MTL - New Times, New Hell-Chapter 39 Business is not easy...

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Luo Feng’s first business development seminar lasted for nearly three hours, and the new and old employees actively made suggestions one by one, and the meeting was in full swing.

Although this is the first time that we have done business with Yang in the past, but before, it used to be a man in the room. It is familiar with all kinds of marketing methods in Yang, especially since their new employees are picking up from thousands of candidates. Selected carefully, there are many commercial elites in the past, and the business plan is still quite a model.

Of course, there are also many difficulties, mainly from the gap between the yin and yang and the problems of their products. As a result, many popular and popular marketing methods are not used. For example, the most common telemarketing in Yang, they will do No, they will do telemarketing on this product, and they will be reported to the consumer for rectification in minutes.

There are also many restrictions on advertising. TV ads are strictly reviewed. Their products are definitely not available. Only online advertisements can be tried, but how to do it is also a problem.

"In fact, it is best to be able to find a star to speak for." The speaker is a new employee named Yan Guangzhao. He is the ghost who made the most suggestions at this meeting. He even had some impressions on him.

It’s not like anything else. Everyone has never seen such a person who loves work. When he died, he was the first time to see such a ghost who loves work. He is said to be challenging the longest continuous working hours before his death because he thinks Ghosts don't die, and in theory they should be able to create longer working records than living people.

As a result, everyone once suspected that he was overworked, but checked the death record. He can only say that the person who can be so desperate is still very strong. He did not die at work, but died on vacation - during the vacation. Surfing at sea, unfortunately drowning, is really a sneaky.

Yan Guangzhao analyzed: "Our product is special. The key to sales is that we must gain the trust of consumers. One of the quickest ways to build trust is to endorse celebrities. Therefore, if we want to expand the market, the most effective way is still Please an influential star to speak for you."

"Yeah." Shanghao nodded. "It's a way."

Yu Zhengdu asked at the right time: "Celebrity endorsement... budget?"

Yan Guangzhao took out a printed a4 paper and handed it to the merchant: "This is the price of the current celebrity endorsement I have investigated."

Shangyu took a look at it and calmly put a4 paper over it, holding it in one hand, and the tone was not shocked: "That, the next plan."

瞿广照: "..."

Yu Zhengdu had a moment to see it. He looked at Yan Guangzhao and explained to the boss: "Is there any other solution that is more in line with our company?"

瞿 Guangzhao is unknown: “Specifically?”

Yu Zhengdu smile: "cheap."

瞿广照: "..."

Yan Guangzhao is the ghost who loves work in the underworld. Although he was stunned, he quickly responded. He said: "There are also some, but if you want to spend less, you will have to spend time and energy..."

The new solution he provided was operated by Luo Feng himself. It is difficult and difficult for a brand in the Internet era to start. It is simple and simple. For example, many companies choose to open their own media accounts, like Weibo accounts. WeChat public account, etc., to get fans through account operation, after building trust with fans, it is much easier to sell products.

However, it is not easy to start a self-media account itself, unless you are lucky enough to encounter an explosive opportunity, otherwise the back of each account is not the result of a careful operation of the entire team.

It’s just that for a company like Luo Feng whose budget is not enough and the situation is extremely special, there is really no better way.

After considering it, Shanghao agreed to include this plan in the overall plan. When he was responsible for Yan Guangzhao, he opened the official self-media account, because now the profitable business has basically moved to the subsidiary, so the account is also used by the subsidiary. The name, now the registration name of the subsidiary company has been settled, and it has been called "The Emerald of the Future".

Of course, this is only one step in building brand trust. Other business plans need to be implemented together.

After the meeting, Yu Zhengdu and Shangyu walked out of the conference room together.

Shang Yan’s face is very dignified, and Yu said that “I will give priority to your salary and development costs.”

Yu Zhengdu saw his serious appearance, and unconsciously laughed and said: "I believe in you."

Shang Hao’s face was a little slower, and he promised: “Before our company’s Weibo account has 100,000 live powder, I don’t play gold games.”

Yu Zhengdu thought about it and said seriously: "According to our current business situation, you have three or five thousand pieces, we can still afford it."

The two were talking, and they saw Lu Lingxi pick up a phone call and shouted to Shang Xiaodao: "The boss, the big-eye live broadcast and called again, they said they can add money..."

The merchant’s brows were slightly wrinkled, and they were about to refuse. They asked for a contest and said: “What is the situation?”

Lu Lingxi looked at Shangyu and saw that he had no objection. He said that he had invited the big-eye live broadcast to participate in the program. At the end, he added: "But they just called and said that in addition to the boss, I want to connect with you. please."

Yu Zhengdu is inexplicable: "What should I do?"

Lu Lingxi's face is subtle: "I heard that someone in the morning moved a cp post from your school to the gossip forum. Now your boss and the boss's cp are hot..."

Yu Zhengdu: " the people now so busy?"

Lu Lingxi is also speechless: "It looks like it."

She said: "Then I refused them..."

Yu Zhandu had a meditation, interrupted her and asked: "Can you discuss with the other party, the appearance fee does not matter, but introduce the name of our company..."

As soon as he said, Shangyu also reacted. Although the live broadcast platform is not the mainstream media, the number of popular event audiences is quite impressive. Luofeng’s products are now in need of publicity. If you can show your face on popular programs, how much? Can bring some traffic.

Lu Lingxi nodded: "I will discuss it."

The management of the live broadcast website is relatively loose. The big-eye live broadcast quickly gave a reply, and they could not be allowed to advertise directly to the company, but they could bring the identity title when the guest introduced it, indirectly giving the company a face.

Yu Zhengdu and Shangyu agreed to discuss it.

However, when the promise was over, Yu Zhengdu thought about Lu Lingxi, what kind of activity was it.

Lu Ling said: "It seems to be an outdoor challenge, what kind of high-altitude springboard, water walking ball."

Yu Zhengdu: "... depends." This is not a difficult man!

Is it still time to repent?

Shang Xiao’s eyes are slightly brighter: “Is it kind of standing on a transparent ball and running on the water?”

Yu Zhengdu: "..." The boss seems to have a little expectation?

Lu Lingxi: Hey, entrepreneurship is not easy, ghost kings sell art.


Bigeye live broadcast is a rising star of the domestic live broadcast platform. It started relatively late, but its operational capability is very strong. There is a special scouting team in the company to discover and cultivate a lot of popular amateur anchors, so although the company was established later, but the strength Do not lose other platforms at all.

The platform's anniversary activities were also very impressive. Not only did the time span be long, but also a number of themes. The theme of Yu Zhandu and Shangyu was invited to participate in the theme of “Sudden Youth”, which is an outdoor sports challenge, mainly involved. The platform is the popular anchor and network topic characters. There are four programs, and each period will invite two male and female idol stars to help out.

Coincidentally, Yu’s star in this issue is exactly the two they are familiar with. The male is called Qin Yue, the female is Zeng Rong, they are from the same drama – they have been discussed for a while. The drama of the ancient drama idol drama "Gang Liang Old Dream".

Qin Yuejian just graduated from college, is a popular idol in the draft, and has many fans. Therefore, it was not long before the draft ended and he was selected to be the male No. 2 of the old dream of Zeng Liang. Zeng Rong was the female No. 3 in the drama. Very concerned about the vicious woman with the white peony.

Yu Zhengdu saw this star lineup, and then thought of the words of Shang Yang on the Internet to smash the old dreams, the whole mood is quite complicated, can not help but privately whispered to the boss: "I would like to ask you to see the white Peony herself. How is your mood?"

"Who?" There was a hint of sorrow on the face.

Yu Zhengdu sneaked out and pointed to Zeng Rong, and he saw the business suddenly realized: "She recently played the first love of the long-awaited Xiao Yan, I like it very much."

Yu Zhengdu: "..." How many idol dramas did the boss watch?

No, he plays so many games every day. Where do you watch so many idol dramas?

The activity of “Sudden Youth” was broadcast live on the big-eye live app. Because there were Qin Yuejian and Zeng Rong, there were many fans who guarded the show before the show started. The barrage was full of confession of the two stars.

When the live broadcast is officially opened, the host will introduce the guest lineup today. In addition to the two stars, the other guests are big-eyed live broadcast anchors and network reds. Every time a person is introduced, there are people on the barrage, but After all, it is much more lively, and the number of real powders and stars are still not comparable.

When the introduction to Yu Zhengdu and Shangyu, the number of barrage suddenly increased:

[I am going, so handsome! ! ! ! Is it a new debut star? 】

[Shengshi beauty crit * 2 ... big eyes, where to find this beautiful combination? 】

[Ky, I think they are better than the stars, winning in the fresh and natural]

There are also netizens who have posted on the gossip forum, and they immediately recognized it:

[Hey, isn't this a metaphor and ceo? 】

Because the posts of Fucheng University are all called "scholars" in the post, so now on the Internet, he has to say "Yu Xuechang" in a tone of voice. Similarly, the story of the suspected overbearing president with roses is robbing people. Widely circulated, although Shangyu looks young, it has also been awarded the code name "ceo".

[Hey, it’s really they, they look so good! ! ! 】

The program group of the big-eye live broadcast has a special person to monitor the barrage, and feedback to the host in time. The moderator will also adjust the direction of the host according to the reaction of the audience. This is not the case. The host who received the feedback is very spiritually handing the topic to the metaphor. Controversy: "Yu Xuechang, you and ceo's cp have been very popular in the forum recently. I heard that you also want to choose ceo. Is this your real thought?"

Yu Zhengdu did not change his face in the face of this obvious problem. He calmly raised his right hand and smiled: "Do you see what this is?"

The host was inexplicably, and it was really close to the point. He looked at his arm and couldn’t help but ask: "What is this...?"

Yu Zhengdu Shi Shiran said: "This is a living pig's hoof."

When his words came out, he suddenly turned the host's face into a pig liver color, and the barrage was also a burst of laughter:

[Ha ha ha ha ha ha, Yu Xuechang Zhenzhen]

[Yu Xuechang... The **** is clear and clear...]

[Director will give the lens to ceo]

The host was slugged for a while before he wiped his face and said: "I didn't expect you to be such a senior."

He was reluctant to continue to do things, and turned to ask the business: "ceo, Yu Xuechang just admitted that he is a pig's hoof, what do you think of this?"

Shangyu took the microphone: "Pig hoof? Pig hooves I also eat..."

As soon as he replied, the curtain suddenly became crazy:

[? ? ? ? ? ? Does he know what he is saying? 】

[? ? I suspect that ceo has just been distracted. Is he hungry? He only heard the words of pig's trotters? 】

[ceo wakes up, pig's trotters are not worth it! 】

The value of the two people was originally high. This intentionally or unintentionally answered and just stepped on the nerves of cp powder. At one time, the barrage was very lively. Even when they were introduced to Qin Yuejian and Zeng Rong, they were not completely bounced by their fans. Covered, until the official start of the event, barely stopped.

The official activities were divided into two teams. Except for Qin Yuejian and Zeng Rong, the captains of the two teams were fixed. The other members were all drawn by lottery. They said that they were lottery, but the program group secretly made some hands and feet in order to make the game more dramatic. For example, because the cp stickers were invited to the Shangyu and Yu Zhengdu were assigned to different teams, the Shangyu in the Zeng Rong team, Yu Zhengdu and Qin Yue met a team.

After the lottery was over, the host expressed a sigh of emotion: "I didn't expect that Yu Xuechang had just published the pig's hoof speech, and now he is forced to separate from the ceo. Is this the self-satisfaction in the dark?"

After the team was divided, the team captains of the two teams assembled the team to do the mobilization work.

The white peony that Zeng Rong played was particularly vicious, but I was quite lively and very full of variety, and said with all his strength: "Comrades, we must go all out today, we can't lose to the big pig hoof!"

When she said this, the guide immediately understood the lens to the merchant.

Shang Yang raised his head and said seriously: "I asked to step on the water ball."


You are picking up!

The author has something to say: Entrepreneurship is not easy, the boss is selling art... At this moment, in my mind, there is a thunder in the mind to personally sing "areyouok" for the entrepreneurship...