyuubi said with his eyes wide open.

   "Why don't you go out when Uncle Yongze is outside? Are you afraid of him?" Naruto asked curiously.

  The truth was discovered by Naruto, Kyuubi felt a little dull and closed his mouth, lay down on the ground and ignored Naruto, treating Naruto as air.

  Seeing that Kyuubi ignored him, Naruto boldly walked up to the iron bars, reached in and stroked Kyuubi's furry body.

   Kyuubi jumped up with a whoosh, the hair on his body exploded instantly, and the orange hairs stood up one by one, looking at Naruto with his teeth and claws.

   "Boy, you are very brave." Kyuubi said in a deep voice.

  Naruto put his hands on his hips, and said with a confident look: "You have lived for so long, can I even touch it, your hair feels very comfortable."

   Nine-tails' eyelids twitched, it felt a little helpless against Naruto.

   If it pretends to be fierce and scares it but doesn't scare it, it really has nothing to do with Naruto.

   "Kyuubi, can you tell stories? I heard Gaara say that Shuzuru can tell stories. I like listening to stories." Naruto continued to ask.

   "Uncle Nagasawa said that you seem to know Uchiha Madara and our Konoha's first Hokage Senju Hashirama, can you tell me about them?"

   "No, I don't know each other, and I don't want to talk about it." Kyuubi directly vetoed it three times.

   Kyuubi didn't expect that Naruto, a child, could be so annoying and irritating, and a short sentence actually appeared in the top three of its most hated people list.

   Kyuubi suddenly thought of something. Doesn’t this kid like to practice? Give him some chakra and let him go, so he won’t bother with it here.

  In order to send Naruto away early, Kyuubi controls his own chakra into Naruto's body.

  Because Kyuubi didn't speak, Naruto was a little depressed. He looked at the ground and suddenly found that the ground had been occupied by a kind of red chakra, and that red chakra was continuously pouring into his body around him.

   "Is this the tailed beast Chakra that Uncle Yongze said?" Naruto was very curious, he felt a huge chakra suddenly appeared in his body, and it already belonged to him.

   "Kyuubi, thank you for your chakra." Naruto said politely.

   "Hmph, as my Jinchuriki, I can't lose to that pure Tanuki Jinchuriki." Kyuubi said with a cold snort.

   "Also, let's go, don't bother me here." Kyuubi said impatiently.

   "Then I'm leaving, and I'll come back to chat with you when I have time." Naruto and Kyuubi waved their hands, then the consciousness left the consciousness space and opened their eyes.

   "Naruto, what happened to you just now, a burst of red chakra suddenly appeared on your body, and then it seemed to become much stronger." Sasuke asked anxiously.

  Seeing that Naruto was already stronger than him, and now he suddenly became stronger, how can he surpass Naruto,

Naruto scratched his head and said: "Actually, Kyuubi gave me the chakra. I had a good chat with Kyuubi just now in the consciousness space, and then it gave me Chakra. What did you say to tell me not to?" Lose to Gaara."

   Gaara nodded and said: "I gave me chakra once before, and then I can use a lot of sand at once."


   Sasuke wants to report these two people, isn’t this cheating, how can a person without a tail beast like him play.

   "It's a pity that it's gone when it's used up, so I can only give it to you again." Gaara said again.

   Sasuke was speechless, but he would give it again.

   "Hey, I'll collect Kyuubi's rent next time when my chakra runs out." Naruto said with a smile.

  Nine tails eavesdropping inside:…

  Nowadays, the children are really amazing. Chakra who just talked about having a good time is now rent.

   "Unfortunately, it seems that Nine-Tails' Chakra has no special ability." Naruto tried it, and found that he was similar to before, except that he had a large amount of Chakra.

  Naruto tried to use Nine-Tails' Chakra to cooperate with the operation of the Sun Breathing Method. This trial was a terrific attempt, and Naruto's body instantly burst into light red Chakra flames, and his aura surged violently.

  Naruto felt that his strength was much stronger than usual at this time, he randomly found a big tree that was close to him, and punched out suddenly, the part hit by the bombardment instantly shattered.

   "Uncle Nagasawa, it seems that using the chakra that Kyuubi gave me to use breathing techniques is better than my own chakra." Naruto asked his own doubts.

"One is because the chakra that Kyuubi gave you is more than your own, and the other is because the chakra of the tailed beast is different from ordinary chakra, so the breathing method will produce such a change." Yongze thought for a while and tried to explain. road.

  Chakra is an existence with great possibility. Tailed Beast Chakra is one of the more special points, and Nine Tails is even more special among special ones.

Other jinchurikis, even if they become perfect jinchurikis, can completely transform into tailed beasts, but they can’t completely transform into tailed beasts like Naruto while maintaining a human form, which is the mode in which the whole body develops golden light, the nine-tailed chakra mode .

   Isn’t the relationship between Hachio and Kirabi not good enough? When Hachio was forcibly pulled out, he specially left a tail for Kirabi to save his life.

  But Kirabi's complete tailed beast transformation means that it becomes the appearance of eight tails, and cannot maintain the human form like Naruto.

  Although there are quite a few people who practice breathing now, Naruto is the only one who practices breathing in Jinchuriki, so Nagasawa only now knows that the chakra of the tailed beast can also have a positive effect on breathing.

   "So strong!" Sasuke was surprised to see Naruto smashing a tree with one punch easily, and his mouth grew wide.

   It’s fine to have extra chakra, but it can actually make the breathing method stronger. How can this be done?

   Sasuke felt his eyes go dark, as if the streetlights on the road of life were all broken and turned gray.

  The keen Nagasawa was naturally aware of Sasuke's state, and Nagasawa touched Sasuke's head with a smile and said:

   "Sasuke, Naruto has their advantages, and you also have your own advantages. The Sharingan of the Uchiha clan is very powerful in battle."

   Moderate setbacks can stimulate stronger motivation, and excessive ones may lead to depression.

   "Sharingan..." Sasuke's eyes lit up, yes, he still has the Sharingan of their Uchiha clan, which is why their Uchiha clan is so powerful.

  As long as Sharingan is turned on, his eyesight will be strengthened, and it will be easy to see through Naruto's moves, and he will also have a powerful illusion ability. It will not be easy to defeat Naruto by then.

  Sasuke suddenly felt that he was doing it again. Let Naruto take a little lead now. After he opens Sharingan, the situation will definitely change. The great future belongs to him?

  Looking at Sasuke who was fighting again, Nagasawa showed a gratified smile.

  Of course, he won’t tell Sasuke that the chakra that Kyuubi gives Naruto is only a very small part now, and when Sasuke has Sharingan, Naruto will get more Kyuubi Chakra.

  Even Kyuubi can use Senju Chakra while Naruto is fighting with Senju, and then Kyuubi refines Senju Chakra in the body to supply Naruto.

Naruto's success is inseparable from Kyuubi's silent dedication. Others only see Naruto's arrogance on the battlefield, as if his chakras are endless, but they can't see that there is a Kyuubi in his body. Extract chakra.

  However, Nagasawa is hard to say who has the greater potential between Naruto and Sasuke, because Sasuke's eyes have a chance to evolve into reincarnation eyes.

  Sasuke himself is the reincarnation of Indra Chakra. He only needs to transplant the cells between the pillars on the basis of the eternal kaleidoscope of the Sharingan, and he will have the opportunity to open the eyes of reincarnation. This is how Madara opened the eyes of reincarnation.

  If there is a reincarnation eye, the help of the reincarnation eye to Sasuke will definitely not be inferior to that of Kyuubi, and it will still depend on oneself.

  Actually, Nagasawa was thinking that Eternal Kaleidoscope plus Asura Chakra is equal to the Eye of Reincarnation, so is it possible to transplant a pair of Eternal Kaleidoscope Sharingan to Naruto, and Naruto can also obtain the Eye of Reincarnation.

  It's a pity that Konoha doesn't have the Eternal Kaleidoscope Sharingan at all, they are all ordinary kaleidoscopes.

  However, there are quite a few kaleidoscopes. Orochimaru has four pairs of kaleidoscopes.

  ‘If Uchiha can kaleidoscope all members, how much prosperity must be increased. ’ Yongze couldn’t help thinking.

  It's a pity that they don't have gentle means to stably open the kaleidoscope at present.

  If you use Orochimaru's method to help those Uchihas open their eyes, even if they open their eyes, they will be sentenced to death.

  Thinking of this, Yongze glanced at the prosperity.

  【Leaf Prosperity: 3788】

Since the joint Chunin exam and the five shadow talks in March, the prosperity of Konoha has ushered in a wave of explosive growth. After breaking through 3,000, it is still growing rapidly, and it has grown again in just five months. Nearly 800 degrees of prosperity have been achieved, more than last year, and it is the fastest growing year.

  Of course, the rapid growth this year is also inseparable from previous accumulation.

  The ninja school reform has expanded the ninja school, Konoha has more ninja preparations, and the ninjas who come out are also of better quality.

  The two special departments of the Special Operations Squad of the Medical Department are also developing in an orderly manner, and have a special status in the emerging Konoha.

  The Six Styles have also been thoroughly popularized in Anbu, and the work of the training team has come to an end.

  Yongze's vigorous development of Konoha's business has also been rewarded. Today's Konoha is completely different from before. A new business district has been added directly, and there are even many things from other countries for sale.

In addition, relying on Konoha's only medical talisman, Konoha can completely get rid of the daimyo's financial control without the help of the gold organization. Ye Shi is really rich and has great potential.

  With the long-term accumulation and the events that shocked the ninja world this year, he signed a covenant with the other four major ninja villages to bring the ninja world back to peace.

The skyrocketing prosperity also makes the point income higher, plus the remaining points before, even if Yongze spends 720,000 to increase the fusion degree of the captain to 70%, there are still 780,000 points left, It is enough to increase the captain's fusion degree to more than 80%.

  But because Yongze likes to save some points in case of emergency, so he is not in a hurry to add points.

  Yongze is still quite looking forward to the world where he did breakthrough missions before entering after reaching 4,000 degrees of prosperity.

  In what capacity will he go in? In One Piece World, he didn't complete the task in his own image, but instead played for Whitebeard.

  If you go in again, will it be in your own image, or still on Whitebeard's body?

  Nagaze hoped it was the former, that would be more interesting.

  When I was watching anime, I saw that Tianlongren was so upset that he had to beat up the group of guys who needed to be beaten up in his own face, and then make a big disturbance in the Holy Land Marie Gioia.

   You can also learn swordsmanship with Hawkeye, although at his current level, he is somewhat bullying.

  But Hawkeye saw that Whitebeard's swordsmanship was used by a stranger, and it was even more powerful. He should doubt life. Yongze smiled unkindly thinking of this.

  Yongze wants to get to know Shanks, and see the strong man of the sublime fruit.

  He will also take a look at the Whitebeard Pirates to see what the Whitebeard Pirates would look like in this world line where Ace was not killed by Akainu.

  After the death of Whitebeard in the original book, the remaining members of the Whitebeard Pirates did not have a good time.

   Then kill some **** pirates, and finally Yongze wants to help the revolutionary army. Although Yongze has never made a revolution, he still has some theories, which may be very helpful to them.

  In Nagasawa's eyes, although the world of Hokage is bad, it is still better than the world of pirates.

  In the world of Naruto, there are no bandits everywhere, but in the world of Pirates, there are indeed pirates everywhere. Some countries even have to raise the flag of a powerful pirate group to avoid being robbed by other pirates.

  If it’s the world of Tokaima’s breakthrough mission, the expressions on the faces of those who thought he was sacrificed will be very interesting when they see him reappear.

  It’s hard for others to say, but Nagato will definitely yell, and maybe he will think that he was reincarnated by Orochimaru.

But in that world, Yongze's will is not very strong. After all, the big boss Kaguya has been solved, and there is no opponent. Pirates can still fight with Kaido and even the five old stars, but Hokage World, you can't bully Naruto and Sasuke.

  Although it is not a world, he is also Naruto Sasuke's teacher anyway, so he will not bully the students.

  Nongze went to that world at most to see if there would be a new Otsutsuki coming, and if so, he would also take the opportunity to find out, so as not to be caught off guard in his own world.