MTL - New Times, New Hell-Chapter 45 Life and death book system release

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Luo Feng's life and death book system is divided into two parts, the back-end system used by internal employees and the client facing external users.

This time, the main line is the back-end system used by internal employees.

After the system was launched, Luofeng Headquarters organized a training meeting, where Yu Zhengdu served as a lecturer and trained the staff of the Luofeng Life and Death Department to train the functions and usage of the new system.

"Our back-end system has set up a total of six servers with the largest capacity at present, which effectively solves the problem of data being stuck or even crashing when using excel operation." In order to reflect the rigor and professionalism of training, Yu Zhengdu It’s rare to put on a shirt, which makes him more and more handsome. Although he is still very young, he can still make Luofeng employees feel his technical incompetence ability.

"Server energy is provided by our ghost king and human faith, let us pay a high respect to the boss." Yu Zhengdu said, take the lead in rushing to applaud.

Shangyu leaned back on the chair, his legs overlapped, and he was as elegant as ever. He only nodded his words: "In order to ensure that the server does not collapse, I decided to eat all the scams and replenish my energy."

Everyone was frightened: ".........the king thinks!"

Yu Zhengdu reluctantly said: "... don't make such jokes when you are in a meeting."

Everyone: ".........!!!!" cto dare to talk to the boss!

The merchants waved their hands: "Go, listen to you."

Everyone: "...............!!!" Why should the boss listen to cto? ? ? ?

Yu Chengdu continued to say: "In the future, we will also consider the development of Luofeng cloud server to solve the sudden increase in the number of deaths during the severe winter season and the high incidence of natural disasters, and the congestion of system data is too large."

"At the same time, cloud service resources can also be used for other underworld infrastructure construction, which is an important link to promote the modernization of the underworld."

“But cloud computing is a relatively cutting-edge technology. We need to seek more cooperation with Yangmao Technology Co., Ltd.” Yu Zhan swept his colleagues and finally looked down on Shangyu, his eyes filled with the expectation of an employee. "This research and development cost is higher, and everyone needs to work harder to make money for the company."

Business: "..."

Shang Hao's lips moved and silently picked up his mobile phone and took a self-portrait: "I will wait for Weibo to open."

Other ghosts: "........." The boss is not easy!

"Next, I will introduce you to the functions and operations of the system." Yu Zhengdu smiled and changed a page of ppt. "This is the operation interface of our entire system. You only need to enter the name of the deceased and the ID number in the search box. Information, you can quickly get information about the twentieth century before and after the ghost."

"Twenty Worlds?" Kang Jin was shocked. "Isn't it possible to find Qin Shihuang?"

"This is only the longest query record that the system can support." Yu Zhengdu explained, "Not every ghost can find so much. In theory, you can find a record of a fetus in a hundred years. Considering Some of the ghosts have a relatively short life. For example, although the life span of chickens is seven to eight years, for the well-known reasons, most chickens are actually put on the table in a year, so the design of the generation of reincarnation is designed. The flexibility will be bigger."

Yu argued for a moment and added: "In order to protect the ghosts, more than the records outside the third world, we have added the inquiry password, and we need to stamp the ghost king to print."

The other colleagues at the bottom nodded. This function is quite advanced compared to the original life and death book. It can record the past and present of each ghost more effectively and long-lasting, but it has also designed ** protection to avoid the use of the ghost.

After introducing the basic functions of the life and death book system and answering the relevant questions of the on-site staff, Yu Zhengdu went on to say it.

"The following is the introduction of the original life and death book, the new features that our product team added after careful research." Yu Xingdu opened a new page, "Feedback suggestion function."

"Everyone knows that the original life and death book uses the past genital law and calculation functions. Sometimes there are some controversial places. For example, the good and evil values ​​of the chicken and the duck are similar, then a ghost, and finally Whether it is a fetus or a duck, it often makes our colleagues confused, and we need to check the deeds of a large number of deceased before we can draw conclusions."

Yu Zhengdu’s reach is better than Zheng Yan’s direction. “This problem has been solved by our excellent product manager Zheng Yan. This function designed by Zheng Yan can automatically capture the key deeds of the deceased’s life and based on the current ecological environment. Balance needs and give more scientific advice."

Ghost colleagues turned to Zheng Yan, and with warm applause, Kang Jin said with admiration: "Zheng Yan, you said that you can live up to a lot of ghost ideas!"

Zheng Yan: "..." Although he has been in the job for a long time, he is still not used to the habit of speaking in the underworld.

Zheng Yanke coughed and said: "What is this, this year is not a serious piglet. I think that if a large number of pigs are born into pigs at this time, no matter whether it is a burden on the sun or the yin, if it is born into other good and evil values. Almost the same animals will be better. Similarly, during the avian flu period, it is not recommended to reincarnate into poultry, so I thought that we can let our system capture the data released by the human body and recommend a more reasonable reincarnation according to the current ecological situation. result."

Some of Luofeng’s employees can understand and understand something, but they all show a face that is unclear.

Chen Yangli gave a thumbs up: "I didn't expect that we could contribute to the ecological balance of the sun in the underworld. I am thinking about it."

"That is." Yu Zhengdu made a cool expression, "Yin and Yang balance, is the real balance."

Zheng Yan also breathed a sigh of relief and sent a message to Wei Pin: [General Wei, thank you for your guidance, my new design features were officially adopted by the company. 】

Wei Pin: [You are welcome, I did not expect your company to pay attention to the ecological balance, it is really a socially responsible company, the young man is doing a good job]

Zheng Yan: [Hmm]

He sweated a bit, and did not dare to talk too much with Wei Pin. It was a day in the future. After Wei’s sales for a hundred years, he came to the underworld and saw this function. I don’t know what it would be...

It can be said that the launching of the back-end system of the life and death book has greatly improved the efficiency of the entire Luofeng, and effectively solved some management problems that have been plagued for a long time.

The testing of this part of the system was completed by the employees of Luo Jin and other employees.

In addition, because the life and death book system is of great importance, it is related to the balance and stability of the entire underworld society. It has imposed strict restrictions on all aspects of registration. In addition to the employees of the life and death department, even other formal employees of Luofeng, including the development department. Colleagues are also unable to view the content.

The system-related data is all affixed with the slogan of the ghost king. Without the permission of the merchants, no matter whether it is a programmer in the sun or a ghost in the underworld, it is impossible to steal or modify any server data.


After completing the training of the life and death book system, Yu Zhandu and Shang Shang opened a small meeting.

"According to the current development arrangements, the app client should be able to complete the development in September." Yu Zhengdu put a project management Gantt chart in front of the business.

The background system development used by internal employees has come to an end, so just continue to debug and upgrade the version.

But the app client for the underworld is still in the process of development.

He emphasized it a bit. "I am talking about the conditions in all aspects."

Shangyu heard his words and asked: "Is there any difficulty now?"

"We are in the mobile development of this piece, there is no particularly outstanding talent." Yu Zhengdu waved his hand.

The development of the computer system and the development of the mobile phone are in different languages. Although there are several development languages, it will definitely be focused on it. The development of the back-end system is on him, and the development of the mobile side is also involved. Some, but in terms of professionalism and energy distribution, it is obviously impossible to fully take into account.

Although Shangyu can't write code, the reason is still understandable. He said: "Would you like to recruit another person in charge of the mobile terminal?"

"The trick is to recruit." Yu Zhengdu is very worried. "But it is too difficult to find a talent that can lead our mobile development."

Business: "..."

He looked at the expression of Yu Zhengdu, although the other party did not say anything, but he clearly can see two words from the eyes of Yu Chengdu: small, poor.

This is not a simple question of not being able to afford wages. The client of the life and death book is related to the order of the underworld. The development requirements are more stringent than any app of the yang. The person who can assume this responsibility, in addition to the strong development ability, Need for outstanding project management capabilities.

Such people, at present, only exist in big factories such as new stars, and the annual salary is millions.

Shang Yang thought for a moment and said: "If you pick the person in charge of each big company, pick the right one and send someone to go to the soul."

Waiting for the other party to do ghosts, it is not for them to do whatever they want.

"Calm!" Yu contested his hand and pressed, "We are a regular company, I hope you always keep in mind the law."

Shang Hao said with regret: "Socialism is too much to bind the ghosts."

Yu Zhengdu: "..."

After thinking about it, Shang Yan thought and said: "But it is better than the monster. At least it is not required to be a ghost after the founding of the country."

Yu Zhengdu: " are right."

The two discussed it again and finally decided to outsource the recruitment of the mobile owner to the headhunter.

After talking about the business, Yu Zhengdu turned the topic to personal matters and said: "Yes, I will take a vacation next Monday morning to participate in an industry technology summit."

Business doubts: "Technology Summit?"

Yu Zhengdu nodded, high-tech industries will hold some industry technical exchange meetings from time to time, discuss cutting-edge technology, exchange resources, etc., but the organizers are different, the participation of different guests, the gold content of each meeting is also different.

He said that this summit is one of the most outstanding technical exchange events in Fucheng. It is led by big stars, such as Xinxing and Shuangjiao Technology. Every year, there are top domestic technology giants and high-level manufacturers participating in the event, which is highly concerned by the industry.

This year, because of the establishment of the frontier laboratory, Xinxing is actively looking for top talents in the industry. The support for this summit is unprecedented, and the list of invited guests has also spread early.

Xinshan Lab's Jiaoshanyu, Shuangjiao Technology's Weipin, one of the leading figures in the smart industry, Cui Jianyu, who is riding the wind technology, is also present. In addition, there is a name that makes everyone both accidental and not too unexpected. Yu Rudi, a technology giant, has just resigned and returned to China.

The list shines in the Internet industry as much as the one in the entertainment industry. After a while, the industry is eagerly awaiting, as long as there is a bit of strength and relationship, all of them have broken their heads and got a quota. The request for the issuance of invitations is much stricter than in previous years.

Yu Zhengdu can get the invitation quota, or Jiao Shanyu specially reserved for him.

Shangyu hadn’t felt anything yet. When he heard that Yu’s quota was operated by Jiao Shanzhen, he immediately sat up straight and frowned slightly: “The lab hasn’t decided to take you over?”

Yu Zhengdu seems to be able to see four words from his eyes: ** warning.

He quickly said: "lan is innocent, you should not give him a small book."

Shangyu "hehe" two sounds: "Already remembered."

Yu Zhengdu: "..."

It seems that we should advise Jiaoshan to do more charity.

Shang Yan thought for a moment: "I will go with you to join."

Yu is arguing hard: "...I only have one invitation."

This year's quota is too tight. Yu Xingdu is not a new star employee. It is not bad for Jiao Shanlu to give him an invitation. It is obviously impossible to let him go.

Shang Yan’s face was added to the small book: “Deliberately dismantled us.”

Yu Zhengdu: "..."

He was sweating to leave the office, just as Zheng Yan knocked on the door and said: "Boss, boss, I have to take a day off tomorrow."

Shangyu’s mood was uncomfortable, and he said, “What’s the matter?”

Zheng Yan: "There is something at home, let me go back."

Yu Zhengdu suddenly became nervous: "Isn't it going to call you back to inherit the business?"

Zheng Yan scratched his head: "No, my family has given up this appeal. It is a few uncles who are on the side of the branch, and they have to start a family meeting."

Yu is arguing for "oh", and it is not convenient to inquire about other people's private affairs. He only said: "Yes, it's just a matter of working now, giving you two days off, and relaxing together on weekends."

However, seeing Zheng Yan’s face is distressed: “Hey, it’s estimated that you can’t relax.”

Yu argues to raise an eyebrow: "How do you say this?"

Zheng Yan sighed: "My father said that some of the uncles who are next to each other know that I don't have the talent to cultivate the Tao, and I don't plan to continue to be a Taoist. This time I came here specifically to prepare for the inheritance of the rituals passed down by our ancestors."

Yu argues that the mouth of the mouth has been pumped: "Is there such an operation?"

Zheng Yan: "There is such an operation."

This is like the succession of the family, there will be a group of relatives competing for the property, the routine operation.

Zheng Yan reluctantly said: "There is no way, I really don't have this talent."

"Why don't you have any talent?" Yu Zhengdu did not agree with it. "If your uncles are reincarnation, you have to use the product features you designed."

Zheng Yan: "...hey."

It seems a bit reasonable.

The author has something to say: After a hundred years, come to the Yin of the Yin: "........."

Really a socially responsible Yin business!

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