MTL - Night of the Divorce! A Proud Lady Was Forced to Marry the Emperor’s Uncle-Chapter 248 Save Zhao Yong's mother

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   "Since that's the case, let's make a written agreement."

  Hearing what Zhao Yong said, Jiang Peihuan nodded directly.

   After a while, the servants in the house prepared the banknotes. Jiang Peihuan held the pen with one hand and quickly wrote the receipt on the white paper.

  Handing the paper in his hand to Zhao Yong, Jiang Peihuan said lightly, "If you think there is no problem, then sign your name."

   After receiving the paperwork from Jiang Peihuan, Zhao Yong signed his name without even looking at it.

   Seeing his actions, Jiang Peihuan was a little surprised, but didn't say anything.

   "Go get a room ready."

   Soon, the three walked into a room.

  Jiang Peihuan lit the alcohol lamp, and then prepared the dagger and gauze. After doing all this, Jiang Peihuan looked at Zhao Yong who was sitting opposite him, "Take off your shirt, and lie down."

  Zhao Yong did so.

  Looking at the person lying on the bed, Jiang Peihuan turned to look at Xiao Nanye who was sitting on the chair beside him. After thinking for a while, Jiang Peihuan still said softly, "Xiao Nanye, hold his shoulder for me."

  Looking at Zhao Yong lying on the bed, Xiao Nanye's eyes showed a rare appreciation.

  Hearing Jiang Peihuan's words, the man stretched out his hand and directly touched Zhao Yong's acupuncture points.

   Seeing this scene, Jiang Peihuan was stunned, but found that this method was better than pressing Zhao Yong's shoulder.

   "I'm going to do it."

  Picking up the dagger, Jiang Peihuan looked at the person on the bed and said, "It's too late for you to regret it now, but it will be too late if you regret it later."

   "You do it."

  Hearing this, Jiang Peihuan didn't say anything, and directly stabbed Zhao Yong's abdomen with a dagger.

  Blood overflowed instantly, and Jiang Peihuan's hands were stained red with blood, but she continued to move her hands as if she didn't see it.

  Zhao Yong couldn't move his body, but cold sweat involuntarily oozes from his head, his face turned pale instantly, but even so, Zhao Yong still gritted his teeth and remained silent.

   Half an hour later, Jiang Peihuan helped Zhao Yong sew up the wound.

  After doing all this, Jiang Peihuan washed the blood on her hands with water.

   When she just raised her hand, Xiao Nanye grabbed her hand. The man held Jiang Peihuan's wrist in one hand and a handkerchief in the other.

  He carefully wiped off all the water on Jiang Peihuan's hands.

   After Jiang Peihuan wiped off the water on both hands. Only then did Xiao Nanye let go of Jiang Peihuan's hand.

  At this time, Zhao Yong also sat up from the bed. As soon as his feet touched the ground, he felt a sharp pain in his abdomen.

  But the man clenched his teeth and didn't say a word.

   Seeing this, Jiang Peihuan said lightly, "During this time, you should adjust the sample well, the human liver can grow back."

   "Can Miss Jiang treat my mother now?"


  Jiang Peihuan boiled the medicine herself without letting anyone intervene.

  When Jiang Peihuan was treating Mrs. Zhao, Zhao Yong and Xiao Nanye were beside her.

  Jiang Peihuan brought the medicine to Mrs. Zhao after administering the needles to Mrs. Zhao.

  The medicine was very pungent and had an unpleasant taste, but Mrs. Zhao didn't say anything, didn't ask anything, and directly drank the medicine in the bowl.

   "For the next three days, I will come to treat my wife once a day. After three days, her condition will improve."

   "Thank you."

   At this time, the three of them had already walked outside the yard.

  Besides his pale face, Zhao Yong didn't look injured at all. When he heard Jiang Peihuan's words, he thanked him softly.

  Jiang Peihuan nodded and said nothing.

   Just looked at Xiao Nanye beside him, "Let's go back."

  Hearing this, Xiao Nanye took Jiang Peihuan and got into the carriage directly.

   "But tired?"

  After sitting down in the carriage, Xiao Nanye sat directly beside Jiang Peihuan. Before Jiang Peihuan could say anything, the man directly leaned her head on his shoulder.

  Jiang Peihuan was indeed a little tired, "Squint for a while, I will call you when we arrive at the General's Mansion."


  When leaning against Xiao Nanye, Jiang Peihuan could smell the faint cool scent of the man.

  This taste inexplicably makes people feel more at ease.

  The carriage went directly to the General's Mansion.

  When the car stopped at the gate of the General's Mansion, Xiao Nanye didn't intend to wake Jiang Peihuan up, but just when he was about to reach out to hug Jiang Peihuan, she had already opened her eyes.


  Looking at the man sitting next to him, Jiang Peihuan asked softly.

  Xiao Nanye did not speak, but nodded.

  Afterwards, Xiao Nanye got out of the carriage first, and after finishing all this, he stretched out his hand to Jiang Peihuan.

  Holding Xiao Nanye's hand, Jiang Peihuan got off the carriage.

  As soon as he entered the General's Mansion, Jiang Peihuan saw Deputy General Liu standing at the door. Seeing Jiang Peihuan, he hurried forward, "His Royal Highness, Miss?"

   "Vice General Liu, why are you here? What happened?"

   "Miss, go to Madam's yard quickly, something has happened."

  Hearing this, Jiang Peihuan nodded, but she turned to look at Xiao Nanye.

  At this time, Vice General Liu continued to speak, "Madam said that His Highness is not an outsider, let His Highness go there together."

   "Then let's go to mother's yard."


  Xiao Nanye and Jiang Peihuan walked towards Yanlin together. Before reaching the door, Jiang Peihuan heard scolding inside, which was the voice of Mrs. Xue.

  Hearing this voice, Jiang Peihuan's eyes showed a bit of surprise.

  Like Xiao Nanye looked at each other, the two walked in together.

   "Grandmother, mother, aunt."

  Besides Xue Yan and Mrs. Xue, Wang Fengyi and Xu Yunniang were also sitting on chairs.

   Seeing Xiao Nanye who was following Jiang Peihuan, several of them subconsciously wanted to go forward to salute, but Xiao Nanye took the first step to support Mrs. Xue, "The old lady is free, we are all a family, so there is no need to make such a big salute."

   "Huan'er, please sit beside His Highness."


  Hearing Xue Yan's words, Jiang Peihuan and Xiao Nanye sat down on the chairs beside them.

  At this time, Jiang Peihuan realized that Xue Ru was kneeling on the ground.

  Jiang Peihuan found that Xue Ru was covered with silk jewelry. Although the Xue family also had these items, these styles were all fashionable in Kyoto.

   "Grandmother, Huan'er can marry His Highness Cheng Wang, why can't I marry His Highness Qing?"

"Huaner's marriage to His Royal Highness Cheng Wang is the official marriage of the Ming Dynasty, and she is Cheng Wangfei. What are you? Let alone the emperor has given King Qing a main concubine and a side concubine. Even if you marry a side concubine, it is just a concubine. It's just a concubine's room."

   "What is a concubine or not? Royal concubines are more honorable than regular wives of ordinary people. Moreover, His Royal Highness King Qing really loves me."

  The most important thing was that she was married to His Royal Highness King Qing, and she could no longer marry other men except King Qing.

   "Shut up!"