MTL - New Times, New Hell-Chapter 19 Invite Ghost King

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How did he borrow the ghost directly?

Yu Zhengdu also wants to ask the boss, saying that it is good to use the power to exorcise the ghost, how to drive the ghosts, but the ghosts are recruited?

But now is not the time to care about this, the ghost of the faction does not seem to be a serious ghost, Yu Qidu quickly asked: [How do you get the ghost away now? 】

Shang Yang: [Since it is the servant you summoned, he should be driven by you. If you have any requirements, just tell him. 】

Yu Zhengdu stayed and stayed, then suddenly spirited: [And this kind of good thing? ! 】

I don’t know what it’s like, but I’ve only returned one sentence: [That’s my law and calligraphy...]

I don't know if it is an illusion. It seems that Yu Xingdu can read from his ellipsis that it is not reconciled...

At this time, Zhu Yan’s heart has been a bit hairy, saying: “Today’s divination is here, let’s send the pen fairy away.”

The students still have some meanings, but Zhu Yan didn't dare to make a fuss again. He seemed to read: "The pen is penny, our question is over, please go."

After he finished reading, the three pens tacitly began to move the pen out of the paper...not moving.

Not only that, but the pen slowly began to write the words: I just came, not to go.

Zhu Yan’s face was white and said: “Hey, don’t bother you, just send away the pen.”

The other two also noticed problems afterwards, and their faces were no better than him. They shook their heads again and again: "Not me."

The pen moved again, this time writing: It is me.

Zhu Yan swallowed a slobber, strong support to keep the voice from shaking: "You really don't want to make trouble."

The other two people are also looking like they are crying: "Really, it is not me."

The pen wrote: Nothing is wrong.

The classmates on the scene were also hairy at this time: "Hey, you can't play anymore."

"It’s almost done, not so scary."

Zhu Yan’s face is crying out: “I’m not scary, they’re two, I’m not kidding, you’re letting go!”

As soon as he finished, the pen not only did not loosen, but began to slowly move again...

Zhu Yan suddenly raised his eyes and looked at each other. This time, they really saw panic in each other's eyes.

Zhu Yan couldn't help but shake again: "Pen, pen fairy, really come, come..."

A sudden bitter cold hit the hearts of everyone.

"Come on a ghost, you cramped." Yu Zhengdu's voice suddenly inserted in. At the same time, his hand was also pressed to the hands of the three of them.

Zhu Yan discovered that Yu Yu did not know when to get out of bed and squeezed next to them.

"Press it as soon as you can." Yu Zhengdu reached out and squeezed his hands in the three hands together, while meditation in his heart, stamped the heart.

Zhu Yan still has a mind and joking with him, crying and sorrowful face: "No, we don't have cramps, it seems to be really a pen..."

His words didn't finish, and suddenly his face changed: "...hey?"

At the same time, Yu Zhengdu also released their hands: "How, is the cramps good?"

Zhu Yan three people loosely loosened the hand holding the pen, his face is:? ? ? ? ? ? ?

Zhu Yan was still unbelievable. He rubbed his hand and was amazed: "I am going, isn't it? Is it really cramping?"

The students next to me had a hard time saying that they couldn’t help but knock on their heads: "You are enough, scared the old man."

Some students also despised: "Less come, it is loaded!"

Yu Zhengdu shook his head and said: "Everything is right."

Zhu Yan still has a lingering fear, and even said: "Don't say anything is appropriate, I will not play this in the future."

These unscrupulous male classmates remembered to eat and remember, but they didn’t make a fuss again. They clamored to play the werewolf and killed them. Yu said that they would be speechless and squeezed them out of the dormitory.

Yu contested the spirit of concentration, led the ghost out of the dormitory, and found a corner where no one noticed, which loosened his mind and looked tired: "Ah, exhausted me."

Don't look at this heart print, it seems to be very convenient to use. It only needs to memorize the mouth, but it actually consumes a lot of mental energy.

The fat man was restrained and led out. He just regained his freedom and immediately showed a sly look: "Is it you called me out?"

"It's me!" Yu Zhengdu and Qiang Qiang had a good waist. Although Shang said that the ghost he called had to listen to him, he was still a novice after all, and he faced a ghost alone or some war.

Sure enough, the fat man is not a obedient ghost. He is blue and white. The bangs are very long. They cover half of their eyes. They look sullen and screaming. "Oh, what are you looking for?"

Yu Zhengdu: "There is nothing, just practice your hands."

He indulged and asked: "Do you have to listen to me?"

"Who said it?" The fat man’s eyes turned. "If you want me to obey, you have to have that ability."

He had a slightly obese face, and the facial features slowly squeezed together: "You don't have a half-way on your body. Did you learn how to call the ghost's spells? No one told you that you have to call the ghosts." Can a ghost do it?"

Yu is in the heart of being a "slot": really no!

The fat man saw his silence, which seemed to confirm his own guess, and the smile on his face became more and more terrible.

"Do you know what the consequences of calling ghosts but not ghosts?"

"I don't know." Yu Zhengdu asked from the good, "What will happen?"

The fat man probably didn't expect him to ask questions, hesitated, and made serious: "There will be serious consequences."

Yu Zhengdu: "..." This ghost business is also unfamiliar.

The fat man saw that he didn't talk, and thought he was scared. He immediately showed a smug smile: "But, as long as you listen to me, I will consider you."

Yu Zhengdu: "For example?"

The fat man seems to have an idea in his heart. After he has just finished asking, he will raise his finger and start asking: "Prepare a few sets of the latest games and a new Japanese girl | excellent photo worship, and give me another Supporting the love of beans, I want to monitor your daily vote..."

While he was talking, Yu Zhengdu also quickly typed letters to the boss.

Yu Zhengdu: [You lied to me! The ghost doesn't listen to me, but I still want him to listen to him! 】

Yu Zhengdu: [I want this ghost to have any use! 】

Yu Zhengdu: [Your heart is poisonous, really poisonous! 】

My poor boss: [...]

Shangyu kept a little bit of posture for a long time, and I don’t know what to do.

The fat man in front of him has already finished the request, squinting at the eye to see the metaphor, the language threatens: "Do you remember it?"

Yu Zhengdu took a step back and calmly said: "My boss wants to talk to you."

The fat man is inexplicable: "Your boss?"

At the same time, Yu Zhengduo broke the video call function of WeChat, and the business was still given to the face, and it was connected at once: "How?"

Yu Zhengdu turned the screen of the mobile phone to the fat man: "Boss, you are in charge of these ghosts!"

Business: "..."

The fat man looked at the handsome man on the video, and the question mark on his head was even bigger: "Who are you?"

Shang Yan had no expression on his face across the screen, and his voice was faint, but he spoke with a shocking pressure to make the fat man tremble.

He said: "I am the ceo managed by Luo Feng."

The fat man’s eyes slammed loudly, and the tone was unbelievable: “Business, business owner?”

He felt that it was impossible, but the overwhelming pressure of the other showed his extraordinary identity. This is the ghost king.

At the same time, the phone in his pocket shook.

The fat man trembled and touched the phone to see:

[Sun Guofeng, our company received reports from the public and learned that you violated the relevant regulations of the Ghosts, and found faults and intimidation of our employees. Please immediately give up doing evil and abide by the rules of conduct of ghosts, otherwise we will immediately send staff to arrest you. , a separate penalty. Luofeng Life Management Consulting Co., Ltd.]

Sun Guofeng: ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

The fear in my eyes turned into a sigh: "Who reported me? When did I threaten Luo Feng's employees?"

Yu Zhengdu looked up and said: "It's me, I reported it!"

On the screen of the mobile phone, Shang Hao said with a blank expression: "He is the employee of our company."

Sun Guofeng squirted on the spot: "He he, he, he is not a living person!"

Yu Zhengdu: "Too good, special!"

Shang Yan: "Do you know what is the threat to the staff of our company?"

Sun Guofeng’s entire ghost field slammed his head and said: “I’m wrong, don’t catch me—”

His voice is full of remorse: "I just managed to be called out, I couldn't help but scare people. I am very courageous and I don't dare to hurt people."

Yu Zhengdu looked at him silently: "Is that game still?"

"Don't." Sun Guofeng shook his head madly. "There is no need for the photo. Don't vote for it. It's all gone."

Sun Guofeng tears his eyes: "Please don't report me!"

Yu argues with the waist: "That depends on how you behave."

Sun Guofeng rushed over and hugged his thighs on the spot: "I will be your servant in the future. You want me to behave, how can I behave, I will listen to you!"

Yu Zhengdu: "...the line."

Try to pull the foot out |

There was nothing wrong with Yu Zhengdu. He took Sun Guofeng a few words, let him not hurt, and then sent him away.

Looking at Sun Guofeng's disappearance, Yu Chengduo stretched out a lazy waist and shook his head and sighed: "The boss is really too unreliable!"

The hand uploaded the boss’s voice: "Is it?"

Yu Zhengdu took the phone and saw it. He saw the boss looking at him through the screen. The black-painted eyes were obviously unhappy.

Yu Zhengdu: " have you not hung up?"

Shang Hao looked at him quietly and did not speak.

Yu Zhengdu: "..." is coming again, and it is time to decipher the boss's eyes.

The boss didn’t understand why, their tacit understanding really hasn’t arrived yet...

Even so, but Yu Xingdu can also see that he is not happy, this time, if he said that he did not understand what the boss wants to express, it is estimated that the next life will be **.

Yu Zhengdu did not dare to say it, so he had to look back at the boss if nothing happened. The two men were silently looking at each other across the screen.

After a while, Shang Hao first frowned and couldn't help but frowned. "Why don't you apologize?"

Yu Zhengdu: "Ah?"

Shang Yu’s tone is full of accusations: “I’ve been hanging up and watching the ghost not letting him bully you, you still said that I’m not reliable!”

Yu Zhengdu: "..."

It seems that it is still reliable, it feels weird.

Yu Zhanduo scratched his head and said: "Sorry, don't be angry..."

Shang Yanqiang snorted.

Just one classmate passed by, and heard the last sentence, immediately ridiculed: "Hey, fight, talk to your girlfriend keyboard?"

"Where is the single dog?" Yu Zhengdu turned back and said, "Let's video with my boss."

The classmate’s expression suddenly became difficult to say, and the corner of his mouth was pumping: “You have a good relationship with your boss, and the video at night is apologetic...”

Yu Zhengdu: "..."

In the video, Shang Hao asked: "What is the keyboard?"


The business of selling and transporting jade was carried out in an orderly manner. The company was financially loose, and the boss occasionally secretly smashed gold, and everyone closed their eyes.

Yu Zhengdu continued to develop and design the life and death book program. While perfecting the "Yanqi detector" applet, he tested several times on several friends of Li Tiantian, and finally achieved good results.

After determining the stability and accuracy of the small program, Yu Zhengdu and the merchants suggested that the yin gas detection and transfer jade be made into a package together. The main selling point is to match the appropriate jade products according to the yin value.

The first batch of customers are of course the friends who Wei introduced.

However, the promotion of this product has not been so smooth, mainly because the vaginal gas detection program sounds like a scam. Wei's friends, although they have money, don't want to be a big head, so the response is not very positive. In the end, only Wei Pinhe The two are really free to buy and try.

There is no strong demand for this product. Anyway, the money for selling jade is enough for him to work until the end of the contract period. As for the profit afterwards, he has little relationship with him. Therefore, after the small program is completed, he will Turning the focus to the work of the book of life and death, I have not asked again.

After a few days, Yu Zhengdu found that the atmosphere in the company seemed to be a lot lighter, and several colleagues were happy all day.

When Kang Jin sang the song and passed by him, he finally couldn’t help but ask: "How are you so happy these two days?"

"Because I have a holiday." Kang Jinzheng is wearing a wig with a smile on his lips. "The Ching Ming Festival is coming, we have three days of small holidays to go home, and we can receive sacrifices from the family at that time."

His whole ghost is beautiful: "Maybe the family will give me new clothes!"

Yu Zhengdu suddenly realized that he naturally had holidays, but this festival is obviously different for ghosts.

The Ching Ming Festival in the Underworld, just like the Mid-Autumn Festival in the world, is the day when the ghosts that have not yet reborn are reunited with the living relatives.

Yu disputed and nodded. After a pause, he asked him: "What about the boss? What does the boss do during the Ching Ming Festival?"

Kang Jin stunned for a moment, but after thinking for a while, he shook his head: "I don't know, we have never been through the Qingming with the boss."

Yu Zhengdu: "The boss is like you, is there someone to sacrifice?"

Kang Jin stunned: "There should be no, the boss has no family. I heard that there was a sacrifice to him before the millennium, but now there are people who worship the ghost king?"

Yu argued that "oh", when Kang Jin left, he scratched his head and picked up the computer and knocked open the business office.

Shang Hao really ran in the game, but when he saw the metaphor coming in, the speed of the hand quickly exited, pretending that nothing happened, and asked with a face: "What is it?"

Yu Zhengdu put down the computer: "Report to you about the development progress of the book of life and death."

The report of Yu Zhengdu was concise and concise, and after explaining the situation at work, the words turned around, like a casual mention: "For the boss, Qingming small holiday, what arrangements do you have?"

Shang Hao probably didn't expect him to ask this question. After a long while, he said: "Sleep..."

He frowned. "What do you ask this?"

"Nothing." Yu Zhengdu hesitated for a while before he tried to say, "I want to go home to sweep the grave..."

The merchant snorted: "Know it, go back, it is not not giving you a holiday."

Yu Zheng is slow to swallow: "...I want to say that the mountain where our home is sweeping the tomb is quite famous. Do you want to go green together?"

Shang Yi first stunned, then looked up and looked at it, his look was a bit tangled, like a distressed look.

Yu Zhengdu thought that he didn't want to, and he felt that he seemed to be nosy. When he said that he didn't want to go, it didn't matter. He said that he had a soft cough and asked: "When you go to your home, how do you want to talk to your parents?" introduce me?"

Yu Zhengdu: "Ah?"

Shangyu held his chin and asked very seriously: "Does people seem to have not brought their boss home to Qingming?"

Yu Zhengdu smile: "No, no, no one in the world wants to ask the boss to be clear."