MTL - New Times, New Hell-Chapter 57 Fallen Luojing Mountain

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Luo Feng’s garden tour continued until the end of the Mid-Autumn Festival. After the lunar calendar was over the 15th, the hundred ghosts returned to the Yin Cao Division, and the Ghost Festival officially came to an end.

But in fact, by the time of the day of the Mid-Autumn Festival, the scene of the garden tour was overcrowded.

First of all, the pictures and related information of a large number of garden games spread widely in the circle of friends, which caused many people's curiosity. Later, the high-pair live broadcast and the dramatic hitting of ghosts became a direct explosion point, not only the high-pair live broadcast And also triggered several hot searches on Weibo.

In this way, not only the floating city, but the netizens all know this kind of fun and special garden party, so when the day is the next day, basically the time and conditions allow people to want to catch a look, the most exaggerated There are also friends from other places who fly to participate.

In the end, there is no way. Luo Feng can only limit the flow of the park tour and temporarily increase the manpower... Well, the ghost hand maintains order.

Netizens who came to participate in the competition but were restricted to the outside of the flow were naturally unwilling, but they couldn’t help it. The Internet has long since clarified the details of this garden tour. It’s also shocked many netizens. At the beginning, everyone thought that this scale, the effect of the park tour, must be what professional planning company to do business activities, and even some people vowed to analyze the inference behind the professional amusement park team and special effects team in the momentum, and so on. It’s just a local employee’s own employee activity in the development zone.

What other netizens can say, except for the eyes with tears called Dad, the rest of the choices are in the hot search under the crazy cue domestic other amusement parks and film special effects team came out to beat.

Then there are many netizens who follow the hot search. Is this not a company of ceo and seniors?

Cp powder homeopathic: ceo and seniors are real! ...... Although it is not clear what the company has to do with the relationship between the park and their relationship, no matter what, it is true!

Then the exquisite future official Bo and Shangyu took another wave of powder.

Of course, more people are still amazed by the park tour itself, and many people shouted that Luo Feng would continue to do this park tour and make a special paradise.

Back in the reality, those netizens who can't get in because of the current limit are not willing and useless. This is the private activity of the company, and it is not a fee. It is not bad to open it to tourists. Let alone limit the flow, people are Directly closing the door does not pick up the guest, and the netizen has nothing to say.

But not all tourists are so good, some of them are usually used to trouble, and they also alarmed the development zone government.

Speaking of it, the development zone has been included in the planning for several years. However, apart from the Science and Technology Park, it has not been developed in commercial popularity so far. The main reason is that the location is relatively remote. Except for the work here, everyone will not come to play. There are a few foods on the side of the district, but because the activities are too common, they have not made any name.

No one expected that the company’s own garden tour in a science park unexpectedly detonated the flow of people in the development zone.

The publicity effect and follow-up benefits brought by the garden tour will not be mentioned first. It is worth paying attention to the safety of the moment. Finally, the district government has made a decision on the side of the district, and specially dispatched a team to help maintain order, and finally put those troubles. Give it pressure.

The future employees of the starter have become the fragrant scent of the circle of friends in the past two days. In the case of many restrictions on the park tour, many people who want to participate but can't get in, the employees of the future can use the company to carry five companies. Friends outside of the company are free to come and go - so all the staff of the company, especially the programmers who are not very good at communication, reached the peak of their social career on this day.

During this period, there were some ridiculous things. For example, after several people entered the garden tour, they would sweep all the goods in the ghost market in one breath. These behaviors were protested by other tourists and caused a small Small conflicts, the last staff member asked, these sweeping goods are actually purchasing...

After the hot search on the original garden tour, there was a keen purchasing and oxen smelling business opportunities, posting news on the Internet, can help foreign friends to purchase ghost goods, and received a warm response from netizens.

I learned the metaphor of this news:? ? ? ? ? ?

He opened the mobile shopping software and searched the ghost city... It really popped up a lot of purchasing pages.

Yu Zhengdu: .... If there is anyone in the world who is faster than Hong Kong reporters, it must be Taobao sellers!

Look at the popular purchasing goods, mainly small coffins, blue-and-white porcelain urns, etc. It can be seen that the current netizens are also very taboo.


Near the end of the Chinese New Year, Luo Feng’s staff began to clear the scene. Although many tourists were still trying to extend the time, Luo Feng’s attitude was firm. The ghost market vendors and other staff members directly received the dissolution. This is an activity for employees. It is reasonable to end the business ruthlessly. No way, everyone has to disband.

Because of yesterday’s kidnapping incident, although it was solved with trepidation, Luo Feng and the district government paid great attention to it, especially strengthening the patrols of the park tour and the surrounding area. Therefore, there were many people, and the activities of two nights a day came down. It is also safe and sound, and it is a very successful demonstration of a large-scale event.

Until the early hours of the morning, the tourists were finally evacuated, the ghosts were hidden, and the team that maintained the law and order was all withdrawn. The whole day of the park tour was silent, the lights went out, and the magnificent buildings fell into the darkness, so far. Looking far away, suddenly, there is a sense of illusion.

The sly street lights swayed lightly, and the more the buildings look like another world.

Yu Zhengdu and Shangyu stood not far away, looking up at these scenes that existed only in the book.

Yu Chengdu sighed: "It turned out that the former yin is like this. In fact, it is quite interesting. I don't think I am afraid of death now."

"This is only a part of the underworld." Shang Yudao said, "The land in the underworld is vast. Like the human world, there are its own mountain rivers, and there are many places that have not been explored, but..."

He paused and didn't go on, but Yu Xingdu had already understood his words.

However, the people of Yangshi will never know what those places are like.

Like the dynasties and races that have been subverted and submerged in the long history, those cities and legends, all that have passed away are no longer. People can only speculate one or two from the words that have been passed down from generation to generation.

The eight scenes of Yinshan, but it is the corner of the underworld, and the ghosts of the night are just the epitome of the hundred states.

"Speaking, I am a bit curious." Yu Zhengdu suddenly said.

Shang Yang turned to look at him with a question in his eyes: "What?"

Yu Zhengdu looked at the distant scene, and he was curious in his tone: "Are you not a Luoqishan ghost king? Why did you reproduce the eight scenic spots of Yinshan, but did not reproduce Luojingshan?"

If you really want to say it, Luo Qishan is also a famous mountain in the Yin Dynasty. The popularity in the world is far higher than that in the Yinshan Mountain. However, it is strange that Shangluo is the ghost king of Luojing Mountain. In this reappearing scene, there is no trace of Luoqi Mountain.

After Yu Wendu asked, but he did not get a response from Shang Yang, he couldn't help but turn his head and look at Shang Xiao, only to find that he somehow, his face suddenly had some rare stunned.

In the deep black eyes, there seems to be a bit more indescribable emotion.

Yu Zhengdu is sensitive to the fact that he has mentioned things that should not be mentioned, and quickly said: "If it is not convenient, don't need..."

"Do you want to see it?" Shang Hao did not let him finish, suddenly turned his head to see him, the emotions in his eyes have been converged, and it is nothing to do, seeing the wording in a daze, repeating the problem again. "Do you want to see Luoshan?"

Yu Zhengdu: "..." He didn't know what to answer for a while.

Fortunately, Shanghao did not make him embarrassed, and did not continue to consult his opinions. He only raised his hand and gently moved toward the void. As his slender fingers crossed, the surrounding street lights suddenly went out.

The heavens and the earth suddenly fell into the darkness. For a moment, Yu said that he seemed to be trapped in a thick cloud that could not be opened. The surroundings were absolutely black, nothing could be seen, and there was a cold wind blowing. Drilled into his clothes leader's mouth, so that he could not stop playing a cold war.

"Cold?" A hand suddenly stretched over his hand and held his palm. The hand was wide and slender, and the joints were distinct. He gently covered the hands of Yu Zhengdu and drove the biting cold away.

Yu Zhengdu’s heart settled down.

Then, I saw the light in the darkness suddenly lit up. The fire was far away, and it seemed to come from the far side of the sky.

"That is the soul lamp." Shang Hao said.

The soul lamp illuminates and slowly outlines a faint shape.

I saw the place outside the sky, under the reflection of the soul lamp, slowly emerged a magnificent and majestic ridge, the ridge towering into the sky, even the sky into the ground, rolling up, looking at it, actually can not see the end.

"That is Luojingshan." Shangyu voice is faint.

"It’s spectacular." Yu said that he actually had some words poor. The mountain was too far away and too dark. He could only see a mountain and a looming soul light, and what was above the mountain. But I can't see it clearly.

The soul lamp floated on the back of the mountain, stretching all the way, like an invisible team, holding a light, stalking along the winding mountain road, slowly and painfully drifting halfway up the mountain.

Then, the place on the mountainside was also lit, as if a little firefly in the black sea gradually spread and slowly formed a star river.

The gathering of the fire finally dispelled the darkness of the darkness, and the metaphor was finally faintly glimpsed at the mountainside.

The tall city, the rolling villages, the moving horses, and the strange figures.

The soul lamp floats in it, and the faint light barely outlines the shape of the city, but it doesn't look really good.

"That is the ghost town of Suidu." The voice of Shangyu is far away, with a hint of nostalgia. "Luoqi Mountain is in a very yin place, and the mountain is under the pressure of 100,000 ghosts. There are 100,000 ghosts in the ghost town..."

The corner of his mouth suddenly evoked a faint smile: "So since ancient times, the Three Realms have agreed that Luo Qishan has gathered the most powerful grievances between the heavens and the earth, and will eventually create the scourge of destroying the land."

Somehow, when Yu Xingdu heard this, his heart suddenly jumped, and any thoughts flashed through his mind, but in the future, he heard the words, and then he said: "But look now. Come, the three realms have guessed wrong, the heavens and the earth have not been ruined by Luo Qishan’s grievances, but they can’t support themselves and collapse.”

There is no sarcasm in the tone.

Yu Zhengdu can't say a word.

He suddenly understood what the strange feeling that has been hidden in his heart has always been. In order to save Peggy, they had a big fight with the demon statue of Jin Heguan.

At that time, Jin Heguan once said a word: Luo Qishan was sunk into the ground thousands of years ago, Luo Qishan ghost king has long been...

Luojing Mountain did not disappear with the destruction of the heavens and the earth, but it fell down thousands of years ago.

Why is that?

How about the Luo Wangshan Ghost King?

Yu Zhengdu wants to ask, but asks not to export. He is a bit uncertain. Is this a question that Shangyu is willing to hear?

"The current government is very good." For a long time, Yu Zhengdu said.

Shang Xiao looked at him straight, and there was some confusion in his eyes, as if he didn't understand why he suddenly said this.

Yu Zhengdu also looked over, with a little smile in his eyes. "It’s like Yang will not stay in the previous era forever. The dynasties recorded in the history books are so strong and brilliant. We must continue to move forward. Qin Han is very strong. The Tang and Song Dynasties are very prosperous. These history are very good, but for me, I still prefer socialism. I prefer the era of air conditioners, computers and mobile phones..."

"I think you are very good. It is very good now." Yu Zhengdu suddenly said that he was a fist. He said, "Come on, Shang Xiaokui, fight for the rise of the new socialist government!"

Business: "..."

"You are right." Shang Hao suddenly chuckled, his right hand raised, gently in the void.

Yu Zhengdu looked at his gestures and saw the majestic mountains. The wildfires of the mountains disappeared in an instant.

The thick black is scattered, revealing the world where they are now, the streets of the floating city development zone.

It is already the moment when the night and the dawn are interlaced, and it is the darkest time of the night.

There was no one in the air, only a slight wind, and a little bit of the sound of the clothes.

The street lamp illuminates the black world, illuminating the setting of the park tour not far away, and illuminating the eyes of the people next to it.

The merchants waved freely, and the rolling buildings, the ghost city, the Naihe Bridge, the broken mountain, the **** pool, the dog village... all over the place, and they collapsed in such a blink of an eye.

Turned into ash, turned into a dream.

Mountain City Guo, but the mirage.

The square is still the original square, and the open space is still the original open space.

In this vast space, it seems that there has never been an unprecedented event. The memory before a moment is like a big dream in life.

"Oh, what a pity, our company is too poor." Yu Zheng crossed his hands in his pocket, very embarrassed, "otherwise we will buy a piece of land, every day to engage in a garden tour, you can make a fortune by selling tickets!"

Business: "..."

Shang Hao endured forbearance, and finally did not hold back, said: "You just said that the land is so good, now it is suspected that our company is poor!"

"No contradiction." Yu Zhengdu retorted reasonably and resolutely. "This is not to say that I am a good employee. If the company is so poor, I can blow it! I will process it for me!"

Shang Yang: "..." He could not refute!

Yu Xingdu looked at him as he was depressed and couldn't speak. He couldn't help but laugh and patted him on the shoulder. "I tease you."

Shang Yan thought about it and said seriously: "I will give you processing capital tomorrow."

Yu Zheng crossed his eyebrows and hugged his arm very acquaintedly: "Boss, you are such a good person!"

Business:! ! ! !

Why do you need to collect the man card for his processing!


The continuous influence brought by the Ghost Festival Tournament is far more profound than the expectation of the beginning of the competition. If it was said that it was based on the beauty of Shangyu, there was a little popularity among the netizens. This time it was a complete explosion, as long as the Internet users More or less, I heard about this event, and even the sales of the company’s products have skyrocketed.

But what is most unexpected is the cooperation that comes after you come to the door.

The first batch of friends who came to the door was Zhao Ruola’s friend, and also the executives of other major companies. Zhao Ruola began to be unclear. Later, when he explained it, he suddenly laughed and laughed.

It turned out that employees of various companies saw envy and hatred after seeing the hot search of the park on the Internet. All kinds of hints suggest that the company's administrative department hopes that its own company can also give strength, and the activities can be in line with the level of the park.

As Luo Feng's garden tour continues in the network topic, this kind of emotion has an increasing influence on everyone. Even some employees of the company have secretly voted for the future of the abyss.

On the one hand, the administrative departments of various companies are a bit overwhelmed. On the other hand, they do not want to have an activity of this kind.

However, after carefully studying the videos and information on the Internet, we came to the same conclusion: we can't do this.

As far as the technical content of this park tour is concerned, it is not just a matter of money.

Of course, employees can also see this truth, but they can't stop everyone's heart itch. Even if you can't completely copy this garden tour, you can have one or two of them, such as the ghost city, but let everyone admire No.

Small companies are not capable and have no ability, but large companies have more funds, and they pay more attention to the human care and cultural construction of their employees. Moreover, this garden tour has indeed caused a sensation, and even many company executives have seen a little change.

So those who had cooperated with Luo Feng, and those in the previous circle of Zhao Ruola, had to get to the waters first, and went to the door to find out which planning company they were doing.

I didn’t expect to ask, the activities were actually done by Luo Feng himself. Everyone was surprised that Luo Feng actually had this kind of technology, but he was also in a dilemma. This is the activity that people do themselves, and that is not what they can buy with money. It is.

Unexpectedly, after listening to the questions of his former friends, Zhao Ruola only smiled and said: "No, you can buy it with money."

Everyone: "..." This is not the temperament of the Zhao Ruola they know!

Yu Zhengdu and Shangyu who received the news of Zhao Ruola also: "..."

Zhao Ruola saw their silence, but also very confused: "I feel that the internal activities planning of undertaking large companies is quite good. As far as my previous work experience is concerned, this offer is very high, which can alleviate the financial pressure we face, or What are the taboos, can't we do?"

Yu Zhengdu: "...not."

Shang Yang: ""

In the eyes of the outside world, the biggest difficulty of this activity, that is, the special effects and props issues are the simplest for Luo Feng. They are all ghosts. Luo Feng has to undertake these activities, as long as they recruit a group of strange ghosts. The staff will do.

They are just shocked. The former technology leader, Ms. Zhao, started the process of profiteering so soon...

Obviously, the vice president who has not been in the company for a long time has already felt the poverty of this company... and consciously joined the ranks of ways to make money for the company.

It really makes people feel sad.

The second one to find the door is Wei Pin. As the earliest customer of Luo Feng, Wei Pin has already owned Luo Feng's complete set of products, but he came to the door but wanted to talk about the new cooperation - Buy Luo Feng Ghost Festival The ip of the park tour, the game adaptation development.

Weijiao’s Shuangjiao Technology is the largest game company in Fucheng. It has developed several popular games – there are many commercials that have been indulged, but with the rise of other game companies, the two corners launched in the past two years. The game market response is relatively general. At present, it is mainly relying on the old books before, and several studios of the company have been unable to launch a plan that makes people shine. Wei is inevitably somewhat anxious.

This time, I accidentally saw the video of Luo Feng Ghost Festival in the network, which made him shocked to heaven. Unfortunately, he was not in the floating city for the two days of Ghost Festival. He couldn’t come and experience it himself. Rao is like this, Wei Pin still Soon I had an idea, and I immediately decided to find Luo Feng and proposed the intention of cooperation.

The cooperation proposal put forward by Wei Pin was strongly supported by Shangyu and passed by one vote.

Yu Zhengdu: ... He is not at all surprised.

In the end, Yu Zhengdu gave a suggestion. The cooperation between the two parties was carried out in the form of authorization. That is to say, Luo Feng authorized the ip of the park tour to use the technology of the double-angle technology, but at present, there is no charge, but the future. After the game is listed, it is drawn from the profit.

After Yu Zhengdu put forward this proposal, Wei Pin was hesitant.

This form of cooperation seems to have advantages and disadvantages for both sides. For Luo Feng, if the game development is not successful in the future, they may not get a penny, but if the game can be sold, they will receive the source. Constant dividends.

For Shuangjiao Technology, you can reduce some of the risks. For example, if the game development fails, they can at least save the purchase of ip.

However, Wei Pin will personally talk about this cooperation. In fact, it is because of the high expectations of this ip. In his view, the probability of success of this game is very high, so the form of division is actually more disadvantageous for the double angle. .

However, Wei Pin finally agreed. On the one hand, he is determined to have this ip, the necessary concessions are inevitable, on the other hand, naturally, because he is very clear about the strength behind this company, he is unwilling to let a cooperation Both sides left a bad impression.

Most importantly, during the entire negotiation process, Yu Zhengdu did not show any signs of concession. Shangyu seems to be more interested in the game itself than in the form of cooperation. However, the problem is that he has shown a metaphor for the whole process. It’s very fascinating to make a decision.

Both sides are refreshing. After confirming the form of cooperation, other small details are not too entangled, including the request of Shangyu to hope to participate in the game planning process in the future. Weipin also readily agreed.

According to the idea of ​​Wei Pin, Shang Yi is the person who knows the details of this ip. He is willing to take the time to participate in the planning of the game. This is a good thing that Twin Corner Technology can't ask for.

I just don't know why the whole contracting process has always been accompanied by a kind of fascinating smile.

When they signed the contract, Yu Zhandu also shook hands with him, and said very politely: "General Wei, please bear with me in the future."

Wei Pin: "...???"

He was not very familiar with the words of the race.

Seeing the brilliance of the business, I can't wait to present his first game suggestion: "I think this game can produce a hundred percent of the soldiers who can kill the enemy, all served one, and the conditions are designed by me... ..."

Wei Pin: "...!!!!"

He regrets not coming now?

The author has something to say: Special note: There are some differences in the descriptions of the local government and the Luoshan Mountain system in various materials. Buddhism and Taoism are different in the setting of the local government, and many records are self-contradictory. There are also differences in the settings of different dynasties.

So I have done a lot of private work here. If you see something different from the settings you saw elsewhere, don't worry too much.

Wei Pin: The professional of this product is a serious challenge today! 2k novel reading network