MTL - New Times, New Hell-Chapter 24 Boss, he is not a person

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At the beginning, Yu Manjiang still insisted on insisting that Shanghao was touching porcelain, but then Mr. Yu’s family brought identification tools. The family surrounded the broken porcelain pieces and the remaining few tea pots and watched it for a long time. He really Panic.

In the end, in order to clearly determine the value of this set of black glazed porcelain, Mr. Yu still suggested that they send them to an authoritative appraisal agency for identification.

Unexpectedly, other agencies sent back the news, the price is much higher than the one mentioned at the beginning of the business, because the existing black glaze of the ancient kiln produced by the ancient kiln is very rare, and Shangyu gave it to Yu Zhengjia. This set of products is surprisingly good, and the reference price given by the final institution is more than six million.

When Yu Manjiang received the news, he almost did not faint, but he had ten times compensation with the Shangyu.

To say that this really can't blame him for compelling, what did he think at the time, this young man is actually more capable than him, and the antiques of the Song Dynasty complained about saving money to buy the treasure chest in the game?

How can you think that this person is still so hardcore, even let Yu Zhengjia hold antiques as ordinary tea sets?

This is simply an epic true touch of porcelain, in all senses.

At first, Yu Manjiang still thought about repaying the debt. After all, antiques are priceless, and the institutions give them only reference prices, not real market pricing.

But he didn't last long, just on the night of his repayment, he continued to have nightmares, and his dreams were riddled with evil spirits. Every ghost looked at him with a slap in the face, holding a migrant worker in his hand to pay the same amount. Big word newspaper: debts are paid back.

When I was awake, I continued to have hallucinations and auditory hallucinations. I kept a voice in his ear and shouted: "Repay the money... pay back the money... pay back the money..."

Yu Manjiang knows this and then thinks about it. He is arguing with the company, but he has the technology of communication with the underworld. He reasonably suspects that Yu is arguing whether they have invited the ghost from the underworld to engage him...

After seeing that the doctor did not detect the symptoms several times, he finally confessed to the account. After all, he could not bear the money and had to spend his life.

Fortunately, Yu is not the kind of person who is arrogant and robbed. He did not really let him ten times compensation, as long as the valuation price of an institution.

In fact, with Yu Manjiang's net worth, the amount of compensation for millions is nothing, but for him, this is only the beginning. After this incident, he really realized the hardships of life.

First of all, the business began to suffer from various problems. The ongoing projects have been in trouble. The wealth is almost like a broken bank. In the Yu’s clan, his status has also plummeted. After all, other people are not fools, although there is no Ming said, but with a little association, everyone can guess who is stealing the Yu family.

Yu Manjiang has been in the wind for 20 years, and finally used up his life's luck, as if his life had reached a huge turning point overnight.


The matter of Yu Manjiang is a follow-up, and there is a lot of trouble in the next generation of Yu.

Yu Dad knows that after the rabbits are actually authentic Song Dynasty antiques, they dare to accept them. In any case, they have to give back to Shangyu, but Shangyu and others have different entertainment routines. What, anyway, sitting down and not taking care of yourself, playing with mobile games.

When Dad said that he was tired, he only said: "If you don't want it, then you fall."

Yu Dad: "..."

How is this man giving gifts so overbearing!

Yu Zhengdu also felt that it was not good to receive such a valuable gift, but how much he can now feel a little temper, knowing that he absolutely can do it, and he quickly rushed to protect the tea: "I want!" ”

Shang Hao was satisfied with this. He proudly lifted his chin and said bravely: "...I want to buy two more treasure chests!"

Yu Zhengdu: "..." The boss who owns the antiques is still thrifty.

In fact, Yu Manjiang’s compensation was directly paid to Luo Feng’s account, but it’s obviously only a drop in the bucket compared to the cost of a company’s long-term operations.

But even worse, it’s a metaphor for Dad. As a middle-aged man who has never been able to get along with the wind, he has no research on antiques. He suddenly got a set of Song Dynasty porcelain, which is worried about several nights. Did not sleep well.

In the end, Yu’s mother advised him to treat him with peace of mind. He also adjusted himself for a few days before he slowed down.

However, after a while, his family’s guests were significantly more numerous, many of whom were formerly privileged figures who had little to do with his family. Needless to say, they all came to the set of golden rabbits, because this set of porcelain, Yu Dad is not only in the Yu family, but also in Jintan Township.


The set of rabbit black glaze caused a sensation in Jintan Town, and Shangyu did not care. Yu said that he did not care about it. For them, what is urgently needed is another thing.

During their handling of Yu Manjiang, there were always people in the town who came to look for them through the relationship of Dad. They wanted to pay and ask them to contact their relatives in the underworld. It turned out that the things that happened before Yu’s public days have already happened. Spread throughout the Jintan Town.

The fall of the Three Gods is certainly awkward, but for people other than Yu, at most, it is the talk of tea after dinner. In this incident, what really caught everyone’s attention in the event is the yin and yang communication technology that has been arguing for their company.

When this matter was just spread, unsuspecting people thought it was nonsense, and there were many ridicules, but soon, more and more people present on the scene came out to prove, until Mr. Yu and Mr. Dao’s words also proved that everyone Only suddenly realized that this incident turned out to be true.

Not only that, according to rumors, Yu’s three gods were still solved by them.

Overnight, the entire Jintan Town residents were surrounded by question marks: Is there such an operation? ? ? ? ? ? ?

With the endorsement of Mr. Yu and the martyrdom, Luo Feng’s technology suddenly became famous in Jintan Town. Although many people still think that this is a deception, some people will be suspicious, and they will come to the door with a try. These people are not lacking in dignitaries, and the prices offered are very good.

Yu Zhengdu and Shangyu have discussed this matter, but they feel that they can develop this business. The open yin and yang communication is essentially the same as the peer question, but their information transmission is faster and more accurate.

It’s not a proper metaphor. It’s like an ancient communication method. It’s hard to write a letter, ask someone to send it, the road is rugged, and it’s not always possible to deliver it. It’s not always possible to receive an echo after arriving. And the information may be in the wrong situation.

Luo Feng's yin and yang communication technology is a modern means, and it is to skip the telegraph and telephone communication stage and enter the Internet era directly. It is called the technology leap forward.

However, the same, the same taboos, the yin and yang communication will be the same, the number of contacts between the people in the yang and the yin need to be strictly controlled, the communication content also has many restrictions, involving the secrets of the two circles, the issue of yin and yang balance Can't mention it.

Because there were a lot of jealousy, Yu Zhengdu did not make an urgent decision. He only asked Yu Da to leave a consultation phone for everyone. After they returned to the company, they developed a comprehensive product service content before they officially opened the business.

After these things were finished, the Qingming small holiday was over, and Yu Zhengdu and Shangyu went back to Fuzhou.

Before leaving, Yu’s father took the hand of Yu’s arrogance and did not let go: “To fight, or else, you should not pay for the small business.”

Now Yu Da and Yu Ma have already known that Shang Yang is not an ordinary colleague, but a boss who has been arguing.

Yu Zhengdu is very wronged: "... Dad, I want to eat." That set of black glaze can not eat!

Yu Dad thought for a moment: "Do you want to eat less?"

Yu mother slaps his head and says: "Are you so embarrassed?"

Shang Yan put his hands in his pocket and lifted his chin: "I won't be hungry."


Because he is going to start a new business, Yu is a full-fledged one in the floating city. Of course, part of the reason is because the rabbit is black and glazed, and the so-called short-handed man, who used to face the poverty of the company, can still carry Anyway, I have been through a year of mentality, but after this return, he began to consider the long-term development of the company.

It really makes people have to doubt that all this is the conspiracy of the boss!

Yu Zhengdu turned over the information on product design and commercialization in the dormitory at night, and also looked for business and understanding of the enthusiasm and jealousy of the exchange between the two sides of the yin and yang, and prepared to do some plans in advance.

There was no written material on the side of Shangyu, and he could only dictate it to him. So Yu said that he was driving a computer to arrange the program, and while listening to the boss, he heard that the other three people in his dormitory were quite difficult to say.

Finally, Zhu Yan finally couldn't help but sneakly asked him: "Who are you talking to?"

Yu said that he was staring at the computer and said: "My boss."

Zhu Yan was shocked: "Is your boss still a human? Is it still on vacation, and it is forcing you to work?"

"Well, he is really not a human." Yu Zhengduo.

Zhu Yan "really": "This boss should ask him to be clear."

Yu is a mysterious smile: "I have already invited."

When Zhu Yan didn't understand the essence of his words, he asked with anxiety: "I haven't been looking for a job during this time. Wouldn't I really want to work in this company?"

Yu is arguing that he can’t say anything in his heart. He can only nod with tears: "Yes."

"No, your technology is so strong, it really isn't necessary..." Zhu Yan felt that he had broken his heart and said, "Yes, aren't we going to be graduation ceremony next month? I received the news, I heard that Jiaoshan is also Will come over and speak as an outstanding alumnus..."

Yu Zhengdu thought for a moment, nodded: "Oh, yes, he is going back to China."

Zhu Yan stayed: "How come your message is better than me?"

Just did not know what the boss had sent a message, and Yu said to cross the WeChat: "No, you really are not people, we normal people will not think so..."

Zhu Yan: "..."

"Rely, Warrior!" Zhu Yan smirked with a thumbs up. "You actually told your boss what to say?!"

The other two roommates couldn’t help but turn their heads and praise him for his passion: “Oh, good!”

Yu Zhengdu coughed and said vaguely: "What, then tell the truth..."

"Sure enough, the technology is strong enough to go sideways." Zhu Yan really envious, very emotional, and then pulled back the topic, "Right, continue to say Jiaoshan, he is not the technical boss of the universe factory, I still think that the offer yellow of your cosmic factory is inexplicable. I estimate that when the graduation ceremony is held, the student representative of the speech will definitely be you, or will you take the opportunity to ask about Jiaoshan, maybe you can know what is going on?"

Zhu Yanyue said that this is a good idea, but Yu Yudu seems to lack interest, still concentrating on the computer: "More."

"You can't do anything with your heart!" Zhu Yan scratched his head, then flew past him on his back, and he would shake his head.

At this time, the WeChat of Yu Zhengdu was "squeaky" and another message jumped out.

Wei Pin: [Xiao Yu, I would like to ask you tomorrow at the company? Conveniently, I hope to be able to go through it in person, Mr. Shang Hao asked me to discuss with you. 】

Zhu Yan: ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

Zhu Yan was blind and looked at the WeChat page to ask for a dispute: "Wei Pin? Which Wei Pin? Is it the Wei Pin of the Niu Factory?"

Yu Zhandu took the phone back to the message and nodded: "It is him."

Yu Zhengdu: [Tomorrow I am, what is Wei always doing? 】

Zhu Yan shocked: "...the people you are in contact with are already so high-end?"

Just finished, the information of Wei Pin jumped out again.

Wei Pin: [It is still a product. 】

Wei Pin: [Besides me, there are two of my friends, the CEOs of Qifeng Technology and Youyi Group. They also hope to visit together in the past. Please be sure to see you. 】

Zhu Yan: "..."

Chengfeng Technology, Youyi Group, these two companies are all dream companies in the hearts of freshmen, and the interns who can apply for them are enough to boast for a while.

Zhu Yan holds a fist: "I think you are working very well now, you don't need to change.

The author has something to say: Zhu Yan: The circle of friends is arrogant, but also the boss is not a person, sour.

_(:3∠)_I, crazy jump between science and that... The future of this company will go, and the spiritual shareholders are now confused. 2k novel reading network