MTL - New Times, New Hell-Chapter 49 Forum Big Three

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The conference hall broadcast reminds everyone that the seminar is about to begin, so that everyone can sit down as soon as possible, and the staff will begin to maintain order.

Tang Min looked at Yu Zhengdu, and he stopped talking. In the end, he couldn’t say anything and left.

Yu Zhengdu looked at him with a little bleak back. I don't know if it was an illusion. He always felt that his hair seemed to be more sparse.

Yu Zhengdu was very stunned. He finally sat down and picked up the process documents prepared at the summit to start watching today's meeting schedule. I have to say that this year's summit has a very high gold content. It is just a guest on the stage. There are Jiaoshan and Zhao Ruola who have rarely appeared in the weekdays.

The theme of sharing is also relatively cutting-edge. You can see that the dry goods are full, and in order to better realize the purpose of technical discussion, each guest speaker will have a fifteen-minute on-the-spot questioning session after the lecture. The metaphor of the technology trend is full of expectations.

Sure enough, at the beginning of the seminar, the atmosphere at the scene was suddenly heated up. The invitation was able to get the top of the company, or the top technical talents in each company, many of them with the purpose of learning and communication. Come, not only passively accept the views of the guest speakers, but also have a lot of thinking and feedback.

As the organizer of the summit, Jiao Shanlu was the first to give a speech. His topic was related to the frontier laboratory he was preparing. He introduced the direction of the future preparation of the laboratory. On the one hand, communication, on the other hand, it was also on the scene. Participants pass signals to attract interested and capable people to join.

Sure enough, after he finished speaking, the questioning session was extremely hot, and many technicians enthusiastically asked questions. Some of them actually gave feedback, and many of them were self-recommended.

After Jiaoshan, there were executive speeches from two other companies. The time was short and they published some technical problems that they broke through. However, compared with the big factories like Xinxing, the areas that can be involved are relatively mediocre, and the overall feedback is more than Jiao. The foothills of the mountain are a lot cold.

The organizers of the conference were obviously very experienced. They made a presupposition of this situation in advance, and carefully arranged the order of the speakers. Therefore, the scene did not last long and soon ushered in a new round of ** I went to Zhao Ruola.

The topic that Zhao Ruola prepared today is different from that predicted by many people. She did not talk about the current more popular directions. Instead, she went back to the source and turned to some more basic things. The topic is "Basic Science, Policy, Resources. Humanity and the future.

Zhao Ruola's appearance is bright and eye-catching. When she came to power, she attracted the audience's attention. The invited media also pointed the camera at her. She did not hesitate. She smiled and smiled and waved and greeted everyone.

“When everyone sees my topic today, is it a bit confusing?” Zhao Ruola pointed the ppt cover with a laser pointer and smiled. “I originally wanted to talk to you about cloud technology and smart city. However, some time ago I saw a few interesting posts on the starflicker forum. I was quite touched, so I changed my direction. Today we start with those posts to talk about some more social issues. ""

She just mentioned starflicker, and there was a burglary in the audience. Many technicians have already begun to whisper.

Zhao Ruola: "It seems that everyone already knows what posts I am talking about?"

Deliberately vocal and vocal: "Is the metaphysical debate between the three giants?"

As soon as he spoke, everyone laughed out with a sigh of relief. It was not a mockery, but a kind of tacit understanding with aspirations. There is such a goodwill that is understood within the technical circle.

Zhao Ruola nodded with a smile: "Yes."

Starflicker is one of the best technical exchange forums in China. It has produced a lot of high-quality posts, and some technical opinions have been compiled into books. It can be said that most of the technicians present today are or at least used to be starflicker users. For some of the hot topics on the forum, they know more or less.

In the past two years, with the influx of student parties with no practical experience into the starflicker, the quality of the forum posts has dropped a bit, and many of the original old users have lost, but a while ago, because of several seemingly wonderful posts, starflicker Go back to the professional line of sight.

The few posts are the various topics that seem to be incompatible with Internet technology published by celebrity singer, including but not limited to how to use the program to coordinate newborn birth date selection, karma and human guidance. .

One of the most amazing ones is: Under the premise that the total amount of biological souls is constant, how to allocate population according to the total number of existing social resources?

Assume...the biological soul...the total...constant...

Although the word "hypothesis" was added to the front, it cannot be obscured that this is a topic full of superstition.

However, when everyone thought that Singer was engaged in science and madness, and began to move toward metaphysics, the other big names in the forum joined the debate.

Actually... actually seriously discussed it.

Among them, the most active, the most dry goods belong to the other two big lan and osone, and therefore, the two of them and singer are dubbed the starflicker's metaphysical three giants.

The metaphysical Big Three and other big v's battles can be called Huashan's swords. At one time, they attracted a lot of light. Many of them were reposted to the Internet. Even many old users who have been silent for a long time have returned to the battle.

Therefore, when Zhao Ruola mentioned the post of starflicker, combined with her slightly strange topic, everyone suddenly guessed what post she was talking about.

With such a foundation, Zhao Ruola’s speech got more attention, but in fact, she actually only used those posts as the opening guide. The follow-up is more about some cutting-edge technology trends. The possible impact of the entire human society in the future.

Because this is a relatively open occasion, Zhao Ruola did not make a fuss in his speech. He said that the whole venue was quiet, and everyone concentrated and concentrated on following her speech and began to think.

At the end of the speech, Zhao Ruola turned back and returned to the first few posts mentioned in the beginning. He laughed: "Everyone should have heard of the sentence: the end of science is theology. But I think it is accurate. It should be the end of human science is theology, because human understanding has limits, and true science is infinite. With our current technological development, we cannot fully explain the various phenomena that human beings encounter, so we can only Generalize it as a theology."

"Including the most controversial issue raised by Singer: Assuming that the total amount of biological soul is constant, I think..." She smiled slightly. "Maybe, isn't this a hypothesis?"

Her ending, once again triggered a burst of laughter on the scene, to know that today is the most determined group of materialists in the country.

After the official speech of Zhao Ruola, the questioning session began as usual. The result is probably because the influence of several posts on the forum is too wide. Even two people have started talking about the posts on the forum. After listening to the two paragraphs, I finally did not hold it and raised my hand.

When Zhao Ruola saw him raise his hand, he immediately smiled and pointed the opportunity to him.

Yu Zhengdu took over the microphone, and some embarrassedly said on the topic of the previous two: "In fact, the assumptions of the posts on the forum are not fully mature, which leads to some subsequent discussions. It is biased, such as the premise that the 'assume that the total amount of biological soul is constant' is itself flawed..."

Yu Zhengdu revisited the contents of the post and the opinions of the big men. Some conditions were revised and adjusted. He was very careful and could hear that his technical understanding was really profound.

But because the problem itself is a hypothetical question, there are many detached tycoons who have published opinions in the post, so some people on the scene can listen to him carefully, but some people can't sit still.

Especially the two who spoke before him, they can comment on the correctness of this post. The words of Yu Zhengdu are equal to directly negating them.

This is a public opportunity to show off the face. At the scene, there are more Jiaoshan and Zhao Ruola. They know that the two of them are recruiting people for their team. They will be more or less hopeful to draw their attention.

Therefore, some people did not even carefully listen to the speech of the dispute. Just wait for his words to come to an end. The person who spoke before him immediately stood up and retorted: "I think your point of view has too many subjective speculations... Straightforward, a bit too self-righteous."

Today, I can come to the scene more or less, and therefore, many of them are used to the pursuit of the weekdays. The gesture itself is more arrogant, and the metaphor is too young. In terms of age, I am afraid of on-site qualifications. The shallowest.

To some extent, the technical circle can be said to be the most simple and realistic circle - only recognize the strong.

Under such a premise, Yu Zhengdu stood up from the beginning, and many people have already determined that his qualifications are not enough. His speeches are inevitably categorized by some people as the sensation of young people.

Yu Zhengdu’s question of technology has always been awe and cautious. He has not been angry when he hears such an unwelcome evaluation. Instead, he said truthfully: “I just raised the conditions and opinions that I think need to be amended. It is more and more clarified. If you have any doubts about my point of view, you can raise it again and let us discuss it."

The man did not seriously listen to the argument of quarreling. After Yu Yudu’s opening denied his point of view, he was thinking about how to get back to the scene: “I think young people should study more years and then speak instead of just After learning some concepts, I will show them out..."

He especially looked at Zhao Ruola. Although Zhao Ruola has not disclosed his plan after returning to China, the resources in her employment will not be lost to the frontier laboratory of Jiaoshanyu. The laboratory team of Jiaoshanyi has basically been settled, and it is difficult for people who are not particularly outstanding to enter, but the opportunity of Zhao Ruola can still be grasped.

He saw Zhao Ruola's look and thoughts, and he was more determined that he had to find his way back. "For your post, Singer and other technical bulls have already discussed it in detail..."

He eloquently talked and talked about it. He summed up the remarks of several big talks in the post. It can be seen that he really did his work and carefully studied and studied. "... The most important thing is that I I don't know if you have seen the final reply from singer. He has designed the results of your discussion into a model and put it into the formal data experiment. What level of singer is, I think everyone here is very clear, if there is a problem with the model. He has already come up with it. It is hard to be done. Do you think your technique is better than singer?"

He said that in the end, there is more or less sarcasm in the tone.

The atmosphere on the scene also produced a little subtlety because of his speech. In fact, many people did not agree with it at the beginning of the speech. However, because of his technical knowledge, some people listened carefully, but only Several posts on the forum itself are very unconventional, including during the forum battle, many assumptions have exceeded the existing knowledge.

Therefore, many people can only roughly distinguish the viewpoints of Yu Zhengdu, but they cannot be verified correctly within a short period of time.

But this person has talked a lot. In the end, the conclusion is the simplest and most rude method: the singer level has been verified. If you want to deny him, you must first prove that you are better than Singer is more cattle.

This is very embarrassing, in addition to a few real top, such as Jiaoshan, Zhao Ruola, etc., I am afraid that few dare to say that they are stronger than singer.

... Of course, it does not include Yu.

However, Yu is also very embarrassed to fight for himself. Never imagined that the other party actually recognized Singer. Although it is very likely that he just wants to prove himself with singer, it also makes it difficult for Yu to fight.

Yu Zhengdu does not like the feeling of being framed up, so he never disclosed himself as a singer in any public occasion, but he did not expect that one day, someone would use his point of view to refute him.

He can't help but sum up in his heart: Is this the legendary spear, the shield of the attacker?

I knew that this would be the case. Before he spoke, he explained that he was Singer himself. Now, it is a bit ugly to the little brother.

Yu Zhengdu took a bit of consideration and politely said: "I think that singer's point of view is not necessarily correct, especially this post, in fact, it is really a lot..."

When he said this, the one who refuted him was still not good. The other person was dissatisfied.

Tang Min, who has sparse hair, said with a little excitement: "You are nonsense, singer is not wrong!"

Yu Zhengdu: "..." Why is his tone so much like a fan?

Tang Minchong turned a huge white eye: "Singer's post I have all read seriously. His technique is absolutely top-notch, including his last designed model. If you want to use two words to evaluate it, it can only be 'perfect. 'If you can't technically defeat singer, you are not qualified to evaluate him."

Yu Zhengdu: "..." is really his fan.

But how can I say it? It seems that I can't say that it is very unexpected. A technical house like Tang Min, blindly worshiping the technical strongman is quite normal. Then I think that he just took out his mobile phone and checked his company and spit it out. It’s very easy to jump out and sing for the idol... It fits his style.

Yu said that the whole person is confused. When Tang Min’s fans appeared, it was doomed that the direction of this discussion would be extraordinary. He estimated that no matter what he said, Tang Min would refute him...

A while ago, he saw this style of painting when he was on the microblogging hot search of Shangyu. The Internet generally called this kind of man-made: poison only.

Fortunately, at the crucial time, Jiaoshan stood up and he shouted Tang Min: "You sit down first."

As soon as Jiaoshan’s opening, the attention of the audience suddenly concentrated.

However, the straightforwardness of the technical house sometimes could not be overwhelmed by the leadership authority. Tang Min shouted: "Wait a minute, I want to listen to him. If he can't convince me, I hope he apologizes to singer..."

Yu Zhengdu: "..."

Jiaoshan Yu: "..."

Jiao Shanyu saw Yu’s glance and asked for his opinion. Yu had to fend his hand.

Jiaoshan Yi couldn’t bear to say: "He is a singer."

When Jiaoshan’s words came out, the scene was “哄——”, and Tang Min did not respond at all. “蛤” said: “Who? Who is singer?”

Yu Zhengdu helplessly supported his forehead: "I am singer."

"The posts on starflicker have been verified. The problems are as I mentioned. Including the one I just said, I also designed the model, but because of the problems I mentioned earlier, the model itself There is a flaw, so I and the team have been making corrections in the following month, but until now, it has not been completely solved, because I am worried that it will be misleading for everyone, and there is really no time to go to the forum during this time, it has not been updated... ..."

When the words of Jiao Shanyu and Yu Zhengdu came out, the scene was directly shocked.

In particular, the person who opposed the metaphor and the Tang Min, who could not think of it, they arguing for a long time with the singer's point of view and the metaphor. The result was that singer himself was singer himself.

Others are very excited. In fact, the industry has been speculating about the true identity of several big names on starflicker, especially the metaphysical giants. It is the focus of everyone's guess. No one expected that today, Singer will be seen.

Although the film was not a professional origin, but the scene response also knows that the vest of Yu Zhengdu is very unusual, have directed the camera at him.

Tang Min was sluggish, and he couldn’t speak for a long time.

However, another person still has reason, especially after discovering that the media’s footage has all been moved, it is even more embarrassing, and it’s hard to say: “Even if you do, you can only prove your opinion alone. There are so many cows talking, like osone, I have a lot of opinions, it is difficult, osone is wrong?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhao Ruola, a guest speaker who watched for a long time, suddenly said: "I think osone will agree with singer's point of view."

The man snorted and asked subconsciously: "Why?"

Zhao Ruola smiled: "Because I am osone."

The scene is awe.

That person: "..."

The man didn't think that the blow was actually a serial. He only felt that he was black and barely made the last struggle: "But there is lan..."

Jiaoshan said: "I am lan, I also support singer's point of view."

on site:"……"

That person: "..."

Three combos achievements, reached.

The scene made a loud bang that almost overturned the roof.

The author has something to say: Again, the topics inside are all edited by me, and some of them refer to some tech news, but everyone knows... don't take it seriously!

The name of the forum and the ids of the big ones were originally intended to be in Chinese. It would be a good idea to write a little, but I saw several technical forums in English... so I used the realistic style.

In view of the fact that everyone discriminated against the mountain scorpion yesterday, today Hawthorn decided to come hard! =333333333=啾~~~2k novel reading network