MTL - Night Hacker-Chapter 38 shop

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   Chapter 38 Shopping

  After a night of heavy rain, the sky was clear in the morning, and even the air was a little fresher.

   Huishou Street seems to be a person who has been depressed for a long time, recovering from the dead silence, and it is more noisy than usual. All kinds of human voices disturbed one after another in the early morning, and those ghosts who were dispelled by the night rain completely returned.

  Last night, after Lao Cai performed surgery on Lorna's body, the three people's empathy ended smoothly.

   There was no problem with the empathy of the large group this time, Gu He basically did nothing, but the Cowherd value had risen to 95% of the second gear.

  Lorna returned to her body. After using the new body, there was no problem. She drank a glass of Fenggu wine, smoked a cigarette and walked away in the rain.

   "I owe you a lot." She said to Gu He before leaving, "If you have a life, you can pay it back. If you don't have a life, you can ask my sisters for it."

  Gu Heyou advised her to listen to what Miss Caiyin said and avoid it first, but Lorna just said thank you and didn't look back.

   At this time, early in the morning, Kumiko Caiyin brought Sakai Huaqing over from Li Cai, and said to Gu He with a smile:

"It's a good day today, Xiao He, it's been the tenth day since you came to the fish pond. I heard from Xiao Zhuang that you haven't had a good time shopping since you entered the city. That's it, Miss Sakai will take you out for a walk today. Walk."

  Gu He was really surprised by this arrangement, can he get out of the fish pond?

   After he crossed over, except for the first time in the game hall, he walked a little street, and he has been in this izakaya since then. Apart from learning about the world from TV and customers, I haven't really moved.

   But he is the kind of person who can stay at home for a few months, but he has another worry when he goes out.

   "Miss Caiyin, I don't have a proper identity?"

   What should I do if I get caught by the police while walking around?

   "He Sang, you don't have to worry about this." Sakai Huaqing laughed and explained for Caiyin's mother: "There are 30% of people who have no legitimate status in Huishou Street.

This time Fan Debao did not object, but said: "You guys go shopping, help go to Beiye Butcher's Shop, hand over this list for next week to Beiye, and tell him that the money will be returned." Lao Fan snapped a list of goods. on the bar.

   "Then let's go." Kumiko Ayane handed the list to the two of them, and her aunt smiled, "Miss Sakai, the money you spent today is credited to my account, you guys have fun."

   "Hi, thank you mom!" Sakai Huaqing bowed happily.

   Now, Gu He had to bring his thermos cup filled with wolfberry water and follow Miss Sakai.

   He was an ordinary wild dog when he entered the fish pond, but now he is an extraordinary cowherd the first time he goes out.

   Sakai Huaqing today is a stylish and beautiful black dress. Although she is a standard internet celebrity, she is also a beauty.

In contrast, Gu He's clothes are much more casual. The oversized red casual jacket and jeans with the word "Dongtu" borrowed from Lao Fan, and he is carrying a thermos cup, which is really unremarkable. .

   He followed Miss Sakai through the alley and came to the main street of Shouhui Street where people come and go. The neon sign of Li Cai Club has not been extinguished, and it is still emitting a misty light, and the advertising screen is showing off the cowboys.

  【Today's main card: Jiaojiao】

   At this time, the advertisement screen showed a coquettish cowherd with a feminine face but full of muscles, with winking eyes and bent biceps.

"Jiaojiao is also a member of the Licai Niulangtian Group." Sakai Huaqing praised and introduced, "He went to the Shuangniuzi selling point, which has been remodeled. The former Jiao and the latter Jiao attracted many guests. Woolen cloth."

  "..." Gu He looked away, just wanting to get out of here quickly, "Go, Miss Sakai, take me to play."

   "Hesang, where shall we go to play?" Sakai Huaqing asked enthusiastically, lacking in opinion at all.

   "Uh." But Gu He looked bewildered, "I'm not familiar with this place..."

   "Hey, yes, yes." Sakai Huaqing patted her head, as if her mind should be adjusted, "I'll show you around first."

  The streets are very crowded and lively. There are people from all districts of Liuguang City and from all streets of Kabukicho, all crowded here.

  Gu He followed Miss Sakai in one direction while keeping an eye on the surroundings.

  Colorful neon lights, eye-catching big-character signboards, messy wires, and narrow alleys between shops.

  In the alley between a ramen restaurant and a convenience store, a man covered in tattoos sprayed new graffiti on the walls, water pipes and air conditioners: "The end has come, we are all sinners"

   There are also people who are selling pirated video tapes, mysteriously wooing passers-by to buy and watch them: "It's very beautiful."

   Passing through this alley, in the depths of another alley, there was a commotion, and passers-by in a circle were watching and shouting.

   "There is street wrestling there." Sakai Huaqing, as a local dog, knows all about the activities of mice and ants in every corner of the street. "But we extraordinary people generally don't participate in this kind of wrestling, we have ours, this is the rule."

   She took Gu He to the end of the alley and squeezed into the crowd to watch the excitement.

Gu He saw a dreadlocked muscular woman and a bald muscular man fighting. The muscular woman had been beaten until her mouth was full of blood and her face was swollen, but at this time, she punched the muscular man in the head, causing his body to sway. Suddenly there was a burst of excitement.

   After watching it for a while, Gu He didn't want to watch it because it was bloody, so Sakai Huaqing took him away again.

   Soon, Sakai Huaqing stopped again, and they stood outside a cinema.

In the advertising screen on the outer wall of the cinema, the glare overflows, changing the posters of the popular movies, one of which is "Speed ​​Pursuit" starring Chiba Gibson. She has a pistol in each hand, and her pretty face is With a sassy look.

   "Miss Gibson is my idol." Sakai Huaqing sighed with admiration again.

   Anyway, Gu He felt that this Chiba-Gibson in his previous world was also extremely star-like.

   After a while, Miss Sakai continued to walk, and Gu He saw more things.

  In front of an anime merchandise store, there was a circle of otakus, who were dressed in strange clothes and cosplayed various comic characters.

A motorcycle repair shop not far away was surrounded by a group of berserkers who were not easy to deal with. They all burst out, all dressed in black leather, riding on motorcycles, holding baseball bats, with the words "Hirata group" printed in blood on their backs. , Hundred Ghosts".

   There is a muscular guy who should be the leader and the print is "Hirata Team, Team Leader". His feet seem to have been modified, and they seem to be connected to the strangely shaped motorcycle he is sitting on.

"It's Mr. Hirata, he is also an extraordinary person. The 'motorcycle professional department' of the side door pursues the integration of motorcycles and people. Ordinary people can also transform their bodies, but this level is unbearable, only extraordinary people can. "

  Sakai Huaqing also speaks with some admiration, and has no sense of superiority as an extraordinary person in the main job.

   "Mr. Hirata!" She obviously knew the gang of beasts and greeted loudly, "Mr. everyone, good morning."

   Including Mr. Hirata, the gang of beasts just nodded to them when they heard the sound, and continued to chat with themselves.

   Soon, the two who continued to go shopping met an acquaintance again. This retrospective He also knew it, the old dog Jackson.

  The two passed by the flying clipper barber shop. The business in the small store was good. The old dog and the other group of black hair stylists were busy by the barber chair. The old dog had sharp eyes, and when he saw them, he laughed and shouted: "Dad, Miss Sakai, go shopping!"

   "Yes, old dog, my mother asked me to take Hesang for a walk." Sakai Huaqing stopped.

   "Old dog, good morning..." Gu He raised the thermos cup to express his greetings. He was still not used to being called Dad in public.

   They had no plans to cut their hair today, so they left after chatting for a while.

   Not long after, the two came to a particularly lively street corner, the old neon lights flickered and the music was noisy and boiling.

   But there was a street band performing, playing electric guitars, beating electronic drums, and singing rock songs.

   The lead singer shook his blond hair and said hoarsely, "You have no future, and neither do I!"

   A large circle of people listened on the street, homeless and homeless children, some were fascinated, some were talking and laughing, while scantily clad young prostitutes shouted frantically from time to time: "Fuck me!"

  Gu He saw that not far away, there were several bald monks in yellow cassocks sitting on the street, with Buddhist beads in their hands, murmuring words, quietly practicing in the busy city.

   And on this street corner, there is also a girl in shabby clothes, also holding a microphone and calling loudly:

   "Technology has harmed us, and those junk electronics have turned us into slaves and information garbage! We've had enough of TV, enough of those commercials, enough of those shows that make us indulge in fantasy!

"Don't let any mobile phones and computers devour us further, those **** will only dehumanize us! Throw away your electronic products, reject Santo and Seth, as long as we don't buy them, capital can't exploit us! "

Sakai Huaqing came to Gu He's ear and introduced: "She is a 'low-class people', they advocate retro life, and the slogan is 'high-tech, low-life; low-tech, high-life', low-class people are in There is some influence in the city."

  Gu He listened to the noise from all sides, and felt that the songs sung by the band were a little familiar, as if he had heard it somewhere...

  Suddenly, the harsh sound of motorcycles roared past, and it was the Hirata group beasts who drove past in groups.

  It was also at this time that a group of street children who ran past was about to collide, and Sakai Huaqing quickly pulled Gu He away.

"He Sang, you have to be careful when you see these children on the street. They are the most capable of stealing things. If you bump into it, you will take everything away. I used to be like that. Lao Cai's clinic is nearby, I will show you. Go take a look."

   He passed a convenience store, a tattoo parlor, a sauna, and before he got to Lao Cai's clinic, Gu He saw something.

   It was an electrical appliance store that did not match the style of Shouhui Street. The decoration was luxurious and the storefront was neat and tidy. The employees inside were dressed in formal clothes. There were telephones, TV sets, freezers, etc. on the shelves. He also saw desktop computers.

   The neon sign of this shop is an S letter with a beautiful design.

  【Seth Videophone, 10% discount】

   "Seth Videophone." Sakai Huaqing whispered, "Ordinary people can't afford one for three months' wages."

   "The Seth Group." Gu He knew from the TV that Seth was also a giant consortium, as famous as Santo.

   "Hmm. Every penny you spend in it will be Miss Sterling's vomit after partying."

   Sakai Huaqing shook his head and laughed, pulling Gu He to continue walking, "Mom once said something: they live in a perfect but false world, and we live in a tattered but real world."

  Gu He looked at the street children jumping all over the street, and gradually understood this sentence.

   They couldn't go far, they entered another alley and went around to the entrance of a basement-like underground shop.

Sakai Huaqing took Gu He to push the door and walked in. The store hall was brightly lit and complicated with equipment. Every wall was covered with poster pictures of various stars and models. Chiba-Gibson's poster was the largest and posted on most prominent location.

  I saw Lao Cai standing beside an operating table in the center of the store hall. The operating table was connected to a lot of messy wires, and Lao Cai's hands were in the state of eight robotic arms, and sparks of electricity were flying everywhere.

  Lao Cai was wearing a mask and dressed a woman on the operating table.

  The woman had apparently been given general anesthesia and lay motionless on the stage like a corpse.

   "Mr. Chase." Sakai Huaqing greeted.

   "Hey, are you here?" Lao Cai looked back, "Sit down, I'll finish this customer first and then greet you."

  Gu He now knows that Lao Cai will pay attention to aseptic operation when performing surgery on ordinary people, but he also pays a little more attention...

   For Sakai Huaqing, it seems that this cosmetic clinic is the most fun and worthwhile place to visit on Shouhui Street.

But Gu He got a little scared the more he looked, for fear that she couldn't resist Lao Cai's flickering and what would happen on the spot, so he said, "Lao Cai, we're just passing by to see you, Miss Sakai, let's go first, don't disturb him Surgery."

   "Oh." Sakai Huaqing had no choice but to nod and follow him out of the clinic.

   After walking back down the street, Gu He somewhat recognized the way.

   There are some arcade machines on the street, surrounded by some young people playing, and the outer layer is surrounded by a circle of street children watching.

Next to    is a large game hall, with neon signs changing with several lines of text in different languages:

  【Hell Games/HellGames/Hell ゲーム】

   is the site of the Game Gang, I wonder if Brother Zhuang has released it?

"He Sang, let's go in and play!" Sakai Huaqing was quite interested, so he had a bit of an aura of being an extraordinary person, "You are different now, who bullied you before, let's go and find it back. field."

   "Uh..." Gu He really didn't have this idea. When he crossed over, the beatings of the muscular men were over.

   But Ms. Sakai insisted on going, so he followed through the gate of the arcade.

  The foyer is also very noisy, with guests of all skin colors, clothes, and occupations lingering, playing various game consoles, and the sound of ding ding ding dang is incessant.

   Suddenly, Gu He saw a strange figure that he hadn't seen for many days, with a flesh-and-blood head.

   Brother Zhuang also noticed him, and the strange face opened a smile, and walked enthusiastically and quickly, followed by several muscular men.

   "Miss Sakai, Mr. Gu He! Welcome, let me just say why the weather is so good this morning?"

   Thank you for calling me king. I paid 20,000 coins for a point, and 5,000 coins for ten consecutive kneels.

   Jiaojiao is a guest star by book friend Mo Lin~

   There will be Easter eggs later. The original painting last time was widely praised, and everyone praised wow for its soul. This time, it is the original painting of the storyboard where the three people are connected by empathy~~~



   (end of this chapter)